1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20 #include "android-base/macros.h"
22 #include <array>
23 #include <limits>
24 #include <set>
25 #include <unordered_map>
27 #include "androidfw/ApkAssets.h"
28 #include "androidfw/Asset.h"
29 #include "androidfw/AssetManager.h"
30 #include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
31 #include "androidfw/Util.h"
33 namespace android {
35 class Theme;
37 using ApkAssetsCookie = int32_t;
39 enum : ApkAssetsCookie {
40 kInvalidCookie = -1,
41 };
43 // Holds a bag that has been merged with its parent, if one exists.
44 struct ResolvedBag {
45 // A single key-value entry in a bag.
46 struct Entry {
47 // The key, as described in ResTable_map::name.
48 uint32_t key;
50 Res_value value;
52 // Which ApkAssets this entry came from.
53 ApkAssetsCookie cookie;
55 ResStringPool* key_pool;
56 ResStringPool* type_pool;
57 };
59 // Denotes the configuration axis that this bag varies with.
60 // If a configuration changes with respect to one of these axis,
61 // the bag should be reloaded.
62 uint32_t type_spec_flags;
64 // The number of entries in this bag. Access them by indexing into `entries`.
65 uint32_t entry_count;
67 // The array of entries for this bag. An empty array is a neat trick to force alignment
68 // of the Entry structs that follow this structure and avoids a bunch of casts.
69 Entry entries[0];
70 };
72 struct FindEntryResult;
74 // AssetManager2 is the main entry point for accessing assets and resources.
75 // AssetManager2 provides caching of resources retrieved via the underlying ApkAssets.
76 class AssetManager2 {
77 public:
78 struct ResourceName {
79 const char* package = nullptr;
80 size_t package_len = 0u;
82 const char* type = nullptr;
83 const char16_t* type16 = nullptr;
84 size_t type_len = 0u;
86 const char* entry = nullptr;
87 const char16_t* entry16 = nullptr;
88 size_t entry_len = 0u;
89 };
91 AssetManager2();
93 // Sets/resets the underlying ApkAssets for this AssetManager. The ApkAssets
94 // are not owned by the AssetManager, and must have a longer lifetime.
95 //
96 // Only pass invalidate_caches=false when it is known that the structure
97 // change in ApkAssets is due to a safe addition of resources with completely
98 // new resource IDs.
99 bool SetApkAssets(const std::vector<const ApkAssets*>& apk_assets, bool invalidate_caches = true);
GetApkAssets()101 inline const std::vector<const ApkAssets*> GetApkAssets() const {
102 return apk_assets_;
103 }
105 // Returns the string pool for the given asset cookie.
106 // Use the string pool returned here with a valid Res_value object of type Res_value::TYPE_STRING.
107 const ResStringPool* GetStringPoolForCookie(ApkAssetsCookie cookie) const;
109 // Returns the DynamicRefTable for the given package ID.
110 // This may be nullptr if the APK represented by `cookie` has no resource table.
111 const DynamicRefTable* GetDynamicRefTableForPackage(uint32_t package_id) const;
113 // Returns the DynamicRefTable for the ApkAssets represented by the cookie.
114 // This may be nullptr if the APK represented by `cookie` has no resource table.
115 const DynamicRefTable* GetDynamicRefTableForCookie(ApkAssetsCookie cookie) const;
117 // Sets/resets the configuration for this AssetManager. This will cause all
118 // caches that are related to the configuration change to be invalidated.
119 void SetConfiguration(const ResTable_config& configuration);
GetConfiguration()121 inline const ResTable_config& GetConfiguration() const {
122 return configuration_;
123 }
125 // Returns all configurations for which there are resources defined. This includes resource
126 // configurations in all the ApkAssets set for this AssetManager.
127 // If `exclude_system` is set to true, resource configurations from system APKs
128 // ('android' package, other libraries) will be excluded from the list.
129 // If `exclude_mipmap` is set to true, resource configurations defined for resource type 'mipmap'
130 // will be excluded from the list.
131 std::set<ResTable_config> GetResourceConfigurations(bool exclude_system = false,
132 bool exclude_mipmap = false) const;
134 // Returns all the locales for which there are resources defined. This includes resource
135 // locales in all the ApkAssets set for this AssetManager.
136 // If `exclude_system` is set to true, resource locales from system APKs
137 // ('android' package, other libraries) will be excluded from the list.
138 // If `merge_equivalent_languages` is set to true, resource locales will be canonicalized
139 // and de-duped in the resulting list.
140 std::set<std::string> GetResourceLocales(bool exclude_system = false,
141 bool merge_equivalent_languages = false) const;
143 // Searches the set of APKs loaded by this AssetManager and opens the first one found located
144 // in the assets/ directory.
145 // `mode` controls how the file is opened.
146 //
147 // NOTE: The loaded APKs are searched in reverse order.
148 std::unique_ptr<Asset> Open(const std::string& filename, Asset::AccessMode mode) const;
150 // Opens a file within the assets/ directory of the APK specified by `cookie`.
151 // `mode` controls how the file is opened.
152 std::unique_ptr<Asset> Open(const std::string& filename, ApkAssetsCookie cookie,
153 Asset::AccessMode mode) const;
155 // Opens the directory specified by `dirname`. The result is an AssetDir that is the combination
156 // of all directories matching `dirname` under the assets/ directory of every ApkAssets loaded.
157 // The entries are sorted by their ASCII name.
158 std::unique_ptr<AssetDir> OpenDir(const std::string& dirname) const;
160 // Searches the set of APKs loaded by this AssetManager and opens the first one found.
161 // `mode` controls how the file is opened.
162 // `out_cookie` is populated with the cookie of the APK this file was found in.
163 //
164 // NOTE: The loaded APKs are searched in reverse order.
165 std::unique_ptr<Asset> OpenNonAsset(const std::string& filename, Asset::AccessMode mode,
166 ApkAssetsCookie* out_cookie = nullptr) const;
168 // Opens a file in the APK specified by `cookie`. `mode` controls how the file is opened.
169 // This is typically used to open a specific AndroidManifest.xml, or a binary XML file
170 // referenced by a resource lookup with GetResource().
171 std::unique_ptr<Asset> OpenNonAsset(const std::string& filename, ApkAssetsCookie cookie,
172 Asset::AccessMode mode) const;
174 // Populates the `out_name` parameter with resource name information.
175 // Utf8 strings are preferred, and only if they are unavailable are
176 // the Utf16 variants populated.
177 // Returns false if the resource was not found or the name was missing/corrupt.
178 bool GetResourceName(uint32_t resid, ResourceName* out_name) const;
180 // Populates `out_flags` with the bitmask of configuration axis that this resource varies with.
181 // See ResTable_config for the list of configuration axis.
182 // Returns false if the resource was not found.
183 bool GetResourceFlags(uint32_t resid, uint32_t* out_flags) const;
185 // Finds the resource ID assigned to `resource_name`.
186 // `resource_name` must be of the form '[package:][type/]entry'.
187 // If no package is specified in `resource_name`, then `fallback_package` is used as the package.
188 // If no type is specified in `resource_name`, then `fallback_type` is used as the type.
189 // Returns 0x0 if no resource by that name was found.
190 uint32_t GetResourceId(const std::string& resource_name, const std::string& fallback_type = {},
191 const std::string& fallback_package = {}) const;
193 // Retrieves the best matching resource with ID `resid`. The resource value is filled into
194 // `out_value` and the configuration for the selected value is populated in `out_selected_config`.
195 // `out_flags` holds the same flags as retrieved with GetResourceFlags().
196 // If `density_override` is non-zero, the configuration to match against is overridden with that
197 // density.
198 //
199 // Returns a valid cookie if the resource was found. If the resource was not found, or if the
200 // resource was a map/bag type, then kInvalidCookie is returned. If `may_be_bag` is false,
201 // this function logs if the resource was a map/bag type before returning kInvalidCookie.
202 ApkAssetsCookie GetResource(uint32_t resid, bool may_be_bag, uint16_t density_override,
203 Res_value* out_value, ResTable_config* out_selected_config,
204 uint32_t* out_flags) const;
206 // Resolves the resource reference in `in_out_value` if the data type is
207 // Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE.
208 // `cookie` is the ApkAssetsCookie of the reference in `in_out_value`.
209 // `in_out_value` is the reference to resolve. The result is placed back into this object.
210 // `in_out_flags` is the type spec flags returned from calls to GetResource() or
211 // GetResourceFlags(). Configuration flags of the values pointed to by the reference
212 // are OR'd together with `in_out_flags`.
213 // `in_out_config` is populated with the configuration for which the resolved value was defined.
214 // `out_last_reference` is populated with the last reference ID before resolving to an actual
215 // value. This is only initialized if the passed in `in_out_value` is a reference.
216 // Returns the cookie of the APK the resolved resource was defined in, or kInvalidCookie if
217 // it was not found.
218 ApkAssetsCookie ResolveReference(ApkAssetsCookie cookie, Res_value* in_out_value,
219 ResTable_config* in_out_selected_config, uint32_t* in_out_flags,
220 uint32_t* out_last_reference) const;
222 // Retrieves the best matching bag/map resource with ID `resid`.
223 // This method will resolve all parent references for this bag and merge keys with the child.
224 // To iterate over the keys, use the following idiom:
225 //
226 // const AssetManager2::ResolvedBag* bag = asset_manager->GetBag(id);
227 // if (bag != nullptr) {
228 // for (auto iter = begin(bag); iter != end(bag); ++iter) {
229 // ...
230 // }
231 // }
232 const ResolvedBag* GetBag(uint32_t resid);
234 // Creates a new Theme from this AssetManager.
235 std::unique_ptr<Theme> NewTheme();
237 template <typename Func>
ForEachPackage(Func func)238 void ForEachPackage(Func func) const {
239 for (const PackageGroup& package_group : package_groups_) {
240 func(package_group.packages_.front().loaded_package_->GetPackageName(),
241 package_group.dynamic_ref_table.mAssignedPackageId);
242 }
243 }
245 void DumpToLog() const;
247 private:
250 // Finds the best entry for `resid` from the set of ApkAssets. The entry can be a simple
251 // Res_value, or a complex map/bag type. If successful, it is available in `out_entry`.
252 // Returns kInvalidCookie on failure. Otherwise, the return value is the cookie associated with
253 // the ApkAssets in which the entry was found.
254 //
255 // `density_override` overrides the density of the current configuration when doing a search.
256 //
257 // When `stop_at_first_match` is true, the first match found is selected and the search
258 // terminates. This is useful for methods that just look up the name of a resource and don't
259 // care about the value. In this case, the value of `FindEntryResult::type_flags` is incomplete
260 // and should not be used.
261 //
262 // NOTE: FindEntry takes care of ensuring that structs within FindEntryResult have been properly
263 // bounds-checked. Callers of FindEntry are free to trust the data if this method succeeds.
264 ApkAssetsCookie FindEntry(uint32_t resid, uint16_t density_override, bool stop_at_first_match,
265 FindEntryResult* out_entry) const;
267 // Assigns package IDs to all shared library ApkAssets.
268 // Should be called whenever the ApkAssets are changed.
269 void BuildDynamicRefTable();
271 // Purge all resources that are cached and vary by the configuration axis denoted by the
272 // bitmask `diff`.
273 void InvalidateCaches(uint32_t diff);
275 // Triggers the re-construction of lists of types that match the set configuration.
276 // This should always be called when mutating the AssetManager's configuration or ApkAssets set.
277 void RebuildFilterList();
279 // AssetManager2::GetBag(resid) wraps this function to track which resource ids have already
280 // been seen while traversing bag parents.
281 const ResolvedBag* GetBag(uint32_t resid, std::vector<uint32_t>& child_resids);
283 // The ordered list of ApkAssets to search. These are not owned by the AssetManager, and must
284 // have a longer lifetime.
285 std::vector<const ApkAssets*> apk_assets_;
287 // A collection of configurations and their associated ResTable_type that match the current
288 // AssetManager configuration.
289 struct FilteredConfigGroup {
290 std::vector<ResTable_config> configurations;
291 std::vector<const ResTable_type*> types;
292 };
294 // Represents an single package.
295 struct ConfiguredPackage {
296 // A pointer to the immutable, loaded package info.
297 const LoadedPackage* loaded_package_;
299 // A mutable AssetManager-specific list of configurations that match the AssetManager's
300 // current configuration. This is used as an optimization to avoid checking every single
301 // candidate configuration when looking up resources.
302 ByteBucketArray<FilteredConfigGroup> filtered_configs_;
303 };
305 // Represents a logical package, which can be made up of many individual packages. Each package
306 // in a PackageGroup shares the same package name and package ID.
307 struct PackageGroup {
308 // The set of packages that make-up this group.
309 std::vector<ConfiguredPackage> packages_;
311 // The cookies associated with each package in the group. They share the same order as
312 // packages_.
313 std::vector<ApkAssetsCookie> cookies_;
315 // A library reference table that contains build-package ID to runtime-package ID mappings.
316 DynamicRefTable dynamic_ref_table;
317 };
319 // DynamicRefTables for shared library package resolution.
320 // These are ordered according to apk_assets_. The mappings may change depending on what is
321 // in apk_assets_, therefore they must be stored in the AssetManager and not in the
322 // immutable ApkAssets class.
323 std::vector<PackageGroup> package_groups_;
325 // An array mapping package ID to index into package_groups. This keeps the lookup fast
326 // without taking too much memory.
327 std::array<uint8_t, std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() + 1> package_ids_;
329 // The current configuration set for this AssetManager. When this changes, cached resources
330 // may need to be purged.
331 ResTable_config configuration_;
333 // Cached set of bags. These are cached because they can inherit keys from parent bags,
334 // which involves some calculation.
335 std::unordered_map<uint32_t, util::unique_cptr<ResolvedBag>> cached_bags_;
336 };
338 class Theme {
339 friend class AssetManager2;
341 public:
342 ~Theme();
344 // Applies the style identified by `resid` to this theme. This can be called
345 // multiple times with different styles. By default, any theme attributes that
346 // are already defined before this call are not overridden. If `force` is set
347 // to true, this behavior is changed and all theme attributes from the style at
348 // `resid` are applied.
349 // Returns false if the style failed to apply.
350 bool ApplyStyle(uint32_t resid, bool force = false);
352 // Sets this Theme to be a copy of `o` if `o` has the same AssetManager as this Theme.
353 // Returns false if the AssetManagers of the Themes were not compatible.
354 bool SetTo(const Theme& o);
356 void Clear();
GetAssetManager()358 inline const AssetManager2* GetAssetManager() const {
359 return asset_manager_;
360 }
GetAssetManager()362 inline AssetManager2* GetAssetManager() {
363 return asset_manager_;
364 }
366 // Returns a bit mask of configuration changes that will impact this
367 // theme (and thus require completely reloading it).
GetChangingConfigurations()368 inline uint32_t GetChangingConfigurations() const {
369 return type_spec_flags_;
370 }
372 // Retrieve a value in the theme. If the theme defines this value, returns an asset cookie
373 // indicating which ApkAssets it came from and populates `out_value` with the value.
374 // `out_flags` is populated with a bitmask of the configuration axis with which the resource
375 // varies.
376 //
377 // If the attribute is not found, returns kInvalidCookie.
378 //
379 // NOTE: This function does not do reference traversal. If you want to follow references to other
380 // resources to get the "real" value to use, you need to call ResolveReference() after this
381 // function.
382 ApkAssetsCookie GetAttribute(uint32_t resid, Res_value* out_value, uint32_t* out_flags) const;
384 // This is like AssetManager2::ResolveReference(), but also takes
385 // care of resolving attribute references to the theme.
386 ApkAssetsCookie ResolveAttributeReference(ApkAssetsCookie cookie, Res_value* in_out_value,
387 ResTable_config* in_out_selected_config = nullptr,
388 uint32_t* in_out_type_spec_flags = nullptr,
389 uint32_t* out_last_ref = nullptr) const;
391 private:
394 // Called by AssetManager2.
395 explicit Theme(AssetManager2* asset_manager);
397 AssetManager2* asset_manager_;
398 uint32_t type_spec_flags_ = 0u;
400 // Defined in the cpp.
401 struct Package;
403 constexpr static size_t kPackageCount = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() + 1;
404 std::array<std::unique_ptr<Package>, kPackageCount> packages_;
405 };
begin(const ResolvedBag * bag)407 inline const ResolvedBag::Entry* begin(const ResolvedBag* bag) {
408 return bag->entries;
409 }
end(const ResolvedBag * bag)411 inline const ResolvedBag::Entry* end(const ResolvedBag* bag) {
412 return bag->entries + bag->entry_count;
413 }
415 } // namespace android