1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
20 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
22 namespace metrics {
23 // The possible outcomes when checking for updates.
24 //
25 // This is used in the UpdateEngine.Check.Result histogram.
26 enum class CheckResult {
27   kUpdateAvailable,    // Response indicates an update is available.
28   kNoUpdateAvailable,  // Response indicates no updates are available.
29   kDownloadError,      // Error downloading response from Omaha.
30   kParsingError,       // Error parsing response.
31   kRebootPending,      // No update check was performed a reboot is pending.
33   kNumConstants,
34   kUnset = -1
35 };
37 // Possible ways a device can react to a new update being available.
38 //
39 // This is used in the UpdateEngine.Check.Reaction histogram.
40 enum class CheckReaction {
41   kUpdating,    // Device proceeds to download and apply update.
42   kIgnored,     // Device-policy dictates ignoring the update.
43   kDeferring,   // Device-policy dictates waiting.
44   kBackingOff,  // Previous errors dictates waiting.
46   kNumConstants,
47   kUnset = -1
48 };
50 // The possible ways that downloading from a HTTP or HTTPS server can fail.
51 //
52 // This is used in the UpdateEngine.Check.DownloadErrorCode and
53 // UpdateEngine.Attempt.DownloadErrorCode histograms.
54 enum class DownloadErrorCode {
55   // Errors that can happen in the field. See http://crbug.com/355745
56   // for how we plan to add more detail in the future.
57   kDownloadError = 0,  // Error downloading data from server.
59   // IMPORTANT: When adding a new error code, add at the bottom of the
60   // above block and before the kInputMalformed field. This
61   // is to ensure that error codes are not reordered.
63   // This error code is used to convey that malformed input was given
64   // to the utils::GetDownloadErrorCode() function. This should never
65   // happen but if it does it's because of an internal update_engine
66   // error and we're interested in knowing this.
67   kInputMalformed = 100,
69   // Bucket for capturing HTTP status codes not in the 200-599
70   // range. This should never happen in practice but if it does we
71   // want to know.
72   kHttpStatusOther = 101,
74   // Above 200 and below 600, the value is the HTTP status code.
75   kHttpStatus200 = 200,
77   kNumConstants = 600,
79   kUnset = -1
80 };
82 // Possible ways an update attempt can end.
83 //
84 // This is used in the UpdateEngine.Attempt.Result histogram.
85 enum class AttemptResult {
86   kUpdateSucceeded,             // The update succeeded.
87   kInternalError,               // An internal error occurred.
88   kPayloadDownloadError,        // Failure while downloading payload.
89   kMetadataMalformed,           // Metadata was malformed.
90   kOperationMalformed,          // An operation was malformed.
91   kOperationExecutionError,     // An operation failed to execute.
92   kMetadataVerificationFailed,  // Metadata verification failed.
93   kPayloadVerificationFailed,   // Payload verification failed.
94   kVerificationFailed,          // Root or Kernel partition verification failed.
95   kPostInstallFailed,           // The postinstall step failed.
96   kAbnormalTermination,         // The attempt ended abnormally.
97   kUpdateCanceled,              // Update canceled by the user.
98   kUpdateSucceededNotActive,    // Update succeeded but the new slot is not
99                                 // active.
101   kNumConstants,
103   kUnset = -1
104 };
106 // Possible ways the device is connected to the Internet.
107 //
108 // This is used in the UpdateEngine.Attempt.ConnectionType histogram.
109 enum class ConnectionType {
110   kUnknown,           // Unknown.
111   kEthernet,          // Ethernet.
112   kWifi,              // Wireless.
113   kWimax,             // WiMax.
114   kBluetooth,         // Bluetooth.
115   kCellular,          // Cellular.
116   kTetheredEthernet,  // Tethered (Ethernet).
117   kTetheredWifi,      // Tethered (Wifi).
119   kNumConstants,
120   kUnset = -1
121 };
123 // Possible ways a rollback can end.
124 //
125 // This is used in the UpdateEngine.Rollback histogram.
126 enum class RollbackResult {
127   kFailed,
128   kSuccess,
130   kNumConstants
131 };
133 }  // namespace metrics
135 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine