1 // Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
17 #include "Diagnostics.h"
18 #include "DirectiveHandler.h"
19 #include "localintermediate.h"
20 #include "preprocessor/Preprocessor.h"
21 #include "Compiler.h"
22 #include "SymbolTable.h"
24 struct TMatrixFields {
25 	bool wholeRow;
26 	bool wholeCol;
27 	int row;
28 	int col;
29 };
31 //
32 // The following are extra variables needed during parsing, grouped together so
33 // they can be passed to the parser without needing a global.
34 //
35 class TParseContext {
36 public:
TParseContext(TSymbolTable & symt,TExtensionBehavior & ext,TIntermediate & interm,GLenum type,int options,bool checksPrecErrors,const char * sourcePath,TInfoSink & is)37 	TParseContext(TSymbolTable& symt, TExtensionBehavior& ext, TIntermediate& interm, GLenum type, int options, bool checksPrecErrors, const char* sourcePath, TInfoSink& is) :
38 			intermediate(interm),
39 			symbolTable(symt),
40 			compileOptions(options),
41 			sourcePath(sourcePath),
42 			lexAfterType(false),
43 			inTypeParen(false),
44 			AfterEOF(false),
45 			mDeferredSingleDeclarationErrorCheck(false),
46 			mShaderType(type),
47 			mShaderVersion(100),
48 			mTreeRoot(0),
49 			mLoopNestingLevel(0),
50 			mSwitchNestingLevel(0),
51 			mStructNestingLevel(0),
52 			mCurrentFunctionType(nullptr),
53 			mFunctionReturnsValue(false),
54 			mChecksPrecisionErrors(checksPrecErrors),
55 			mDefaultMatrixPacking(EmpColumnMajor),
56 			mDefaultBlockStorage(EbsShared),
57 			mDiagnostics(is),
58 			mDirectiveHandler(ext, mDiagnostics, mShaderVersion),
59 			mPreprocessor(&mDiagnostics, &mDirectiveHandler, pp::PreprocessorSettings()),
60 			mScanner(nullptr),
61 			mUsesFragData(false),
62 			mUsesFragColor(false) {  }
63 	TIntermediate& intermediate; // to hold and build a parse tree
64 	TSymbolTable& symbolTable;   // symbol table that goes with the language currently being parsed
65 	int compileOptions;
66 	const char* sourcePath;      // Path of source file or null.
67 	bool lexAfterType;           // true if we've recognized a type, so can only be looking for an identifier
68 	bool inTypeParen;            // true if in parentheses, looking only for an identifier
69 	bool AfterEOF;
getPreprocessor()71 	const pp::Preprocessor &getPreprocessor() const { return mPreprocessor; }
getPreprocessor()72 	pp::Preprocessor &getPreprocessor() { return mPreprocessor; }
getScanner()73 	void *getScanner() const { return mScanner; }
setScanner(void * scanner)74 	void setScanner(void *scanner) { mScanner = scanner; }
getShaderVersion()75 	int getShaderVersion() const { return mShaderVersion; }
getShaderType()76 	GLenum getShaderType() const { return mShaderType; }
numErrors()77 	int numErrors() const { return mDiagnostics.numErrors(); }
infoSink()78 	TInfoSink &infoSink() { return mDiagnostics.infoSink(); }
79 	void error(const TSourceLoc &loc, const char *reason, const char* token,
80 	           const char* extraInfo="");
81 	void warning(const TSourceLoc &loc, const char* reason, const char* token,
82 	             const char* extraInfo="");
83 	void trace(const char* str);
84 	void recover();
getTreeRoot()85 	TIntermNode *getTreeRoot() const { return mTreeRoot; }
setTreeRoot(TIntermNode * treeRoot)86 	void setTreeRoot(TIntermNode *treeRoot) { mTreeRoot = treeRoot; }
getFunctionReturnsValue()88 	bool getFunctionReturnsValue() const { return mFunctionReturnsValue; }
setFunctionReturnsValue(bool functionReturnsValue)89 	void setFunctionReturnsValue(bool functionReturnsValue)
90 	{
91 		mFunctionReturnsValue = functionReturnsValue;
92 	}
setLoopNestingLevel(int loopNestintLevel)94 	void setLoopNestingLevel(int loopNestintLevel)
95 	{
96 		mLoopNestingLevel = loopNestintLevel;
97 	}
getCurrentFunctionType()99 	const TType *getCurrentFunctionType() const { return mCurrentFunctionType; }
setCurrentFunctionType(const TType * currentFunctionType)100 	void setCurrentFunctionType(const TType *currentFunctionType)
101 	{
102 		mCurrentFunctionType = currentFunctionType;
103 	}
incrLoopNestingLevel()105 	void incrLoopNestingLevel() { ++mLoopNestingLevel; }
decrLoopNestingLevel()106 	void decrLoopNestingLevel() { --mLoopNestingLevel; }
incrSwitchNestingLevel()108 	void incrSwitchNestingLevel() { ++mSwitchNestingLevel; }
decrSwitchNestingLevel()109 	void decrSwitchNestingLevel() { --mSwitchNestingLevel; }
111 	// This method is guaranteed to succeed, even if no variable with 'name' exists.
112 	const TVariable *getNamedVariable(const TSourceLoc &location, const TString *name, const TSymbol *symbol);
114 	bool parseVectorFields(const TString&, int vecSize, TVectorFields&, const TSourceLoc &line);
116 	bool reservedErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString& identifier);
117 	void assignError(const TSourceLoc &line, const char* op, TString left, TString right);
118 	void unaryOpError(const TSourceLoc &line, const char* op, TString operand);
119 	void binaryOpError(const TSourceLoc &line, const char* op, TString left, TString right);
120 	bool precisionErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, TPrecision precision, TBasicType type);
121 	bool lValueErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, const char* op, TIntermTyped*);
122 	bool constErrorCheck(TIntermTyped* node);
123 	bool integerErrorCheck(TIntermTyped* node, const char* token);
124 	bool globalErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, bool global, const char* token);
125 	bool constructorErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, TIntermNode*, TFunction&, TOperator, TType*);
126 	bool arraySizeErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, TIntermTyped* expr, int& size);
127 	bool arrayQualifierErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, TPublicType type);
128 	bool arrayTypeErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, TPublicType type);
129 	bool voidErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TString&, const TBasicType&);
130 	bool boolErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TIntermTyped*);
131 	bool boolErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TPublicType&);
132 	bool samplerErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, const TPublicType& pType, const char* reason);
133 	bool locationDeclaratorListCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, const TPublicType &pType);
134 	bool structQualifierErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, const TPublicType& pType);
135 	bool parameterSamplerErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, TQualifier qualifier, const TType& type);
136 	bool nonInitConstErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, TString& identifier, TPublicType& type, bool array);
137 	bool nonInitErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString& identifier, TPublicType& type);
138 	bool paramErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, TQualifier qualifier, TQualifier paramQualifier, TType* type);
139 	bool extensionErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString&);
140 	bool singleDeclarationErrorCheck(const TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation);
141 	bool layoutLocationErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& location, const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier);
142 	bool functionCallLValueErrorCheck(const TFunction *fnCandidate, TIntermAggregate *);
143 	void es3InvariantErrorCheck(const TQualifier qualifier, const TSourceLoc &invariantLocation);
144 	void checkInputOutputTypeIsValidES3(const TQualifier qualifier, const TPublicType &type, const TSourceLoc &qualifierLocation);
extensionBehavior()146 	const TExtensionBehavior& extensionBehavior() const { return mDirectiveHandler.extensionBehavior(); }
147 	bool supportsExtension(const char* extension);
148 	void handleExtensionDirective(const TSourceLoc &line, const char* extName, const char* behavior);
pragma()150 	const TPragma& pragma() const { return mDirectiveHandler.pragma(); }
151 	void handlePragmaDirective(const TSourceLoc &line, const char* name, const char* value, bool stdgl);
153 	bool containsSampler(TType& type);
154 	const TFunction* findFunction(const TSourceLoc &line, TFunction* pfnCall, bool *builtIn = 0);
155 	bool executeInitializer(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString &identifier, const TPublicType &pType,
156 	                        TIntermTyped *initializer, TIntermNode **intermNode);
158 	TPublicType addFullySpecifiedType(TQualifier qualifier, bool invariant, TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier, const TPublicType &typeSpecifier);
159 	bool arraySetMaxSize(TIntermSymbol*, TType*, int, bool, const TSourceLoc&);
161 	TIntermAggregate *parseSingleDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierOrTypeLocation, const TString &identifier);
162 	TIntermAggregate *parseSingleArrayDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier,
163 	                                              const TSourceLoc &indexLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression);
164 	TIntermAggregate *parseSingleInitDeclaration(const TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier,
165 	                                             const TSourceLoc &initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer);
167 	// Parse a declaration like "type a[n] = initializer"
168 	// Note that this does not apply to declarations like "type[n] a = initializer"
169 	TIntermAggregate *parseSingleArrayInitDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier,
170 	                                                  const TSourceLoc &indexLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression,
171 	                                                  const TSourceLoc &initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer);
173 	TIntermAggregate *parseInvariantDeclaration(const TSourceLoc &invariantLoc, const TSourceLoc &identifierLoc, const TString *identifier,
174 	                                            const TSymbol *symbol);
176 	TIntermAggregate *parseDeclarator(TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation,
177 	                                  const TString &identifier);
178 	TIntermAggregate *parseArrayDeclarator(TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation,
179 	                                       const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &arrayLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression);
180 	TIntermAggregate *parseInitDeclarator(const TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation,
181 	                                      const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer);
183 	// Parse a declarator like "a[n] = initializer"
184 	TIntermAggregate *parseArrayInitDeclarator(const TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation,
185 	                                           const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &indexLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression,
186                                                const TSourceLoc &initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer);
188 	void parseGlobalLayoutQualifier(const TPublicType &typeQualifier);
189 	TIntermAggregate *addFunctionPrototypeDeclaration(const TFunction &function, const TSourceLoc &location);
190 	TIntermAggregate *addFunctionDefinition(const TFunction &function, TIntermAggregate *functionPrototype, TIntermAggregate *functionBody, const TSourceLoc &location);
191 	void parseFunctionPrototype(const TSourceLoc &location, TFunction *function, TIntermAggregate **aggregateOut);
192 	TFunction *parseFunctionDeclarator(const TSourceLoc &location, TFunction *function);
193 	TFunction *addConstructorFunc(const TPublicType &publicType);
194 	TIntermTyped* addConstructor(TIntermNode*, const TType*, TOperator, TFunction*, const TSourceLoc&);
195 	TIntermTyped* foldConstConstructor(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode, const TType& type);
196 	TIntermTyped* addConstVectorNode(TVectorFields&, TIntermTyped*, const TSourceLoc&);
197 	TIntermTyped* addConstMatrixNode(int, TIntermTyped*, const TSourceLoc&);
198 	TIntermTyped* addConstArrayNode(int index, TIntermTyped* node, const TSourceLoc &line);
199 	TIntermTyped* addConstStruct(const TString&, TIntermTyped*, const TSourceLoc&);
200 	TIntermTyped *addIndexExpression(TIntermTyped *baseExpression, const TSourceLoc& location, TIntermTyped *indexExpression);
201 	TIntermTyped* addFieldSelectionExpression(TIntermTyped *baseExpression, const TSourceLoc &dotLocation, const TString &fieldString, const TSourceLoc &fieldLocation);
203 	TFieldList *addStructDeclaratorList(const TPublicType &typeSpecifier, TFieldList *fieldList);
204 	TPublicType addStructure(const TSourceLoc &structLine, const TSourceLoc &nameLine, const TString *structName, TFieldList *fieldList);
206 	TIntermAggregate* addInterfaceBlock(const TPublicType& typeQualifier, const TSourceLoc& nameLine, const TString& blockName, TFieldList* fieldList,
207 	                                    const TString* instanceName, const TSourceLoc& instanceLine, TIntermTyped* arrayIndex, const TSourceLoc& arrayIndexLine);
209 	TLayoutQualifier parseLayoutQualifier(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc& qualifierTypeLine);
210 	TLayoutQualifier parseLayoutQualifier(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc& qualifierTypeLine, const TString &intValueString, int intValue, const TSourceLoc& intValueLine);
211 	TLayoutQualifier joinLayoutQualifiers(TLayoutQualifier leftQualifier, TLayoutQualifier rightQualifier);
212 	TPublicType joinInterpolationQualifiers(const TSourceLoc &interpolationLoc, TQualifier interpolationQualifier, const TSourceLoc &storageLoc, TQualifier storageQualifier);
214 	// Performs an error check for embedded struct declarations.
215 	// Returns true if an error was raised due to the declaration of
216 	// this struct.
217 	bool enterStructDeclaration(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString& identifier);
218 	void exitStructDeclaration();
220 	bool structNestingErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc &line, const TField &field);
222 	TIntermSwitch *addSwitch(TIntermTyped *init, TIntermAggregate *statementList, const TSourceLoc &loc);
223 	TIntermCase *addCase(TIntermTyped *condition, const TSourceLoc &loc);
224 	TIntermCase *addDefault(const TSourceLoc &loc);
226 	TIntermTyped *addUnaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *child, const TSourceLoc &loc);
227 	TIntermTyped *addUnaryMathLValue(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *child, const TSourceLoc &loc);
228 	TIntermTyped *addBinaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc);
229 	TIntermTyped *addBinaryMathBooleanResult(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc);
231 	TIntermTyped *addAssign(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc);
233 	TIntermBranch *addBranch(TOperator op, const TSourceLoc &loc);
234 	TIntermBranch *addBranch(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *returnValue, const TSourceLoc &loc);
236 	TIntermTyped *addFunctionCallOrMethod(TFunction *fnCall, TIntermNode *paramNode, TIntermNode *thisNode, const TSourceLoc &loc, bool *fatalError);
238 	TIntermTyped *addTernarySelection(TIntermTyped *cond, TIntermTyped *trueBlock, TIntermTyped *falseBlock, const TSourceLoc &line);
240 private:
241 	bool declareVariable(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString &identifier, const TType &type, TVariable **variable);
243 	TIntermTyped *addBinaryMathInternal(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc);
244 	TIntermTyped *createAssign(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc);
246 	// The funcReturnType parameter is expected to be non-null when the operation is a built-in function.
247 	// It is expected to be null for other unary operators.
248 	TIntermTyped *createUnaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *child, const TSourceLoc &loc, const TType *funcReturnType);
250 	// Return true if the checks pass
251 	bool binaryOpCommonCheck(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc);
253 	// Set to true when the last/current declarator list was started with an empty declaration.
254 	bool mDeferredSingleDeclarationErrorCheck;
256 	GLenum mShaderType;              // vertex or fragment language (future: pack or unpack)
257 	int mShaderVersion;
258 	TIntermNode *mTreeRoot;       // root of parse tree being created
259 	int mLoopNestingLevel;       // 0 if outside all loops
260 	int mSwitchNestingLevel;     // 0 if outside all switch statements
261 	int mStructNestingLevel;      // incremented while parsing a struct declaration
262 	const TType *mCurrentFunctionType;  // the return type of the function that's currently being parsed
263 	bool mFunctionReturnsValue;  // true if a non-void function has a return
264 	bool mChecksPrecisionErrors;  // true if an error will be generated when a variable is declared without precision, explicit or implicit.
266 	TLayoutMatrixPacking mDefaultMatrixPacking;
267 	TLayoutBlockStorage mDefaultBlockStorage;
268 	TDiagnostics mDiagnostics;
269 	TDirectiveHandler mDirectiveHandler;
270 	pp::Preprocessor mPreprocessor;
271 	void *mScanner;
272 	bool mUsesFragData; // track if we are using both gl_FragData and gl_FragColor
273 	bool mUsesFragColor;
274 };
276 int PaParseStrings(int count, const char* const string[], const int length[],
277                    TParseContext* context);