1 /*!****************************************************************************
3  @file         PVRTPrint3D.h
4  @copyright    Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
5  @brief        Code to print text through the 3D interface.
7 ******************************************************************************/
8 #ifndef _PVRTPRINT3D_H_
9 #define _PVRTPRINT3D_H_
11 #include "PVRTGlobal.h"
12 #include "PVRTError.h"
13 #include "PVRTMatrix.h"
14 #include "PVRTVector.h"
15 #include "PVRTArray.h"
17 struct MetaDataBlock;
18 template <typename KeyType, typename DataType>
19 class CPVRTMap;
21 /****************************************************************************
22 ** Enums
23 ****************************************************************************/
26 /*!***************************************************************************
27  @enum      EPVRTPrint3DLogo
28  @brief     Logo flags for DisplayDefaultTitle
29 *****************************************************************************/
30 typedef enum {
31 	ePVRTPrint3DLogoNone	= 0x00,
32 	ePVRTPrint3DLogoPowerVR = 0x02,
33 	ePVRTPrint3DLogoIMG		= 0x04,
34 	ePVRTPrint3DSDKLogo		= ePVRTPrint3DLogoPowerVR
35 } EPVRTPrint3DLogo;
37 /****************************************************************************
38 ** Constants
39 ****************************************************************************/
40 const PVRTuint32 PVRTPRINT3D_HEADER			= 0xFCFC0050;
41 const PVRTuint32 PVRTPRINT3D_CHARLIST		= 0xFCFC0051;
42 const PVRTuint32 PVRTPRINT3D_RECTS			= 0xFCFC0052;
43 const PVRTuint32 PVRTPRINT3D_METRICS		= 0xFCFC0053;
44 const PVRTuint32 PVRTPRINT3D_YOFFSET		= 0xFCFC0054;
45 const PVRTuint32 PVRTPRINT3D_KERNING		= 0xFCFC0055;
47 const PVRTuint32 PVRTPRINT3D_VERSION		= 1;
49 /****************************************************************************
50 ** Structures
51 ****************************************************************************/
52 /*!**************************************************************************
53  @struct    SPVRTPrint3DHeader
54  @brief     A structure for information describing the loaded font.
55 ****************************************************************************/
56 struct SPVRTPrint3DHeader				// 12 bytes
57 {
58 	PVRTuint8	uVersion;				/*!< Version of PVRFont. */
59 	PVRTuint8	uSpaceWidth;			/*!< The width of the 'Space' character. */
60 	PVRTint16	wNumCharacters;			/*!< Total number of characters contained in this file. */
61 	PVRTint16	wNumKerningPairs;		/*!< Number of characters which kern against each other. */
62 	PVRTint16	wAscent;				/*!< The height of the character, in pixels, from the base line. */
63 	PVRTint16	wLineSpace;				/*!< The base line to base line dimension, in pixels. */
64 	PVRTint16	wBorderWidth;			/*!< px Border around each character. */
65 };
66 /*!**************************************************************************
67  @struct SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex
68  @brief A structure for Print3Ds vertex type
69 ****************************************************************************/
70 struct SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex
71 {
72 	VERTTYPE		sx, sy, sz, rhw;
73 	unsigned int	color;
74 	VERTTYPE		tu, tv;
75 };
77 struct PVRTextureHeaderV3;
78 struct SPVRTPrint3DAPI;
79 struct SPVRTContext;
81 /*!***************************************************************************
82  @class CPVRTPrint3D
83  @brief Display text/logos on the screen
84 *****************************************************************************/
85 class CPVRTPrint3D
86 {
87 public:
88 	/*!***************************************************************************
89 	 @fn           		CPVRTPrint3D
90 	 @brief     		Init some values.
91 	*****************************************************************************/
92 	CPVRTPrint3D();
93 	/*!***************************************************************************
94 	 @fn           		~CPVRTPrint3D
95 	 @brief     		De-allocate the working memory
96 	*****************************************************************************/
97 	~CPVRTPrint3D();
99 	/*!***************************************************************************
100 	 @brief     		Initialization and texture upload of default font data.
101 						Should be called only once for a Print3D object.
102 	 @param[in]			pContext		Context
103 	 @param[in]			dwScreenX		Screen resolution along X
104 	 @param[in]			dwScreenY		Screen resolution along Y
105 	 @param[in]			bRotate			Rotate print3D by 90 degrees
106 	 @param[in]			bMakeCopy		This instance of Print3D creates a copy
107 										of it's data instead of sharing with previous
108 										contexts. Set this parameter if you require
109 										thread safety.
110 	 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
111 	*****************************************************************************/
112 	EPVRTError SetTextures(
113 		const SPVRTContext	* const pContext,
114 		const unsigned int	dwScreenX,
115 		const unsigned int	dwScreenY,
116 		const bool bRotate = false,
117 		const bool bMakeCopy = false);
119 	/*!***************************************************************************
120 	 @brief     		Initialization and texture upload of user-provided font
121 						data. Should be called only once for a Print3D object.
122 	 @param[in]			pContext		Context
123 	 @param[in]			pTexData		User-provided font texture
124 	 @param[in]			dwScreenX		Screen resolution along X
125 	 @param[in]			dwScreenY		Screen resolution along Y
126 	 @param[in]			bRotate			Rotate print3D by 90 degrees
127 	 @param[in]			bMakeCopy		This instance of Print3D creates a copy
128 										of it's data instead of sharing with previous
129 										contexts. Set this parameter if you require
130 										thread safety.
131 	 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
132 	*****************************************************************************/
133 	EPVRTError SetTextures(
134 		const SPVRTContext	* const pContext,
135 		const void * const pTexData,
136 		const unsigned int	dwScreenX,
137 		const unsigned int	dwScreenY,
138 		const bool bRotate = false,
139 		const bool bMakeCopy = false);
141 	/*!***************************************************************************
142 	 @fn           		SetProjection
143 	 @param[in]			mProj			Projection matrix
144 	 @brief     		Sets the projection matrix for the proceeding flush().
145 	*****************************************************************************/
146 	void SetProjection(const PVRTMat4& mProj);
148 	/*!***************************************************************************
149 	 @fn           		SetModelView
150 	 @param[in]			mModelView			Model View matrix
151 	 @brief     		Sets the model view matrix for the proceeding flush().
152 	*****************************************************************************/
153 	void SetModelView(const PVRTMat4& mModelView);
155 	/*!***************************************************************************
156 	 @fn           		SetFiltering
157 	 @param[in]			eMin	The method of texture filtering for minification
158 	 @param[in]			eMag	The method of texture filtering for minification
159 	 @param[in]			eMip	The method of texture filtering for minification
160 	 @brief     		Sets the method of texture filtering for the font texture.
161 						Print3D will attempt to pick the best method by default
162 						but this method allows the user to override this.
163 	*****************************************************************************/
164 	void SetFiltering(ETextureFilter eMin, ETextureFilter eMag, ETextureFilter eMip);
166 	/*!***************************************************************************
167 	 @brief     		Display 3D text on screen.
168 						CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(...) must have been called
169 						beforehand.
170 						This function accepts formatting in the printf way.
171 	 @param[in]			fPosX		Position of the text along X
172 	 @param[in]			fPosY		Position of the text along Y
173 	 @param[in]			fScale		Scale of the text
174 	 @param[in]			Colour		Colour of the text
175 	 @param[in]			pszFormat	Format string for the text
176 	 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
177 	*****************************************************************************/
178 	EPVRTError Print3D(float fPosX, float fPosY, const float fScale, unsigned int Colour, const char * const pszFormat, ...);
181 	/*!***************************************************************************
182 	 @brief     		Display wide-char 3D text on screen.
183 						CPVRTPrint3D::SetTextures(...) must have been called
184 						beforehand.
185 						This function accepts formatting in the printf way.
186 	 @param[in]			fPosX		Position of the text along X
187 	 @param[in]			fPosY		Position of the text along Y
188 	 @param[in]			fScale		Scale of the text
189 	 @param[in]			Colour		Colour of the text
190 	 @param[in]			pszFormat	Format string for the text
191 	 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
192 	*****************************************************************************/
193 	EPVRTError Print3D(float fPosX, float fPosY, const float fScale, unsigned int Colour, const wchar_t * const pszFormat, ...);
195 	/*!***************************************************************************
196 	 @fn           		DisplayDefaultTitle
197 	 @param[in]			pszTitle			Title to display
198 	 @param[in]			pszDescription		Description to display
199 	 @param[in]			uDisplayLogo		1 = Display the logo
200 	 @return			PVR_SUCCESS or PVR_FAIL
201 	 @brief     		Creates a default title with predefined position and colours.
202 						It displays as well company logos when requested:
203 						0 = No logo
204 						1 = PowerVR logo
205 						2 = Img Tech logo
206 	*****************************************************************************/
207 	 EPVRTError DisplayDefaultTitle(const char * const pszTitle, const char * const pszDescription, const unsigned int uDisplayLogo);
209 	 /*!***************************************************************************
210 	 @brief     		Returns the size of a string in pixels.
211 	 @param[out]		pfWidth				Width of the string in pixels
212 	 @param[out]		pfHeight			Height of the string in pixels
213 	 @param[in]			fScale				A value to scale the font by
214 	 @param[in]			pszUTF8				UTF8 string to take the size of
215 	*****************************************************************************/
216 	void MeasureText(
217 		float		* const pfWidth,
218 		float		* const pfHeight,
219 		float				fScale,
220 		const char	* const pszUTF8);
222 	/*!***************************************************************************
223 	 @brief     		Returns the size of a string in pixels.
224 	 @param[out]		pfWidth				Width of the string in pixels
225 	 @param[out]		pfHeight			Height of the string in pixels
226 	 @param[in]			fScale				A value to scale the font by
227 	 @param[in]			pszUnicode			Wide character string to take the
228 											length of.
229 	*****************************************************************************/
230 	void MeasureText(
231 		float		* const pfWidth,
232 		float		* const pfHeight,
233 		float				fScale,
234 		const wchar_t* const pszUnicode);
236 	/*!***************************************************************************
237 	@brief     	        Returns the 'ascent' of the font. This is typically the
238                         height from the baseline of the larget glyph in the set.
239 	@return			    The ascent.
240 	*****************************************************************************/
241 	unsigned int GetFontAscent();
243 	/*!***************************************************************************
244 	@brief     	    Returns the default line spacing (i.e baseline to baseline)
245 					for the font.
246 	@return			The line spacing.
247 	*****************************************************************************/
248 	unsigned int GetFontLineSpacing();
250 	/*!***************************************************************************
251 	 @brief     		Returns the current resolution used by Print3D
252 	 @param[out]		dwScreenX		Screen resolution X
253 	 @param[out]		dwScreenY		Screen resolution Y
254 	*****************************************************************************/
255 	void GetAspectRatio(unsigned int *dwScreenX, unsigned int *dwScreenY);
257 	/*!***************************************************************************
258 	 @brief     		Deallocate the memory allocated in SetTextures(...)
259 	*****************************************************************************/
260 	void ReleaseTextures();
262 	/*!***************************************************************************
263 	 @brief     		Flushes all the print text commands
264 	*****************************************************************************/
265 	int Flush();
267 private:
268 	/*!***************************************************************************
269 	 @brief             Update a single line
270 	 @param[in]			fZPos
271 	 @param[in]			XPos
272 	 @param[in]			YPos
273 	 @param[in]			fScale
274 	 @param[in]			Colour
275 	 @param[in]			Text
276 	 @param[in]			pVertices
277      @return            Number of vertices affected
278 	*****************************************************************************/
279 	unsigned int UpdateLine(const float fZPos, float XPos, float YPos, const float fScale, const unsigned int Colour, const CPVRTArray<PVRTuint32>& Text, SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex * const pVertices);
281 	/*!***************************************************************************
282 	 @brief     		Draw a single line of text.
283 	 @return			true or false
284 	*****************************************************************************/
285 	bool DrawLine(SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex *pVtx, unsigned int nVertices);
287 	/*!***************************************************************************
288 	@fn           		LoadFontData
289 	@param[in]			texHeader
290 	@param[in]			MetaDataMap
291 	@return			    bool	true if successful.
292 	@brief     	        Loads font data bundled with the texture file.
293 	*****************************************************************************/
294 	bool LoadFontData(const PVRTextureHeaderV3* texHeader, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, MetaDataBlock> >& MetaDataMap);
296 	/*!***************************************************************************
297 	@fn           		ReadMetaBlock
298 	@param[in]			pDataCursor
299 	@return			    bool	true if successful.
300 	@brief     	        Reads a single meta data block from the data file.
301 	*****************************************************************************/
302 	bool ReadMetaBlock(const PVRTuint8** pDataCursor);
304 	/*!***************************************************************************
305 	@fn           		FindCharacter
306 	@param[in]			character
307 	@return			    The character index, or PVRPRINT3D_INVALID_CHAR if not found.
308 	@brief     	        Finds a given character in the binary data and returns its
309                         index.
310 	*****************************************************************************/
311 	PVRTuint32 FindCharacter(PVRTuint32 character) const;
313 	/*!***************************************************************************
314 	@fn           		CharacterCompareFunc
315 	@param[in]			pA
316 	@param[in]			pB
317 	@return			    PVRTint32
318 	@brief     	        Compares two characters for binary search.
319 	*****************************************************************************/
320 	static PVRTint32 CharacterCompareFunc(const void* pA, const void* pB);
322 	/*!***************************************************************************
323 	@fn           		KerningCompareFunc
324 	@param[in]			pA
325 	@param[in]			pB
326 	@return			    VRTint32
327 	@brief     	        Compares two kerning pairs for binary search.
328 	*****************************************************************************/
329 	static PVRTint32 KerningCompareFunc(const void* pA, const void* pB);
331 	/*!***************************************************************************
332 	@fn           		ApplyKerning
333 	@param[in]			cA
334 	@param[in]			cB
335 	@param[out]			fOffset
336 	@brief     	        Calculates kerning offset.
337 	*****************************************************************************/
338 	void ApplyKerning(const PVRTuint32 cA, const PVRTuint32 cB, float& fOffset) const;
340 	/*!***************************************************************************
341 	 @brief     		Returns the size of a string in pixels.
342 	 @param[out]		pfWidth				Width of the string in pixels
343 	 @param[out]		pfHeight			Height of the string in pixels
344 	 @param[in]			fScale				Font size
345 	 @param[in]			utf32				UTF32 string to take the size of.
346 	*****************************************************************************/
347 	void MeasureText(
348 		float		* const pfWidth,
349 		float		* const pfHeight,
350 		float				fScale,
351 		const CPVRTArray<PVRTuint32>& utf32);
353 	/*!***************************************************************************
354 	@brief     	        Takes an array of UTF32 characters and generates the required mesh.
355 	@param[in]			fPosX		X Position
356 	@param[in]			fPosY		Y Position
357 	@param[in]			fScale		Text scale
358 	@param[in]			Colour		ARGB colour
359 	@param[in]			UTF32		Array of UTF32 characters
360 	@param[in]			bUpdate		Whether to update the vertices
361 	@return			    EPVRTError	Success of failure
362 	*****************************************************************************/
363 	EPVRTError Print3D(float fPosX, float fPosY, const float fScale, unsigned int Colour, const CPVRTArray<PVRTuint32>& UTF32, bool bUpdate);
365 //***************************************************************************
366 // Structures and enums for font data
367 // The following structures are used to provide layout information for associated fonts.
368 //*****************************************************************************/
369 private:
370 	struct CharacterUV
371 	{
372 		PVRTfloat32 fUL;
373 		PVRTfloat32 fVT;
374 		PVRTfloat32 fUR;
375 		PVRTfloat32 fVB;
376 	};
378 	struct Rectanglei
379 	{
380 		PVRTint32 nX;
381 		PVRTint32 nY;
382 		PVRTint32 nW;
383 		PVRTint32 nH;
384 	};
386 #pragma pack(push, 4)		// Force 4byte alignment.
387 	struct KerningPair
388 	{
389 		PVRTuint64 uiPair;			/*!< OR'd pair for 32bit characters */
390 		PVRTint32  iOffset;			/*!< Kerning offset (in pixels) */
391 	};
392 #pragma pack(pop)
394 	struct CharMetrics
395 	{
396 		PVRTint16  nXOff;			/*!< Prefix offset */
397 		PVRTuint16 nAdv;			/*!< Character width */
398 	};
400 	enum
401 	{
402 		eFilterProc_Min,
403 		eFilterProc_Mag,
404 		eFilterProc_Mip,
406 		eFilterProc_Size
407 	};
409 	enum ELogoPos
410 	{
411 		eBottom = 0x01,
412 		eTop = 0x02,
413 		eLeft = 0x04,
414 		eRight = 0x08
415 	};
417 private:
418 	// Mesh parameters
419 	SPVRTPrint3DAPI			*m_pAPI;
420 	unsigned int			m_uLogoToDisplay;
421 	unsigned short			*m_pwFacesFont;
422 	SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex	*m_pPrint3dVtx;
423 	float					m_fScreenScale[2];
424 	unsigned int			m_ui32ScreenDim[2];
425 	bool					m_bTexturesSet;
426 	SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex	*m_pVtxCache;
427 	int						m_nVtxCache;
428 	int						m_nVtxCacheMax;
429 	bool					m_bRotate;
431 	// Cached memory
432 	CPVRTArray<PVRTuint32>	m_CachedUTF32;
433 	int						m_nCachedNumVerts;
434 	wchar_t*				m_pwzPreviousString;
435 	char*					m_pszPreviousString;
436 	float					m_fPrevScale;
437 	float					m_fPrevX;
438 	float					m_fPrevY;
439 	unsigned int			m_uiPrevCol;
441 	// Font parameters
442 	CharacterUV*			m_pUVs;
443 	KerningPair*			m_pKerningPairs;
444 	CharMetrics*			m_pCharMatrics;
446 	float					m_fTexW;
447 	float					m_fTexH;
449 	Rectanglei*				m_pRects;
450 	int*					m_pYOffsets;
451 	int						m_uiNextLineH;
453 	unsigned int			m_uiSpaceWidth;
454 	unsigned int			m_uiNumCharacters;
455 	unsigned int			m_uiNumKerningPairs;
456 	unsigned int			m_uiAscent;
457 	PVRTuint32*				m_pszCharacterList;
458 	bool					m_bHasMipmaps;
460 	// View parameters
461 	PVRTMat4				m_mProj;
462 	PVRTMat4				m_mModelView;
463 	bool					m_bUsingProjection;
464 	ETextureFilter			m_eFilterMethod[eFilterProc_Size];
466 //***************************************************************************
467 //	API specific code
468 //  The following functions are API specific. Their implementation
469 //	can be found in the directory *CurrentAPI*\PVRTPrint3DAPI
470 //*****************************************************************************/
471 private:
472 	/*!***************************************************************************
473 	 @fn           		APIInit
474 	 @param[in]			pContext
475 	 @param[in]			bMakeCopy
476 	 @return			true or false
477 	 @brief     		Initialization and texture upload. Should be called only once
478 						for a given context.
479 	*****************************************************************************/
480 	bool APIInit(const SPVRTContext	* const pContext, bool bMakeCopy);
482 	/*!***************************************************************************
483 	 @fn           		APIRelease
484 	 @brief     		Deinitialization.
485 	*****************************************************************************/
486 	void APIRelease();
488 	/*!***************************************************************************
489 	 @fn           		APIUpLoadIcons
490 	 @param[in]			pIMG
491 	 @return			true or false
492 	 @brief     		Initialization and texture upload. Should be called only once
493 						for a given context.
494 	*****************************************************************************/
495 	bool APIUpLoadIcons(const PVRTuint8 * const pIMG, const PVRTuint8 * const pPowerVR);
497 	/*!***************************************************************************
498 	 @fn           		APIUpLoadTexture
499 	 @param[in]			pSource
500 	 @param[in]			header
501 	 @param[in]			MetaDataMap
502 	 @return			true if successful, false otherwise.
503 	 @brief     		Reads texture data from *.dat and loads it in
504 						video memory.
505 	*****************************************************************************/
506 	bool APIUpLoadTexture(const PVRTuint8* pSource, const PVRTextureHeaderV3* header, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, MetaDataBlock> >& MetaDataMap);
509 	/*!***************************************************************************
510 	 @fn           		APIRenderStates
511 	 @param[in]			nAction
512 	 @brief     		Stores, writes and restores Render States
513 	*****************************************************************************/
514 	void APIRenderStates(int nAction);
516 	/*!***************************************************************************
517 	 @fn           		APIDrawLogo
518 	 @param[in]			uLogoToDisplay
519 	 @param[in]			nPod
520 	 @brief     		nPos = -1 to the left
521 						nPos = +1 to the right
522 	*****************************************************************************/
523 	void APIDrawLogo(const EPVRTPrint3DLogo uLogoToDisplay, const int ePos);
524 };
527 #endif /* _PVRTPRINT3D_H_ */
529 /*****************************************************************************
530  End of file (PVRTPrint3D.h)
531 *****************************************************************************/