1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <rs_hal.h>
18 #include <rsContext.h>
20 #include "rsdShader.h"
21 #include "rsdShaderCache.h"
22 #include "rsdGL.h"
24 #include <GLES/gl.h>
25 #include <GLES2/gl2.h>
27 using android::renderscript::Context;
RsdShaderCache()29 RsdShaderCache::RsdShaderCache() {
30     mVertexDirty = true;
31     mFragmentDirty = true;
32 }
~RsdShaderCache()34 RsdShaderCache::~RsdShaderCache() {
35     cleanupAll();
36 }
updateUniformArrayData(const Context * rsc,RsdShader * prog,uint32_t linkedID,UniformData * data,const char * logTag,UniformQueryData ** uniformList,uint32_t uniListSize)38 void RsdShaderCache::updateUniformArrayData(const Context *rsc,
39                                             RsdShader *prog,
40                                             uint32_t linkedID,
41                                             UniformData *data,
42                                             const char* logTag,
43                                             UniformQueryData **uniformList,
44                                             uint32_t uniListSize) {
46     for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < prog->getUniformCount(); ct++) {
47         if (data[ct].slot >= 0 && data[ct].arraySize > 1) {
48             //Iterate over the list of active GL uniforms and find highest array index
49             for (uint32_t ui = 0; ui < uniListSize; ui ++) {
50                 if (prog->getUniformName(ct) == uniformList[ui]->name) {
51                     data[ct].arraySize = (uint32_t)uniformList[ui]->arraySize;
52                     break;
53                 }
54             }
55         }
57         if (rsc->props.mLogShaders) {
58              ALOGV("%s U, %s = %d, arraySize = %d\n", logTag,
59                    prog->getUniformName(ct).c_str(), data[ct].slot,
60                    data[ct].arraySize);
61         }
62     }
63 }
populateUniformData(RsdShader * prog,uint32_t linkedID,UniformData * data)65 void RsdShaderCache::populateUniformData(RsdShader *prog, uint32_t linkedID,
66                                          UniformData *data) {
67     for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < prog->getUniformCount(); ct++) {
68        data[ct].slot = glGetUniformLocation(linkedID,
69                                             prog->getUniformName(ct).c_str());
70        data[ct].arraySize = prog->getUniformArraySize(ct);
71     }
72 }
hasArrayUniforms(RsdShader * vtx,RsdShader * frag)74 bool RsdShaderCache::hasArrayUniforms(RsdShader *vtx, RsdShader *frag) {
75     UniformData *data = mCurrent->vtxUniforms;
76     for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < vtx->getUniformCount(); ct++) {
77         if (data[ct].slot >= 0 && data[ct].arraySize > 1) {
78             return true;
79         }
80     }
81     data = mCurrent->fragUniforms;
82     for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < frag->getUniformCount(); ct++) {
83         if (data[ct].slot >= 0 && data[ct].arraySize > 1) {
84             return true;
85         }
86     }
87     return false;
88 }
setup(const Context * rsc)90 bool RsdShaderCache::setup(const Context *rsc) {
91     if (!mVertexDirty && !mFragmentDirty) {
92         return true;
93     }
95     if (!link(rsc)) {
96         return false;
97     }
99     if (mFragmentDirty) {
100         mFragment->setup(rsc, this);
101         mFragmentDirty = false;
102     }
103     if (mVertexDirty) {
104         mVertex->setup(rsc, this);
105         mVertexDirty = false;
106     }
108     return true;
109 }
link(const Context * rsc)111 bool RsdShaderCache::link(const Context *rsc) {
113     RsdShader *vtx = mVertex;
114     RsdShader *frag = mFragment;
116     uint32_t vID = vtx->getStateBasedShaderID(rsc);
117     uint32_t fID = frag->getStateBasedShaderID(rsc);
119     // Don't try to cache if shaders failed to load
120     if (!vID || !fID) {
121         return false;
122     }
123     uint32_t entryCount = mEntries.size();
124     for (uint32_t ct = 0; ct < entryCount; ct ++) {
125         if ((mEntries[ct]->vtx == vID) && (mEntries[ct]->frag == fID)) {
126             //ALOGV("SC using program %i", mEntries[ct]->program);
127             glUseProgram(mEntries[ct]->program);
128             mCurrent = mEntries[ct];
129             //ALOGV("RsdShaderCache hit, using %i", ct);
130             rsdGLCheckError(rsc, "RsdShaderCache::link (hit)");
131             return true;
132         }
133     }
135     ProgramEntry *e = new ProgramEntry(vtx->getAttribCount(),
136                                        vtx->getUniformCount(),
137                                        frag->getUniformCount());
138     mEntries.push_back(e);
139     mCurrent = e;
140     e->vtx = vID;
141     e->frag = fID;
142     e->program = glCreateProgram();
143     if (e->program) {
144         GLuint pgm = e->program;
145         glAttachShader(pgm, vID);
146         //ALOGE("e1 %x", glGetError());
147         glAttachShader(pgm, fID);
149         glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 0, "ATTRIB_position");
150         glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 1, "ATTRIB_color");
151         glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 2, "ATTRIB_normal");
152         glBindAttribLocation(pgm, 3, "ATTRIB_texture0");
154         //ALOGE("e2 %x", glGetError());
155         glLinkProgram(pgm);
156         //ALOGE("e3 %x", glGetError());
157         GLint linkStatus = GL_FALSE;
158         glGetProgramiv(pgm, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus);
159         if (linkStatus != GL_TRUE) {
160             GLint bufLength = 0;
161             glGetProgramiv(pgm, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &bufLength);
162             if (bufLength) {
163                 char* buf = (char*) malloc(bufLength);
164                 if (buf) {
165                     glGetProgramInfoLog(pgm, bufLength, nullptr, buf);
166                     rsc->setError(RS_ERROR_FATAL_PROGRAM_LINK, buf);
167                     free(buf);
168                 }
169             }
170             glDeleteProgram(pgm);
171             return false;
172         }
174         for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < e->vtxAttrCount; ct++) {
175             e->vtxAttrs[ct].slot =
176                 glGetAttribLocation(pgm, vtx->getAttribName(ct).c_str());
177             e->vtxAttrs[ct].name = vtx->getAttribName(ct).c_str();
178             if (rsc->props.mLogShaders) {
179                 ALOGV("vtx A %i, %s = %d\n", ct,
180                       vtx->getAttribName(ct).c_str(), e->vtxAttrs[ct].slot);
181             }
182         }
184         populateUniformData(vtx, pgm, e->vtxUniforms);
185         populateUniformData(frag, pgm, e->fragUniforms);
187         // Only populate this list if we have arrays in our uniforms
188         UniformQueryData **uniformList = nullptr;
189         GLint numUniforms = 0;
190         bool hasArrays = hasArrayUniforms(vtx, frag);
191         if (hasArrays) {
192             // Get the number of active uniforms and the length of the longest name
193             glGetProgramiv(pgm, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &numUniforms);
194             GLint maxNameLength = 0;
195             glGetProgramiv(pgm, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &maxNameLength);
196             if (numUniforms > 0 && maxNameLength > 0) {
197                 uniformList = new UniformQueryData*[numUniforms];
198                 // Iterate over all the uniforms and build the list we
199                 // can later use to match our uniforms to
200                 for (uint32_t ct = 0; ct < (uint32_t)numUniforms; ct++) {
201                     uniformList[ct] = new UniformQueryData(maxNameLength);
202                     glGetActiveUniform(pgm, ct, maxNameLength, &uniformList[ct]->writtenLength,
203                                        &uniformList[ct]->arraySize, &uniformList[ct]->type,
204                                        uniformList[ct]->name);
205                     //ALOGE("GL UNI idx=%u, arraySize=%u, name=%s", ct,
206                     //     uniformList[ct]->arraySize, uniformList[ct]->name);
207                 }
208             }
209         }
211         // We now know the highest index of all of the array uniforms
212         // and we need to update our cache to reflect that
213         // we may have declared [n], but only m < n elements are used
214         updateUniformArrayData(rsc, vtx, pgm, e->vtxUniforms, "vtx",
215                                uniformList, (uint32_t)numUniforms);
216         updateUniformArrayData(rsc, frag, pgm, e->fragUniforms, "frag",
217                                uniformList, (uint32_t)numUniforms);
219         // Clean up the uniform data from GL
220         if (uniformList != nullptr) {
221             for (uint32_t ct = 0; ct < (uint32_t)numUniforms; ct++) {
222                 delete uniformList[ct];
223             }
224             delete[] uniformList;
225             uniformList = nullptr;
226         }
227     }
229     //ALOGV("SC made program %i", e->program);
230     glUseProgram(e->program);
231     rsdGLCheckError(rsc, "RsdShaderCache::link (miss)");
233     return true;
234 }
vtxAttribSlot(const std::string & attrName) const236 int32_t RsdShaderCache::vtxAttribSlot(const std::string &attrName) const {
237     for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < mCurrent->vtxAttrCount; ct++) {
238         if (attrName == mCurrent->vtxAttrs[ct].name) {
239             return mCurrent->vtxAttrs[ct].slot;
240         }
241     }
242     return -1;
243 }
cleanupVertex(RsdShader * s)245 void RsdShaderCache::cleanupVertex(RsdShader *s) {
246     int32_t numEntries = (int32_t)mEntries.size();
247     uint32_t numShaderIDs = s->getStateBasedIDCount();
248     for (uint32_t sId = 0; sId < numShaderIDs; sId ++) {
249         uint32_t id = s->getStateBasedID(sId);
250         for (int32_t ct = 0; ct < numEntries; ct ++) {
251             if (mEntries[ct]->vtx == id) {
252                 glDeleteProgram(mEntries[ct]->program);
254                 delete mEntries[ct];
255                 mEntries.erase(mEntries.begin() + ct);
256                 numEntries = (int32_t)mEntries.size();
257                 ct --;
258             }
259         }
260     }
261 }
cleanupFragment(RsdShader * s)263 void RsdShaderCache::cleanupFragment(RsdShader *s) {
264     int32_t numEntries = (int32_t)mEntries.size();
265     uint32_t numShaderIDs = s->getStateBasedIDCount();
266     for (uint32_t sId = 0; sId < numShaderIDs; sId ++) {
267         uint32_t id = s->getStateBasedID(sId);
268         for (int32_t ct = 0; ct < numEntries; ct ++) {
269             if (mEntries[ct]->frag == id) {
270                 glDeleteProgram(mEntries[ct]->program);
272                 delete mEntries[ct];
273                 mEntries.erase(mEntries.begin() + ct);
274                 numEntries = (int32_t)mEntries.size();
275                 ct --;
276             }
277         }
278     }
279 }
cleanupAll()281 void RsdShaderCache::cleanupAll() {
282     for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < mEntries.size(); ct++) {
283         glDeleteProgram(mEntries[ct]->program);
284         free(mEntries[ct]);
285     }
286     mEntries.clear();
287 }