1	.text
3	.cpu	msp430
4	# CPU4: PUSH #4/#8 has to be encoded using the long form
5	push	#4
6	push	#8
8	# CPU8: Do not use odd offsets with the stack pointer
9	.set fred,3
10	.set bert,1
11	mov.w	#4, 7(sp)
12	mov	3(r1), 5(r0)
13	mov.b	@r10+,fred-bert+1(sp)
14	add.w	#1,1(sp)
15	add.w	#7,-1(sp)
17	# CPU11: The SR flags can be left in a bogus state after writing to the PC
18	add.w	 #3, pc
19	and	 #1, pc
20	bit	 #1, pc
21	dadd	 #1, pc
22	inc	 pc
23	incd	 pc
24	sub	 #1, pc
25	subc	 #1, pc
26	xor	 #1, pc
28	#CPU12: A CMP or BIT instruction with the PC as the second operand may
29	# not execute the instruction after it.
30	cmp   	 &200, PC
31	bit	 r1, pc
33	#CPU13: Arithmetic operations with SR as the destination do not work.
34	add	#3, sr
35	adc	sr
36	addc	#3, sr
37	and	#3, sr
38	dadd	#3, sr
39	dec	sr
40	decd	sr
41	inc	sr
42	incd	sr
43	inv	sr
44	rla	sr
45	rlc	sr
46	rra	sr
47	rrc	sr
48	sbc	sr
49	sub	#3, sr
50	subc	#3, sr
51	sxt	sr
52	xor	#3, sr
54	#CPU19: Instructions that sets CPUOFF must be followed by a NOP
55	bis	#0x10, r2
56	mov	#0x10, r2
57	xor	#0x10, r2
58	nop