1 #objdump: -dr --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn 2 #name: NIOS2 CDX push.n 3 #as: -march=r2 4 5 # Test the push.n instruction 6 7 .*: +file format elf32-littlenios2 8 9 Disassembly of section .text: 10 0+0000 <[^>]*> 8021 push.n {ra},0 11 0+0002 <[^>]*> a021 push.n {ra,fp},0 12 0+0004 <[^>]*> c021 push.n {ra,r16},0 13 0+0006 <[^>]*> e021 push.n {ra,fp,r16},0 14 0+0008 <[^>]*> fc21 push.n {ra,fp,r23,r22,r21,r20,r19,r18,r17,r16},0 15 0+000a <[^>]*> 8021 push.n {ra},0 16 0+000c <[^>]*> 83e1 push.n {ra},60 17 0+000e <[^>]*> ffe1 push.n {ra,fp,r23,r22,r21,r20,r19,r18,r17,r16},60 18