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21<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 class="title">
22<a name="sg-manual"></a>11.�SGCheck: an experimental stack and global array overrun detector</h1></div></div></div>
23<div class="toc">
24<p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
25<dl class="toc">
26<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.overview">11.1. Overview</a></span></dt>
27<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.options">11.2. SGCheck Command-line Options</a></span></dt>
28<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.how-works.sg-checks">11.3. How SGCheck Works</a></span></dt>
29<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.cmp-w-memcheck">11.4. Comparison with Memcheck</a></span></dt>
30<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.limitations">11.5. Limitations</a></span></dt>
31<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.todo-user-visible">11.6. Still To Do: User-visible Functionality</a></span></dt>
32<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.todo-implementation">11.7. Still To Do: Implementation Tidying</a></span></dt>
35<p>To use this tool, you must specify
36<code class="option">--tool=exp-sgcheck</code> on the Valgrind
37command line.</p>
38<div class="sect1">
39<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
40<a name="sg-manual.overview"></a>11.1.�Overview</h2></div></div></div>
41<p>SGCheck is a tool for finding overruns of stack and global
42arrays.  It works by using a heuristic approach derived from an
43observation about the likely forms of stack and global array accesses.
46<div class="sect1">
47<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
48<a name="sg-manual.options"></a>11.2.�SGCheck Command-line Options</h2></div></div></div>
49<p><a name="sg.opts.list"></a>There are no SGCheck-specific command-line options at present.</p>
51<div class="sect1">
52<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
53<a name="sg-manual.how-works.sg-checks"></a>11.3.�How SGCheck Works</h2></div></div></div>
54<p>When a source file is compiled
55with <code class="option">-g</code>, the compiler attaches DWARF3
56debugging information which describes the location of all stack and
57global arrays in the file.</p>
58<p>Checking of accesses to such arrays would then be relatively
59simple, if the compiler could also tell us which array (if any) each
60memory referencing instruction was supposed to access.  Unfortunately
61the DWARF3 debugging format does not provide a way to represent such
62information, so we have to resort to a heuristic technique to
63approximate it.  The key observation is that
64   <span class="emphasis"><em>
65   if a memory referencing instruction accesses inside a stack or
66   global array once, then it is highly likely to always access that
67   same array</em></span>.</p>
68<p>To see how this might be useful, consider the following buggy
70<pre class="programlisting">
71   { int i, a[10];  // both are auto vars
72     for (i = 0; i &lt;= 10; i++)
73        a[i] = 42;
74   }
76<p>At run time we will know the precise address
77of <code class="computeroutput">a[]</code> on the stack, and so we can
78observe that the first store resulting from <code class="computeroutput">a[i] =
7942</code> writes <code class="computeroutput">a[]</code>, and
80we will (correctly) assume that that instruction is intended always to
81access <code class="computeroutput">a[]</code>.  Then, on the 11th
82iteration, it accesses somewhere else, possibly a different local,
83possibly an un-accounted for area of the stack (eg, spill slot), so
84SGCheck reports an error.</p>
85<p>There is an important caveat.</p>
86<p>Imagine a function such as <code class="function">memcpy</code>, which is used
87to read and write many different areas of memory over the lifetime of the
88program.  If we insist that the read and write instructions in its memory
89copying loop only ever access one particular stack or global variable, we
90will be flooded with errors resulting from calls to
91<code class="function">memcpy</code>.</p>
92<p>To avoid this problem, SGCheck instantiates fresh likely-target
93records for each entry to a function, and discards them on exit.  This
94allows detection of cases where (e.g.) <code class="function">memcpy</code>
95overflows its source or destination buffers for any specific call, but
96does not carry any restriction from one call to the next.  Indeed,
97multiple threads may make multiple simultaneous calls to
98(e.g.) <code class="function">memcpy</code> without mutual interference.</p>
99<p>It is important to note that the association is done between
100  a <span class="emphasis"><em>binary instruction</em></span> and an array, the
101  <span class="emphasis"><em>first time</em></span> this binary instruction accesses an
102  array during a function call.  When the same instruction is executed
103  again during the same function call, then SGCheck might report a
104  problem, if these further executions are not accessing the same
105  array. This technique causes several limitations in SGCheck, see
106  <a class="xref" href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.limitations" title="11.5.�Limitations">Limitations</a>.
109<div class="sect1">
110<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
111<a name="sg-manual.cmp-w-memcheck"></a>11.4.�Comparison with Memcheck</h2></div></div></div>
112<p>SGCheck and Memcheck are complementary: their capabilities do
113not overlap.  Memcheck performs bounds checks and use-after-free
114checks for heap arrays.  It also finds uses of uninitialised values
115created by heap or stack allocations.  But it does not perform bounds
116checking for stack or global arrays.</p>
117<p>SGCheck, on the other hand, does do bounds checking for stack or
118global arrays, but it doesn't do anything else.</p>
120<div class="sect1">
121<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
122<a name="sg-manual.limitations"></a>11.5.�Limitations</h2></div></div></div>
123<p>This is an experimental tool, which relies rather too heavily on some
124not-as-robust-as-I-would-like assumptions on the behaviour of correct
125programs.  There are a number of limitations which you should be aware
127<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
128<li class="listitem">
129<p>False negatives (missed errors): it follows from the
130   description above (<a class="xref" href="sg-manual.html#sg-manual.how-works.sg-checks" title="11.3.�How SGCheck Works">How SGCheck Works</a>)
131   that the first access by a memory referencing instruction to a
132   stack or global array creates an association between that
133   instruction and the array, which is checked on subsequent accesses
134   by that instruction, until the containing function exits.  Hence,
135   the first access by an instruction to an array (in any given
136   function instantiation) is not checked for overrun, since SGCheck
137   uses that as the "example" of how subsequent accesses should
138   behave.</p>
139<p>It also means that errors will not be found in an instruction
140     executed only once (e.g. because this instruction is not in a loop,
141     or the loop is executed only once).</p>
143<li class="listitem">
144<p>False positives (false errors): similarly, and more serious,
145   it is clearly possible to write legitimate pieces of code which
146   break the basic assumption upon which the checking algorithm
147   depends.  For example:</p>
148<pre class="programlisting">
149  { int a[10], b[10], *p, i;
150    for (i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
151       p = /* arbitrary condition */  ? &amp;a[i]  : &amp;b[i];
152       *p = 42;
153    }
154  }
156<p>In this case the store sometimes
157   accesses <code class="computeroutput">a[]</code> and
158   sometimes <code class="computeroutput">b[]</code>, but in no cases is
159   the addressed array overrun.  Nevertheless the change in target
160   will cause an error to be reported.</p>
161<p>It is hard to see how to get around this problem.  The only
162   mitigating factor is that such constructions appear very rare, at
163   least judging from the results using the tool so far.  Such a
164   construction appears only once in the Valgrind sources (running
165   Valgrind on Valgrind) and perhaps two or three times for a start
166   and exit of Firefox.  The best that can be done is to suppress the
167   errors.</p>
169<li class="listitem"><p>Performance: SGCheck has to read all of
170   the DWARF3 type and variable information on the executable and its
171   shared objects.  This is computationally expensive and makes
172   startup quite slow.  You can expect debuginfo reading time to be in
173   the region of a minute for an OpenOffice sized application, on a
174   2.4 GHz Core 2 machine.  Reading this information also requires a
175   lot of memory.  To make it viable, SGCheck goes to considerable
176   trouble to compress the in-memory representation of the DWARF3
177   data, which is why the process of reading it appears slow.</p></li>
178<li class="listitem"><p>Performance: SGCheck runs slower than Memcheck.  This is
179   partly due to a lack of tuning, but partly due to algorithmic
180   difficulties.  The
181   stack and global checks can sometimes require a number of range
182   checks per memory access, and these are difficult to short-circuit,
183   despite considerable efforts having been made.  A
184   redesign and reimplementation could potentially make it much faster.
185   </p></li>
186<li class="listitem">
187<p>Coverage: Stack and global checking is fragile.  If a shared
188   object does not have debug information attached, then SGCheck will
189   not be able to determine the bounds of any stack or global arrays
190   defined within that shared object, and so will not be able to check
191   accesses to them.  This is true even when those arrays are accessed
192   from some other shared object which was compiled with debug
193   info.</p>
194<p>At the moment SGCheck accepts objects lacking debuginfo
195   without comment.  This is dangerous as it causes SGCheck to
196   silently skip stack and global checking for such objects.  It would
197   be better to print a warning in such circumstances.</p>
199<li class="listitem"><p>Coverage: SGCheck does not check whether the areas read
200   or written by system calls do overrun stack or global arrays.  This
201   would be easy to add.</p></li>
202<li class="listitem"><p>Platforms: the stack/global checks won't work properly on
203   PowerPC, ARM or S390X platforms, only on X86 and AMD64 targets.
204   That's because the stack and global checking requires tracking
205   function calls and exits reliably, and there's no obvious way to do
206   it on ABIs that use a link register for function returns.
207   </p></li>
208<li class="listitem"><p>Robustness: related to the previous point.  Function
209   call/exit tracking for X86 and AMD64 is believed to work properly
210   even in the presence of longjmps within the same stack (although
211   this has not been tested).  However, code which switches stacks is
212   likely to cause breakage/chaos.</p></li>
215<div class="sect1">
216<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
217<a name="sg-manual.todo-user-visible"></a>11.6.�Still To Do: User-visible Functionality</h2></div></div></div>
218<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
219<li class="listitem"><p>Extend system call checking to work on stack and global arrays.</p></li>
220<li class="listitem"><p>Print a warning if a shared object does not have debug info
221   attached, or if, for whatever reason, debug info could not be
222   found, or read.</p></li>
223<li class="listitem"><p>Add some heuristic filtering that removes obvious false
224     positives.  This would be easy to do.  For example, an access
225     transition from a heap to a stack object almost certainly isn't a
226     bug and so should not be reported to the user.</p></li>
229<div class="sect1">
230<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
231<a name="sg-manual.todo-implementation"></a>11.7.�Still To Do: Implementation Tidying</h2></div></div></div>
232<p>Items marked CRITICAL are considered important for correctness:
233non-fixage of them is liable to lead to crashes or assertion failures
234in real use.</p>
235<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
236<li class="listitem"><p> sg_main.c: Redesign and reimplement the basic checking
237   algorithm.  It could be done much faster than it is -- the current
238   implementation isn't very good.
239   </p></li>
240<li class="listitem"><p> sg_main.c: Improve the performance of the stack / global
241   checks by doing some up-front filtering to ignore references in
242   areas which "obviously" can't be stack or globals.  This will
243   require using information that m_aspacemgr knows about the address
244   space layout.</p></li>
245<li class="listitem"><p>sg_main.c: fix compute_II_hash to make it a bit more sensible
246   for ppc32/64 targets (except that sg_ doesn't work on ppc32/64
247   targets, so this is a bit academic at the moment).</p></li>
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