1 /***************************************************************************
2  *                                  _   _ ____  _
3  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
4  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
5  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
6  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2017, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
9  *
10  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
11  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
12  * are also available at https://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html.
13  *
14  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
15  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
16  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
17  *
18  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
19  * KIND, either express or implied.
20  *
21  ***************************************************************************/
22 #include "tool_setup.h"
24 #include "tool_panykey.h"
25 #include "tool_help.h"
26 #include "tool_libinfo.h"
27 #include "tool_version.h"
29 #include "memdebug.h" /* keep this as LAST include */
31 #ifdef MSDOS
32 #  define USE_WATT32
33 #endif
35 /*
36  * The help output is generated with the following command
37  ---------------------------------------------------------
39   cd $srcroot/docs/cmdline-opts
40   ./gen.pl listhelp
41  */
43 struct helptxt {
44   const char *opt;
45   const char *desc;
46 };
48 static const struct helptxt helptext[] = {
49   {"    --abstract-unix-socket <path>",
50    "Connect via abstract Unix domain socket"},
51   {"    --anyauth",
52    "Pick any authentication method"},
53   {"-a, --append",
54    "Append to target file when uploading"},
55   {"    --basic",
56    "Use HTTP Basic Authentication"},
57   {"    --cacert <file>",
58    "CA certificate to verify peer against"},
59   {"    --capath <dir>",
60    "CA directory to verify peer against"},
61   {"-E, --cert <certificate[:password]>",
62    "Client certificate file and password"},
63   {"    --cert-status",
64    "Verify the status of the server certificate"},
65   {"    --cert-type <type>",
66    "Certificate file type (DER/PEM/ENG)"},
67   {"    --ciphers <list of ciphers>",
68    "SSL ciphers to use"},
69   {"    --compressed",
70    "Request compressed response"},
71   {"    --compressed-ssh",
72    "Enable SSH compression"},
73   {"-K, --config <file>",
74    "Read config from a file"},
75   {"    --connect-timeout <seconds>",
76    "Maximum time allowed for connection"},
77   {"    --connect-to <HOST1:PORT1:HOST2:PORT2>",
78    "Connect to host"},
79   {"-C, --continue-at <offset>",
80    "Resumed transfer offset"},
81   {"-b, --cookie <data>",
82    "Send cookies from string/file"},
83   {"-c, --cookie-jar <filename>",
84    "Write cookies to <filename> after operation"},
85   {"    --create-dirs",
86    "Create necessary local directory hierarchy"},
87   {"    --crlf",
88    "Convert LF to CRLF in upload"},
89   {"    --crlfile <file>",
90    "Get a CRL list in PEM format from the given file"},
91   {"-d, --data <data>",
92    "HTTP POST data"},
93   {"    --data-ascii <data>",
94    "HTTP POST ASCII data"},
95   {"    --data-binary <data>",
96    "HTTP POST binary data"},
97   {"    --data-raw <data>",
98    "HTTP POST data, '@' allowed"},
99   {"    --data-urlencode <data>",
100    "HTTP POST data url encoded"},
101   {"    --delegation <LEVEL>",
102    "GSS-API delegation permission"},
103   {"    --digest",
104    "Use HTTP Digest Authentication"},
105   {"-q, --disable",
106    "Disable .curlrc"},
107   {"    --disable-eprt",
108    "Inhibit using EPRT or LPRT"},
109   {"    --disable-epsv",
110    "Inhibit using EPSV"},
111   {"    --dns-interface <interface>",
112    "Interface to use for DNS requests"},
113   {"    --dns-ipv4-addr <address>",
114    "IPv4 address to use for DNS requests"},
115   {"    --dns-ipv6-addr <address>",
116    "IPv6 address to use for DNS requests"},
117   {"    --dns-servers <addresses>",
118    "DNS server addrs to use"},
119   {"-D, --dump-header <filename>",
120    "Write the received headers to <filename>"},
121   {"    --egd-file <file>",
122    "EGD socket path for random data"},
123   {"    --engine <name>",
124    "Crypto engine to use"},
125   {"    --expect100-timeout <seconds>",
126    "How long to wait for 100-continue"},
127   {"-f, --fail",
128    "Fail silently (no output at all) on HTTP errors"},
129   {"    --fail-early",
130    "Fail on first transfer error, do not continue"},
131   {"    --false-start",
132    "Enable TLS False Start"},
133   {"-F, --form <name=content>",
134    "Specify multipart MIME data"},
135   {"    --form-string <name=string>",
136    "Specify multipart MIME data"},
137   {"    --ftp-account <data>",
138    "Account data string"},
139   {"    --ftp-alternative-to-user <command>",
140    "String to replace USER [name]"},
141   {"    --ftp-create-dirs",
142    "Create the remote dirs if not present"},
143   {"    --ftp-method <method>",
144    "Control CWD usage"},
145   {"    --ftp-pasv",
146    "Use PASV/EPSV instead of PORT"},
147   {"-P, --ftp-port <address>",
148    "Use PORT instead of PASV"},
149   {"    --ftp-pret",
150    "Send PRET before PASV"},
151   {"    --ftp-skip-pasv-ip",
152    "Skip the IP address for PASV"},
153   {"    --ftp-ssl-ccc",
154    "Send CCC after authenticating"},
155   {"    --ftp-ssl-ccc-mode <active/passive>",
156    "Set CCC mode"},
157   {"    --ftp-ssl-control",
158    "Require SSL/TLS for FTP login, clear for transfer"},
159   {"-G, --get",
160    "Put the post data in the URL and use GET"},
161   {"-g, --globoff",
162    "Disable URL sequences and ranges using {} and []"},
163   {"-I, --head",
164    "Show document info only"},
165   {"-H, --header <header/@file>",
166    "Pass custom header(s) to server"},
167   {"-h, --help",
168    "This help text"},
169   {"    --hostpubmd5 <md5>",
170    "Acceptable MD5 hash of the host public key"},
171   {"-0, --http1.0",
172    "Use HTTP 1.0"},
173   {"    --http1.1",
174    "Use HTTP 1.1"},
175   {"    --http2",
176    "Use HTTP 2"},
177   {"    --http2-prior-knowledge",
178    "Use HTTP 2 without HTTP/1.1 Upgrade"},
179   {"    --ignore-content-length",
180    "Ignore the size of the remote resource"},
181   {"-i, --include",
182    "Include protocol response headers in the output"},
183   {"-k, --insecure",
184    "Allow insecure server connections when using SSL"},
185   {"    --interface <name>",
186    "Use network INTERFACE (or address)"},
187   {"-4, --ipv4",
188    "Resolve names to IPv4 addresses"},
189   {"-6, --ipv6",
190    "Resolve names to IPv6 addresses"},
191   {"-j, --junk-session-cookies",
192    "Ignore session cookies read from file"},
193   {"    --keepalive-time <seconds>",
194    "Interval time for keepalive probes"},
195   {"    --key <key>",
196    "Private key file name"},
197   {"    --key-type <type>",
198    "Private key file type (DER/PEM/ENG)"},
199   {"    --krb <level>",
200    "Enable Kerberos with security <level>"},
201   {"    --libcurl <file>",
202    "Dump libcurl equivalent code of this command line"},
203   {"    --limit-rate <speed>",
204    "Limit transfer speed to RATE"},
205   {"-l, --list-only",
206    "List only mode"},
207   {"    --local-port <num/range>",
208    "Force use of RANGE for local port numbers"},
209   {"-L, --location",
210    "Follow redirects"},
211   {"    --location-trusted",
212    "Like --location, and send auth to other hosts"},
213   {"    --login-options <options>",
214    "Server login options"},
215   {"    --mail-auth <address>",
216    "Originator address of the original email"},
217   {"    --mail-from <address>",
218    "Mail from this address"},
219   {"    --mail-rcpt <address>",
220    "Mail to this address"},
221   {"-M, --manual",
222    "Display the full manual"},
223   {"    --max-filesize <bytes>",
224    "Maximum file size to download"},
225   {"    --max-redirs <num>",
226    "Maximum number of redirects allowed"},
227   {"-m, --max-time <time>",
228    "Maximum time allowed for the transfer"},
229   {"    --metalink",
230    "Process given URLs as metalink XML file"},
231   {"    --negotiate",
232    "Use HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication"},
233   {"-n, --netrc",
234    "Must read .netrc for user name and password"},
235   {"    --netrc-file <filename>",
236    "Specify FILE for netrc"},
237   {"    --netrc-optional",
238    "Use either .netrc or URL"},
239   {"-:, --next",
240    "Make next URL use its separate set of options"},
241   {"    --no-alpn",
242    "Disable the ALPN TLS extension"},
243   {"-N, --no-buffer",
244    "Disable buffering of the output stream"},
245   {"    --no-keepalive",
246    "Disable TCP keepalive on the connection"},
247   {"    --no-npn",
248    "Disable the NPN TLS extension"},
249   {"    --no-sessionid",
250    "Disable SSL session-ID reusing"},
251   {"    --noproxy <no-proxy-list>",
252    "List of hosts which do not use proxy"},
253   {"    --ntlm",
254    "Use HTTP NTLM authentication"},
255   {"    --ntlm-wb",
256    "Use HTTP NTLM authentication with winbind"},
257   {"    --oauth2-bearer <token>",
258    "OAuth 2 Bearer Token"},
259   {"-o, --output <file>",
260    "Write to file instead of stdout"},
261   {"    --pass <phrase>",
262    "Pass phrase for the private key"},
263   {"    --path-as-is",
264    "Do not squash .. sequences in URL path"},
265   {"    --pinnedpubkey <hashes>",
266    "FILE/HASHES Public key to verify peer against"},
267   {"    --post301",
268    "Do not switch to GET after following a 301"},
269   {"    --post302",
270    "Do not switch to GET after following a 302"},
271   {"    --post303",
272    "Do not switch to GET after following a 303"},
273   {"    --preproxy [protocol://]host[:port]",
274    "Use this proxy first"},
275   {"-#, --progress-bar",
276    "Display transfer progress as a bar"},
277   {"    --proto <protocols>",
278    "Enable/disable PROTOCOLS"},
279   {"    --proto-default <protocol>",
280    "Use PROTOCOL for any URL missing a scheme"},
281   {"    --proto-redir <protocols>",
282    "Enable/disable PROTOCOLS on redirect"},
283   {"-x, --proxy [protocol://]host[:port]",
284    "Use this proxy"},
285   {"    --proxy-anyauth",
286    "Pick any proxy authentication method"},
287   {"    --proxy-basic",
288    "Use Basic authentication on the proxy"},
289   {"    --proxy-cacert <file>",
290    "CA certificate to verify peer against for proxy"},
291   {"    --proxy-capath <dir>",
292    "CA directory to verify peer against for proxy"},
293   {"    --proxy-cert <cert[:passwd]>",
294    "Set client certificate for proxy"},
295   {"    --proxy-cert-type <type>",
296    "Client certificate type for HTTS proxy"},
297   {"    --proxy-ciphers <list>",
298    "SSL ciphers to use for proxy"},
299   {"    --proxy-crlfile <file>",
300    "Set a CRL list for proxy"},
301   {"    --proxy-digest",
302    "Use Digest authentication on the proxy"},
303   {"    --proxy-header <header/@file>",
304    "Pass custom header(s) to proxy"},
305   {"    --proxy-insecure",
306    "Do HTTPS proxy connections without verifying the proxy"},
307   {"    --proxy-key <key>",
308    "Private key for HTTPS proxy"},
309   {"    --proxy-key-type <type>",
310    "Private key file type for proxy"},
311   {"    --proxy-negotiate",
312    "Use HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication on the proxy"},
313   {"    --proxy-ntlm",
314    "Use NTLM authentication on the proxy"},
315   {"    --proxy-pass <phrase>",
316    "Pass phrase for the private key for HTTPS proxy"},
317   {"    --proxy-service-name <name>",
318    "SPNEGO proxy service name"},
319   {"    --proxy-ssl-allow-beast",
320    "Allow security flaw for interop for HTTPS proxy"},
321   {"    --proxy-tlsauthtype <type>",
322    "TLS authentication type for HTTPS proxy"},
323   {"    --proxy-tlspassword <string>",
324    "TLS password for HTTPS proxy"},
325   {"    --proxy-tlsuser <name>",
326    "TLS username for HTTPS proxy"},
327   {"    --proxy-tlsv1",
328    "Use TLSv1 for HTTPS proxy"},
329   {"-U, --proxy-user <user:password>",
330    "Proxy user and password"},
331   {"    --proxy1.0 <host[:port]>",
332    "Use HTTP/1.0 proxy on given port"},
333   {"-p, --proxytunnel",
334    "Operate through a HTTP proxy tunnel (using CONNECT)"},
335   {"    --pubkey <key>",
336    "SSH Public key file name"},
337   {"-Q, --quote",
338    "Send command(s) to server before transfer"},
339   {"    --random-file <file>",
340    "File for reading random data from"},
341   {"-r, --range <range>",
342    "Retrieve only the bytes within RANGE"},
343   {"    --raw",
344    "Do HTTP \"raw\"; no transfer decoding"},
345   {"-e, --referer <URL>",
346    "Referrer URL"},
347   {"-J, --remote-header-name",
348    "Use the header-provided filename"},
349   {"-O, --remote-name",
350    "Write output to a file named as the remote file"},
351   {"    --remote-name-all",
352    "Use the remote file name for all URLs"},
353   {"-R, --remote-time",
354    "Set the remote file's time on the local output"},
355   {"-X, --request <command>",
356    "Specify request command to use"},
357   {"    --request-target",
358    "Specify the target for this request"},
359   {"    --resolve <host:port:address>",
360    "Resolve the host+port to this address"},
361   {"    --retry <num>",
362    "Retry request if transient problems occur"},
363   {"    --retry-connrefused",
364    "Retry on connection refused (use with --retry)"},
365   {"    --retry-delay <seconds>",
366    "Wait time between retries"},
367   {"    --retry-max-time <seconds>",
368    "Retry only within this period"},
369   {"    --sasl-ir",
370    "Enable initial response in SASL authentication"},
371   {"    --service-name <name>",
372    "SPNEGO service name"},
373   {"-S, --show-error",
374    "Show error even when -s is used"},
375   {"-s, --silent",
376    "Silent mode"},
377   {"    --socks4 <host[:port]>",
378    "SOCKS4 proxy on given host + port"},
379   {"    --socks4a <host[:port]>",
380    "SOCKS4a proxy on given host + port"},
381   {"    --socks5 <host[:port]>",
382    "SOCKS5 proxy on given host + port"},
383   {"    --socks5-basic",
384    "Enable username/password auth for SOCKS5 proxies"},
385   {"    --socks5-gssapi",
386    "Enable GSS-API auth for SOCKS5 proxies"},
387   {"    --socks5-gssapi-nec",
388    "Compatibility with NEC SOCKS5 server"},
389   {"    --socks5-gssapi-service <name>",
390    "SOCKS5 proxy service name for GSS-API"},
391   {"    --socks5-hostname <host[:port]>",
392    "SOCKS5 proxy, pass host name to proxy"},
393   {"-Y, --speed-limit <speed>",
394    "Stop transfers slower than this"},
395   {"-y, --speed-time <seconds>",
396    "Trigger 'speed-limit' abort after this time"},
397   {"    --ssl",
398    "Try SSL/TLS"},
399   {"    --ssl-allow-beast",
400    "Allow security flaw to improve interop"},
401   {"    --ssl-no-revoke",
402    "Disable cert revocation checks (WinSSL)"},
403   {"    --ssl-reqd",
404    "Require SSL/TLS"},
405   {"-2, --sslv2",
406    "Use SSLv2"},
407   {"-3, --sslv3",
408    "Use SSLv3"},
409   {"    --stderr",
410    "Where to redirect stderr"},
411   {"    --suppress-connect-headers",
412    "Suppress proxy CONNECT response headers"},
413   {"    --tcp-fastopen",
414    "Use TCP Fast Open"},
415   {"    --tcp-nodelay",
416    "Use the TCP_NODELAY option"},
417   {"-t, --telnet-option <opt=val>",
418    "Set telnet option"},
419   {"    --tftp-blksize <value>",
420    "Set TFTP BLKSIZE option"},
421   {"    --tftp-no-options",
422    "Do not send any TFTP options"},
423   {"-z, --time-cond <time>",
424    "Transfer based on a time condition"},
425   {"    --tls-max <VERSION>",
426    "Use TLSv1.0 or greater"},
427   {"    --tlsauthtype <type>",
428    "TLS authentication type"},
429   {"    --tlspassword",
430    "TLS password"},
431   {"    --tlsuser <name>",
432    "TLS user name"},
433   {"-1, --tlsv1",
434    "Use TLSv1.0 or greater"},
435   {"    --tlsv1.0",
436    "Use TLSv1.0"},
437   {"    --tlsv1.1",
438    "Use TLSv1.1"},
439   {"    --tlsv1.2",
440    "Use TLSv1.2"},
441   {"    --tlsv1.3",
442    "Use TLSv1.3"},
443   {"    --tr-encoding",
444    "Request compressed transfer encoding"},
445   {"    --trace <file>",
446    "Write a debug trace to FILE"},
447   {"    --trace-ascii <file>",
448    "Like --trace, but without hex output"},
449   {"    --trace-time",
450    "Add time stamps to trace/verbose output"},
451   {"    --unix-socket <path>",
452    "Connect through this Unix domain socket"},
453   {"-T, --upload-file <file>",
454    "Transfer local FILE to destination"},
455   {"    --url <url>",
456    "URL to work with"},
457   {"-B, --use-ascii",
458    "Use ASCII/text transfer"},
459   {"-u, --user <user:password>",
460    "Server user and password"},
461   {"-A, --user-agent <name>",
462    "Send User-Agent <name> to server"},
463   {"-v, --verbose",
464    "Make the operation more talkative"},
465   {"-V, --version",
466    "Show version number and quit"},
467   {"-w, --write-out <format>",
468    "Use output FORMAT after completion"},
469   {"    --xattr",
470    "Store metadata in extended file attributes"},
471   { NULL, NULL }
472 };
474 #ifdef NETWARE
475 #  define PRINT_LINES_PAUSE 23
476 #endif
478 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
479 #  define PRINT_LINES_PAUSE 16
480 #endif
482 struct feat {
483   const char *name;
484   int bitmask;
485 };
487 static const struct feat feats[] = {
488   {"AsynchDNS",      CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS},
489   {"Debug",          CURL_VERSION_DEBUG},
490   {"TrackMemory",    CURL_VERSION_CURLDEBUG},
491   {"IDN",            CURL_VERSION_IDN},
492   {"IPv6",           CURL_VERSION_IPV6},
493   {"Largefile",      CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE},
494   {"SSPI",           CURL_VERSION_SSPI},
495   {"GSS-API",        CURL_VERSION_GSSAPI},
496   {"Kerberos",       CURL_VERSION_KERBEROS5},
497   {"SPNEGO",         CURL_VERSION_SPNEGO},
498   {"NTLM",           CURL_VERSION_NTLM},
499   {"NTLM_WB",        CURL_VERSION_NTLM_WB},
500   {"SSL",            CURL_VERSION_SSL},
501   {"libz",           CURL_VERSION_LIBZ},
502   {"brotli",         CURL_VERSION_BROTLI},
503   {"CharConv",       CURL_VERSION_CONV},
505   {"HTTP2",          CURL_VERSION_HTTP2},
506   {"UnixSockets",    CURL_VERSION_UNIX_SOCKETS},
508   {"MultiSSL",       CURL_VERSION_MULTI_SSL}
509 };
tool_help(void)511 void tool_help(void)
512 {
513   int i;
514   puts("Usage: curl [options...] <url>");
515   for(i = 0; helptext[i].opt; i++) {
516     printf(" %-19s %s\n", helptext[i].opt, helptext[i].desc);
518     if(i && ((i % PRINT_LINES_PAUSE) == 0))
519       tool_pressanykey();
520 #endif
521   }
522 }
tool_version_info(void)524 void tool_version_info(void)
525 {
526   const char *const *proto;
528   printf(CURL_ID "%s\n", curl_version());
530   printf("Release-Date: %s, security patched: %s\n",
532 #else
533   printf("Release-Date: %s\n", LIBCURL_TIMESTAMP);
534 #endif
535   if(curlinfo->protocols) {
536     printf("Protocols: ");
537     for(proto = curlinfo->protocols; *proto; ++proto) {
538       printf("%s ", *proto);
539     }
540     puts(""); /* newline */
541   }
542   if(curlinfo->features) {
543     unsigned int i;
544     printf("Features: ");
545     for(i = 0; i < sizeof(feats)/sizeof(feats[0]); i++) {
546       if(curlinfo->features & feats[i].bitmask)
547         printf("%s ", feats[i].name);
548     }
549 #ifdef USE_METALINK
550     printf("Metalink ");
551 #endif
552 #ifdef USE_LIBPSL
553     printf("PSL ");
554 #endif
555     puts(""); /* newline */
556   }
557 }
tool_list_engines(CURL * curl)559 void tool_list_engines(CURL *curl)
560 {
561   struct curl_slist *engines = NULL;
563   /* Get the list of engines */
564   curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINES, &engines);
566   puts("Build-time engines:");
567   if(engines) {
568     for(; engines; engines = engines->next)
569       printf("  %s\n", engines->data);
570   }
571   else {
572     puts("  <none>");
573   }
575   /* Cleanup the list of engines */
576   curl_slist_free_all(engines);
577 }