/cts/tests/framework/base/activitymanager/util/src/android/server/am/ |
D | UiDeviceUtils.java | 47 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in UiDeviceUtils 50 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "waitForDeviceIdle: timeout=" + timeout); in waitForDeviceIdle() 55 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "wakeUpDevice"); in wakeUpDevice() 60 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "dragPointer: from=" + from + " to=" + to + " steps=" + steps); in dragPointer() 65 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressEnterButton"); in pressEnterButton() 70 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressHomeButton"); in pressHomeButton() 75 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressBackButton"); in pressBackButton() 80 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressMenuButton"); in pressMenuButton() 85 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressSleepButton"); in pressSleepButton() 92 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressWakeupButton"); in pressWakeupButton() [all …]
D | StateLogger.java | 26 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in StateLogger 33 if (DEBUG) { in log()
/cts/tests/tests/keystore/src/android/server/am/ |
D | UiDeviceUtils.java | 47 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in UiDeviceUtils 50 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "waitForDeviceIdle: timeout=" + timeout); in waitForDeviceIdle() 55 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "wakeUpDevice"); in wakeUpDevice() 60 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "dragPointer: from=" + from + " to=" + to + " steps=" + steps); in dragPointer() 65 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressEnterButton"); in pressEnterButton() 70 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressHomeButton"); in pressHomeButton() 75 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressBackButton"); in pressBackButton() 80 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressMenuButton"); in pressMenuButton() 85 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressSleepButton"); in pressSleepButton() 92 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pressWakeupButton"); in pressWakeupButton() [all …]
D | StateLogger.java | 26 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in StateLogger 33 if (DEBUG) { in log()
/cts/tests/framework/base/activitymanager/app/src/android/server/am/ |
D | VrTestActivity.java | 32 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in VrTestActivity 36 if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onCreate called."); in onCreate() 47 if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onResume called."); in onResume() 53 if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onWindowFocusChanged called with " + hasFocus); in onWindowFocusChanged() 59 if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onPause called."); in onPause()
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/bluetooth/ |
D | BleEncryptedServerService.java | 46 public static final boolean DEBUG = true; field in BleEncryptedServerService 199 if (DEBUG) { in notifyOpenFail() 207 if (DEBUG) { in notifyAdvertiseUnsupported() 215 if (DEBUG) { in notifyConnected() 222 if (DEBUG) { in notifyDisconnected() 228 if (DEBUG) { in notifyServiceAdded() 234 if (DEBUG) { in notifyCharacteristicWriteRequest() 243 if (DEBUG) { in notifyCharacteristicReadRequest() 252 if (DEBUG) { in notifyDescriptorWriteRequest() 261 if (DEBUG) { in notifyDescriptorReadRequest() [all …]
D | BleServerService.java | 55 public static final boolean DEBUG = true; field in BleServerService 362 if (DEBUG) { in notifyOpenFail() 370 if (DEBUG) { in notifyAddServiceFail() 378 if (DEBUG) { in notifyAdvertiseUnsupported() 386 if (DEBUG) { in notifyConnected() 396 if (DEBUG) { in notifyDisconnected() 404 if (DEBUG) { in notifyServiceAdded() 412 if (DEBUG) { in notifyMtuRequest() 427 if (DEBUG) { in notifyCharacteristicReadRequest() 439 if (DEBUG) { in notifyCharacteristicWriteRequest() [all …]
D | BleConnectionPriorityServerService.java | 46 public static final boolean DEBUG = true; field in BleConnectionPriorityServerService 157 if (DEBUG) { in notifyBluetoothDisabled() 170 if (DEBUG) { in notifyOpenFail() 178 if (DEBUG) { in notifyAdvertiseUnsupported() 186 if (DEBUG) { in notifyConnected() 192 if (DEBUG) { in notifyDisconnected() 198 if (DEBUG) { in notifyServiceAdded() 204 if (DEBUG) { in notifyCharacteristicWriteRequest() 256 if (DEBUG) { 273 if (DEBUG) { [all …]
/cts/tests/app/app/src/android/app/stubs/ |
D | KeyguardManagerActivity.java | 27 public static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in KeyguardManagerActivity 41 if (DEBUG) { in onResume() 47 if (DEBUG) { in onResume() 59 if (DEBUG) { in onKeyDown() 63 if (DEBUG) { in onKeyDown()
/cts/hostsidetests/inputmethodservice/deviceside/lib/src/android/inputmethodservice/cts/ime/ |
D | CtsBaseInputMethod.java | 45 protected static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in CtsBaseInputMethod 54 if (DEBUG) { in onCreate() 66 if (DEBUG) { in onBindInput() 75 if (DEBUG) { in onStartInput() 87 if (DEBUG) { in onStartInputView() 100 if (DEBUG) { in onUnbindInput() 108 if (DEBUG) { in onFinishInputView() 118 if (DEBUG) { in onFinishInput() 128 if (DEBUG) { in onDestroy()
/cts/tests/tests/content/src/android/content/res/cts/ |
D | PluralResourcesTest.java | 31 public static boolean DEBUG = false; field in PluralResourcesTest 55 if (DEBUG) { in testPlurals() 61 if (DEBUG) { in testPlurals() 82 if (DEBUG) { in testCzech() 88 if (DEBUG) { in testCzech() 94 if (DEBUG) { in testCzech()
/cts/hostsidetests/inputmethodservice/deviceside/provider/src/android/inputmethodservice/cts/provider/ |
D | EventProvider.java | 44 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in EventProvider 73 if (DEBUG) { in query() 85 if (DEBUG) { in query() 95 if (DEBUG) { in insert() 100 if (DEBUG) { in insert() 111 if (DEBUG) { in delete() 120 if (DEBUG) { in delete() 131 if (DEBUG) { in update() 141 if (DEBUG) { in update()
/cts/tests/framework/base/activitymanager/util/src/android/server/am/settings/ |
D | SettingsSession.java | 43 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in SettingsSession 83 if (DEBUG) { in SettingsSession() 92 if (DEBUG) { in set() 105 if (DEBUG) { in close() 111 if (DEBUG) { in close() 118 if (DEBUG) { in close()
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/security/ |
D | FingerprintBoundKeysTest.java | 62 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in FingerprintBoundKeysTest 145 if (DEBUG) { in createKey() 151 if (DEBUG) { in createKey() 183 if (DEBUG) { in encryptInternal() 193 if (DEBUG) { in encryptInternal() 198 if (DEBUG) { in encryptInternal() 207 if (DEBUG) { in encryptInternal() 245 if (DEBUG) { in onAuthenticationError() 260 if (DEBUG) { in onAuthenticationFailed() 268 if (DEBUG) { in onAuthenticationSucceeded()
/cts/tests/framework/base/windowmanager/alertwindowservice/src/android/server/wm/alertwindowservice/ |
D | AlertWindowService.java | 46 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in AlertWindowService 99 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "addAlertWindow " + mAlertWindows.size()); in addAlertWindow() 116 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "removeAlertWindow " + mAlertWindows.size()); in removeAlertWindow() 134 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "onBind"); in onBind() 141 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "onUnbind"); in onUnbind()
/cts/tests/core/runner/src/com/android/cts/core/runner/support/ |
D | TestNgRunner.java | 43 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in TestNgRunner 82 if (DEBUG) { in filter() 89 if (DEBUG) { in filter() 188 if (DEBUG) { in generateTestNgDescription() 212 if (DEBUG) { in generateTestNgDescription() 222 if (DEBUG) { in generateTestNgDescription()
/cts/tests/framework/base/windowmanager/src/android/server/wm/ |
D | AlertWindowsImportanceTests.java | 69 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in AlertWindowsImportanceTests 84 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "setUp"); in setUp() 106 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "tearDown"); in tearDown() 208 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "onServiceConnected"); 218 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "onServiceDisconnected"); 235 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "MSG_ON_ALERT_WINDOW_ADDED"); in handleMessage() 241 if (DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "MSG_ON_ALERT_WINDOW_REMOVED"); in handleMessage()
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/sensors/sixdof/Utils/Path/ |
D | ReferencePath.java | 33 private static final float MINIMUM_DISTANCE_FROM_WAYPOINT = (BuildConfig.DEBUG ? 0f : 3f); 34 private static final float MINIMUM_AREA_OF_TRIANGLE = (BuildConfig.DEBUG ? 0f : 2f); 35 private static final float MINIMUM_PATH_DISTANCE = (BuildConfig.DEBUG ? 0f : 10f); 164 float maximumDistanceFromFirstWaypoint = (BuildConfig.DEBUG ? 1000f : mFailureTolerance); in validateBackToStart()
/cts/tests/tests/util/src/android/util/cts/ |
D | LogPrinterTest.java | 34 int[] priorities = { Log.ASSERT, Log.DEBUG, Log.ERROR, Log.INFO, in testConstructor() 43 LogPrinter logPrinter = new LogPrinter(Log.DEBUG, TAG); in testPrintln()
/cts/tools/dasm/src/dasm/ |
D | Main.java | 38 public static final boolean DEBUG = !false; field in Main 92 if (DEBUG) e.printStackTrace(); in assemble() 95 if (DEBUG) e.printStackTrace(); in assemble() 157 if (DEBUG) e.printStackTrace(); in assemble() 203 if (DEBUG) System.out.println("(compiled with DEBUG flag on)"); in main()
/cts/tests/camera/src/android/hardware/camera2/cts/rs/ |
D | AllocationCache.java | 41 private static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG); field in AllocationCache 87 if (DEBUG) { in getOrCreateTyped() 94 if (DEBUG) { in getOrCreateTyped()
/cts/hostsidetests/inputmethodservice/deviceside/provider/src/android/inputmethodservice/cts/receiver/ |
D | EventReceiver.java | 34 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in EventReceiver 47 if (DEBUG) { in onReceive()
/cts/tests/tests/graphics/src/android/graphics/cts/ |
D | VulkanFeaturesTest.java | 54 private static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in VulkanFeaturesTest 82 if (DEBUG) { in setup() 87 if (DEBUG) { in setup() 92 if (DEBUG) { in setup() 105 if (DEBUG) { in testVulkanHardwareFeatures() 209 if (DEBUG) { in getBestDevice() 264 if (DEBUG) { in determineHardwareCompute()
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/sensors/sixdof/ |
D | BuildConfig.java | 20 public static final boolean DEBUG = false; field in BuildConfig
/cts/hostsidetests/gputools/apps/ |
D | Android.mk | 32 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := CtsGpuToolsRootlessGpuDebugApp-DEBUG 44 --rename-manifest-package android.rootlessgpudebug.DEBUG.app \