/cts/tests/tests/permission/src/android/permission/cts/ |
D | NoWifiStatePermissionTest.java | 51 fail("WifiManager.getWifiState didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testGetWifiState() 65 fail("WifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testGetConfiguredNetworks() 79 fail("WifiManager.getConnectionInfo didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testGetConnectionInfo() 93 fail("WifiManager.getScanResults didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testGetScanResults() 107 fail("WifiManager.getDhcpInfo didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testGetDhcpInfo() 121 fail("WifiManager.disconnect didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testDisconnect() 135 fail("WifiManager.reconnect didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testReconnect() 149 fail("WifiManager.reassociate didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testReassociate() 163 fail("WifiManager.addNetwork didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testAddNetwork() 179 fail("WifiManager.updateNetwork didn't throw SecurityException as expected"); in testUpdateNetwork() [all …]
D | TelephonyManagerPermissionTest.java | 21 import static org.junit.Assert.fail; 71 fail("Got device ID: " + id); in testGetDeviceId() 77 fail("Got device ID: " + id); in testGetDeviceId() 97 fail("Got line 1 number: " + nmbr); in testGetLine1Number() 117 fail("Got SIM serial number: " + nmbr); in testGetSimSerialNumber() 137 fail("Got subscriber id: " + sid); in testGetSubscriberId() 157 fail("Got voicemail number: " + vmnum); in testVoiceMailNumber() 193 fail("Able to set data enabled"); in testSetDataEnabled() 210 fail("SecurityException expected!"); in testProtectedBroadcasts() 215 fail("SecurityException expected!"); in testProtectedBroadcasts() [all …]
D | NoWallpaperPermissionsTest.java | 61 fail("WallpaperManager.setResource(id) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testSetResource() 66 fail("WallpaperManager.setResource(id, which) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testSetResource() 83 fail("setBitmap(b) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testSetBitmap() 88 fail("setBitmap(b, crop, allowBackup) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testSetBitmap() 93 fail("setBitmap(b, crop, allowBackup, which) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testSetBitmap() 110 fail("setStream(stream) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testSetStream() 115 fail("setStream(stream, crop, allowBackup) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testSetStream() 120 fail("setStream(stream, crop, allowBackup, which) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testSetStream() 135 fail("clear() did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testClearWallpaper() 140 fail("clear(which) did not enforce SET_WALLPAPER"); in testClearWallpaper() [all …]
D | NoLocationPermissionTest.java | 82 fail("TelephonyManager.listen(LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION) did not" + in testListenCellLocation() 90 fail("TelephonyManager.getCellLocation did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testListenCellLocation() 114 … fail("TelephonyManager.getNeighbouringCellInfo did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testListenCellLocation2() 121 fail("TelephonyManager.getAllCellInfo did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testListenCellLocation2() 143 fail("LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates did not" + in checkRequestLocationUpdates() 151 fail("LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates did not" + in checkRequestLocationUpdates() 192 fail("LocationManager.addProximityAlert did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testAddProximityAlert() 212 fail("LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation did not" + in checkGetLastKnownLocation() 255 fail("LocationManager.getProvider did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in checkGetProvider() 339 fail("LocationManager.addTestProvider did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testAddTestProvider() [all …]
D | NoSystemFunctionPermissionTest.java | 54 fail("ActivityManager.restartPackage() didn't throw SecurityException as expected."); in testRestartPackage() 74 fail("AlarmManager.setTimeZone() did not throw SecurityException as expected."); in testSetTimeZone() 97 fail("Context.setWallpaper(BitMap) did not throw SecurityException as expected."); in testSetWallpaper() 104 fail("Context.setWallpaper(InputStream) did not throw SecurityException as expected."); in testSetWallpaper() 111 fail("Context.clearWallpaper() did not throw SecurityException as expected."); in testSetWallpaper() 128 fail("Vibrator.cancel() did not throw SecurityException as expected."); in testVibrator() 135 fail("Vibrator.vibrate(long) did not throw SecurityException as expected."); in testVibrator() 144 fail("Vibrator.vibrate(long[], int) not throw SecurityException as expected."); in testVibrator() 165 fail("SmsManager.sendDataMessage() did not throw SecurityException as expected."); in testSendSms()
D | ContactsProviderTest.java | 40 fail("query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI) did not throw SecurityException" in testQueryContacts() 58 fail("insert(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI) did not throw SecurityException" in testInsertContacts() 76 fail("query(ContactsContract.Profile.CONTENT_URI) did not throw SecurityException" in testQueryProfile() 96 fail("insert(ContactsContract.Profile.CONTENT_URI) did not throw SecurityException " in testInsertProfile() 114 fail("update(ContactsContract.Profile.CONTENT_URI) did not throw SecurityException" in testUpdateProfile() 133 fail("query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.ENTERPRISE_CONTENT_URI) did not" in testQueryPhoneEnterprise() 151 fail("query(ContactsContract.RawContactsEntity.CORP_CONTENT_URI) did not throw" in testRawContactsEntityCorp()
D | NoBroadcastPackageRemovedPermissionTest.java | 41 fail("Context.sendStickyBroadcast did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testSendOrRemoveStickyBroadcast() 48 fail("Context.removeStickyBroadcast did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testSendOrRemoveStickyBroadcast() 68 fail("Context.sendBroadcast did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testSendBroadcast() 76 fail("Context.sendBroadcast did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testSendBroadcast() 84 fail("Context.sendOrderedBroadcast did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testSendBroadcast() 92 fail("Context.sendOrderedBroadcast did not throw SecurityException as expected"); in testSendBroadcast()
/cts/tests/tests/telephony/src/android/telephony/cts/ |
D | SimRestrictedApisTest.java | 48 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testInjectSmsPdu() 63 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testSetLine1NumberForDisplay() 78 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testSetLine1NumberForDisplay2() 93 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testIccOpenLogicalChannel() 108 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testIccCloseLogicalChannel() 123 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testIccTransmitApduLogicalChannel() 138 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testIccTransmitApduBasicChannel() 153 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testSendEnvelopeWithStatus() 167 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testNvReadItem() 181 fail("Expected SecurityException. App doesn't have carrier privileges."); in testNvWriteItem() [all …]
/cts/tools/vm-tests-tf/src/dot/junit/format/f1/ |
D | Test_f1.java | 31 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE1() 44 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE2() 57 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE3() 70 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE4() 83 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE5() 96 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE6() 109 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE7() 122 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE8() 135 … fail("expected a verification exception but this test may fail if this check is not enforced"); in testVFE9() 161 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE11() [all …]
/cts/tests/tests/media/src/android/media/cts/ |
D | ParamsTest.java | 52 try { fail("got " + p.getAudioAdjustMode()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} in testSyncParamsDefaults() 53 try { fail("got " + p.getSyncSource()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} in testSyncParamsDefaults() 54 try { fail("got " + p.getTolerance()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} in testSyncParamsDefaults() 55 try { fail("got " + p.getFrameRate()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} in testSyncParamsDefaults() 63 try { fail("got " + p.getFrameRate()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} in testSyncParamsDefaults() 76 try { fail("got " + p.getSyncSource()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} 77 try { fail("got " + p.getTolerance()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} 78 try { fail("got " + p.getFrameRate()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} 91 try { fail("got " + p.getAudioAdjustMode()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} 93 try { fail("got " + p.getTolerance()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} [all …]
D | AudioEffectTest.java | 112 fail("AudioRecord invalid parameter"); in getAudioRecord() 143 fail("getEnabled() processed after release()"); in test1_3GetEnabledAfterRelease() 148 fail("AudioEffect not found"); in test1_3GetEnabledAfterRelease() 150 fail("Effect library not loaded"); in test1_3GetEnabledAfterRelease() 166 fail("AudioEffect not initialized"); in test1_4InsertOnMediaPlayer() 196 fail("Attach effect: wait was interrupted."); in test1_5AuxiliaryOnMediaPlayer() 200 fail("attach aux effect failed"); in test1_5AuxiliaryOnMediaPlayer() 229 fail("attach aux effect failed"); in test1_6AuxiliaryOnMediaPlayerFailure() 263 fail("could not attach aux effect"); in test1_7AuxiliaryOnAudioTrack() 267 fail("could not set send level"); in test1_7AuxiliaryOnAudioTrack() [all …]
D | EnvReverbTest.java | 60 fail("EnvironmentalReverb not initialized"); in test0_0ConstructorAndRelease() 63 fail("EnvironmentalReverb not found"); in test0_0ConstructorAndRelease() 65 fail("Effect library not loaded"); in test0_0ConstructorAndRelease() 102 fail("Bad parameter value"); in test1_0Room() 104 fail("get parameter() rejected"); in test1_0Room() 106 fail("get parameter() called in wrong state"); in test1_0Room() 135 fail("Bad parameter value"); in test1_1Decay() 137 fail("get parameter() rejected"); in test1_1Decay() 139 fail("get parameter() called in wrong state"); in test1_1Decay() 172 fail("Bad parameter value"); in test1_2Reverb() [all …]
D | VirtualizerTest.java | 65 fail("Virtualizer not initialized"); in test0_0ConstructorAndRelease() 68 fail("Virtualizer not found"); in test0_0ConstructorAndRelease() 70 fail("Effect library not loaded"); in test0_0ConstructorAndRelease() 105 fail("Bad parameter value"); in test1_0Strength() 107 fail("get parameter() rejected"); in test1_0Strength() 109 fail("get parameter() called in wrong state"); in test1_0Strength() 142 fail("Bad parameter value"); in test1_1Properties() 144 fail("get parameter() rejected"); in test1_1Properties() 146 fail("get parameter() called in wrong state"); in test1_1Properties() 186 fail("setEnabled() in wrong state"); in test2_0SetEnabledGetEnabled() [all …]
D | MediaMetadataRetrieverTest.java | 96 fail("Unable to open file"); in setDataSourceFd() 107 fail("Unable to open file"); in setDataSourceCallback() 123 fail("Unable to open file"); in getFaultyDataSource() 195 fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException."); in testSetDataSourceNullPath() 204 fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException."); in testNullMediaDataSourceIsRejected() 221 fail("Failed to throw exceptions"); in testRetrieveFailsIfMediaDataSourceThrows() 231 fail("Failed to throw exceptions"); in testRetrieveFailsIfMediaDataSourceReturnsAnError() 252 fail("Unable to open file"); in testThumbnail() 395 fail("Unable to close file"); in testGetFrameAt() 416 fail("Exception getting bitmap: " + e); in verifyVideoFrame() [all …]
/cts/tests/tests/location/src/android/location/cts/ |
D | GeocoderTest.java | 41 fail("should throw NullPointerException."); in testConstructor() 86 fail("Failed to geocode location " + MAX_NUM_RETRIES + " times."); in testGetFromLocation() 93 fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException"); in testGetFromLocation() 100 fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException"); in testGetFromLocation() 107 fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException"); in testGetFromLocation() 114 fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException"); in testGetFromLocation() 139 fail("Failed to geocode location name " + MAX_NUM_RETRIES + " times."); in testGetFromLocationName() 144 fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException"); in testGetFromLocationName() 150 fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException"); in testGetFromLocationName() 156 fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException"); in testGetFromLocationName() [all …]
/cts/tests/app/app/src/android/app/stubs/ |
D | LocalActivityManagerTestHelper.java | 97 fail(); in testRemoveAllActivity() 103 fail(); in testRemoveAllActivity() 110 fail(); in testRemoveAllActivity() 126 fail(); in testDispatchDestroy() 131 fail(); in testDispatchDestroy() 140 fail(); in testDispatchDestroy() 145 fail(); in testDispatchDestroy() 156 fail(); in testSaveInstanceState() 172 fail(); in testSaveInstanceState() 186 fail(); in testDispatchPauseFalse() [all …]
/cts/tests/admin/src/android/admin/cts/ |
D | DevicePolicyManagerTest.java | 137 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testRequestRemoteBugreport_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 150 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testSetSecurityLoggingEnabled_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 163 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testIsSecurityLoggingEnabled_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 176 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testRetrieveSecurityLogs_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 189 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testRetrievePreRebootSecurityLogs_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 202 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testSetNetworkLoggingEnabled_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 215 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testIsNetworkLoggingEnabled_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 228 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testRetrieveNetworkLogs_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 240 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testRemoveUser_failIfNotDeviceOwner() 253 fail("did not throw expected SecurityException"); in testSetApplicationHidden_failIfNotDeviceOrProfileOwner() [all …]
/cts/apps/CameraITS/tests/scene0/ |
D | test_read_write.py | 99 for fail in e_failed: 101 fail['e_write'], fail['e_read'], RTOL_EXP_GAIN), 103 fail['s_write'], fail['s_read'], RTOL_EXP_GAIN) 106 for fail in s_failed: 108 fail['s_write'], fail['s_read'], RTOL_EXP_GAIN), 110 fail['e_write'], fail['e_read'], RTOL_EXP_GAIN)
/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/cts/ |
D | ObservableTest.java | 29 fail("registerObserver should throw a IllegalArgumentException here."); in testRegisterUnRegisterObserver() 37 fail("unregisterObserver should throw a IllegalStateException here."); in testRegisterUnRegisterObserver() 44 fail("unregisterObserver should throw a IllegalArgumentException here."); in testRegisterUnRegisterObserver() 54 fail("registerObserver should throw a IllegalStateException here."); in testRegisterUnRegisterObserver() 64 fail("unregisterObserver should throw a IllegalStateException here."); in testRegisterUnRegisterObserver() 81 fail("registerObserver should throw a IllegalStateException here."); in testUnregisterAll() 86 fail("registerObserver should throw a IllegalStateException here."); in testUnregisterAll()
/cts/tests/tests/provider/src/android/provider/cts/ |
D | Settings_SecureTest.java | 57 fail("Shouldn't be able to parse this setting's value for later tests."); in assertSettingsForTests() 73 fail("SecurityException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutInt() 79 fail("SettingNotFoundException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutInt() 85 fail("SettingNotFoundException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutInt() 95 fail("SecurityException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutFloat() 101 fail("SettingNotFoundException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutFloat() 107 fail("SettingNotFoundException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutFloat() 117 fail("SecurityException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutLong() 123 fail("SettingNotFoundException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutLong() 129 fail("SettingNotFoundException should have been thrown!"); in testGetPutLong() [all …]
/cts/tools/vm-tests-tf/src/dot/junit/verify/b2/ |
D | Test_b2.java | 31 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE1() 44 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE2() 57 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE3() 70 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE4() 83 fail("expected a verification exception"); in testVFE5()
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/companion/ |
D | CompanionDeviceTestActivity.java | 73 fail(e); in test() 79 fail(error); in test() 85 private void fail(Throwable reason) { in fail() method in CompanionDeviceTestActivity 87 fail(reason.getMessage()); in fail() 90 private void fail(CharSequence reason) { in fail() method in CompanionDeviceTestActivity 101 fail("Activity result code " + resultCode); in onActivityResult() 107 fail("New associations " + newAssociations in onActivityResult() 113 fail("New associations " + newAssociations + " are not 1 item larger from initial " in onActivityResult() 122 fail("Selected device is not present among new associations " + newAssociations); in onActivityResult() 129 fail("Disassociating device " + deviceAddress in onActivityResult()
/cts/tests/tests/net/src/android/net/cts/ |
D | MacAddressTest.java | 22 import static org.junit.Assert.fail; 87 fail(String.format("expected OUI string %s, got %s", in testMacAddress() 92 fail(String.format("expected %s to be %s, got %s", mac, in testMacAddress() 98 fail(String.format("expected %s address type to be %s, got %s", mac, in testMacAddress() 103 fail(String.format("expected toString() to return %s, got %s", in testMacAddress() 109 fail(String.format("expected mac address from bytes %s to be %s, got %s", in testMacAddress() 130 fail("MacAddress.fromString(" + s + ") should have failed, but returned " + mac); in testConstructorInputValidation() 137 fail("MacAddress.fromString(null) should have failed, but returned " + mac); in testConstructorInputValidation() 150 fail("MacAddress.fromBytes(" + Arrays.toString(b) in testConstructorInputValidation() 158 fail("MacAddress.fromBytes(null) should have failed, but returned " + mac); in testConstructorInputValidation()
/cts/tools/vm-tests-tf/src/dot/junit/ |
D | DxAbstractMain.java | 28 fail("Expected error of type " + expectedErrorClass, null); in checkError() 30 fail("Unexpected error " + thrown, thrown); in checkError() 34 fail("Expected invocation target exception, but got " + thrown, thrown); in checkError() 39 fail("Expected error of type " + expectedErrorClass + ", but got " + in checkError() 56 fail("Could not load class " + className, t); in load() 82 fail("Could not find method 'run'", null); in loadAndRun() 90 fail("Could not instantiate " + className, exc); in loadAndRun() 162 static public void fail(String message) { in fail() method in DxAbstractMain 163 fail(message, null); in fail() 166 static public void fail(String message, Throwable cause) { in fail() method in DxAbstractMain
/cts/tests/tests/view/src/android/view/cts/ |
D | TextureViewStressTest.java | 32 fail("Did not complete 48Hz test."); in testTextureViewStress48Hz() 40 fail("Did not complete 60Hz test."); in testTextureViewStress60Hz() 48 fail("Did not complete 70Hz test."); in testTextureViewStress70Hz() 56 fail("Did not complete 200Hz test."); in testTextureViewStress200Hz()