1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 NXP Software
3  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 /************************************************************************************/
19 /*                                                                                  */
20 /*  Header file for the private layer interface of concert sound bundle             */
21 /*                                                                                  */
22 /*  This files includes all definitions, types, structures and function             */
23 /*  prototypes required by the execution layer.                                     */
24 /*                                                                                  */
25 /************************************************************************************/
27 #ifndef __LVM_PRIVATE_H__
28 #define __LVM_PRIVATE_H__
30 #ifdef __cplusplus
31 extern "C" {
32 #endif /* __cplusplus */
35 /************************************************************************************/
36 /*                                                                                  */
37 /*  Includes                                                                        */
38 /*                                                                                  */
39 /************************************************************************************/
41 #include "LVM.h"                                /* LifeVibes */
42 #include "LVM_Common.h"                         /* LifeVibes common */
43 #include "BIQUAD.h"                             /* Biquad library */
44 #include "LVC_Mixer.h"                          /* Mixer library */
45 #include "LVCS_Private.h"                       /* Concert Sound */
46 #include "LVDBE_Private.h"                      /* Dynamic Bass Enhancement */
47 #include "LVEQNB_Private.h"                     /* N-Band equaliser */
48 #include "LVPSA_Private.h"                      /* Parametric Spectrum Analyzer */
51 /************************************************************************************/
52 /*                                                                                  */
53 /*  Defines                                                                         */
54 /*                                                                                  */
55 /************************************************************************************/
57 /* General */
58 #define LVM_INVALID                     0xFFFF    /* Invalid init parameter */
60 /* Memory */
61 #define LVM_INSTANCE_ALIGN              4         /* 32-bit for structures */
62 #define LVM_FIRSTCALL                   0         /* First call to the buffer */
63 #define LVM_MAXBLOCKCALL                1         /* Maximum block size calls to the buffer */
64 #define LVM_LASTCALL                    2         /* Last call to the buffer */
65 #define LVM_FIRSTLASTCALL               3         /* Single call for small number of samples */
67 /* Block Size */
68 #define LVM_MIN_MAXBLOCKSIZE            16        /* Minimum MaxBlockSize Limit*/
69 #define LVM_MANAGED_MAX_MAXBLOCKSIZE    8191      /* Maximum MaxBlockSzie Limit for Managed Buffer Mode*/
70 #define LVM_UNMANAGED_MAX_MAXBLOCKSIZE  4096      /* Maximum MaxBlockSzie Limit for Unmanaged Buffer Mode */
72 #define MAX_INTERNAL_BLOCKSIZE          8128      /* Maximum multiple of 64  below 8191*/
74 #define MIN_INTERNAL_BLOCKSIZE          16        /* Minimum internal block size */
75 #define MIN_INTERNAL_BLOCKSHIFT         4         /* Minimum internal block size as a power of 2 */
76 #define MIN_INTERNAL_BLOCKMASK          0xFFF0    /* Minimum internal block size mask */
78 #define LVM_PSA_DYNAMICRANGE            60        /* Spectral Dynamic range: used for offseting output*/
79 #define LVM_PSA_BARHEIGHT               127       /* Spectral Bar Height*/
81 #define LVM_TE_MIN_EFFECTLEVEL          0         /*TE Minimum EffectLevel*/
82 #define LVM_TE_MAX_EFFECTLEVEL          15        /*TE Maximum Effect level*/
84 #define LVM_VC_MIN_EFFECTLEVEL          (-96)     /*VC Minimum EffectLevel*/
85 #define LVM_VC_MAX_EFFECTLEVEL          0         /*VC Maximum Effect level*/
87 #define LVM_BE_MIN_EFFECTLEVEL          0         /*BE Minimum EffectLevel*/
88 #define LVM_BE_MAX_EFFECTLEVEL          15        /*BE Maximum Effect level*/
90 #define LVM_EQNB_MIN_BAND_FREQ          20        /*EQNB Minimum Band Frequency*/
91 #define LVM_EQNB_MAX_BAND_FREQ          24000     /*EQNB Maximum Band Frequency*/
92 #define LVM_EQNB_MIN_BAND_GAIN          (-15)     /*EQNB Minimum Band Frequency*/
93 #define LVM_EQNB_MAX_BAND_GAIN          15        /*EQNB Maximum Band Frequency*/
94 #define LVM_EQNB_MIN_QFACTOR            25        /*EQNB Minimum Q Factor*/
95 #define LVM_EQNB_MAX_QFACTOR            1200      /*EQNB Maximum Q Factor*/
96 #define LVM_EQNB_MIN_LPF_FREQ           1000      /*EQNB Minimum Low Pass Corner frequency*/
97 #define LVM_EQNB_MIN_HPF_FREQ           20        /*EQNB Minimum High Pass Corner frequency*/
98 #define LVM_EQNB_MAX_HPF_FREQ           1000      /*EQNB Maximum High Pass Corner frequency*/
100 #define LVM_CS_MIN_EFFECT_LEVEL         0         /*CS Minimum Effect Level*/
101 #define LVM_CS_MAX_REVERB_LEVEL         100       /*CS Maximum Reverb Level*/
102 #define LVM_VIRTUALIZER_MAX_REVERB_LEVEL 100      /*Vitrualizer Maximum Reverb Level*/
104 #define LVM_VC_MIXER_TIME              100       /*VC mixer time*/
105 #define LVM_VC_BALANCE_MAX             96        /*VC balance max value*/
106 #define LVM_VC_BALANCE_MIN             (-96)     /*VC balance min value*/
108 /* Algorithm masks */
109 #define LVM_CS_MASK                     1
110 #define LVM_EQNB_MASK                   2
111 #define LVM_DBE_MASK                    4
112 #define LVM_VC_MASK                     16
113 #define LVM_TE_MASK                     32
114 #define LVM_PSA_MASK                    2048
117 /************************************************************************************/
118 /*                                                                                  */
119 /*  Structures                                                                      */
120 /*                                                                                  */
121 /************************************************************************************/
123 /* Memory region definition */
124 typedef struct
125 {
126     LVM_UINT32              Size;               /* Region size in bytes */
127     LVM_UINT16              Alignment;          /* Byte alignment */
128     LVM_MemoryTypes_en      Type;               /* Region type */
129     void                    *pBaseAddress;      /* Pointer to the region base address */
130 } LVM_IntMemoryRegion_t;
133 /* Memory table containing the region definitions */
134 typedef struct
135 {
136     LVM_IntMemoryRegion_t   Region[LVM_NR_MEMORY_REGIONS];  /* One definition for each region */
137 } LVM_IntMemTab_t;
140 /* Buffer Management */
141 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
142 typedef struct
143 {
144     LVM_FLOAT               *pScratch;          /* Bundle scratch buffer */
146     LVM_INT16               BufferState;        /* Buffer status */
147     LVM_FLOAT               InDelayBuffer[6 * MIN_INTERNAL_BLOCKSIZE]; /* Input buffer delay line, \
148                                                                            left and right */
149     LVM_INT16               InDelaySamples;     /* Number of samples in the input delay buffer */
151     LVM_FLOAT               OutDelayBuffer[2 * MIN_INTERNAL_BLOCKSIZE]; /* Output buffer delay \
152                                                                                       line */
153     LVM_INT16               OutDelaySamples;    /* Number of samples in the output delay buffer, \
154                                                                              left and right */
155     LVM_INT16               SamplesToOutput;    /* Samples to write to the output */
156 } LVM_Buffer_t;
157 #else
158 typedef struct
159 {
160     LVM_INT16               *pScratch;          /* Bundle scratch buffer */
162     LVM_INT16               BufferState;        /* Buffer status */
163     LVM_INT16               InDelayBuffer[6*MIN_INTERNAL_BLOCKSIZE]; /* Input buffer delay line, left and right */
164     LVM_INT16               InDelaySamples;     /* Number of samples in the input delay buffer */
166     LVM_INT16               OutDelayBuffer[2*MIN_INTERNAL_BLOCKSIZE]; /* Output buffer delay line */
167     LVM_INT16               OutDelaySamples;    /* Number of samples in the output delay buffer, left and right */
168     LVM_INT16               SamplesToOutput;    /* Samples to write to the output */
169 } LVM_Buffer_t;
170 #endif
172 /* Filter taps */
173 typedef struct
174 {
175 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
176     Biquad_2I_Order1_FLOAT_Taps_t TrebleBoost_Taps;   /* Treble boost Taps */
177 #else
178     Biquad_2I_Order1_Taps_t TrebleBoost_Taps;   /* Treble boost Taps */
179 #endif
180 } LVM_TE_Data_t;
182 /* Coefficients */
183 typedef struct
184 {
185 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
186     Biquad_FLOAT_Instance_t       TrebleBoost_State;  /* State for the treble boost filter */
187 #else
188     Biquad_Instance_t       TrebleBoost_State;  /* State for the treble boost filter */
189 #endif
190 } LVM_TE_Coefs_t;
192 typedef struct
193 {
194     /* Public parameters */
195     LVM_MemTab_t            MemoryTable;        /* Instance memory allocation table */
196     LVM_ControlParams_t     Params;             /* Control parameters */
197     LVM_InstParams_t        InstParams;         /* Instance parameters */
199     /* Private parameters */
200     LVM_UINT16              ControlPending;     /* Control flag to indicate update pending */
201     LVM_ControlParams_t     NewParams;          /* New control parameters pending update */
203     /* Buffer control */
204     LVM_INT16               InternalBlockSize;  /* Maximum internal block size */
205     LVM_Buffer_t            *pBufferManagement; /* Buffer management variables */
206     LVM_INT16               SamplesToProcess;   /* Input samples left to process */
207 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
208     LVM_FLOAT               *pInputSamples;     /* External input sample pointer */
209     LVM_FLOAT               *pOutputSamples;    /* External output sample pointer */
210 #else
211     LVM_INT16               *pInputSamples;     /* External input sample pointer */
212     LVM_INT16               *pOutputSamples;    /* External output sample pointer */
213 #endif
215     /* Configuration number */
216     LVM_INT32               ConfigurationNumber;
217     LVM_INT32               BlickSizeMultiple;
219     /* DC removal */
220 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
221     Biquad_FLOAT_Instance_t       DC_RemovalInstance; /* DC removal filter instance */
222 #else
223     Biquad_Instance_t       DC_RemovalInstance; /* DC removal filter instance */
224 #endif
226     /* Concert Sound */
227     LVCS_Handle_t           hCSInstance;        /* Concert Sound instance handle */
228     LVCS_Instance_t         CS_Instance;        /* Concert Sound instance */
229     LVM_INT16               CS_Active;          /* Control flag */
231     /* Equalizer */
232     LVEQNB_Handle_t         hEQNBInstance;      /* N-Band Equaliser instance handle */
233     LVEQNB_Instance_t       EQNB_Instance;      /* N-Band Equaliser instance */
234     LVM_EQNB_BandDef_t      *pEQNB_BandDefs;    /* Local storage for new definitions */
235     LVM_EQNB_BandDef_t      *pEQNB_UserDefs;    /* Local storage for the user's definitions */
236     LVM_INT16               EQNB_Active;        /* Control flag */
238     /* Dynamic Bass Enhancement */
239     LVDBE_Handle_t          hDBEInstance;       /* Dynamic Bass Enhancement instance handle */
240     LVDBE_Instance_t        DBE_Instance;       /* Dynamic Bass Enhancement instance */
241     LVM_INT16               DBE_Active;         /* Control flag */
243     /* Volume Control */
244 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
245     LVMixer3_1St_FLOAT_st   VC_Volume;          /* Volume scaler */
246 #else
247     LVMixer3_1St_st         VC_Volume;          /* Volume scaler */
248 #endif
249 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
250     LVMixer3_2St_FLOAT_st         VC_BalanceMix;      /* VC balance mixer */
251 #else
252     LVMixer3_2St_st         VC_BalanceMix;      /* VC balance mixer */
253 #endif
254     LVM_INT16               VC_VolumedB;        /* Gain in dB */
255     LVM_INT16               VC_Active;          /* Control flag */
256     LVM_INT16               VC_AVLFixedVolume;  /* AVL fixed volume */
258     /* Treble Enhancement */
259     LVM_TE_Data_t           *pTE_Taps;          /* Treble boost Taps */
260     LVM_TE_Coefs_t          *pTE_State;         /* State for the treble boost filter */
261     LVM_INT16               TE_Active;          /* Control flag */
263     /* Headroom */
264     LVM_HeadroomParams_t    NewHeadroomParams;   /* New headroom parameters pending update */
265     LVM_HeadroomParams_t    HeadroomParams;      /* Headroom parameters */
266     LVM_HeadroomBandDef_t   *pHeadroom_BandDefs; /* Local storage for new definitions */
267     LVM_HeadroomBandDef_t   *pHeadroom_UserDefs; /* Local storage for the user's definitions */
268     LVM_UINT16              Headroom;            /* Value of the current headroom */
270     /* Spectrum Analyzer */
271     pLVPSA_Handle_t         hPSAInstance;       /* Spectrum Analyzer instance handle */
272     LVPSA_InstancePr_t      PSA_Instance;       /* Spectrum Analyzer instance */
273     LVPSA_InitParams_t      PSA_InitParams;     /* Spectrum Analyzer initialization parameters */
274     LVPSA_ControlParams_t   PSA_ControlParams;  /* Spectrum Analyzer control parameters */
275     LVM_INT16               PSA_GainOffset;     /* Tone control flag */
276     LVM_Callback            CallBack;
277 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
278     LVM_FLOAT               *pPSAInput;         /* PSA input pointer */
279 #else
280     LVM_INT16               *pPSAInput;         /* PSA input pointer */
281 #endif
283     LVM_INT16              NoSmoothVolume;      /* Enable or disable smooth volume changes*/
285 } LVM_Instance_t;
288 /************************************************************************************/
289 /*                                                                                  */
290 /*  Function Prototypes                                                             */
291 /*                                                                                  */
292 /************************************************************************************/
294 LVM_ReturnStatus_en LVM_ApplyNewSettings(LVM_Handle_t       hInstance);
296 void    LVM_SetTrebleBoost( LVM_Instance_t         *pInstance,
297                             LVM_ControlParams_t    *pParams);
299 void    LVM_SetVolume(  LVM_Instance_t         *pInstance,
300                         LVM_ControlParams_t    *pParams);
302 LVM_INT32    LVM_VCCallBack(void*   pBundleHandle,
303                             void*   pGeneralPurpose,
304                             short   CallBackParam);
306 void    LVM_SetHeadroom(    LVM_Instance_t         *pInstance,
307                             LVM_ControlParams_t    *pParams);
308 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
309 void    LVM_BufferIn(   LVM_Handle_t      hInstance,
310                         const LVM_FLOAT   *pInData,
311                         LVM_FLOAT         **pToProcess,
312                         LVM_FLOAT         **pProcessed,
313                         LVM_UINT16        *pNumSamples);
314 #else
315 void    LVM_BufferIn(   LVM_Handle_t      hInstance,
316                         const LVM_INT16   *pInData,
317                         LVM_INT16         **pToProcess,
318                         LVM_INT16         **pProcessed,
319                         LVM_UINT16        *pNumSamples);
320 #endif
321 #ifdef BUILD_FLOAT
322 void    LVM_BufferOut(  LVM_Handle_t     hInstance,
323                         LVM_FLOAT        *pOutData,
324                         LVM_UINT16       *pNumSamples);
325 #else
326 void    LVM_BufferOut(  LVM_Handle_t     hInstance,
327                         LVM_INT16        *pOutData,
328                         LVM_UINT16       *pNumSamples);
329 #endif
331 LVM_INT32 LVM_AlgoCallBack(     void          *pBundleHandle,
332                                 void          *pData,
333                                 LVM_INT16     callbackId);
335 #ifdef __cplusplus
336 }
337 #endif /* __cplusplus */
339 #endif      /* __LVM_PRIVATE_H__ */