1#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
3#   Copyright 2016 - Google
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17    Test Script for Telephony Stress Call Test
20import collections
21import time
22from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
23from acts.test_utils.tel.TelephonyBaseTest import TelephonyBaseTest
24from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED
25from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import VT_STATE_BIDIRECTIONAL
26from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import call_setup_teardown
27from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import ensure_phone_subscription
28from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import ensure_phones_idle
29from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import ensure_wifi_connected
30from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import hangup_call
31from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import set_wfc_mode
32from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import sms_send_receive_verify
33from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import start_qxdm_loggers
34from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import verify_incall_state
35from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import multithread_func
36from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import toggle_airplane_mode
37from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_3g
38from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_2g
39from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_csfb
40from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_iwlan
41from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_volte
42from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_csfb
43from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_iwlan
44from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_voice_3g
45from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_voice_2g
46from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_volte
47from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_idle_iwlan
48from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_video_utils import phone_setup_video
49from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_video_utils import video_call_setup
50from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_video_utils import \
51    is_phone_in_call_video_bidirectional
52from acts.logger import epoch_to_log_line_timestamp
53from acts.utils import get_current_epoch_time
54from acts.utils import rand_ascii_str
57class TelLiveStressCallTest(TelephonyBaseTest):
58    def setup_class(self):
59        super(TelLiveStressCallTest, self).setup_class()
60        self.caller = self.android_devices[0]
61        self.callee = self.android_devices[1]
62        self.number_of_devices = 2
63        self.user_params["telephony_auto_rerun"] = False
64        self.wifi_network_ssid = self.user_params.get(
65            "wifi_network_ssid") or self.user_params.get("wifi_network_ssid_2g")
66        self.wifi_network_pass = self.user_params.get(
67            "wifi_network_pass") or self.user_params.get("wifi_network_pass_2g")
68        self.phone_call_iteration = int(
69            self.user_params.get("phone_call_iteration", 500))
70        self.phone_call_duration = int(
71            self.user_params.get("phone_call_duration", 60))
72        self.sleep_time_between_test_iterations = int(
73            self.user_params.get("sleep_time_between_test_iterations", 0))
75        return True
77    def on_fail(self, test_name, begin_time):
78        pass
80    def _setup_wfc(self):
81        for ad in self.android_devices:
82            if not ensure_wifi_connected(
83                    ad.log,
84                    ad,
85                    self.wifi_network_ssid,
86                    self.wifi_network_pass,
87                    retries=3):
88                ad.log.error("Phone Wifi connection fails.")
89                return False
90            ad.log.info("Phone WIFI is connected successfully.")
91            if not set_wfc_mode(self.log, ad, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED):
92                ad.log.error("Phone failed to enable Wifi-Calling.")
93                return False
94            ad.log.info("Phone is set in Wifi-Calling successfully.")
95            if not phone_idle_iwlan(self.log, ad):
96                ad.log.error("Phone is not in WFC enabled state.")
97                return False
98            ad.log.info("Phone is in WFC enabled state.")
99        return True
101    def _setup_wfc_apm(self):
102        for ad in self.android_devices:
103            toggle_airplane_mode(ad.log, ad, True)
104            if not ensure_wifi_connected(
105                    ad.log,
106                    ad,
107                    self.wifi_network_ssid,
108                    self.wifi_network_pass,
109                    retries=3):
110                ad.log.error("Phone Wifi connection fails.")
111                return False
112            ad.log.info("Phone WIFI is connected successfully.")
113            if not set_wfc_mode(self.log, ad, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED):
114                ad.log.error("Phone failed to enable Wifi-Calling.")
115                return False
116            ad.log.info("Phone is set in Wifi-Calling successfully.")
117            if not phone_idle_iwlan(self.log, ad):
118                ad.log.error("Phone is not in WFC enabled state.")
119                return False
120            ad.log.info("Phone is in WFC enabled state.")
121        return True
123    def _setup_vt(self):
124        ads = self.android_devices
125        tasks = [(phone_setup_video, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_video,
126                                                           (self.log, ads[1]))]
127        if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks):
128            self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.")
129            return False
130        return True
132    def _setup_lte_volte_enabled(self):
133        for ad in self.android_devices:
134            if not phone_setup_volte(self.log, ad):
135                ad.log.error("Phone failed to enable VoLTE.")
136                return False
137            ad.log.info("Phone VOLTE is enabled successfully.")
138        return True
140    def _setup_lte_volte_disabled(self):
141        for ad in self.android_devices:
142            if not phone_setup_csfb(self.log, ad):
143                ad.log.error("Phone failed to setup CSFB.")
144                return False
145            ad.log.info("Phone VOLTE is disabled successfully.")
146        return True
148    def _setup_3g(self):
149        for ad in self.android_devices:
150            if not phone_setup_voice_3g(self.log, ad):
151                ad.log.error("Phone failed to setup 3g.")
152                return False
153            ad.log.info("Phone RAT 3G is enabled successfully.")
154        return True
156    def _setup_2g(self):
157        for ad in self.android_devices:
158            if not phone_setup_voice_2g(self.log, ad):
159                ad.log.error("Phone failed to setup 2g.")
160                return False
161            ad.log.info("RAT 2G is enabled successfully.")
162        return True
164    def _setup_phone_call(self, test_video):
165        if test_video:
166            if not video_call_setup(
167                    self.log,
168                    self.android_devices[0],
169                    self.android_devices[1], ):
170                self.log.error("Failed to setup Video call")
171                return False
172        else:
173            if not call_setup_teardown(
174                    self.log, self.caller, self.callee, ad_hangup=None):
175                self.log.error("Setup Call failed.")
176                return False
177        self.log.info("Setup call successfully.")
178        return True
180    def _hangup_call(self):
181        for ad in self.android_devices:
182            hangup_call(self.log, ad)
184    def stress_test(self,
185                    setup_func=None,
186                    network_check_func=None,
187                    test_sms=False,
188                    test_video=False):
189        for ad in self.android_devices:
190            #check for sim and service
191            ensure_phone_subscription(self.log, ad)
193        if setup_func and not setup_func():
194            self.log.error("Test setup %s failed", setup_func.__name__)
195            return False
196        fail_count = collections.defaultdict(int)
197        for i in range(1, self.phone_call_iteration + 1):
198            msg = "Stress Call Test %s Iteration: <%s> / <%s>" % (
199                self.test_name, i, self.phone_call_iteration)
200            begin_time = get_current_epoch_time()
201            self.log.info(msg)
202            iteration_result = True
203            ensure_phones_idle(self.log, self.android_devices)
205            if not self._setup_phone_call(test_video):
206                fail_count["dialing"] += 1
207                iteration_result = False
208                self.log.error("%s call dialing failure.", msg)
209            else:
210                if network_check_func and not network_check_func(
211                        self.log, self.caller):
212                    fail_count["caller_network_check"] += 1
213                    reasons = self.caller.search_logcat(
214                        "qcril_qmi_voice_map_qmi_to_ril_last_call_failure_cause",
215                        begin_time)
216                    if reasons:
217                        self.caller.log.info(reasons[-1]["log_message"])
218                    iteration_result = False
219                    self.log.error("%s network check %s failure.", msg,
220                                   network_check_func.__name__)
222                if network_check_func and not network_check_func(
223                        self.log, self.callee):
224                    fail_count["callee_network_check"] += 1
225                    reasons = self.callee.search_logcat(
226                        "qcril_qmi_voice_map_qmi_to_ril_last_call_failure_cause",
227                        begin_time)
228                    if reasons:
229                        self.callee.log.info(reasons[-1]["log_message"])
230                    iteration_result = False
231                    self.log.error("%s network check failure.", msg)
233                time.sleep(self.phone_call_duration)
235                if not verify_incall_state(self.log,
236                                           [self.caller, self.callee], True):
237                    self.log.error("%s call dropped.", msg)
238                    iteration_result = False
239                    fail_count["drop"] += 1
241                self._hangup_call()
243            if test_sms and not sms_send_receive_verify(
244                    self.log, self.caller, self.callee, [rand_ascii_str(180)]):
245                fail_count["sms"] += 1
247            self.log.info("%s %s", msg, iteration_result)
248            if not iteration_result:
249                self._take_bug_report("%s_CallNo_%s" % (self.test_name, i),
250                                      begin_time)
251                start_qxdm_loggers(self.log, self.android_devices)
253            if self.sleep_time_between_test_iterations:
254                self.caller.droid.goToSleepNow()
255                self.callee.droid.goToSleepNow()
256                time.sleep(self.sleep_time_between_test_iterations)
258        test_result = True
259        for failure, count in fail_count.items():
260            if count:
261                self.log.error("%s: %s %s failures in %s iterations",
262                               self.test_name, count, failure,
263                               self.phone_call_iteration)
264                test_result = False
265        return test_result
267    """ Tests Begin """
269    @test_tracker_info(uuid="3c3daa08-e66a-451a-a772-634ec522c965")
270    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
271    def test_call_default_stress(self):
272        """ Default state call stress test
274        Steps:
275        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in default mode.
276        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
277        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
279        Expected Results:
280        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
281        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
282        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
284        Returns:
285            True if pass; False if fail.
286        """
287        return self.stress_test()
289    @test_tracker_info(uuid="b7fd730a-d4c7-444c-9e36-12389679b430")
290    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
291    def test_call_and_sms_longevity(self):
292        """ Default state call stress test
294        Steps:
295        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in default mode.
296        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
297        3. Send a text message from PhoneA to PhoneB.
298        4. Bring phone to sleep for x seconds based on the config setup.
299        5, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
301        Expected Results:
302        1. Phone calls and text messages are successfully made
304        Returns:
305            True if pass; False if fail.
306        """
307        return self.stress_test(test_sms=True)
309    @test_tracker_info(uuid="3b711843-de27-4b0a-a163-8c439c901e24")
310    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
311    def test_call_volte_stress(self):
312        """ VoLTE call stress test
314        Steps:
315        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in VoLTE mode.
316        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
317        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
319        Expected Results:
320        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
321        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
322        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
324        Returns:
325            True if pass; False if fail.
326        """
327        return self.stress_test(
328            setup_func=self._setup_lte_volte_enabled,
329            network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_volte)
331    @test_tracker_info(uuid="518516ea-1c0a-494d-ad44-272f21075d39")
332    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
333    def test_call_csfb_stress(self):
334        """ LTE CSFB call stress test
336        Steps:
337        1. Make Sure PhoneA in LTE CSFB mode.
338        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
339        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
341        Expected Results:
342        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
343        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
344        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
346        Returns:
347            True if pass; False if fail.
348        """
349        return self.stress_test(
350            setup_func=self._setup_lte_volte_disabled,
351            network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_csfb)
353    @test_tracker_info(uuid="887608cb-e5c6-4b19-b02b-3461c1e78f2d")
354    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
355    def test_call_wifi_calling_stress(self):
356        """ Wifi calling call stress test
358        Steps:
359        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in WFC On + Wifi Connected
360        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
361        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
363        Expected Results:
364        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
365        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
366        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
368        Returns:
369            True if pass; False if fail.
370        """
371        return self.stress_test(
372            setup_func=self._setup_wfc,
373            network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_iwlan)
375    @test_tracker_info(uuid="be45c620-b45b-4a06-8424-b17d744d0735")
376    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
377    def test_call_wifi_calling_stress_apm(self):
378        """ Wifi calling in AirPlaneMode call stress test
380        Steps:
381        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in WFC On + APM ON + Wifi Connected
382        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
383        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
385        Expected Results:
386        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
387        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
388        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
390        Returns:
391            True if pass; False if fail.
392        """
393        return self.stress_test(
394            setup_func=self._setup_wfc_apm,
395            network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_iwlan)
397    @test_tracker_info(uuid="8af0454b-b4db-46d8-b5cc-e13ec5bc59ab")
398    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
399    def test_call_3g_stress(self):
400        """ 3G call stress test
402        Steps:
403        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in 3G mode.
404        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
405        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
407        Expected Results:
408        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
409        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
410        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
412        Returns:
413            True if pass; False if fail.
414        """
415        return self.stress_test(
416            setup_func=self._setup_3g, network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_3g)
418    @test_tracker_info(uuid="12380823-2e7f-4c41-95c0-5f8c483f9510")
419    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
420    def test_call_2g_stress(self):
421        """ 2G call stress test
423        Steps:
424        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in 3G mode.
425        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
426        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
428        Expected Results:
429        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
430        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
431        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
433        Returns:
434            True if pass; False if fail.
435        """
436        return self.stress_test(
437            setup_func=self._setup_2g, network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_2g)
439    @test_tracker_info(uuid="28a88b44-f239-4b77-b01f-e9068373d749")
440    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
441    def test_call_video_stress(self):
442        """ VT call stress test
444        Steps:
445        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in VoLTE mode (ViLTE provisioned).
446        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
447        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
449        Expected Results:
450        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
451        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
452        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
454        Returns:
455            True if pass; False if fail.
456        """
457        return self.stress_test(
458            setup_func=self._setup_vt,
459            network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_video_bidirectional,
460            test_video=True)
462    """ Tests End """