Google Play Game Services API . revisions

Instance Methods

check(clientRevision, consistencyToken=None)

Checks whether the games client is out of date.

Method Details

check(clientRevision, consistencyToken=None)
Checks whether the games client is out of date.

  clientRevision: string, The revision of the client SDK used by your application. Format:
- "ANDROID" - Client is running the Android SDK. 
- "IOS" - Client is running the iOS SDK. 
- "WEB_APP" - Client is running as a Web App. (required)
  consistencyToken: string, The last-seen mutation timestamp.

  An object of the form:

    { # This is a JSON template for the result of checking a revision.
    "kind": "games#revisionCheckResponse", # Uniquely identifies the type of this resource. Value is always the fixed string games#revisionCheckResponse.
    "revisionStatus": "A String", # The result of the revision check.
        # Possible values are:
        # - "OK" - The revision being used is current.
        # - "DEPRECATED" - There is currently a newer version available, but the revision being used still works.
        # - "INVALID" - The revision being used is not supported in any released version.
    "apiVersion": "A String", # The version of the API this client revision should use when calling API methods.