1 package org.unicode.cldr.unittest;
3 import java.io.File;
4 import java.util.ArrayList;
5 import java.util.Arrays;
6 import java.util.Collection;
7 import java.util.EnumMap;
8 import java.util.EnumSet;
9 import java.util.HashMap;
10 import java.util.HashSet;
11 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
12 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
13 import java.util.List;
14 import java.util.Map;
15 import java.util.Map.Entry;
16 import java.util.Set;
17 import java.util.TreeMap;
18 import java.util.TreeSet;
19 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
21 import org.unicode.cldr.test.CoverageLevel2;
22 import org.unicode.cldr.test.ExampleGenerator;
23 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
24 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
25 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.Status;
26 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
27 import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
28 import org.unicode.cldr.util.Containment;
29 import org.unicode.cldr.util.Counter;
30 import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdData;
31 import org.unicode.cldr.util.DtdType;
32 import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
33 import org.unicode.cldr.util.LanguageTagParser;
34 import org.unicode.cldr.util.Level;
35 import org.unicode.cldr.util.Organization;
36 import org.unicode.cldr.util.Pair;
37 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathDescription;
38 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader;
39 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader.PageId;
40 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader.SectionId;
41 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathHeader.SurveyToolStatus;
42 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PathStarrer;
43 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternCache;
44 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternPlaceholders;
45 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternPlaceholders.PlaceholderInfo;
46 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PatternPlaceholders.PlaceholderStatus;
47 import org.unicode.cldr.util.PrettyPath;
48 import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
49 import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo;
50 import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralInfo;
51 import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo.PluralType;
52 import org.unicode.cldr.util.With;
53 import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLFileReader;
54 import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
56 import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
57 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
58 import com.google.common.collect.LinkedListMultimap;
59 import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
60 import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultimap;
61 import com.ibm.icu.dev.util.CollectionUtilities;
62 import com.ibm.icu.impl.Relation;
63 import com.ibm.icu.impl.Row;
64 import com.ibm.icu.impl.Row.R2;
66 public class TestPathHeader extends TestFmwkPlus {
67     private static final DtdType DEBUG_DTD_TYPE = null; // DtdType.supplementalData;
68     private static final String COMMON_DIR = CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY + "common/";
69     private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
main(String[] args)71     public static void main(String[] args) {
72         new TestPathHeader().run(args);
73     }
75     static final CLDRConfig info = CLDRConfig.getInstance();
76     static final Factory factory = info.getCommonAndSeedAndMainAndAnnotationsFactory();
77     static final CLDRFile english = factory.make("en", true);
78     static final SupplementalDataInfo supplemental = info
79         .getSupplementalDataInfo();
80     static PathHeader.Factory pathHeaderFactory = PathHeader
81         .getFactory(english);
82     private EnumSet<PageId> badZonePages = EnumSet.of(PageId.UnknownT);
tempTestAnnotation()84     public void tempTestAnnotation() {
85         // NEW:     <annotation cp="��">face | grin</annotation>
86         //          <annotation cp="��" type="tts">grinning face</annotation>
88         final String path1 = "//ldml/annotations/annotation[@cp=\"��\"]";
89         PathHeader ph1 = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path1);
90         logln(ph1.toString() + "\t" + path1);
91         final String path2 = "//ldml/annotations/annotation[@cp=\"��\"][@type=\"tts\"]";
92         PathHeader ph2 = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path2);
93         logln(ph2.toString() + "\t" + path2);
94         final String path3 = "//ldml/annotations/annotation[@cp=\"��\"]";
95         PathHeader ph3 = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path2);
96         logln(ph3.toString() + "\t" + path3);
98         assertNotEquals("pathheader", ph1, ph2);
99         assertNotEquals("pathheader", ph1.toString(), ph2.toString());
100         assertRelation("pathheader", true, ph1, TestFmwkPlus.LEQ, ph3);
101         assertRelation("pathheader", true, ph3, TestFmwkPlus.LEQ, ph2);
102     }
tempTestCompletenessLdmlDtd()104     public void tempTestCompletenessLdmlDtd() {
105         // List<String> failures = null;
106         pathHeaderFactory.clearCache();
107         PathChecker pathChecker = new PathChecker();
108         for (String directory : DtdType.ldml.directories) {
109             Factory factory2 = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getMainAndAnnotationsFactory();
110             Set<String> source = factory2.getAvailable();
111             for (String file : getFilesToTest(source, "root", "en", "da")) {
112                 if (DEBUG) warnln(" TestCompletenessLdmlDtd: " + directory + ", " + file);
113                 DtdData dtdData = null;
114                 CLDRFile cldrFile = factory2.make(file, true);
115                 for (String path : cldrFile.fullIterable()) {
116                     pathChecker.checkPathHeader(cldrFile.getDtdData(), path);
117                 }
118             }
119         }
120         Set<String> missing = pathHeaderFactory.getUnmatchedRegexes();
121         if (missing.size() != 0) {
122             for (String e : missing) {
123                 errln("Path Regex never matched:\t" + e);
124             }
125         }
126     }
getFilesToTest(Collection<String> source, String... doFirst)128     private Collection<String> getFilesToTest(Collection<String> source, String... doFirst) {
129         LinkedHashSet<String> files = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(doFirst));
130         files.retainAll(source); // put first
131         files.addAll(new HashSet<>(source)); // now add others semi-randomly
132         int max = Math.min(30, files.size());
133         if (getInclusion() == 10 || files.size() <= max) {
134             return files;
135         }
136         ArrayList<String> shortFiles = new ArrayList<>(files);
137         if (getInclusion() > 5) {
138             max += (files.size() - 30) * (getInclusion() - 5) / 10; // use proportional amount
139         }
140         return shortFiles.subList(0, max);
141     }
TestCompleteness()143     public void TestCompleteness() {
144         PathHeader.Factory pathHeaderFactory2 = PathHeader.getFactory(english);
145         // List<String> failures = null;
146         pathHeaderFactory2.clearCache();
147         Multimap<PathHeader.PageId, PathHeader.SectionId> pageUniqueness = TreeMultimap.create();
148         Multimap<String, Pair<PathHeader.SectionId, PathHeader.PageId>> headerUniqueness = TreeMultimap.create();
149         Set<String> toTest;
150         switch (getInclusion()) {
151         default:
152             toTest = StandardCodes.make().getLocaleCoverageLocales(Organization.cldr);
153             break;
154         case 10:
155             toTest = factory.getAvailable();
156             break;
157         }
158         toTest = ImmutableSet.<String> builder().add("en").addAll(toTest).build();
159         Set<String> seenPaths = new HashSet<>();
160         Set<String> localSeenPaths = new TreeSet<>();
161         for (String locale : toTest) {
162             localSeenPaths.clear();
163             for (String p : factory.make(locale, true).fullIterable()) {
164                 if (p.startsWith("//ldml/identity/")) {
165                     continue;
166                 }
167                 if (seenPaths.contains(p)) {
168                     continue;
169                 }
170                 seenPaths.add(p);
171                 localSeenPaths.add(p);
172                 // if (p.contains("symbol[@alt") && failures == null) {
173                 // PathHeader result = pathHeaderFactory2.fromPath(p, failures = new
174                 // ArrayList<String>());
175                 // logln("Matching " + p + ": " + result + "\t" +
176                 // result.getSurveyToolStatus());
177                 // for (String failure : failures) {
178                 // logln("\t" + failure);
179                 // }
180                 // }
181                 PathHeader ph = pathHeaderFactory2.fromPath(p);
182                 if (ph == null) {
183                     errln("Failed to create path from: " + p);
184                     continue;
185                 }
186                 final SectionId sectionId = ph.getSectionId();
187                 if (sectionId != SectionId.Special) {
188                     pageUniqueness.put(ph.getPageId(), sectionId);
189                     headerUniqueness.put(ph.getHeader(), new Pair<>(sectionId, ph.getPageId()));
190                 }
191             }
192             if (!localSeenPaths.isEmpty()) {
193                 logln(locale + ": checked " + localSeenPaths.size() + " new paths");
194             }
195         }
196         Set<String> missing = pathHeaderFactory2.getUnmatchedRegexes();
197         if (missing.size() != 0) {
198             for (String e : missing) {
199                 if (e.contains("//ldml/")) {
200                     if (e.contains("//ldml/rbnf/") || e.contains("//ldml/segmentations/") || e.contains("//ldml/collations/")) {
201                         continue;
202                     }
203                     logln("Path Regex never matched:\t" + e);
204                 }
205             }
206         }
208         for (Entry<PageId, Collection<SectionId>> e : pageUniqueness.asMap().entrySet()) {
209             Collection<SectionId> values = e.getValue();
210             if (values.size() != 1) {
211                 warnln("Duplicate page in section: " + CldrUtility.toString(e));
212             }
213         }
215         for (Entry<String, Collection<Pair<SectionId, PageId>>> e : headerUniqueness.asMap().entrySet()) {
216             Collection<Pair<SectionId, PageId>> values = e.getValue();
217             if (values.size() != 1) {
218                 warnln("Duplicate header in (section,page): " + CldrUtility.toString(e));
219             }
220         }
221     }
Test6170()223     public void Test6170() {
224         String p1 = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"narrow\"]/unit[@type=\"speed-kilometer-per-hour\"]/unitPattern[@count=\"other\"]";
225         String p2 = "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"narrow\"]/unit[@type=\"area-square-meter\"]/unitPattern[@count=\"other\"]";
226         PathHeader ph1 = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(p1);
227         PathHeader ph2 = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(p2);
228         int comp12 = ph1.compareTo(ph2);
229         int comp21 = ph2.compareTo(ph1);
230         assertEquals("comp ph", comp12, -comp21);
231     }
TestVariant()233     public void TestVariant() {
234         PathHeader p1 = pathHeaderFactory
235             .fromPath("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language[@type=\"ug\"][@alt=\"variant\"]");
236         PathHeader p2 = pathHeaderFactory
237             .fromPath("//ldml/localeDisplayNames/languages/language[@type=\"ug\"]");
238         assertNotEquals("variants", p1, p2);
239         assertNotEquals("variants", p1.toString(), p2.toString());
240         // Code Lists Languages Arabic Script ug-variant
241     }
Test4587()243     public void Test4587() {
244         String test = "//ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/metazone[@type=\"Pacific/Wallis\"]/short/standard";
245         PathHeader ph = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(test);
246         if (ph == null) {
247             errln("Failure with " + test);
248         } else {
249             logln(ph + "\t" + test);
250         }
251     }
TestMiscPatterns()253     public void TestMiscPatterns() {
254         String test = "//ldml/numbers/miscPatterns[@numberSystem=\"arab\"]/pattern[@type=\"atLeast\"]";
255         PathHeader ph = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(test);
256         assertNotNull("MiscPatterns path not found", ph);
257         if (false)
258             System.out.println(english.getStringValue(test));
259     }
TestPluralOrder()261     public void TestPluralOrder() {
262         Set<PathHeader> sorted = new TreeSet<PathHeader>();
263         for (String locale : new String[] { "ru", "ar", "ja" }) {
264             sorted.clear();
265             CLDRFile cldrFile = info.getCLDRFile(locale, true);
266             CoverageLevel2 coverageLevel = CoverageLevel2.getInstance(locale);
267             for (String path : cldrFile.fullIterable()) {
268                 if (!path.contains("@count")) {
269                     continue;
270                 }
271                 Level level = coverageLevel.getLevel(path);
272                 if (Level.MODERN.compareTo(level) < 0) {
273                     continue;
274                 }
275                 PathHeader p = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
276                 sorted.add(p);
277             }
278             for (PathHeader p : sorted) {
279                 logln(locale + "\t" + p + "\t" + p.getOriginalPath());
280             }
281         }
282     }
284     static final String APPEND_TIMEZONE = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dateTimeFormats/appendItems/appendItem[@request=\"Timezone\"]";
285     static final String APPEND_TIMEZONE_END = "/dateTimeFormats/appendItems/appendItem[@request=\"Timezone\"]";
286     static final String BEFORE_PH = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/dateFormatItem[@id=\"ms\"]";
287     static final String AFTER_PH = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dateTimeFormats/intervalFormats/intervalFormatItem[@id=\"d\"]/greatestDifference[@id=\"d\"]";
TestAppendTimezone()289     public void TestAppendTimezone() {
290         CLDRFile cldrFile = info.getEnglish();
291         CoverageLevel2 coverageLevel = CoverageLevel2.getInstance("en");
292         assertEquals("appendItem:Timezone", Level.MODERATE,
293             coverageLevel.getLevel(APPEND_TIMEZONE));
295         PathHeader ph = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(APPEND_TIMEZONE);
296         assertEquals("appendItem:Timezone pathheader", "Timezone", ph.getCode());
297         // check that they are in the right place (they weren't before!)
298         PathHeader phBefore = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(BEFORE_PH);
299         PathHeader phAfter = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(AFTER_PH);
300         assertTrue(phBefore, LEQ, ph);
301         assertTrue(ph, LEQ, phAfter);
303         PathDescription pathDescription = new PathDescription(supplemental,
304             english, null, null, PathDescription.ErrorHandling.CONTINUE);
305         String description = pathDescription.getDescription(APPEND_TIMEZONE,
306             "tempvalue", null, null);
307         assertTrue("appendItem:Timezone pathDescription",
308             description.contains("“Timezone”"));
310         PatternPlaceholders patternPlaceholders = PatternPlaceholders
311             .getInstance();
312         PlaceholderStatus status = patternPlaceholders
313             .getStatus(APPEND_TIMEZONE);
314         assertEquals("appendItem:Timezone placeholders",
315             PlaceholderStatus.REQUIRED, status);
317         Map<String, PlaceholderInfo> placeholderInfo = patternPlaceholders
318             .get(APPEND_TIMEZONE);
319         PlaceholderInfo placeholderInfo2 = placeholderInfo.get("{1}");
320         if (assertNotNull("appendItem:Timezone placeholders", placeholderInfo2)) {
321             assertEquals("appendItem:Timezone placeholders",
322                 "APPEND_FIELD_FORMAT", placeholderInfo2.name);
323             assertEquals("appendItem:Timezone placeholders", "Pacific Time",
324                 placeholderInfo2.example);
325         }
326         ExampleGenerator eg = new ExampleGenerator(cldrFile, cldrFile,
328         String example = eg.getExampleHtml(APPEND_TIMEZONE,
329             cldrFile.getStringValue(APPEND_TIMEZONE));
330         String result = ExampleGenerator.simplify(example, false);
331         assertEquals("", "〖❬6:25:59 PM❭ ❬GMT❭〗", result);
332     }
TestOptional()334     public void TestOptional() {
335         if (true) return;
336         Map<PathHeader, String> sorted = new TreeMap<PathHeader, String>();
337         XPathParts parts = new XPathParts();
338         for (String locale : new String[] { "af" }) {
339             sorted.clear();
340             CLDRFile cldrFile = info.getCLDRFile(locale, true);
341             CoverageLevel2 coverageLevel = CoverageLevel2.getInstance(locale);
342             for (String path : cldrFile.fullIterable()) {
343                 // if (!path.contains("@count")) {
344                 // continue;
345                 // }
346                 Level level = coverageLevel.getLevel(path);
347                 if (supplemental.isDeprecated(DtdType.ldml, path)) {
348                     continue;
349                 }
351                 if (Level.OPTIONAL.compareTo(level) != 0) {
352                     continue;
353                 }
355                 PathHeader p = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
356                 final SurveyToolStatus status = p.getSurveyToolStatus();
357                 if (status == SurveyToolStatus.DEPRECATED) {
358                     continue;
359                 }
360                 sorted.put(
361                     p,
362                     locale + "\t" + status + "\t" + p + "\t"
363                         + p.getOriginalPath());
364             }
365             Set<String> codes = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
366             PathHeader old = null;
367             String line = null;
368             for (Entry<PathHeader, String> s : sorted.entrySet()) {
369                 PathHeader p = s.getKey();
370                 String v = s.getValue();
371                 if (old == null) {
372                     line = v;
373                     codes.add(p.getCode());
374                 } else if (p.getSectionId() == old.getSectionId()
375                     && p.getPageId() == old.getPageId()
376                     && p.getHeader().equals(old.getHeader())) {
377                     codes.add(p.getCode());
378                 } else {
379                     logln(line + "\t" + codes.toString());
380                     codes.clear();
381                     line = v;
382                     codes.add(p.getCode());
383                 }
384                 old = p;
385             }
386             logln(line + "\t" + codes.toString());
387         }
388     }
TestPluralCanonicals()390     public void TestPluralCanonicals() {
391         Relation<String, String> data = Relation.of(
392             new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>>(), TreeSet.class);
393         for (String locale : factory.getAvailable()) {
394             if (locale.contains("_")) {
395                 continue;
396             }
397             PluralInfo info = supplemental.getPlurals(PluralType.cardinal,
398                 locale);
399             Set<String> keywords = info.getCanonicalKeywords();
400             data.put(keywords.toString(), locale);
401         }
402         for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : data.keyValuesSet()) {
403             logln(entry.getKey() + "\t" + entry.getValue());
404         }
405     }
TestPluralPaths()407     public void TestPluralPaths() {
408         // do the following line once, when the file is opened
409         Set<String> filePaths = pathHeaderFactory.pathsForFile(english);
411         // check that English doesn't contain few or many
412         verifyContains(PageId.Duration, filePaths, "few", false);
413         verifyContains(PageId.C_NAmerica, filePaths, "many", false);
414         verifyContains(PageId.C_SAmerica, filePaths, "many", false);
415         verifyContains(PageId.C_NWEurope, filePaths, "many", false);
416         verifyContains(PageId.C_SEEurope, filePaths, "many", false);
417         verifyContains(PageId.C_NAfrica, filePaths, "many", false);
418         verifyContains(PageId.C_WAfrica, filePaths, "many", false);
419         verifyContains(PageId.C_SAfrica, filePaths, "many", false);
420         verifyContains(PageId.C_EAfrica, filePaths, "many", false);
421         verifyContains(PageId.C_CAsia, filePaths, "many", false);
422         verifyContains(PageId.C_WAsia, filePaths, "many", false);
423         verifyContains(PageId.C_SEAsia, filePaths, "many", false);
424         verifyContains(PageId.C_Oceania, filePaths, "many", false);
425         verifyContains(PageId.C_Unknown, filePaths, "many", false);
427         // check that Arabic does contain few and many
428         filePaths = pathHeaderFactory.pathsForFile(info.getCLDRFile("ar", true));
430         verifyContains(PageId.Duration, filePaths, "few", true);
431         verifyContains(PageId.C_NAmerica, filePaths, "many", true);
432         verifyContains(PageId.C_SAmerica, filePaths, "many", true);
433         verifyContains(PageId.C_NWEurope, filePaths, "many", true);
434         verifyContains(PageId.C_SEEurope, filePaths, "many", true);
435         verifyContains(PageId.C_NAfrica, filePaths, "many", true);
436         verifyContains(PageId.C_WAfrica, filePaths, "many", true);
437         verifyContains(PageId.C_SAfrica, filePaths, "many", true);
438         verifyContains(PageId.C_EAfrica, filePaths, "many", true);
439         verifyContains(PageId.C_CAsia, filePaths, "many", true);
440         verifyContains(PageId.C_WAsia, filePaths, "many", true);
441         verifyContains(PageId.C_SEAsia, filePaths, "many", true);
442         verifyContains(PageId.C_Oceania, filePaths, "many", true);
443         verifyContains(PageId.C_Unknown, filePaths, "many", true);
444     }
TestCoverage()446     public void TestCoverage() {
447         Map<Row.R2<SectionId, PageId>, Counter<Level>> data = new TreeMap<Row.R2<SectionId, PageId>, Counter<Level>>();
448         CLDRFile cldrFile = english;
449         for (String path : cldrFile.fullIterable()) {
450             if (supplemental.isDeprecated(DtdType.ldml, path)) {
451                 errln("Deprecated path in English: " + path);
452                 continue;
453             }
454             Level level = supplemental.getCoverageLevel(path,
455                 cldrFile.getLocaleID());
456             PathHeader p = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
457             SurveyToolStatus status = p.getSurveyToolStatus();
459             boolean hideCoverage = level == Level.OPTIONAL;
460             boolean hidePathHeader = status == SurveyToolStatus.DEPRECATED
461                 || status == SurveyToolStatus.HIDE;
462             if (hidePathHeader != hideCoverage) {
463                 String message = "PathHeader: " + status + ", Coverage: "
464                     + level + ": " + path;
465                 if (hidePathHeader && !hideCoverage) {
466                     errln(message);
467                 } else if (!hidePathHeader && hideCoverage) {
468                     logln(message);
469                 }
470             }
471             final R2<SectionId, PageId> key = Row.of(p.getSectionId(),
472                 p.getPageId());
473             Counter<Level> counter = data.get(key);
474             if (counter == null) {
475                 data.put(key, counter = new Counter<Level>());
476             }
477             counter.add(level, 1);
478         }
479         StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer("\t");
480         for (Level level : Level.values()) {
481             b.append("\t" + level);
482         }
483         logln(b.toString());
484         for (Entry<R2<SectionId, PageId>, Counter<Level>> entry : data
485             .entrySet()) {
486             b.setLength(0);
487             b.append(entry.getKey().get0() + "\t" + entry.getKey().get1());
488             Counter<Level> counter = entry.getValue();
489             long total = 0;
490             for (Level level : Level.values()) {
491                 total += counter.getCount(level);
492                 b.append("\t" + total);
493             }
494             logln(b.toString());
495         }
496     }
Test00AFile()498     public void Test00AFile() {
499         final String localeId = "en";
500         Counter<Level> counter = new Counter<Level>();
501         Map<String, PathHeader> uniqueness = new HashMap<String, PathHeader>();
502         Set<String> alreadySeen = new HashSet<String>();
503         check(localeId, true, uniqueness, alreadySeen);
504         // check paths
505         for (Entry<SectionId, Set<PageId>> sectionAndPages : PathHeader.Factory
506             .getSectionIdsToPageIds().keyValuesSet()) {
507             final SectionId section = sectionAndPages.getKey();
508             if (section == SectionId.Supplemental || section == SectionId.BCP47) {
509                 continue;
510             }
511             logln(section.toString());
512             for (PageId page : sectionAndPages.getValue()) {
513                 final Set<String> cachedPaths = PathHeader.Factory
514                     .getCachedPaths(section, page);
515                 if (cachedPaths == null) {
516                     if (!badZonePages.contains(page) && page != PageId.Unknown) {
517                         errln("Null pages for: " + section + "\t" + page);
518                     }
519                 } else if (section == SectionId.Special
520                     && page == PageId.Unknown) {
521                     // skip
522                 } else if (section == SectionId.Timezones
523                     && page == PageId.UnknownT) {
524                     // skip
525                 } else if (section == SectionId.Misc
526                     && page == PageId.Transforms) {
527                     // skip
528                 } else {
530                     int count2 = cachedPaths.size();
531                     if (count2 == 0) {
532                         warnln("Missing pages for: " + section + "\t" + page);
533                     } else {
534                         counter.clear();
535                         for (String s : cachedPaths) {
536                             Level coverage = supplemental.getCoverageLevel(s,
537                                 localeId);
538                             counter.add(coverage, 1);
539                         }
540                         String countString = "";
541                         int total = 0;
542                         for (Level item : Level.values()) {
543                             long count = counter.get(item);
544                             if (count != 0) {
545                                 if (!countString.isEmpty()) {
546                                     countString += ",\t+";
547                                 }
548                                 total += count;
549                                 countString += item + "=" + total;
550                             }
551                         }
552                         logln("\t" + page + "\t" + countString);
553                         if (page.toString().startsWith("Unknown")) {
554                             logln("\t\t" + cachedPaths);
555                         }
556                     }
557                 }
558             }
559         }
560     }
TestMetazones()562     public void TestMetazones() {
564         CLDRFile nativeFile = info.getEnglish();
565         Set<PathHeader> pathHeaders = getPathHeaders(nativeFile);
566         // String oldPage = "";
567         String oldHeader = "";
568         for (PathHeader entry : pathHeaders) {
569             final String page = entry.getPage();
570             // if (!oldPage.equals(page)) {
571             // logln(page);
572             // oldPage = page;
573             // }
574             String header = entry.getHeader();
575             if (!oldHeader.equals(header)) {
576                 logln(page + "\t" + header);
577                 oldHeader = header;
578             }
579         }
580     }
getPathHeaders(CLDRFile nativeFile)582     public Set<PathHeader> getPathHeaders(CLDRFile nativeFile) {
583         Set<PathHeader> pathHeaders = new TreeSet<PathHeader>();
584         for (String path : nativeFile.fullIterable()) {
585             PathHeader p = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
586             pathHeaders.add(p);
587         }
588         return pathHeaders;
589     }
verifyContains(PageId pageId, Set<String> filePaths, String substring, boolean contains)591     public void verifyContains(PageId pageId, Set<String> filePaths,
592         String substring, boolean contains) {
593         String path;
594         path = findOneContaining(allPaths(pageId, filePaths), substring);
595         if (contains) {
596             if (path == null) {
597                 errln("No path contains <" + substring + ">");
598             }
599         } else {
600             if (path != null) {
601                 errln("Path contains <" + substring + ">\t" + path);
602             }
603         }
604     }
findOneContaining(Collection<String> allPaths, String substring)606     private String findOneContaining(Collection<String> allPaths,
607         String substring) {
608         for (String path : allPaths) {
609             if (path.contains(substring)) {
610                 return path;
611             }
612         }
613         return null;
614     }
allPaths(PageId pageId, Set<String> filePaths)616     public Set<String> allPaths(PageId pageId, Set<String> filePaths) {
617         Set<String> result = PathHeader.Factory.getCachedPaths(
618             pageId.getSectionId(), pageId);
619         result.retainAll(filePaths);
620         return result;
621     }
TestUniqueness()623     public void TestUniqueness() {
624         CLDRFile nativeFile = info.getEnglish();
625         Map<PathHeader, String> headerToPath = new HashMap<PathHeader, String>();
626         Map<String, String> headerVisibleToPath = new HashMap<String, String>();
627         for (String path : nativeFile.fullIterable()) {
628             PathHeader p = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
629             if (p.getSectionId() == SectionId.Special) {
630                 continue;
631             }
632             String old = headerToPath.get(p);
633             if (old == null) {
634                 headerToPath.put(p, path);
635             } else if (!old.equals(path)) {
636                 if (true) { // for debugging
637                     pathHeaderFactory.clearCache();
638                     List<String> failuresOld = new ArrayList<>();
639                     pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(old, failuresOld);
640                     List<String> failuresPath = new ArrayList<>();
641                     pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path, failuresPath);
642                 }
643                 errln("Collision with path " + p + "\t" + old + "\t" + path);
644             }
645             final String visible = p.toString();
646             old = headerVisibleToPath.get(visible);
647             if (old == null) {
648                 headerVisibleToPath.put(visible, path);
649             } else if (!old.equals(path)) {
650                 errln("Collision with path " + visible + "\t" + old + "\t"
651                     + path);
652             }
653         }
654     }
TestStatus()656     public void TestStatus() {
657         CLDRFile nativeFile = info.getEnglish();
658         PathStarrer starrer = new PathStarrer();
659         EnumMap<SurveyToolStatus, Relation<String, String>> info2 = new EnumMap<SurveyToolStatus, Relation<String, String>>(
660             SurveyToolStatus.class);
661         Set<String> nuked = new HashSet<String>();
662         PrettyPath pp = new PrettyPath();
663         XPathParts parts = new XPathParts();
664         Set<String> deprecatedStar = new HashSet<String>();
665         Set<String> differentStar = new HashSet<String>();
667         for (String path : nativeFile.fullIterable()) {
669             PathHeader p = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
670             final SurveyToolStatus surveyToolStatus = p.getSurveyToolStatus();
672             if (p.getSectionId() == SectionId.Special
673                 && surveyToolStatus == SurveyToolStatus.READ_WRITE) {
674                 errln("SurveyToolStatus should not be " + surveyToolStatus
675                     + ": " + p);
676             }
678             final SurveyToolStatus tempSTS = surveyToolStatus == SurveyToolStatus.DEPRECATED ? SurveyToolStatus.HIDE
679                 : surveyToolStatus;
680             String starred = starrer.set(path);
681             List<String> attr = starrer.getAttributes();
682             if (surveyToolStatus != SurveyToolStatus.READ_WRITE) {
683                 nuked.add(starred);
684             }
686             // check against old
687             SurveyToolStatus oldStatus = SurveyToolStatus.READ_WRITE;
689             if (tempSTS != oldStatus
690                 && oldStatus != SurveyToolStatus.READ_WRITE
691                 && !path.endsWith(APPEND_TIMEZONE_END)) {
692                 if (!differentStar.contains(starred)) {
693                     errln("Different from old:\t" + oldStatus + "\tnew:\t"
694                         + surveyToolStatus + "\t" + path);
695                     differentStar.add(starred);
696                 }
697             }
699             // check against deprecated
700             boolean isDeprecated = supplemental.isDeprecated(DtdType.ldml, path);
701             if (isDeprecated != (surveyToolStatus == SurveyToolStatus.DEPRECATED)) {
702                 if (!deprecatedStar.contains(starred)) {
703                     errln("Different from DtdData deprecated:\t"
704                         + isDeprecated + "\t" + surveyToolStatus + "\t"
705                         + path);
706                     deprecatedStar.add(starred);
707                 }
708             }
710             Relation<String, String> data = info2.get(surveyToolStatus);
711             if (data == null) {
712                 info2.put(
713                     surveyToolStatus,
714                     data = Relation.of(new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(),
715                         TreeSet.class));
716             }
717             data.put(starred, CollectionUtilities.join(attr, "|"));
718         }
719         for (Entry<SurveyToolStatus, Relation<String, String>> entry : info2
720             .entrySet()) {
721             final SurveyToolStatus status = entry.getKey();
722             for (Entry<String, Set<String>> item : entry.getValue()
723                 .keyValuesSet()) {
724                 final String starred = item.getKey();
725                 if (status == SurveyToolStatus.READ_WRITE
726                     && !nuked.contains(starred)) {
727                     continue;
728                 }
729                 logln(status + "\t" + starred + "\t" + item.getValue());
730             }
731         }
732     }
TestPathsNotInEnglish()734     public void TestPathsNotInEnglish() {
735         Set<String> englishPaths = new HashSet<String>();
736         for (String path : english.fullIterable()) {
737             englishPaths.add(path);
738         }
739         Set<String> alreadySeen = new HashSet<String>(englishPaths);
741         for (String locale : factory.getAvailable()) {
742             CLDRFile nativeFile = info.getCLDRFile(locale, false);
743             CoverageLevel2 coverageLevel2 = null;
744             for (String path : nativeFile.fullIterable()) {
745                 if (alreadySeen.contains(path) || path.contains("@count")) {
746                     continue;
747                 }
748                 if (coverageLevel2 == null) {
749                     coverageLevel2 = CoverageLevel2.getInstance(locale);
750                 }
751                 Level level = coverageLevel2.getLevel(path);
752                 if (Level.COMPREHENSIVE.compareTo(level) < 0) {
753                     continue;
754                 }
755                 logln("Path not in English\t" + locale + "\t" + path);
756                 alreadySeen.add(path);
757             }
758         }
759     }
TestPathDescriptionCompleteness()761     public void TestPathDescriptionCompleteness() {
762         PathDescription pathDescription = new PathDescription(supplemental,
763             english, null, null, PathDescription.ErrorHandling.CONTINUE);
764         Matcher normal = PatternCache.get(
765             "http://cldr.org/translation/[a-zA-Z0-9_]").matcher("");
766         // http://cldr.unicode.org/translation/plurals#TOC-Minimal-Pairs
767         Set<String> alreadySeen = new HashSet<String>();
768         PathStarrer starrer = new PathStarrer();
770         checkPathDescriptionCompleteness(pathDescription, normal,
771             "//ldml/numbers/defaultNumberingSystem", alreadySeen, starrer);
772         for (PathHeader pathHeader : getPathHeaders(english)) {
773             final SurveyToolStatus surveyToolStatus = pathHeader
774                 .getSurveyToolStatus();
775             if (surveyToolStatus == SurveyToolStatus.DEPRECATED
776                 || surveyToolStatus == SurveyToolStatus.HIDE) {
777                 continue;
778             }
779             String path = pathHeader.getOriginalPath();
780             checkPathDescriptionCompleteness(pathDescription, normal, path,
781                 alreadySeen, starrer);
782         }
783     }
checkPathDescriptionCompleteness( PathDescription pathDescription, Matcher normal, String path, Set<String> alreadySeen, PathStarrer starrer)785     public void checkPathDescriptionCompleteness(
786         PathDescription pathDescription, Matcher normal, String path,
787         Set<String> alreadySeen, PathStarrer starrer) {
788         String value = english.getStringValue(path);
789         String description = pathDescription.getDescription(path, value, null,
790             null);
791         String starred = starrer.set(path);
792         if (alreadySeen.contains(starred)) {
793             return;
794         } else if (description == null) {
795             errln("Path has no description:\t" + value + "\t" + path);
796         } else if (!description.contains("http://")) {
797             errln("Description has no URL:\t" + description + "\t" + value
798                 + "\t" + path);
799         } else if (!normal.reset(description).find()) {
800             errln("Description has generic URL, fix to be specific:\t"
801                 + description + "\t" + value + "\t" + path);
802         } else if (description == PathDescription.MISSING_DESCRIPTION) {
803             errln("Fallback Description:\t" + value + "\t" + path);
804         } else {
805             return;
806         }
807         // Add if we had a problem, keeping us from being overwhelmed with
808         // errors.
809         alreadySeen.add(starred);
810     }
TestTerritoryOrder()812     public void TestTerritoryOrder() {
813         final Set<String> goodAvailableCodes = CLDRConfig.getInstance()
814             .getStandardCodes().getGoodAvailableCodes("territory");
815         Set<String> results = showContained("001", 0, new HashSet<String>(
816             goodAvailableCodes));
817         results.remove("ZZ");
818         for (String territory : results) {
819             String sub = Containment.getSubcontinent(territory);
820             String cont = Containment.getContinent(territory);
821             errln("Missing\t" + getNameAndOrder(territory) + "\t"
822                 + getNameAndOrder(sub) + "\t" + getNameAndOrder(cont));
823         }
824     }
showContained(String territory, int level, Set<String> soFar)826     private Set<String> showContained(String territory, int level,
827         Set<String> soFar) {
828         if (!soFar.contains(territory)) {
829             return soFar;
830         }
831         soFar.remove(territory);
832         Set<String> contained = supplemental.getContained(territory);
833         if (contained == null) {
834             return soFar;
835         }
836         for (String containedItem : contained) {
837             logln(level + "\t" + getNameAndOrder(territory) + "\t"
838                 + getNameAndOrder(containedItem));
839         }
840         for (String containedItem : contained) {
841             showContained(containedItem, level + 1, soFar);
842         }
843         return soFar;
844     }
getNameAndOrder(String territory)846     private String getNameAndOrder(String territory) {
847         return territory + "\t"
848             + english.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, territory) + "\t"
849             + Containment.getOrder(territory);
850     }
TestZCompleteness()852     public void TestZCompleteness() {
853         Map<String, PathHeader> uniqueness = new HashMap<String, PathHeader>();
854         Set<String> alreadySeen = new HashSet<String>();
855         LanguageTagParser ltp = new LanguageTagParser();
856         int count = 0;
857         for (String locale : factory.getAvailable()) {
858             if (!ltp.set(locale).getRegion().isEmpty()) {
859                 continue;
860             }
861             check(locale, false, uniqueness, alreadySeen);
862             ++count;
863         }
864         logln("Count:\t" + count);
865     }
check(String localeID, boolean resolved, Map<String, PathHeader> uniqueness, Set<String> alreadySeen)867     public void check(String localeID, boolean resolved,
868         Map<String, PathHeader> uniqueness, Set<String> alreadySeen) {
869         CLDRFile nativeFile = info.getCLDRFile(localeID, resolved);
870         int count = 0;
871         for (String path : nativeFile) {
872             if (alreadySeen.contains(path)) {
873                 continue;
874             }
875             alreadySeen.add(path);
876             final PathHeader pathHeader = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
877             ++count;
878             if (pathHeader == null) {
879                 errln("Null pathheader for " + path);
880             } else {
881                 String visible = pathHeader.toString();
882                 PathHeader old = uniqueness.get(visible);
883                 if (pathHeader.getSectionId() == SectionId.Timezones) {
884                     final PageId pageId = pathHeader.getPageId();
885                     if (badZonePages.contains(pageId)
886                         && !pathHeader.getCode().equals("Unknown")) {
887                         String msg = "Bad page ID:\t" + pageId + "\t" + pathHeader + "\t" + path;
888                         if (!logKnownIssue("cldrbug:7802", "ICU/CLDR time zone data sync problem - " + msg)) {
889                             errln("Bad page ID:\t" + pageId + "\t" + pathHeader
890                                 + "\t" + path);
891                         }
892                     }
893                 }
894                 if (old == null) {
895                     if (pathHeader.getSection().equals("Special")) {
896                         if (pathHeader.getSection().equals("Unknown")) {
897                             errln("PathHeader has fallback: " + visible + "\t"
898                                 + pathHeader.getOriginalPath());
899                             // } else {
900                             // logln("Special:\t" + visible + "\t" +
901                             // pathHeader.getOriginalPath());
902                         }
903                     }
904                     uniqueness.put(visible, pathHeader);
905                 } else if (!old.equals(pathHeader)) {
906                     if (pathHeader.getSectionId() == SectionId.Special) {
907                         logln("Special PathHeader not unique: " + visible
908                             + "\t" + pathHeader.getOriginalPath() + "\t"
909                             + old.getOriginalPath());
910                     } else {
911                         errln("PathHeader not unique: " + visible + "\t"
912                             + pathHeader.getOriginalPath() + "\t"
913                             + old.getOriginalPath());
914                     }
915                 }
916             }
917         }
918         logln(localeID + "\t" + count);
919     }
TestContainment()921     public void TestContainment() {
922         Map<String, Map<String, String>> metazoneToRegionToZone = supplemental
923             .getMetazoneToRegionToZone();
924         Map<String, String> metazoneToContinent = supplemental
925             .getMetazoneToContinentMap();
926         for (String metazone : metazoneToRegionToZone.keySet()) {
927             Map<String, String> regionToZone = metazoneToRegionToZone
928                 .get(metazone);
929             String worldZone = regionToZone.get("001");
930             String territory = Containment.getRegionFromZone(worldZone);
931             if (territory == null) {
932                 territory = "ZZ";
933             }
934             String cont = Containment.getContinent(territory);
935             int order = Containment.getOrder(territory);
936             String sub = Containment.getSubcontinent(territory);
937             String revision = PathHeader.getMetazonePageTerritory(metazone);
938             String continent = metazoneToContinent.get(metazone);
939             if (continent == null) {
940                 continent = "UnknownT";
941             }
942             // Russia, Antarctica => territory
943             // in Australasia, Asia, S. America => subcontinent
944             // in N. America => N. America (grouping of 3 subcontinents)
945             // in everything else => continent
947             if (territory.equals("RU")) {
948                 assertEquals("Russia special case", "RU", revision);
949             } else if (territory.equals("US")) {
950                 assertEquals("N. America special case", "003", revision);
951             } else if (territory.equals("BR")) {
952                 assertEquals("S. America special case", "005", revision);
953             }
954             if (isVerbose()) {
955                 String name = english.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, cont);
956                 String name2 = english.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, sub);
957                 String name3 = english.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME,
958                     territory);
959                 String name4 = english.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME,
960                     revision);
962                 logln(metazone + "\t" + continent + "\t" + name + "\t" + name2
963                     + "\t" + name3 + "\t" + order + "\t" + name4);
964             }
965         }
966     }
TestZ()968     public void TestZ() {
969         PathStarrer pathStarrer = new PathStarrer();
970         pathStarrer.setSubstitutionPattern("%A");
972         Set<PathHeader> sorted = new TreeSet<PathHeader>();
973         Map<String, String> missing = new TreeMap<String, String>();
974         Map<String, String> skipped = new TreeMap<String, String>();
975         Map<String, String> collide = new TreeMap<String, String>();
977         logln("Traversing Paths");
978         for (String path : english) {
979             PathHeader pathHeader = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
980             String value = english.getStringValue(path);
981             if (pathHeader == null) {
982                 final String starred = pathStarrer.set(path);
983                 missing.put(starred, value + "\t" + path);
984                 continue;
985             }
986             if (pathHeader.getSection().equalsIgnoreCase("skip")) {
987                 final String starred = pathStarrer.set(path);
988                 skipped.put(starred, value + "\t" + path);
989                 continue;
990             }
991             sorted.add(pathHeader);
992         }
993         logln("\nConverted:\t" + sorted.size());
994         String lastHeader = "";
995         String lastPage = "";
996         String lastSection = "";
997         List<String> threeLevel = new ArrayList<String>();
998         Status status = new Status();
999         CoverageLevel2 coverageLevel2 = CoverageLevel2.getInstance("en");
1001         for (PathHeader pathHeader : sorted) {
1002             String original = pathHeader.getOriginalPath();
1003             if (!original.equals(status.pathWhereFound)) {
1004                 continue;
1005             }
1006             if (!lastSection.equals(pathHeader.getSection())) {
1007                 logln("");
1008                 threeLevel.add(pathHeader.getSection());
1009                 threeLevel.add("\t" + pathHeader.getPage());
1010                 threeLevel.add("\t\t" + pathHeader.getHeader());
1011                 lastSection = pathHeader.getSection();
1012                 lastPage = pathHeader.getPage();
1013                 lastHeader = pathHeader.getHeader();
1014             } else if (!lastPage.equals(pathHeader.getPage())) {
1015                 logln("");
1016                 threeLevel.add("\t" + pathHeader.getPage());
1017                 threeLevel.add("\t\t" + pathHeader.getHeader());
1018                 lastPage = pathHeader.getPage();
1019                 lastHeader = pathHeader.getHeader();
1020             } else if (!lastHeader.equals(pathHeader.getHeader())) {
1021                 logln("");
1022                 threeLevel.add("\t\t" + pathHeader.getHeader());
1023                 lastHeader = pathHeader.getHeader();
1024             }
1025             logln(pathHeader + "\t" + coverageLevel2.getLevel(original) + "\t"
1026                 + english.getStringValue(pathHeader.getOriginalPath())
1027                 + "\t" + pathHeader.getOriginalPath());
1028         }
1029         if (collide.size() != 0) {
1030             errln("\nCollide:\t" + collide.size());
1031             for (Entry<String, String> item : collide.entrySet()) {
1032                 errln("\t" + item);
1033             }
1034         }
1035         if (missing.size() != 0) {
1036             errln("\nMissing:\t" + missing.size());
1037             for (Entry<String, String> item : missing.entrySet()) {
1038                 errln("\t" + item.getKey() + "\tvalue:\t" + item.getValue());
1039             }
1040         }
1041         if (skipped.size() != 0) {
1042             errln("\nSkipped:\t" + skipped.size());
1043             for (Entry<String, String> item : skipped.entrySet()) {
1044                 errln("\t" + item);
1045             }
1046         }
1047         Counter<PathHeader.Factory.CounterData> counterData = pathHeaderFactory
1048             .getInternalCounter();
1049         logln("\nInternal Counter:\t" + counterData.size());
1050         for (PathHeader.Factory.CounterData item : counterData.keySet()) {
1051             logln("\t" + counterData.getCount(item) + "\t" + item.get2() // externals
1052                 + "\t" + item.get3() + "\t" + item.get0() // internals
1053                 + "\t" + item.get1());
1054         }
1055         logln("\nMenus/Headers:\t" + threeLevel.size());
1056         for (String item : threeLevel) {
1057             logln(item);
1058         }
1059         LinkedHashMap<String, Set<String>> sectionsToPages = pathHeaderFactory
1060             .getSectionsToPages();
1061         logln("\nMenus:\t" + sectionsToPages.size());
1062         for (Entry<String, Set<String>> item : sectionsToPages.entrySet()) {
1063             final String section = item.getKey();
1064             for (String page : item.getValue()) {
1065                 logln("\t" + section + "\t" + page);
1066                 int count = 0;
1067                 for (String path : pathHeaderFactory.filterCldr(section, page,
1068                     english)) {
1069                     count += 1; // just count them.
1070                 }
1071                 logln("\t" + count);
1072             }
1073         }
1074     }
TestOrder()1076     public void TestOrder() {
1077         String[] paths = {
1078             "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[@type=\"format\"]/dayPeriodWidth[@type=\"narrow\"]/dayPeriod[@type=\"noon\"]",
1079             "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[@type=\"format\"]/dayPeriodWidth[@type=\"narrow\"]/dayPeriod[@type=\"afternoon1\"]",
1080         };
1081         PathHeader pathHeaderLast = null;
1082         for (String path : paths) {
1083             PathHeader pathHeader = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
1084             if (pathHeaderLast != null) {
1085                 assertRelation("ordering", true, pathHeaderLast, LEQ, pathHeader);
1086             }
1087             pathHeaderLast = pathHeader;
1088         }
1090     }
Test8414()1092     public void Test8414() {
1093         PathDescription pathDescription = new PathDescription(supplemental,
1094             english, null, null, PathDescription.ErrorHandling.CONTINUE);
1096         String prefix = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[@type=\"";
1097         String suffix = "\"]/dayPeriodWidth[@type=\"wide\"]/dayPeriod[@type=\"morning1\"]";
1099         final String path0 = prefix + "format" + suffix;
1100         final String path1 = prefix + "stand-alone" + suffix;
1101         String v0 = english.getStringValue(path0);
1102         String v1 = english.getStringValue(path1);
1103         String p0 = pathDescription.getDescription(path0, v0, null, null);
1104         String p1 = pathDescription.getDescription(path1, v1, null, null);
1105         assertTrue("Check pd for format", p0.contains("in the morning"));
1106         assertTrue("Check pd for stand-alone", !p1.contains("in the morning"));
1107     }
TestCompletenessNonLdmlDtd()1109     public void TestCompletenessNonLdmlDtd() {
1110         PathChecker pathChecker = new PathChecker();
1111         Set<String> directories = new LinkedHashSet<>();
1112         XPathParts parts = new XPathParts();
1113         Multimap<String, String> pathValuePairs = LinkedListMultimap.create();
1114         // get all the directories containing non-Ldml dtd files
1115         for (DtdType dtdType : DtdType.values()) {
1116             if (dtdType == DtdType.ldml || dtdType == DtdType.ldmlICU) {
1117                 continue;
1118             }
1119             DtdData dtdData = DtdData.getInstance(dtdType);
1120             for (String dir : dtdType.directories) {
1121                 if (DEBUG_DTD_TYPE != null && !DEBUG_DTD_TYPE.directories.contains(dir)) {
1122                     continue;
1123                 }
1124                 File dir2 = new File(COMMON_DIR + dir);
1125                 logln(dir2.getName());
1126                 for (String file : dir2.list()) {
1127                     // don't need to restrict with getFilesToTest(Arrays.asList(dir2.list()), "root", "en")) {
1128                     if (!file.endsWith(".xml")) {
1129                         continue;
1130                     }
1131                     if (DEBUG) warnln(" TestCompletenessNonLdmlDtd: " + dir + ", " + file);
1132                     logln(" \t" + file);
1133                     for (Pair<String, String> pathValue : XMLFileReader.loadPathValues(
1134                         dir2 + "/" + file, new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(), true)) {
1135                         final String path = pathValue.getFirst();
1136                         final String value = pathValue.getSecond();
1137 //                        logln("\t\t" + path);
1138                         if (path.startsWith("//supplementalData/weekData/weekOf")) {
1139                             int debug = 0;
1140                         }
1141                         pathChecker.checkPathHeader(dtdData, path);
1142                     }
1143                     ;
1144                 }
1145             }
1146         }
1147     }
1149     private class PathChecker {
1150         PathHeader.Factory phf = pathHeaderFactory;
1151         PathStarrer starrer = new PathStarrer().setSubstitutionPattern("%A");
1153         Set<String> badHeaders = new TreeSet<>();
1154         Map<PathHeader, PathHeader> goodHeaders = new HashMap<>();
1155         Set<PathHeader> seenBad = new HashSet<>();
1156         {
phf.clearCache()1157             phf.clearCache();
1158         }
checkPathHeader(DtdData dtdData, String rawPath)1160         public void checkPathHeader(DtdData dtdData, String rawPath) {
1161             XPathParts pathPlain = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(rawPath);
1162             if (dtdData.isMetadata(pathPlain)) {
1163                 return;
1164             }
1165             if (dtdData.isDeprecated(pathPlain)) {
1166                 return;
1167             }
1168             Multimap<String, String> extras = HashMultimap.create();
1169             Set<String> fixedPaths = dtdData.getRegularizedPaths(pathPlain, extras);
1170             if (fixedPaths != null) {
1171                 for (String fixedPath : fixedPaths) {
1172                     checkSubpath(fixedPath);
1173                 }
1174             }
1175             for (String path : extras.keySet()) {
1176                 checkSubpath(path);
1177             }
1178         }
checkSubpath(String path)1180         public void checkSubpath(String path) {
1181             String message = ": Can't compute path header";
1182             PathHeader ph = null;
1183             try {
1184                 ph = phf.fromPath(path);
1185                 if (seenBad.contains(ph)) {
1186                     return;
1187                 }
1188                 if (ph.getPageId() == PageId.Deprecated) {
1189                     return; // don't care
1190                 }
1191                 if (ph.getPageId() != PageId.Unknown) {
1192                     PathHeader old = goodHeaders.put(ph, ph);
1193                     if (old != null && !path.equals(old.getOriginalPath())) {
1194                         errln("Duplicate path header for: " + ph
1195                             + "\n\t\t " + path
1196                             + "\n\t\t≠" + old.getOriginalPath());
1197                         seenBad.add(ph);
1198                     }
1199                     return;
1200                 }
1201                 // for debugging
1202                 phf.clearCache();
1203                 List<String> failures = new ArrayList<>();
1204                 ph = phf.fromPath(path, failures);
1205                 message = ": Unknown path header" + failures;
1206             } catch (Exception e) {
1207                 message = ": Exception in path header: " + e.getMessage();
1208             }
1209             String star = starrer.set(path);
1210             if (badHeaders.add(star)) {
1211                 errln(star + message + ", " + ph);
1212             }
1213         }
1214     }
TestSupplementalItems()1216     public void TestSupplementalItems() {
1217         //      <weekOfPreference ordering="weekOfYear weekOfMonth" locales="am az bs cs cy da el et hi ky lt mk sk ta th"/>
1218         // logln(pathHeaderFactory.getRegexInfo());
1219         CLDRFile supplementalFile = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalFactory().make("supplementalData", false);
1220         List<String> failures = new ArrayList<>();
1221         Multimap<String, String> pathValuePairs = LinkedListMultimap.create();
1222         XPathParts parts = new XPathParts();
1223         for (String test : With.in(supplementalFile.iterator("//supplementalData/weekData"))) {
1224             failures.clear();
1225             supplementalFile.getDtdData().getRegularizedPaths(parts.set(supplementalFile.getFullXPath(test)), pathValuePairs);
1226             for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : pathValuePairs.asMap().entrySet()) {
1227                 final String normalizedPath = entry.getKey();
1228                 final Collection<String> normalizedValue = entry.getValue();
1229                 PathHeader ph = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(normalizedPath, failures);
1230                 if (ph == null || ph.getSectionId() == SectionId.Special) {
1231                     errln("Failure with " + test + " => " + normalizedPath + " = " + normalizedValue);
1232                 } else {
1233                     logln(ph + "\t" + test + " = " + normalizedValue);
1234                 }
1235             }
1236         }
1237     }
test10232()1239     public void test10232() {
1240         String[][] tests = {
1241             { "MMM", "Formats - Flexible - Date Formats" },
1242             { "dMM", "Formats - Flexible - Date Formats" },
1243             { "h", "Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats" },
1244             { "hm", "Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats" },
1245             { "Ehm", "Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats" },
1246             { "H", "Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats" },
1247             { "Hm", "Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats" },
1248             { "EHm", "Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats" },
1249         };
1250         for (String[] test : tests) {
1251             String path = "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"gregorian\"]/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/dateFormatItem[@id=\""
1252                 + test[0] + "\"]";
1253             PathHeader pathHeader = pathHeaderFactory.fromPath(path);
1254             assertEquals("flexible formats", test[1] + "|" + test[0], pathHeader.getHeader() + "|" + pathHeader.getCode());
1255         }
1256     }
1258     // Moved from TestAnnotations and generalized
testPathHeaderSize()1259     public void testPathHeaderSize() {
1260         String locale = "ar"; // choose one with lots of plurals
1261         int maxSize = 700;
1262         boolean showTable = false; // only printed if test fails or verbose
1264         Factory factory = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getCommonAndSeedAndMainAndAnnotationsFactory();
1265         CLDRFile english = factory.make(locale, true);
1267         PathHeader.Factory phf = PathHeader.getFactory(CLDRConfig.getInstance().getEnglish());
1268         Counter<PageId> counterPageId = new Counter<>();
1269         Counter<PageId> counterPageIdAll = new Counter<>();
1270         for (String path : english) {
1271             Level level = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getSupplementalDataInfo().getCoverageLevel(path, locale);
1272             PathHeader ph = phf.fromPath(path);
1273             if (level.compareTo(Level.MODERN) <= 0) {
1274                 counterPageId.add(ph.getPageId(), 1);
1275             }
1276             counterPageIdAll.add(ph.getPageId(), 1);
1277         }
1278         Set<R2<Long, PageId>> entrySetSortedByCount = counterPageId.getEntrySetSortedByCount(false, null);
1279         for (R2<Long, PageId> sizeAndPageId : entrySetSortedByCount) {
1280             long size = sizeAndPageId.get0();
1281             PageId pageId = sizeAndPageId.get1();
1282             if (!assertTrue(pageId.getSectionId() + "/" + pageId + " size (" + size
1283                 + ") < " + maxSize + "?", size < maxSize)) {
1284                 showTable = true;
1285             }
1286             // System.out.println(pageId + "\t" + size);
1287         }
1288         if (showTable || isVerbose()) {
1289             for (R2<Long, PageId> sizeAndPageId : entrySetSortedByCount) {
1290                 PageId pageId = sizeAndPageId.get1();
1291                 System.out.println(pageId.getSectionId() + "\t" + pageId + "\t" + sizeAndPageId.get0() + "\t" + counterPageIdAll.get(pageId));
1292             }
1293         }
1294     }
1295 }