1Testing contended locking where lock is released before callback ends. 2Locker thread 1 for NamedLock[Lock testLockUncontend] contended-LOCKING NamedLock[Lock testLockUncontend] 3Releasing NamedLock[Lock testLockUncontend] during monitorEnter event. 4Locker thread 1 for NamedLock[Lock testLockUncontend] LOCKED NamedLock[Lock testLockUncontend] 5Testing throwing exceptions in monitor_enter 6Locker thread 3 for NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEnter] contended-LOCKING NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEnter] 7Throwing exception in MonitorEnter 8Locker thread 3 for NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEnter] LOCKED NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEnter] 9Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: Exception thrown by other thread! 10 Caused by: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorEnter of NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEnter] 11lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEnter], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 12Testing throwing exceptions in monitor_entered 13Locker thread 5 for NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEntered] contended-LOCKING NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEntered] 14Locker thread 5 for NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEntered] LOCKED NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEntered] 15Throwing exception in MonitorEntered 16Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: Exception thrown by other thread! 17 Caused by: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorEntered of NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEntered] 18lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowEntered], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 19Testing throwing exceptions in both monitorEnter & MonitorEntered 20Locker thread 7 for NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowBoth] contended-LOCKING NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowBoth] 21Throwing exception in MonitorEnter 22Locker thread 7 for NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowBoth] LOCKED NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowBoth] 23Throwing exception in MonitorEntered 24Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: Exception thrown by other thread! 25 Caused by: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorEntered of NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowBoth] 26lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testLockThrowBoth], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 27Testing throwing exception in MonitorWait event 28Locker thread 8 for NamedLock[Lock testThrowWait] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[Lock testThrowWait] timeout: 0 29Throwing exception in MonitorWait 30Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: Exception thrown by other thread! 31 Caused by: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during MonitorWait of NamedLock[Lock testThrowWait] 32lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testThrowWait], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 33Testing throwing exception in MonitorWait event with illegal aruments 34Locker thread 9 for NamedLock[Lock testThrowIllegalWait] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[Lock testThrowIllegalWait] timeout: -100000 35Throwing exception in MonitorWait timeout = -100000 36Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: Exception thrown by other thread! 37 Caused by: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorWait of NamedLock[Lock testThrowIllegalWait] 38lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testThrowIllegalWait], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 39Testing throwing exception in MonitorWaited event 40Locker thread 10 for NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaited] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaited] timeout: 0 41Locker thread 10 for NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaited] monitor-waited NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaited] timed_out: false 42Throwing exception in MonitorWaited 43Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: Exception thrown by other thread! 44 Caused by: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorWaited of NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaited] 45lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaited], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 46Testing throwing exception in MonitorWaited event caused by timeout 47Locker thread 12 for NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedTimeout] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedTimeout] timeout: 5000 48Locker thread 12 for NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedTimeout] monitor-waited NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedTimeout] timed_out: true 49Throwing exception in MonitorWaited 50Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: Exception thrown by other thread! 51 Caused by: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorWaited of NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedTimeout] 52lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedTimeout], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 53Testing throwing exception in MonitorWaited event caused by interrupt 54Locker thread 13 for NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedInterrupt] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedInterrupt] timeout: 0 55Locker thread 13 for NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedInterrupt] monitor-waited NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedInterrupt] timed_out: false 56Throwing exception in MonitorWaited 57Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: Exception thrown by other thread! 58 Caused by: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorWaited of NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedInterrupt] 59lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testThrowWaitedInterrupt], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 60Testing ObjectMonitorInfo inside of events 61Locker thread 15 for NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents] contended-LOCKING NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents] 62Monitor usage in MonitorEnter: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents], owner: Locker thread 14 for NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents], entryCount: 1, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 63Locker thread 15 for NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents] LOCKED NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents] 64Monitor usage in MonitorEntered: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents], owner: Locker thread 15 for NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents], entryCount: 1, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 65Locker thread 15 for NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents] timeout: 0 66Monitor usage in MonitorWait: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents], owner: Locker thread 15 for NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents], entryCount: 1, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 67Locker thread 15 for NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents] monitor-waited NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents] timed_out: false 68Monitor usage in MonitorWaited: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[Lock testMonitorInfoInEvents], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 69Testing that the monitor can be stolen during the MonitorWaited event. 70Locker thread 17 for NamedLock[test testWaitEnterInterleaving] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[test testWaitEnterInterleaving] timeout: 0 71Locker thread 17 for NamedLock[test testWaitEnterInterleaving] monitor-waited NamedLock[test testWaitEnterInterleaving] timed_out: false 72locking controller3 in controller2 MonitorWaited event 73Controller3 now holds the lock the monitor wait will try to re-acquire 74Testing that we can lock and release the monitor in the MonitorWait event 75Locker thread 20 for NamedLock[test testWaitMonitorEnter] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[test testWaitMonitorEnter] timeout: 0 76In wait monitor usage: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[test testWaitMonitorEnter], owner: Locker thread 20 for NamedLock[test testWaitMonitorEnter], entryCount: 1, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 77In wait monitor usage sync: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[test testWaitMonitorEnter], owner: Locker thread 20 for NamedLock[test testWaitMonitorEnter], entryCount: 2, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 78Locker thread 20 for NamedLock[test testWaitMonitorEnter] monitor-waited NamedLock[test testWaitMonitorEnter] timed_out: false 79Testing that we can lock and release the monitor in the MonitorWaited event 80Locker thread 22 for NamedLock[test testWaitedMonitorEnter] start-monitor-wait NamedLock[test testWaitedMonitorEnter] timeout: 0 81Locker thread 22 for NamedLock[test testWaitedMonitorEnter] monitor-waited NamedLock[test testWaitedMonitorEnter] timed_out: false 82In waited monitor usage: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[test testWaitedMonitorEnter], owner: <NULL>, entryCount: 0, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 83In waited monitor usage sync: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[test testWaitedMonitorEnter], owner: Locker thread 22 for NamedLock[test testWaitedMonitorEnter], entryCount: 1, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 84Testing we can perform recursive lock in MonitorEntered 85Locker thread 25 for NamedLock[test testRecursiveMontiorEnteredLock] contended-LOCKING NamedLock[test testRecursiveMontiorEnteredLock] 86Locker thread 25 for NamedLock[test testRecursiveMontiorEnteredLock] LOCKED NamedLock[test testRecursiveMontiorEnteredLock] 87In MonitorEntered usage: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[test testRecursiveMontiorEnteredLock], owner: Locker thread 25 for NamedLock[test testRecursiveMontiorEnteredLock], entryCount: 1, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 88In MonitorEntered sync: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[test testRecursiveMontiorEnteredLock], owner: Locker thread 25 for NamedLock[test testRecursiveMontiorEnteredLock], entryCount: 2, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 89Testing the lock state if MonitorEnter throws in a native method 90NativeLockStateThrowEnter thread contended-LOCKING NamedLock[test testNativeLockStateThrowEnter] 91Unlocking controller1 in MonitorEnter 92Throwing exception in MonitorEnter 93NativeLockStateThrowEnter thread LOCKED NamedLock[test testNativeLockStateThrowEnter] 94MonitorEnter returned: -1 95Lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[test testNativeLockStateThrowEnter], owner: NativeLockStateThrowEnter thread, entryCount: 1, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 96Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorEnter of NamedLock[test testNativeLockStateThrowEnter] 97Testing the lock state if MonitorEntered throws in a native method 98NativeLockStateThrowEntered thread contended-LOCKING NamedLock[test testNativeLockStateThrowEntered] 99Unlocking controller1 in MonitorEnter 100NativeLockStateThrowEntered thread LOCKED NamedLock[test testNativeLockStateThrowEntered] 101Throwing exception in MonitorEntered 102MonitorEnter returned: -1 103Lock state is: MonitorUsage{ monitor: NamedLock[test testNativeLockStateThrowEntered], owner: NativeLockStateThrowEntered thread, entryCount: 1, waiters: [], notify_waiters: [] } 104Caught exception: art.Monitors$TestException: throwing exception during monitorEntered of NamedLock[test testNativeLockStateThrowEntered] 105