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It writes the pixel components as they are read from the input image a row at a time making <code>stream</code> desirable when working with large images or when you require raw pixel components.</p> 87 88<h2><a class="anchor" id="usage"></a>Example Usage</h2> 89 90<p>We list a few examples of the <code>stream</code> command here to illustrate its usefulness and ease of use. To get started, lets stream the red, green, blue components of a 640x480 JPEG image to disk as unsigned characters:</p> 91 92<pre class="highlight"><code>magick stream -map rgb -storage-type char image.jpg pixels.dat 93magick display -depth 8 -size 640x480 rgb:pixels.dat 94</code></pre> 95 96<p>Here we extract a 100x100 region from a TIFF image in the grayscale format as doubles:</p> 97 98<pre class="highlight"><code>magick stream -map i -storage-type double -extract 100x100+30+40 image.tif gray.raw 99</code></pre> 100 101<p>You can also associate the region to extract with the image filename:</p> 102 103<pre class="highlight"><code>magick stream -map i -storage-type double 'image.tif[100x100+30+40]' gray.raw 104</code></pre> 105 106 107<h2><a class="anchor" id="options"></a>Option Summary</h2> 108 109<p>The <code>stream</code> command recognizes these options. Click on an option to get more details about how that option works.</p> 110 111<table class="table table-sm table-striped"> 112 <tbody> 113 <tr> 114 <th align="left">Option</th> 115 <th align="left">Description</th> 116 </tr> 117 118 <tr> 119 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#authenticate">-authenticate <var>value</var></a></td> 120 <td>decrypt image with this password</td> 121 </tr> 122 123 <tr> 124 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#channel">-channel <var>type</var></a></td> 125 <td>apply option to select image channels</td> 126 </tr> 127 128 <tr> 129 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#colorspace">-colorspace <var>type</var></a></td> 130 <td>set image colorspace</td> 131 </tr> 132 133 <tr> 134 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#debug">-debug <var>events</var></a></td> 135 <td>display copious debugging information</td> 136 </tr> 137 138 <tr> 139 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#define">-define <var>format:option</var></a></td> 140 <td>define one or more image format options</td> 141 </tr> 142 143 <tr> 144 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#density">-density <var>geometry</var></a></td> 145 <td>horizontal and vertical density of the image</td> 146 </tr> 147 148 <tr> 149 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#depth">-depth <var>value</var></a></td> 150 <td>image depth</td> 151 </tr> 152 153 <tr> 154 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#extract">-extract <var>geometry</var></a></td> 155 <td>extract area from image</td> 156 </tr> 157 158 <tr> 159 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#help">-help</a></td> 160 <td>print program options</td> 161 </tr> 162 163 <tr> 164 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#interlace">-interlace <var>type</var></a></td> 165 <td>type of image interlacing scheme</td> 166 </tr> 167 168 <tr> 169 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#interpolate">-interpolate <var>method</var></a></td> 170 <td>pixel color interpolation method</td> 171 </tr> 172 173 <tr> 174 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#limit">-limit <var>type value</var></a></td> 175 <td>pixel cache resource limit</td> 176 </tr> 177 178 <tr> 179 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#list">-list <var>type</var></a></td> 180 <td>Color, Configure, Delegate, Format, Magic, Module, Resource, or Type</td> 181 </tr> 182 183 <tr> 184 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#log">-log <var>format</var></a></td> 185 <td>format of debugging information</td> 186 </tr> 187 188 <tr> 189 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#stream-map">-map <var>components</var></a></td> 190 <td>store pixels in this format.</td> 191 </tr> 192 193 <tr> 194 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#monitor">-monitor</a></td> 195 <td>monitor progress</td> 196 </tr> 197 198 <tr> 199 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#quantize">-quantize <var>colorspace</var></a></td> 200 <td>reduce image colors in this colorspace</td> 201 </tr> 202 203 <tr> 204 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#quiet">-quiet</a></td> 205 <td>suppress all warning messages</td> 206 </tr> 207 208 <tr> 209 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#regard-warnings">-regard-warnings</a></td> 210 <td>pay attention to warning messages.</td> 211 </tr> 212 213 <tr> 214 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#respect-parentheses">-respect-parentheses</a></td> 215 <td>settings remain in effect until parenthesis boundary.</td> 216 </tr> 217 218 <tr> 219 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#sampling-factor">-sampling-factor <var>geometry</var></a></td> 220 <td>horizontal and vertical sampling factor</td> 221 </tr> 222 223 <tr> 224 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#seed">-seed <var>value</var></a></td> 225 <td>seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers</td> 226 </tr> 227 228 <tr> 229 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#set">-set <var>attribute value</var></a></td> 230 <td>set an image attribute</td> 231 </tr> 232 233 <tr> 234 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#size">-size <var>geometry</var></a></td> 235 <td>width and height of image</td> 236 </tr> 237 238 <tr> 239 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#storage-type">-storage-type <var>type</var></a></td> 240 <td>store pixels with this storage type.</td> 241 </tr> 242 243 <tr> 244 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#synchronize">-synchronize</a></td> 245 <td>synchronize image to storage device</td> 246 </tr> 247 248 <tr> 249 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#taint">-taint</a></td> 250 <td>mark the image as modified</td> 251 </tr> 252 253 <tr> 254 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#transparent-color">-transparent-color <var>color</var></a></td> 255 <td>transparent color</td> 256 </tr> 257 258 <tr> 259 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#verbose">-verbose</a></td> 260 <td>print detailed information about the image</td> 261 </tr> 262 263 <tr> 264 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#version">-version</a></td> 265 <td>print version information</td> 266 </tr> 267 268 <tr> 269 <td><a href="../www/command-line-options.html#virtual-pixel">-virtual-pixel <var>method</var></a></td> 270 <td>access method for pixels outside the boundaries of the image</td> 271 </tr> 272 273 </tbody> 274</table> 275 276</div> 277 </div> 278 </main><!-- /.container --> 279 <footer class="magick-footer"> 280 <p><a href="../www/security-policy.html">Security</a> • 281 <a href="../www/architecture.html">Architecture</a> • 282 <a href="../www/links.html">Related</a> • 283 <a href="../www/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> 284 285 <a href="stream.html#"><img class="d-inline" id="wand" alt="And Now a Touch of Magick" width="16" height="16" src="../images/wand.ico"/></a> 286 287 <a href="http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x89AB63D48277377A">Public Key</a> • 288 <a href="../www/support.html">Donate</a> • 289 <a 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