1 // Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 package com.google.archivepatcher.shared;
17 import org.junit.Assert;
19 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
20 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
21 import java.io.File;
22 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
23 import java.io.IOException;
24 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
25 import java.util.Arrays;
26 import java.util.Collections;
27 import java.util.List;
28 import java.util.zip.CRC32;
29 import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
30 import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
31 import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
33 /**
34  * A testing construct that provides a well-known archive and metadata about it. The archive
35  * contains four files, one each at compression levels 0 (stored), 1 (fastest), 6 (default), and 9
36  * (maximum compression). Two of the files have comments in the central directory, two do not. Each
37  * has unique content with a distinct CRC32. The archive has had its dates normalized, so the date
38  * and time will be the beginning of the epoch. The goal is to provide a reasonably robust test for
39  * the logic in MinimalZipParser, but other unit test code also uses this functionality to construct
40  * contrived data for testing. Exotic stuff like extra data padded at the beginning or in-between
41  * entries, zip64 support and so on are not present; the goal is not to exhaustively test compliance
42  * with the zip spec, but rather to ensure that the code works with most common zip files that are
43  * likely to be encountered in the real world.
44  */
45 public class UnitTestZipArchive {
46   /**
47    * The data for the first entry in the zip file, compressed at level 1. Has no comment.
48    */
49   public static final UnitTestZipEntry entry1 =
50       makeUnitTestZipEntry(
51           "file1", // path / filename
52           1, // compression level
53           "This is the content of file 1, at level 1. No comment.",
54           null); // comment
56   /**
57    * The data for the second entry in the zip file, compressed at level 6. Has no comment.
58    */
59   public static final UnitTestZipEntry entry2 =
60       makeUnitTestZipEntry(
61           "file2", // path / filename
62           6, // compression level
63           "Here is some content for file 2, at level 6. No comment.",
64           null); // comment
66   /**
67    * The data for the third entry in the zip file, compressed at level 9. Has a comment.
68    */
69   public static final UnitTestZipEntry entry3 =
70       makeUnitTestZipEntry(
71           "file3", // path / filename
72           9, // compression level
73           "And some other content for file 3, at level 9. With comment.",
74           "COMMENT3"); // comment
76   /**
77    * The data for the fourth entry in the zip file, stored (uncompressed / level 0). Has a comment.
78    */
79   public static final UnitTestZipEntry entry4 =
80       makeUnitTestZipEntry(
81           "file4", // path / filename
82           0, // compression level
83           "File 4 data here, this is stored uncompressed. With comment.",
84           "COMMENT4"); // comment
86   /**
87    * Invokes {@link #makeUnitTestZipEntry(String, int, boolean, String, String)} with nowrap=true.
88    * @param path the file path
89    * @param level the level the entry is compressed with
90    * @param contentPrefix the content prefix - the corpus body will be appended to this value to
91    * produce the final content for the entry
92    * @param comment the comment to add to the file in the central directory, if any
93    * @return the newly created entry
94    */
makeUnitTestZipEntry( String path, int level, String contentPrefix, String comment)95   public static final UnitTestZipEntry makeUnitTestZipEntry(
96       String path, int level, String contentPrefix, String comment) {
97     return makeUnitTestZipEntry(path, level, true, contentPrefix, comment);
98   }
100   /**
101    * Makes a unit test entry using the specified parameters <em>plus</em> the corpus from
102    * {@link DefaultDeflateCompatibilityWindow#getCorpus()} to provide enough data for an accurate
103    * level identification.
104    * @param path the file path
105    * @param level the level the entry is compressed with
106    * @param nowrap the value for the nowrap flag
107    * @param contentPrefix the content prefix - the corpus body will be appended to this value to
108    * produce the final content for the entry
109    * @param comment the comment to add to the file in the central directory, if any
110    * @return the newly created entry
111    */
makeUnitTestZipEntry( String path, int level, boolean nowrap, String contentPrefix, String comment)112   public static final UnitTestZipEntry makeUnitTestZipEntry(
113       String path, int level, boolean nowrap, String contentPrefix, String comment) {
114     String corpusText;
115     try {
116       corpusText = new String(new DefaultDeflateCompatibilityWindow().getCorpus(), "US-ASCII");
117     } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
118       throw new RuntimeException("System doesn't support US-ASCII", e);
119     }
120     return new UnitTestZipEntry(path, level, nowrap, contentPrefix + corpusText, comment);
121   }
123   /**
124    * All of the entries in the zip file, in the order in which their local entries appear in the
125    * file.
126    */
127   public static final List<UnitTestZipEntry> allEntriesInFileOrder =
128       Collections.unmodifiableList(
129           Arrays.asList(new UnitTestZipEntry[] {entry1, entry2, entry3, entry4}));
131   // At class load time, ensure that it is safe to use this class for other tests.
132   static {
133     try {
makeTestZip()134       verifyTestZip(makeTestZip());
135     } catch (Exception e) {
136       throw new RuntimeException("Core sanity test 1 has failed, unit tests are unreliable", e);
137     }
138   }
140   /**
141    * Make a test ZIP file in memory and return it as a byte array. The ZIP contains the entries
142    * described by {@link #entry1}, {@link #entry2}, {@link #entry3}, and {@link #entry4}. In
143    * general, unit tests should use this data for all testing.
144    * @return the zip file described above, as a byte array
145    */
makeTestZip()146   public static byte[] makeTestZip() {
147     return makeTestZip(allEntriesInFileOrder);
148   }
150   /**
151    * Make an arbitrary zip archive in memory using the specified entries.
152    * @param entriesInFileOrder the entries
153    * @return the zip file described above, as a byte array
154    */
makeTestZip(List<UnitTestZipEntry> entriesInFileOrder)155   public static byte[] makeTestZip(List<UnitTestZipEntry> entriesInFileOrder) {
156     try {
157       ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
158       ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(buffer);
159       for (UnitTestZipEntry unitTestEntry : entriesInFileOrder) {
160         ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(unitTestEntry.path);
161         zipOut.setLevel(unitTestEntry.level);
162         CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
163         byte[] uncompressedContent = unitTestEntry.getUncompressedBinaryContent();
164         crc32.update(uncompressedContent);
165         zipEntry.setCrc(crc32.getValue());
166         zipEntry.setSize(uncompressedContent.length);
167         if (unitTestEntry.level == 0) {
168           zipOut.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.STORED);
169           zipEntry.setCompressedSize(uncompressedContent.length);
170         } else {
171           zipOut.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED);
172         }
173         // Normalize MSDOS date/time fields to zero for reproducibility.
174         zipEntry.setTime(0);
175         if (unitTestEntry.comment != null) {
176           zipEntry.setComment(unitTestEntry.comment);
177         }
178         zipOut.putNextEntry(zipEntry);
179         zipOut.write(unitTestEntry.getUncompressedBinaryContent());
180         zipOut.closeEntry();
181       }
182       zipOut.close();
183       return buffer.toByteArray();
184     } catch (IOException e) {
185       // Should not happen as this is all in memory
186       throw new RuntimeException("Unable to generate test zip!", e);
187     }
188   }
190   /**
191    * Verifies the test zip file created by {@link #makeTestZip()} or for sanity, so that the rest of
192    * the tests can safely rely upon them. The outputs may be slightly different from platform to
193    * platform due to, e.g., filesystem differences that affect the choice of string encoding or
194    * filesystem attributes that are preserved (eg, NTFS versus POSIX).
195    * @param data the data to verify
196    * @throws Exception if verification fails
197    */
verifyTestZip(byte[] data)198   private static void verifyTestZip(byte[] data) throws Exception {
199     ZipInputStream zipIn = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
200     for (int x = 0; x < allEntriesInFileOrder.size(); x++) {
201       ZipEntry zipEntry = zipIn.getNextEntry();
202       checkEntry(zipEntry, zipIn);
203       zipIn.closeEntry();
204     }
205     Assert.assertNull(zipIn.getNextEntry());
206     zipIn.close();
207   }
209   /**
210    * Save the test archive to a file.
211    * @param file the file to write to
212    * @throws IOException if unable to write the file
213    */
saveTestZip(File file)214   public static void saveTestZip(File file) throws IOException {
215     FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
216     out.write(makeTestZip());
217     out.flush();
218     out.close();
219   }
221   /**
222    * Check that the specified entry is one of the test entries and that its content matches the
223    * expected content. If this is the entry that is uncompressed, also asserts that it is in fact
224    * uncompressed.
225    * @param entry the entry to check
226    * @param zipIn the input stream to read from
227    * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong
228    */
checkEntry(ZipEntry entry, ZipInputStream zipIn)229   private static void checkEntry(ZipEntry entry, ZipInputStream zipIn) throws IOException {
230     // NB: File comments cannot be verified because the comments are in the central directory, which
231     // is later in the stream.
232     for (UnitTestZipEntry testEntry : allEntriesInFileOrder) {
233       if (testEntry.path.equals(entry.getName())) {
234         if (testEntry.level == 0) {
235           // This entry should be uncompressed. So the "compressed" size should be the same as the
236           // uncompressed size.
237           Assert.assertEquals(0, entry.getMethod());
238           Assert.assertEquals(
239               testEntry.getUncompressedBinaryContent().length, entry.getCompressedSize());
240         }
241         ByteArrayOutputStream uncompressedData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
242         byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
243         int numRead = 0;
244         while ((numRead = zipIn.read(buffer)) >= 0) {
245           uncompressedData.write(buffer, 0, numRead);
246         }
247         Assert.assertArrayEquals(
248             testEntry.getUncompressedBinaryContent(), uncompressedData.toByteArray());
249         return;
250       }
251     }
252     Assert.fail("entry unknown: " + entry.getName());
253   }
254 }