1# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""Check USB device by running linux command on CfM"""
7from __future__ import print_function
9import logging
10import re
11import time
12from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.manual import get_usb_devices
13from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import power_cycle_usb_util
16ATRUS = '18d1:8001'
18def check_chrome_logfile(dut):
19    """
20    Get the latest chrome log file.
21    @param dut: The handle of the device under test.
22    @returns: the latest chrome log file
23    """
24    output = None
25    logging.info('---Get the latest chrome log file')
26    cmd = 'ls -latr /var/log/chrome/chrome'
27    try:
28        output = dut.run(cmd, ignore_status=True).stdout
29    except Exception as e:
30        logging.exception('Fail to run command %s.', cmd)
31        return None
32    logging.info('---cmd: %s', cmd)
33    logging.info('---output: %s', output.lower().strip())
34    return output
36def check_last_reboot(dut):
37    """
38    Get the last line of eventlog.txt
39    @param dut: The handle of the device under test.
40    @returns: the last line in eventlog.txt
41    """
42    output = None
43    cmd = 'tail -1 /var/log/eventlog.txt'
44    logging.info('---Get the latest reboot log')
45    try:
46        output = dut.run(cmd, ignore_status=True).stdout
47    except Exception as e:
48        logging.exception('Fail to run command %s.', cmd)
49        return None
50    logging.info('---cmd: %s', cmd)
51    logging.info('---output: %s', output.lower().strip())
52    return output
54def check_is_platform(dut, name):
55    """
56    Check whether CfM is expected platform.
57    @param dut: The handle of the device under test.
58    @param name: The name of platform
59    @returns: True, if CfM's platform is same as expected.
60              False, if not.
61    """
62    cmd = "mosys platform name"
63    output = dut.run(cmd, ignore_status=True).stdout.strip()
64    logging.info('---cmd: %s', cmd)
65    logging.info('---output: %s', output.lower())
66    return output.lower() == name
69def get_mgmt_ipv4(dut):
70    """
71    Get mgmt ipv4 address
72    @param dut: The handle of the device under test. Should be initialized in
73                 autotest.
74    @return: ipv4 address for mgmt interface.
75    """
76    cmd = 'ifconfig -a | grep eth0 -A 2 | grep netmask'
77    try:
78        output = dut.run(cmd, ignore_status=True).stdout
79    except Exception as e:
80        logging.exception('Fail to run command %s.', cmd)
81        return None
82    ipv4 = re.findall(r"inet\s*([0-9.]+)\s*netmask.*", output)[0]
83    return ipv4
86def retrieve_usb_devices(dut):
87    """
88    Populate output of usb-devices on CfM.
89    @param dut: handle of CfM under test
90    @returns dict of all usb devices detected on CfM.
91    """
92    usb_devices = (dut.run('usb-devices', ignore_status=True).
93                   stdout.strip().split('\n\n'))
94    usb_data = get_usb_devices.extract_usb_data(
95               '\nUSB-Device\n'+'\nUSB-Device\n'.join(usb_devices))
96    return usb_data
99def extract_peripherals_for_cfm(usb_data):
100    """
101    Check CfM has camera, speaker and Mimo connected.
102    @param usb_data: dict extracted from output of "usb-devices"
103    """
104    peripheral_map = {}
106    speaker_list = get_usb_devices.get_speakers(usb_data)
107    camera_list = get_usb_devices.get_cameras(usb_data)
108    display_list = get_usb_devices.get_display_mimo(usb_data)
109    controller_list = get_usb_devices.get_controller_mimo(usb_data)
110    for pid_vid, device_count in speaker_list.iteritems():
111        if device_count > 0:
112            peripheral_map[pid_vid] = device_count
114    for pid_vid, device_count in camera_list.iteritems():
115        if device_count > 0:
116            peripheral_map[pid_vid] = device_count
118    for pid_vid, device_count in controller_list.iteritems():
119        if device_count > 0:
120            peripheral_map[pid_vid] = device_count
122    for pid_vid, device_count in display_list.iteritems():
123        if device_count > 0:
124            peripheral_map[pid_vid] = device_count
126    for pid_vid, device_count in peripheral_map.iteritems():
127        logging.info('---device: %s (%s), count: %d',
128                     pid_vid, get_usb_devices.get_device_prod(pid_vid),
129                     device_count)
131    return peripheral_map
134def check_peripherals_for_cfm(peripheral_map):
135    """
136    Check CfM has one and only one camera,
137    one and only one speaker,
138    or one and only one mimo.
139    @param peripheral_map: dict for connected camera, speaker, or mimo.
140    @returns: True if check passes,
141              False if check fails.
142    """
143    peripherals = peripheral_map.keys()
145    type_camera = set(peripherals).intersection(get_usb_devices.CAMERA_LIST)
146    type_speaker = set(peripherals).intersection(get_usb_devices.SPEAKER_LIST)
147    type_controller = set(peripherals).intersection(\
148                      get_usb_devices.TOUCH_CONTROLLER_LIST)
149    type_panel = set(peripherals).intersection(\
150                 get_usb_devices.TOUCH_DISPLAY_LIST)
152    # check CfM have one, and only one type camera, huddly and mimo
153    if len(type_camera) == 0:
154        logging.info('No camera is found on CfM.')
155        return False
157    if not len(type_camera) == 1:
158        logging.info('More than one type of cameras are found on CfM.')
159        return False
161    if len(type_speaker) == 0:
162        logging.info('No speaker is found on CfM.')
163        return False
165    if not len(type_speaker) == 1:
166        logging.info('More than one type of speakers are found on CfM.')
167        return False
169    if len(type_controller) == 0:
170       logging.info('No controller is found on CfM.')
171       return False
174    if not len(type_controller) == 1:
175        logging.info('More than one type of controller are found on CfM.')
176        return False
178    if len(type_panel) == 0:
179        logging.info('No Display is found on CfM.')
180        return False
182    if not len(type_panel) == 1:
183        logging.info('More than one type of displays are found on CfM.')
184        return False
186    # check CfM have only one camera, huddly and mimo
187    for pid_vid, device_count in peripheral_map.iteritems():
188        if device_count > 1:
189            logging.info('Number of device %s connected to CfM : %d',
190                         get_usb_devices.get_device_prod(pid_vid),
191                         device_count)
192            return False
194    return True
197def check_usb_enumeration(dut, puts):
198    """
199    Check USB enumeration for devices
200    @param dut: the handle of CfM under test
201    @param puts: the list of peripherals under test
202    @returns True, none if test passes
203             False, errMsg if test test fails
204    """
205    usb_data = retrieve_usb_devices(dut)
206    if not usb_data:
207        logging.warning('No usb devices found on DUT')
208        return False, 'No usb device found on DUT.'
209    else:
210        usb_device_list = extract_peripherals_for_cfm(usb_data)
211        logging.info('---usb device = %s', usb_device_list)
212        if not set(puts).issubset(set(usb_device_list.keys())):
213            logging.info('Detect device fails for usb enumeration')
214            logging.info('Expect enumerated devices: %s', puts)
215            logging.info('Actual enumerated devices: %s',
216                         usb_device_list.keys())
217            return False, 'Some usb devices are not found.'
218        return True, None
221def check_usb_interface_initializion(dut, puts):
222    """
223    Check CfM shows valid interface for all peripherals connected.
224    @param dut: the handle of CfM under test
225    @param puts: the list of peripherals under test
226    @returns True, none if test passes
227             False, errMsg if test test fails
228    """
229    usb_data = retrieve_usb_devices(dut)
230    for put in puts:
231        number, health = get_usb_devices.is_usb_device_ok(usb_data, put)
232        logging.info('---device interface = %d, %s for %s',
233                     number, health,  get_usb_devices.get_device_prod(put))
234        if '0' in health:
235            logging.warning('Device %s has invalid interface', put)
236            return False, 'Device {} has invalid interface.'.format(put)
237    return True, None
240def clear_core_file(dut):
241    """clear core files"""
242    cmd = "rm -rf /var/spool/crash/*.*"
243    try:
244        dut.run_output(cmd)
245    except Exception as e:
246        logging.exception('Fail to clean core files under '
247                     '/var/spool/crash')
248        logging.exception('Fail to execute %s :', cmd)
251def check_process_crash(dut, cdlines):
252    """Check whether there is core file."""
253    cmd = 'ls -latr /var/spool/crash'
254    try:
255        core_files_output = dut.run_output(cmd).splitlines()
256    except Exception as e:
257        logging.exception('Can not find file under /var/spool/crash.')
258        logging.exception('Fail to execute %s:', cmd)
259        return True,  CORE_DIR_LINES
260    logging.info('---%s\n---%s', cmd, core_files_output)
261    if len(core_files_output) - cdlines <= 0:
262        logging.info('---length of files: %d', len(core_files_output))
263        return True, len(core_files_output)
264    else:
265        return False, len(core_files_output)
268def gpio_usb_test(dut, gpio_list, device_list, pause, board):
269    """
270    Run GPIO test to powercycle usb port.
271    @parama dut: handler of CfM,
272    @param gpio_list: the list of gpio ports,
273    @param device_list: the list of usb devices,
274    @param pause: time needs to wait before restoring power to usb port,
275                  in seconds
276    @param board: board name for CfM
277    @returns True
278    """
279    for device in device_list:
280       vid, pid  = device.split(':')
281       logging.info('---going to powercyle device %s:%s', vid, pid)
282       try:
283            power_cycle_usb_util.power_cycle_usb_vidpid(dut, board,
284                                                        vid, pid, pause)
285       except Exception as e:
286           errmsg = 'Fail to power cycle device.'
287           logging.exception('%s.', errmsg)
288           return False, errmsg
290    return True, None
293def reboot_test(dut, pause):
294    """
295    Reboot CfM.
296    @parama dut: handler of CfM,
297    @param pause: time needs to wait after issuing reboot command, in seconds,
299    """
300    try:
301        dut.reboot()
302    except Exception as e:
303        logging.exception('Fail to reboot CfM.')
304        return False
305    logging.info('---reboot done')
306    time.sleep(pause)
307    return True
311def find_last_log(dut, speaker):
312    """
313    Get the lastlast_lines line for log files.
314    @param dut: handler of CfM
315    @param speaker: vidpid if speaker.
316    @returns: the list of string of the last line of logs.
317    """
318    last_lines = {
319              'messages':[],
320              'chrome':[],
321              'ui': [],
322              'atrus': []
323                  }
324    logging.debug('Get the last line of log file, speaker %s', speaker)
325    try:
326        cmd = "tail -1 /var/log/messages | awk -v N=1 '{print $N}'"
327        last_lines['messages'] = dut.run_output(cmd).strip().split()[0]
328        cmd = "tail -1 /var/log/chrome/chrome | awk -v N=1 '{print $N}'"
329        last_lines['chrome'] = dut.run_output(cmd).strip().split()[0]
330        cmd = "tail -1 /var/log/ui/ui.LATEST | awk -v N=1 '{print $N}'"
331        last_lines['ui']= dut.run_output(cmd)
332        if speaker == ATRUS and check_is_platform(dut, 'guado'):
333            logging.info('---atrus speaker %s connected to CfM', speaker)
334            cmd = 'tail -1 /var/log/atrus.log | awk -v N=1 "{print $N}"'
335            last_lines['atrus'] = dut.run_output(cmd).strip().split()[0]
336    except Exception as e:
337        logging.exception('Fail to get the last line from log files.')
338    for item, timestamp in last_lines.iteritems():
339        logging.debug('---%s: %s', item, timestamp)
340    return last_lines
343def collect_log_since_last_check(dut, lastlines, logfile):
344    """Collect log file since last check."""
345    output = None
346    if logfile == "messages":
347        cmd ='awk \'/{}/,0\' /var/log/messages'.format(lastlines[logfile])
348    if logfile == "chrome":
349        cmd ='awk \'/{}/,0\' /var/log/chrome/chrome'.format(lastlines[logfile])
350    if logfile == "ui":
351        cmd ='awk \'/{}/,0\' /var/log/ui/ui.LATEST'.format(lastlines[logfile])
352    if logfile == 'atrus':
353         cmd ='awk \'/{}/,0\' /var/log/atrus.log'.format(lastlines[logfile])
354    logging.info('---cmd = %s', cmd)
355    try:
356        output =  dut.run_output(cmd).split('\n')
357    except Exception as e:
358        logging.exception('Fail to get output from log files.')
359    logging.info('---length of log: %d', len(output))
360    if not output:
361        logging.info('--fail to find match log, check the latest log.')
363    if not output:
364        if logfile == "messages":
365            cmd ='cat /var/log/messages'
366        if logfile == "chrome":
367            cmd ='cat /var/log/chrome/chrome'
368        if logfile == "ui":
369            cmd ='cat /var/log/ui/ui.LATEST'
370        if logfile == 'atrus':
371            cmd ='cat /var/log/atrus.log'
372        output =  dut.run_output(cmd).split('\n')
373        logging.info('---length of log: %d', len(output))
374    return output
376def check_log(dut, timestamp, error_list, checkitem, logfile):
377    """
378    Check logfile does not contain any element in error_list[checkitem].
379    """
380    error_log_list = []
381    logging.info('---now check log %s in file %s', checkitem, logfile)
382    output = collect_log_since_last_check(dut, timestamp, logfile)
383    for _error in error_list[checkitem]:
384         error_log_list.extend([s for s in output if _error in str(s)])
385    if not error_log_list:
386        return True, None
387    else:
388        tempmsg = '\n'.join(error_log_list)
389        errmsg = 'Error_Found:in_log_file:{}:{}.'.format(logfile, tempmsg)
390        logging.info('---%s', errmsg)
391        return False, errmsg