3# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
7"""This is a module to scan /sys/block/ virtual FS, query udev
9It provides a list of all removable or USB devices connected to the machine on
10which the module is running.
11It can be used from command line or from a python script.
13To use it as python module it's enough to call the get_all() function.
14@see |get_all| documentation for the output format
15|get_all()| output is human readable (as oppposite to python's data structures)
18import logging, os, re
20# this script can be run at command line on DUT (ie /usr/local/autotest
21# contains only the client/ subtree), on a normal autotest
22# installation/repository or as a python module used on a client-side test.
23import common
24from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
26INFO_PATH = "/sys/block"
27UDEV_CMD_FOR_SERIAL_NUMBER = "udevadm info -a -n %s | grep -iE 'ATTRS{" \
28                             "serial}' | head -n 1"
29LSUSB_CMD = "lsusb -v | grep -iE '^Device Desc|bcdUSB|iSerial'"
30DESC_PATTERN = r'Device Descriptor:'
31BCDUSB_PATTERN = r'bcdUSB\s+(\d+\.\d+)'
32ISERIAL_PATTERN = r'iSerial\s+\d\s(\S*)'
33UDEV_SERIAL_PATTERN = r'=="(.*)"'
36def read_file(path_to_file, host=None):
37    """Reads the file and returns the file content
38    @param path_to_file: Full path to the file
39    @param host: DUT object
40    @return: Returns the content of file
41    """
42    if host:
43        if not host.path_exists(path_to_file):
44            raise error.TestError("No such file or directory %s" % path_to_file)
45        return host.run('cat %s' % path_to_file).stdout.strip()
47    if not os.path.isfile(path_to_file):
48        raise error.TestError("No such file or directory %s" % path_to_file)
49    return utils.read_file(path_to_file)
52def system_output(command, host=None, ignore_status=False):
53    """Executes command on client
55    @param host: DUT object
56    @param command: command to execute
57    @return: output of command
58    """
59    if host:
60        return host.run(command, ignore_status=ignore_status).stdout.strip()
62    return utils.system_output(command, ignore_status=ignore_status)
65def get_udev_info(blockdev, method='udev', host=None):
66    """Get information about |blockdev|
68    @param blockdev: a block device, e.g., /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda
69    @param method: either 'udev' (default) or 'blkid'
70    @param host: DUT object
72    @return a dictionary with two or more of the followig keys:
73        "ID_BUS", "ID_MODEL": always present
74        "ID_FS_UUID", "ID_FS_TYPE", "ID_FS_LABEL": present only if those info
75         are meaningul and present for the queried device
76    """
77    ret = {}
78    cmd = None
79    ignore_status = False
81    if method == "udev":
82        cmd = "udevadm info --name %s --query=property" % blockdev
83    elif method == "blkid":
84        # this script is run as root in a normal autotest run,
85        # so this works: It doesn't have access to the necessary info
86        # when run as a non-privileged user
87        cmd = "blkid -c /dev/null -o udev %s" % blockdev
88        ignore_status = True
90    if cmd:
91        output = system_output(cmd, host, ignore_status=ignore_status)
93        udev_keys = ("ID_BUS", "ID_MODEL", "ID_FS_UUID", "ID_FS_TYPE",
94                     "ID_FS_LABEL")
95        for line in output.splitlines():
96            udev_key, udev_val = line.split('=')
98            if udev_key in udev_keys:
99                ret[udev_key] = udev_val
101    return ret
104def get_lsusb_info(host=None):
105    """Get lsusb info in list format
107    @param host: DUT object
108    @return: Returns lsusb output in list format
109    """
111    usb_info_list = []
112    # Getting the USB type and Serial number info using 'lsusb -v'. Sample
113    # output is shown in below
114    # Device Descriptor:
115    #      bcdUSB               2.00
116    #      iSerial                 3 131BC7
117    #      bcdUSB               2.00
118    # Device Descriptor:
119    #      bcdUSB               2.10
120    #      iSerial                 3 001A4D5E8634B03169273995
122    lsusb_output = system_output(LSUSB_CMD, host)
123    # we are parsing each line and getting the usb info
124    for line in lsusb_output.splitlines():
125        desc_matched = re.search(DESC_PATTERN, line)
126        bcdusb_matched = re.search(BCDUSB_PATTERN, line)
127        iserial_matched = re.search(ISERIAL_PATTERN, line)
128        if desc_matched:
129            usb_info = {}
130        elif bcdusb_matched:
131            # bcdUSB may appear multiple time. Drop the remaining.
132            usb_info['bcdUSB'] = bcdusb_matched.group(1)
133        elif iserial_matched:
134            usb_info['iSerial'] = iserial_matched.group(1)
135            usb_info_list.append(usb_info)
136    logging.debug('lsusb output is %s', usb_info_list)
137    return usb_info_list
140def get_usbdevice_type_and_serial(device, lsusb_info, host=None):
141    """Get USB device type and Serial number
143    @param device: USB device mount point Example: /dev/sda or /dev/sdb
144    @param lsusb_info: lsusb info
145    @param host: DUT object
146    @return: Returns the information about USB type and the serial number
147            of the device
148    """
150    # Comparing the lsusb serial number with udev output serial number
151    # Both serial numbers should be same. Sample udev command output is
152    # shown in below.
153    # ATTRS{serial}=="001A4D5E8634B03169273995"
154    udev_serial_output = system_output(UDEV_CMD_FOR_SERIAL_NUMBER % device,
155                                       host)
156    udev_serial_matched = re.search(UDEV_SERIAL_PATTERN, udev_serial_output)
157    if udev_serial_matched:
158        udev_serial = udev_serial_matched.group(1)
159        logging.debug("udev serial number is %s", udev_serial)
160        for usb_details in lsusb_info:
161            if usb_details['iSerial'] == udev_serial:
162                return usb_details.get('bcdUSB'), udev_serial
163    return None, None
165def get_partition_info(part_path, bus, model, partid=None, fstype=None,
166                       label=None, block_size=0, is_removable=False,
167                       lsusb_info=[], host=None):
168    """Return information about a device as a list of dictionaries
170    Normally a single device described by the passed parameters will match a
171    single device on the system, and thus a single element list as return
172    value; although it's possible that a single block device is associated with
173    several mountpoints, this scenario will lead to a dictionary for each
174    mountpoint.
176    @param part_path: full partition path under |INFO_PATH|
177                      e.g., /sys/block/sda or /sys/block/sda/sda1
178    @param bus: bus, e.g., 'usb' or 'ata', according to udev
179    @param model: device moduel, e.g., according to udev
180    @param partid: partition id, if present
181    @param fstype: filesystem type, if present
182    @param label: filesystem label, if present
183    @param block_size: filesystem block size
184    @param is_removable: whether it is a removable device
185    @param host: DUT object
186    @param lsusb_info: lsusb info
188    @return a list of dictionaries contaning each a partition info.
189            An empty list can be returned if no matching device is found
190    """
191    ret = []
192    # take the partitioned device name from the /sys/block/ path name
193    part = part_path.split('/')[-1]
194    device = "/dev/%s" % part
196    if not partid:
197        info = get_udev_info(device, "blkid", host=host)
198        partid = info.get('ID_FS_UUID', None)
199        if not fstype:
200            fstype = info.get('ID_FS_TYPE', None)
201        if not label:
202            label = partid
204    readonly = read_file("%s/ro" % part_path, host)
205    if not int(readonly):
206        partition_blocks = read_file("%s/size" % part_path, host)
207        size = block_size * int(partition_blocks)
209        stub = {}
210        stub['device'] = device
211        stub['bus'] = bus
212        stub['model'] = model
213        stub['size'] = size
215        # look for it among the mounted devices first
216        mounts = read_file("/proc/mounts", host).splitlines()
217        seen = False
218        for line in mounts:
219            dev, mount, proc_fstype, flags = line.split(' ', 3)
221            if device == dev:
222                if 'rw' in flags.split(','):
223                    seen = True # at least one match occurred
225                    # Sorround mountpoint with quotes, to make it parsable in
226                    # case of spaces. Also information retrieved from
227                    # /proc/mount override the udev passed ones (e.g.,
228                    # proc_fstype instead of fstype)
229                    dev = stub.copy()
230                    dev['fs_uuid'] = partid
231                    dev['fstype'] = proc_fstype
232                    dev['is_mounted'] = True
233                    # When USB device is mounted automatically after login a
234                    # non-labelled drive is mounted to:
235                    # '/media/removable/USB Drive'
236                    # Here an octal unicode '\040' is added to the path
237                    # replacing ' ' (space).
238                    # Following '.decode('unicode-escape')' handles the same
239                    dev['mountpoint'] = mount.decode('unicode-escape')
240                    dev['usb_type'], dev['serial'] = \
241                            get_usbdevice_type_and_serial(dev['device'],
242                                                          lsusb_info=lsusb_info,
243                                                          host=host)
244                    ret.append(dev)
246        # If not among mounted devices, it's just attached, print about the
247        # same information but suggest a place where the user can mount the
248        # device instead
249        if not seen:
250            # we consider it if it's removable and and a partition id
251            # OR it's on the USB bus or ATA bus.
252            # Some USB HD do not get announced as removable, but they should be
253            # showed.
254            # There are good changes that if it's on a USB bus it's removable
255            # and thus interesting for us, independently whether it's declared
256            # removable
257            if (is_removable and partid) or bus in ['usb', 'ata']:
258                if not label:
259                    info = get_udev_info(device, 'blkid', host=host)
260                    label = info.get('ID_FS_LABEL', partid)
262                dev = stub.copy()
263                dev['fs_uuid'] = partid
264                dev['fstype'] = fstype
265                dev['is_mounted'] = False
266                dev['mountpoint'] = "/media/removable/%s" % label
267                dev['usb_type'], dev['serial'] = \
268                        get_usbdevice_type_and_serial(dev['device'],
269                                                      lsusb_info=lsusb_info,
270                                                      host=host)
271                ret.append(dev)
272        return ret
275def get_device_info(blockdev, lsusb_info, host=None):
276    """Retrieve information about |blockdev|
278    @see |get_partition_info()| doc for the dictionary format
280    @param blockdev: a block device name, e.g., "sda".
281    @param host: DUT object
282    @param lsusb_info: lsusb info
283    @return a list of dictionary, with each item representing a found device
284    """
285    ret = []
287    spath = "%s/%s" % (INFO_PATH, blockdev)
288    block_size = int(read_file("%s/queue/physical_block_size" % spath,
289                                   host))
290    is_removable = bool(int(read_file("%s/removable" % spath, host)))
292    info = get_udev_info(blockdev, "udev", host=host)
293    dev_bus = info['ID_BUS']
294    dev_model = info['ID_MODEL']
295    dev_fs = info.get('ID_FS_TYPE', None)
296    dev_uuid = info.get('ID_FS_UUID', None)
297    dev_label = info.get('ID_FS_LABEL', dev_uuid)
299    has_partitions = False
300    for basename in system_output('ls %s' % spath, host).splitlines():
301        partition_path = "%s/%s" % (spath, basename)
302        # we want to check if within |spath| there are subdevices with
303        # partitions
304        # e.g., if within /sys/block/sda sda1 and other partition are present
305        if not re.match("%s[0-9]+" % blockdev, basename):
306            continue # ignore what is not a subdevice
308        # |blockdev| has subdevices: get info for them
309        has_partitions = True
310        devs = get_partition_info(partition_path, dev_bus, dev_model,
311                                  block_size=block_size,
312                                  is_removable=is_removable,
313                                  lsusb_info=lsusb_info, host=host)
314        ret.extend(devs)
316    if not has_partitions:
317        devs = get_partition_info(spath, dev_bus, dev_model, dev_uuid, dev_fs,
318                                  dev_label, block_size=block_size,
319                                  is_removable=is_removable,
320                                  lsusb_info=lsusb_info, host=host)
321        ret.extend(devs)
323    return ret
326def get_all(host=None):
327    """Return all removable or USB storage devices attached
329    @param host: DUT object
330    @return a list of dictionaries, each list element describing a device
331    """
332    ret = []
333    lsusb_info = get_lsusb_info(host)
334    for dev in system_output('ls %s' % INFO_PATH, host).splitlines():
335        # Among block devices we need to filter out what are virtual
336        if re.match("s[a-z]+", dev):
337            # for each of them try to obtain some info
338            ret.extend(get_device_info(dev, lsusb_info, host=host))
339    return ret
342def main():
343    for device in get_all():
344        print ("%(device)s %(bus)s %(model)s %(size)d %(fs_uuid)s %(fstype)s "
345               "%(is_mounted)d %(mountpoint)s %(usb_type)s %(serial)s" %
346               device)
349if __name__ == "__main__":
350    main()