1# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import datetime
6import logging
7import time
8from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import arc
9from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome
10from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
13class cheets_StartAndroid_P(test.test):
14    """Helper to run Android's CTS on autotest.
16    Android CTS needs a running Android, which depends on a logged in ChromeOS
17    user. This helper class logs in to ChromeOS and waits for Android boot
18    complete.
20    We do not log out, and the machine will be rebooted after test.
21    """
22    version = 1
24    def cleanup(self):
25        if hasattr(self, '_run_times'):
26            logging.debug("Times to start Chrome and Android: %s",
27                          self._run_times)
28            # Report the first, second and last start times to perf dashboard.
29            for index in [0, 1, len(self._run_times) - 1]:
30                if index >= len(self._run_times):
31                    continue
32                self.output_perf_value(
33                    description='Time_to_Start_Chrome_and_Android-%d' % (
34                        index + 1),
35                    value=self._run_times[index],
36                    units='seconds',
37                    higher_is_better=False,
38                    replace_existing_values=True,
39                    graph="Time_to_start_Chrome_and_Android"
40                )
42    def run_once(self, count=None, dont_override_profile=False):
43        if count:
44            # Run stress test by logging in and starting ARC several times.
45            # Each iteration is about 15s on Samus.
46            self._run_times = []
47            for i in range(count):
48                logging.info('cheets_StartAndroid iteration %d', i)
50                start = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
51                chrome_obj = chrome.Chrome(
52                    arc_mode = arc.arc_common.ARC_MODE_ENABLED,
53                    dont_override_profile=dont_override_profile)
54                elapsed_time = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - start
55                       ).total_seconds()
57                # 2 seconds for chrome to settle down before logging out
58                time.sleep(2)
59                chrome_obj.close()
61                self._run_times.append(elapsed_time)
62        else:
63            # Utility used by server tests to login. We do not log out, and
64            # ensure the machine will be rebooted after test.
65            try:
66                self.chrome = chrome.Chrome(
67                            dont_override_profile=dont_override_profile,
68                            arc_mode=arc.arc_common.ARC_MODE_ENABLED)
69            except:
70                # We are going to paper over some failures here. Notice these
71                # should still be detected by regularly running
72                # cheets_StartAndroid.stress.
73                logging.error('Could not start Chrome. Retrying soon...')
74                # Give system a chance to calm down.
75                time.sleep(20)
76                self.chrome = chrome.Chrome(
77                            dont_override_profile=dont_override_profile,
78                            arc_mode=arc.arc_common.ARC_MODE_ENABLED,
79                            num_tries=3)