1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""A module providing the summary for multiple test results.
7This firmware_summary module is used to collect the test results of
8multiple rounds from the logs generated by different firmware versions.
9The test results of the various validators of every gesture are displayed.
10In addition, the test results of every validator across all gestures are
11also summarized.
14$ python firmware_summary log_directory
17A typical summary output looks like
19Test Summary (by gesture)            :  fw_2.41   fw_2.42     count
22  CountTrackingIDValidator           :     1.00      0.90        12
23  LinearityBothEndsValidator         :     0.97      0.89        12
24  LinearityMiddleValidator           :     1.00      1.00        12
25  NoGapValidator                     :     0.74      0.24        12
26  NoReversedMotionBothEndsValidator  :     0.68      0.34        12
27  NoReversedMotionMiddleValidator    :     1.00      1.00        12
28  ReportRateValidator                :     1.00      1.00        12
30  CountTrackingIDValidator           :     1.00      1.00         4
31  LinearityBothEndsValidator         :     0.88      0.89         4
32  LinearityMiddleValidator           :     1.00      1.00         4
33  NoGapValidator                     :     0.50      0.00         4
34  NoReversedMotionMiddleValidator    :     1.00      1.00         4
35  RangeValidator                     :     1.00      1.00         4
37  ...
40Test Summary (by validator)          :   fw_2.4  fw_2.4.a     count
42  CountPacketsValidator              :     1.00      0.82         6
43  CountTrackingIDValidator           :     0.92      0.88        84
45  ...
50import getopt
51import os
52import sys
54import firmware_log
55import test_conf as conf
57from collections import defaultdict
59from common_util import print_and_exit
60from firmware_constants import OPTIONS
61from test_conf import (log_root_dir, merged_validators, segment_weights,
62                       validator_weights)
63from validators import BaseValidator, get_parent_validators
66class OptionsDisplayMetrics:
67    """The options of displaying metrics."""
68    # Defining the options of displaying metrics
73                               DISPLAY_ALL_METRICS_STATS,
74                               DISPLAY_ALL_METRICS_WITH_RAW_VALUES]
77    def __init__(self, option):
78        """Initialize with the level value.
80        @param option: the option of display metrics
81        """
82        if option not in self.DISPLAY_METRICS_OPTIONS:
83            option = self.DISPLAY_METRICS_DEFAULT
85        # To display all metrics statistics grouped by validators?
86        self.display_all_stats = (
87                option == self.DISPLAY_ALL_METRICS_STATS or
88                option == self.DISPLAY_ALL_METRICS_WITH_RAW_VALUES)
90        # To display the raw metrics values in details on file basis?
91        self.display_raw_values = (
92                option == self.DISPLAY_ALL_METRICS_WITH_RAW_VALUES)
95class FirmwareSummary:
96    """Summary for touch device firmware tests."""
98    def __init__(self, log_dir, display_metrics=False, debug_flag=False,
99                 display_scores=False, individual_round_flag=False,
100                 segment_weights=segment_weights,
101                 validator_weights=validator_weights):
102        """ segment_weights and validator_weights are passed as arguments
103        so that it is possible to assign arbitrary weights in unit tests.
104        """
105        if os.path.isdir(log_dir):
106            self.log_dir = log_dir
107        else:
108            error_msg = 'Error: The test result directory does not exist: %s'
109            print error_msg % log_dir
110            sys.exit(1)
112        self.display_metrics = display_metrics
113        self.display_scores = display_scores
114        self.slog = firmware_log.SummaryLog(log_dir,
115                                            segment_weights,
116                                            validator_weights,
117                                            individual_round_flag,
118                                            debug_flag)
120    def _print_summary_title(self, summary_title_str):
121        """Print the summary of the test results by gesture."""
122        # Create a flexible column title format according to the number of
123        # firmware versions which could be 1, 2, or more.
124        #
125        # A typical summary title looks like
126        # Test Summary ()          :    fw_11.26             fw_11.23
127        #                               mean  ssd  count     mean ssd count
128        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
129        #
130        # The 1st line above is called title_fw.
131        # The 2nd line above is called title_statistics.
132        #
133        # As an example for 2 firmwares, title_fw_format looks like:
134        #     '{0:<37}:  {1:>12}  {2:>21}'
135        title_fw_format_list = ['{0:<37}:',]
136        for i in range(len(self.slog.fws)):
137            format_space = 12 if i == 0 else (12 + 9)
138            title_fw_format_list.append('{%d:>%d}' % (i + 1, format_space))
139        title_fw_format = ' '.join(title_fw_format_list)
141        # As an example for 2 firmwares, title_statistics_format looks like:
142        #     '{0:>47} {1:>6} {2:>5} {3:>8} {4:>6} {5:>5}'
143        title_statistics_format_list = []
144        for i in range(len(self.slog.fws)):
145            format_space = (12 + 35) if i == 0 else 8
146            title_statistics_format_list.append('{%d:>%d}' % (3 * i,
147                                                              format_space))
148            title_statistics_format_list.append('{%d:>%d}' % (3 * i + 1 , 6))
149            title_statistics_format_list.append('{%d:>%d}' % (3 * i + 2 , 5))
150        title_statistics_format = ' '.join(title_statistics_format_list)
152        # Create title_fw_list
153        # As an example for two firmware versions, it looks like
154        #   ['Test Summary (by gesture)', 'fw_2.4', 'fw_2.5']
155        title_fw_list = [summary_title_str,] + self.slog.fws
157        # Create title_statistics_list
158        # As an example for two firmware versions, it looks like
159        #   ['mean', 'ssd', 'count', 'mean', 'ssd', 'count', ]
160        title_statistics_list = ['mean', 'ssd', 'count'] * len(self.slog.fws)
162        # Print the title.
163        title_fw = title_fw_format.format(*title_fw_list)
164        title_statistics = title_statistics_format.format(
165                *title_statistics_list)
166        print '\n\n', title_fw
167        print title_statistics
168        print '-' * len(title_statistics)
170    def _print_result_stats(self, gesture=None):
171        """Print the result statistics of validators."""
172        for validator in self.slog.validators:
173            stat_scores_data = []
174            statistics_format_list = []
175            for fw in self.slog.fws:
176                result = self.slog.get_result(fw=fw, gesture=gesture,
177                                              validators=validator)
178                scores_data = result.stat_scores.all_data
179                if scores_data:
180                    stat_scores_data += scores_data
181                    statistics_format_list.append('{:>8.2f} {:>6.2f} {:>5}')
182                else:
183                    stat_scores_data.append('')
184                    statistics_format_list.append('{:>21}')
186            # Print the score statistics of all firmwares on the same row.
187            if any(stat_scores_data):
188                stat_scores_data.insert(0, validator)
189                statistics_format_list.insert(0,'  {:<35}:')
190                statistics_format = ' '.join(statistics_format_list)
191                print statistics_format.format(*tuple(stat_scores_data))
193    def _print_result_stats_by_gesture(self):
194        """Print the summary of the test results by gesture."""
195        self._print_summary_title('Test Summary (by gesture)')
196        for gesture in self.slog.gestures:
197            print gesture
198            self._print_result_stats(gesture=gesture)
200    def _print_result_stats_by_validator(self):
201        """Print the summary of the test results by validator. The validator
202        results of all gestures are combined to compute the statistics.
203        """
204        self._print_summary_title('Test Summary (by validator)')
205        self._print_result_stats()
207    def _get_metric_name_for_display(self, metric_name):
208        """Get the metric name for display.
209        We would like to shorten the metric name when displayed.
211        @param metric_name: a metric name
212        """
213        return metric_name.split('--')[0]
215    def _get_merged_validators(self):
216        merged = defaultdict(list)
217        for validator_name in self.slog.validators:
218            parents = get_parent_validators(validator_name)
219            for parent in parents:
220                if parent in merged_validators:
221                    merged[parent].append(validator_name)
222                    break
223            else:
224                merged[validator_name] = [validator_name,]
225        return sorted(merged.values())
227    def _print_statistics_of_metrics(self, detailed=True, gesture=None):
228        """Print the statistics of metrics by gesture or by validator.
230        @param gesture: print the statistics grouped by gesture
231                if this argument is specified; otherwise, by validator.
232        @param detailed: print statistics for all derived validators if True;
233                otherwise, print the merged statistics, e.g.,
234                both StationaryFingerValidator and StationaryTapValidator
235                are merged into StationaryValidator.
236        """
237        # Print the complete title which looks like:
238        #   <title_str>  <fw1>  <fw2>  ...  <description>
239        fws = self.slog.fws
240        num_fws = len(fws)
241        fws_str_max_width = max(map(len, fws))
242        fws_str_width = max(fws_str_max_width + 1, 10)
243        table_name = ('Detailed table (for debugging)' if detailed else
244                      'Summary table')
245        title_str = ('Metrics statistics by gesture: ' + gesture if gesture else
246                     'Metrics statistics by validator')
247        description_str = 'description (lower is better)'
248        fw_format = '{:>%d}' % fws_str_width
249        complete_title = ('{:<37}: '.format(title_str) +
250                          (fw_format * num_fws).format(*fws) +
251                          '  {:<40}'.format(description_str))
252        print '\n' * 2
253        print table_name
254        print complete_title
255        print '-' * len(complete_title)
257        # Print the metric name and the metric stats values of every firmwares
258        name_format = ' ' * 6 + '{:<31}:'
259        description_format = ' {:<40}'
260        float_format = '{:>%d.2f}' % fws_str_width
261        blank_format = '{:>%d}' % fws_str_width
263        validators = (self.slog.validators if detailed else
264                      self._get_merged_validators())
266        for validator in validators:
267            fw_stats_values = defaultdict(dict)
268            for fw in fws:
269                result = self.slog.get_result(fw=fw, gesture=gesture,
270                                              validators=validator)
271                stat_metrics = result.stat_metrics
273                for metric_name in stat_metrics.metrics_values:
274                    fw_stats_values[metric_name][fw] = \
275                            stat_metrics.stats_values[metric_name]
277            fw_stats_values_printed = False
278            for metric_name, fw_values_dict in sorted(fw_stats_values.items()):
279                values = []
280                values_format = ''
281                for fw in fws:
282                    value = fw_values_dict.get(fw, '')
283                    values.append(value)
284                    values_format += float_format if value else blank_format
286                # The metrics of some special validators will not be shown
287                # unless the display_all_stats flag is True or any stats values
288                # are non-zero.
289                if (validator not in conf.validators_hidden_when_no_failures or
290                        self.display_metrics.display_all_stats or any(values)):
291                    if not fw_stats_values_printed:
292                        fw_stats_values_printed = True
293                        if isinstance(validator, list):
294                            print (' ' + ' {}' * len(validator)).format(*validator)
295                        else:
296                            print '  ' + validator
297                    disp_name = self._get_metric_name_for_display(metric_name)
298                    print name_format.format(disp_name),
299                    print values_format.format(*values),
300                    print description_format.format(
301                            stat_metrics.metrics_props[metric_name].description)
303    def _print_raw_metrics_values(self):
304        """Print the raw metrics values."""
305        # The subkey() below extracts (gesture, variation, round) from
306        # metric.key which is (fw, round, gesture, variation, validator)
307        subkey = lambda key: (key[2], key[3], key[1])
309        # The sum_len() below is used to calculate the sum of the length
310        # of the elements in the subkey.
311        sum_len = lambda lst: sum([len(str(l)) if l else 0 for l in lst])
313        mnprops = firmware_log.MetricNameProps()
314        print '\n\nRaw metrics values'
315        print '-' * 80
316        for fw in self.slog.fws:
317            print '\n', fw
318            for validator in self.slog.validators:
319                result = self.slog.get_result(fw=fw, validators=validator)
320                metrics_dict = result.stat_metrics.metrics_dict
321                if metrics_dict:
322                    print '\n' + ' ' * 3 + validator
323                for metric_name, metrics in sorted(metrics_dict.items()):
324                    disp_name = self._get_metric_name_for_display(metric_name)
325                    print ' ' * 6 + disp_name
327                    metric_note = mnprops.metrics_props[metric_name].note
328                    if metric_note:
329                        msg = '** Note: value below represents '
330                        print ' ' * 9 + msg + metric_note
332                    # Make a metric value list sorted by
333                    #   (gesture, variation, round)
334                    value_list = sorted([(subkey(metric.key), metric.value)
335                                         for metric in metrics])
337                    max_len = max([sum_len(value[0]) for value in value_list])
338                    template_prefix = ' ' * 9 + '{:<%d}: ' % (max_len + 5)
339                    for (gesture, variation, round), value in value_list:
340                        template = template_prefix + (
341                                '{}' if isinstance(value, tuple) else '{:.2f}')
342                        gvr_str = '%s.%s (%s)' % (gesture, variation, round)
343                        print template.format(gvr_str, value)
345    def _print_final_weighted_averages(self):
346        """Print the final weighted averages of all validators."""
347        title_str = 'Test Summary (final weighted averages)'
348        print '\n\n' + title_str
349        print '-' * len(title_str)
350        weighted_average = self.slog.get_final_weighted_average()
351        for fw in self.slog.fws:
352            print '%s: %4.3f' % (fw, weighted_average[fw])
354    def print_result_summary(self):
355        """Print the summary of the test results."""
356        print self.slog.test_version
357        if self.display_metrics:
358            self._print_statistics_of_metrics(detailed=False)
359            self._print_statistics_of_metrics(detailed=True)
360            if self.display_metrics.display_raw_values:
361                self._print_raw_metrics_values()
362        if self.display_scores:
363            self._print_result_stats_by_gesture()
364            self._print_result_stats_by_validator()
365            self._print_final_weighted_averages()
368def _usage_and_exit():
369    """Print the usage message and exit."""
370    prog = sys.argv[0]
371    print 'Usage: $ python %s [options]\n' % prog
372    print 'options:'
373    print '  -D, --%s' % OPTIONS.DEBUG
374    print '        enable debug flag'
375    print '  -d, --%s <directory>' % OPTIONS.DIR
376    print '        specify which log directory to derive the summary'
377    print '  -h, --%s' % OPTIONS.HELP
378    print '        show this help'
379    print '  -i, --%s' % OPTIONS.INDIVIDUAL
380    print '        Calculate statistics of every individual round separately'
381    print '  -m, --%s <verbose_level>' % OPTIONS.METRICS
382    print '        display the summary metrics.'
383    print '        verbose_level:'
384    print '          0: hide some metrics statistics if they passed'
385    print '          1: display all metrics statistics'
386    print '          2: display all metrics statistics and ' \
387                        'the detailed raw metrics values (default)'
388    print '  -s, --%s' % OPTIONS.SCORES
389    print '        display the scores (0.0 ~ 1.0)'
390    print
391    print 'Examples:'
392    print '    Specify the log root directory.'
393    print '    $ python %s -d /tmp' % prog
394    print '    Hide some metrics statistics.'
395    print '    $ python %s -m 0' % prog
396    print '    Display all metrics statistics.'
397    print '    $ python %s -m 1' % prog
398    print '    Display all metrics statistics with detailed raw metrics values.'
399    print '    $ python %s         # or' % prog
400    print '    $ python %s -m 2' % prog
401    sys.exit(1)
404def _parsing_error(msg):
405    """Print the usage and exit when encountering parsing error."""
406    print 'Error: %s' % msg
407    _usage_and_exit()
410def _parse_options():
411    """Parse the options."""
412    # Set the default values of options.
413    options = {OPTIONS.DEBUG: False,
414               OPTIONS.DIR: log_root_dir,
415               OPTIONS.INDIVIDUAL: False,
416               OPTIONS.METRICS: OptionsDisplayMetrics(None),
417               OPTIONS.SCORES: False,
418    }
420    try:
421        short_opt = 'Dd:him:s'
422        long_opt = [OPTIONS.DEBUG,
423                    OPTIONS.DIR + '=',
424                    OPTIONS.HELP,
425                    OPTIONS.INDIVIDUAL,
426                    OPTIONS.METRICS + '=',
427                    OPTIONS.SCORES,
428        ]
429        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opt, long_opt)
430    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
431        _parsing_error(str(err))
433    for opt, arg in opts:
434        if opt in ('-h', '--%s' % OPTIONS.HELP):
435            _usage_and_exit()
436        elif opt in ('-D', '--%s' % OPTIONS.DEBUG):
437            options[OPTIONS.DEBUG] = True
438        elif opt in ('-d', '--%s' % OPTIONS.DIR):
439            options[OPTIONS.DIR] = arg
440            if not os.path.isdir(arg):
441                print 'Error: the log directory %s does not exist.' % arg
442                _usage_and_exit()
443        elif opt in ('-i', '--%s' % OPTIONS.INDIVIDUAL):
444            options[OPTIONS.INDIVIDUAL] = True
445        elif opt in ('-m', '--%s' % OPTIONS.METRICS):
446            options[OPTIONS.METRICS] = OptionsDisplayMetrics(arg)
447        elif opt in ('-s', '--%s' % OPTIONS.SCORES):
448            options[OPTIONS.SCORES] = True
449        else:
450            msg = 'This option "%s" is not supported.' % opt
451            _parsing_error(opt)
453    return options
456if __name__ == '__main__':
457    options = _parse_options()
458    summary = FirmwareSummary(options[OPTIONS.DIR],
459                              display_metrics=options[OPTIONS.METRICS],
460                              individual_round_flag=options[OPTIONS.INDIVIDUAL],
461                              display_scores=options[OPTIONS.SCORES],
462                              debug_flag=options[OPTIONS.DEBUG])
463    summary.print_result_summary()