1# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import contextlib
6import json
7import logging
8from lxml import etree
9import os
10import StringIO
12from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
15class ChartFixture:
16    """Sets up chart tablet to display dummy scene image."""
17    DISPLAY_SCRIPT = '/usr/local/autotest/bin/display_chart.py'
19    def __init__(self, chart_host, scene_uri):
20        self.host = chart_host
21        self.scene_uri = scene_uri
22        self.display_pid = None
24    def initialize(self):
25        """Prepare scene file and display it on chart host."""
26        logging.info('Prepare scene file')
27        chart_dir = self.host.get_tmp_dir()
28        scene_path = os.path.join(
29                chart_dir, self.scene_uri[self.scene_uri.rfind('/') + 1:])
30        self.host.run('wget', args=('-O', scene_path, self.scene_uri))
31        self.host.run('chmod', args=('-R', '755', chart_dir))
33        logging.info('Display scene file')
34        self.display_pid = self.host.run_background(
35                'python %s %s' % (self.DISPLAY_SCRIPT, scene_path))
36        # TODO(inker): Suppose chart should be displayed very soon. Or require
37        # of waiting until chart actually displayed.
39    def cleanup(self):
40        """Cleanup display script."""
41        if self.display_pid is not None:
42            self.host.run('kill', args=('-2', str(self.display_pid)))
45def get_chart_address(host_address, args):
46    """Get address of chart tablet from commandline args or mapping logic in
47    test lab.
49    @param host_address: a list of hostname strings.
50    @param args: a dict parse from commandline args.
51    @return:
52        A list of strings for chart tablet addresses.
53    """
54    address = utils.args_to_dict(args).get('chart')
55    if address is not None:
56        return address.split(',')
57    elif utils.is_in_container():
58        return [
59                utils.get_lab_chart_address(host)
60                for host in host_address
61        ]
62    else:
63        return None
66class DUTFixture:
67    """Sets up camera filter for target camera facing on DUT."""
68    TEST_CONFIG_PATH = '/var/cache/camera/test_config.json'
69    GENERATE_CAMERA_PROFILE = os.path.join('/usr', 'bin',
70                                           'generate_camera_profile')
72    CAMERA_PROFILE_PATH = ('/mnt/stateful_partition/encrypted/var/cache/camera'
73                           '/media_profiles.xml')
75    def __init__(self, test, host, facing):
76        self.test = test
77        self.host = host
78        self.facing = facing
80    @contextlib.contextmanager
81    def _set_selinux_permissive(self):
82        selinux_mode = self.host.run_output('getenforce')
83        self.host.run('setenforce 0')
84        yield
85        self.host.run('setenforce', args=(selinux_mode, ))
87    def _filter_camera_profile(self, content, facing):
88        """Filter camera profile of target facing from content of camera
89        profile.
91        @return:
92            New camera profile with only target facing, camera ids are
93            renumbered from 0.
94        """
95        tree = etree.parse(
96                StringIO.StringIO(content),
97                parser=etree.XMLParser(compact=False))
98        root = tree.getroot()
99        profiles = root.findall('CamcorderProfiles')
100        logging.debug('%d number of camera(s) found in camera profile',
101                      len(profiles))
102        assert 1 <= len(profiles) <= 2
103        if len(profiles) == 2:
104            cam_id = 0 if facing == 'back' else 1
105            for p in profiles:
106                if cam_id == int(p.attrib['cameraId']):
107                    p.attrib['cameraId'] = '0'
108                else:
109                    root.remove(p)
110        else:
111            with self.test._login_chrome(
112                    board=self.test._get_board_name(),
113                    reboot=False), self._set_selinux_permissive():
114                has_front_camera = (
115                        'feature:android.hardware.camera.front' in self.host.
116                        run_output('android-sh -c "pm list features"'))
117                logging.debug('has_front_camera=%s', has_front_camera)
118            if (facing == 'front') != has_front_camera:
119                root.remove(profiles[0])
120        return etree.tostring(
121                tree, xml_declaration=True, encoding=tree.docinfo.encoding)
123    def _read_file(self, filepath):
124        """Read content of filepath from host."""
125        tmp_path = os.path.join(self.test.tmpdir, os.path.basename(filepath))
126        self.host.get_file(filepath, tmp_path, delete_dest=True)
127        with open(tmp_path) as f:
128            return f.read()
130    def _write_file(self, filepath, content, permission=None, owner=None):
131        """Write content to filepath on remote host.
132        @param permission: set permission to 0xxx octal number of remote file.
133        @param owner: set owner of remote file.
134        """
135        tmp_path = os.path.join(self.test.tmpdir, os.path.basename(filepath))
136        with open(tmp_path, 'w') as f:
137            f.write(content)
138        if permission is not None:
139            os.chmod(tmp_path, permission)
140        self.host.send_file(tmp_path, filepath, delete_dest=True)
141        if owner is not None:
142            self.host.run('chown', args=(owner, filepath))
144    def initialize(self):
145        """Filter out camera other than target facing on DUT."""
146        logging.info('Restart camera service with filter option')
147        self._write_file(
148                self.TEST_CONFIG_PATH,
149                json.dumps({
150                        'enable_back_camera': self.facing == 'back',
151                        'enable_front_camera': self.facing == 'front',
152                        'enable_external_camera': False
153                }),
154                owner='arc-camera')
155        self.host.run('restart cros-camera')
157        # To replace camera profile in ARC++ container, arc_setup will run
158        # GENERATE_CAMERA_PROFILE and mount its generated profile under
159        # CAMERA_PROFILE_PATH into container.
160        logging.info('Replace camera profile in ARC++ container')
161        self.host.run(
162                'mv',
163                args=(self.GENERATE_CAMERA_PROFILE,
164                      self.GENERATE_CAMERA_PROFILE_BACKUP))
165        self._write_file(
166                self.GENERATE_CAMERA_PROFILE,
167                '''\
169# Put this executable file to %r to make sure arc-setup knows
170# we're using dynamic media_profiles.xml copy from host path
172                permission=0755)
173        profile = self._read_file(self.CAMERA_PROFILE_PATH)
174        new_profile = self._filter_camera_profile(profile, self.facing)
175        self._write_file(self.CAMERA_PROFILE_PATH, new_profile)
176        self.host.run('restart ui')
178    def cleanup(self):
179        """Cleanup camera filter."""
180        logging.info('Remove filter option and restore camera service')
181        self.host.run('rm', args=('-f', self.TEST_CONFIG_PATH))
182        self.host.run('restart cros-camera')
184        # Restore GENERATE_CAMERA_PROFILE to regenerate camera profile on DUT.
185        logging.info('Restore camera profile in ARC++ container')
186        self.host.run(
187                'mv',
188                args=(self.GENERATE_CAMERA_PROFILE_BACKUP,
189                      self.GENERATE_CAMERA_PROFILE),
190                ignore_status=True)
191        self.host.run('restart ui')