2# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. Released under the GPL v2
5This module defines the SSHHost class.
7Implementation details:
8You should import the "hosts" package instead of importing each type of host.
10        SSHHost: a remote machine with a ssh access
13import inspect
14import logging
15import re
16import time
18import common
19from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
20from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import pxssh
21from autotest_lib.server import utils
22from autotest_lib.server.hosts import abstract_ssh
24# In case cros_host is being ran via SSP on an older Moblab version with an
25# older chromite version.
27    from chromite.lib import metrics
28except ImportError:
29    metrics = utils.metrics_mock
32class SSHHost(abstract_ssh.AbstractSSHHost):
33    """
34    This class represents a remote machine controlled through an ssh
35    session on which you can run programs.
37    It is not the machine autoserv is running on. The machine must be
38    configured for password-less login, for example through public key
39    authentication.
41    It includes support for controlling the machine through a serial
42    console on which you can run programs. If such a serial console is
43    set up on the machine then capabilities such as hard reset and
44    boot strap monitoring are available. If the machine does not have a
45    serial console available then ordinary SSH-based commands will
46    still be available, but attempts to use extensions such as
47    console logging or hard reset will fail silently.
49    Implementation details:
50    This is a leaf class in an abstract class hierarchy, it must
51    implement the unimplemented methods in parent classes.
52    """
54    def _initialize(self, hostname, *args, **dargs):
55        """
56        Construct a SSHHost object
58        Args:
59                hostname: network hostname or address of remote machine
60        """
61        super(SSHHost, self)._initialize(hostname=hostname, *args, **dargs)
62        self.setup_ssh()
65    def ssh_command(self, connect_timeout=30, options='', alive_interval=300,
66                    alive_count_max=3, connection_attempts=1):
67        """
68        Construct an ssh command with proper args for this host.
70        @param connect_timeout: connection timeout (in seconds)
71        @param options: SSH options
72        @param alive_interval: SSH Alive interval.
73        @param alive_count_max: SSH AliveCountMax.
74        @param connection_attempts: SSH ConnectionAttempts
75        """
76        options = " ".join([options, self._master_ssh.ssh_option])
77        base_cmd = self.make_ssh_command(user=self.user, port=self.port,
78                                         opts=options,
79                                         hosts_file=self.known_hosts_file,
80                                         connect_timeout=connect_timeout,
81                                         alive_interval=alive_interval,
82                                         alive_count_max=alive_count_max,
83                                         connection_attempts=connection_attempts)
84        return "%s %s" % (base_cmd, self.hostname)
86    def _get_server_stack_state(self, lowest_frames=0, highest_frames=None):
87        """ Get the server stack frame status.
88        @param lowest_frames: the lowest frames to start printing.
89        @param highest_frames: the highest frames to print.
90                        (None means no restriction)
91        """
92        stack_frames = inspect.stack()
93        stack = ''
94        for frame in stack_frames[lowest_frames:highest_frames]:
95            function_name = inspect.getframeinfo(frame[0]).function
96            stack = '%s|%s' % (function_name, stack)
97        del stack_frames
98        return stack[:-1] # Delete the last '|' character
100    def _verbose_logger_command(self, command):
101        """
102        Prepend the command for the client with information about the ssh
103        command to be executed and the server stack state.
105        @param command: the ssh command to be executed.
106        """
107        # The last 3 frames on the stack are boring. Print 6-3=3 stack frames.
108        stack = self._get_server_stack_state(lowest_frames=3, highest_frames=6)
109        # If "logger" executable exists on the DUT use it to respew |command|.
110        # Then regardless of "logger" run |command| as usual.
111        command = ('if type "logger" > /dev/null 2>&1; then'
112                   ' logger -tag "autotest" "server[stack::%s] -> ssh_run(%s)";'
113                   'fi; '
114                   '%s' % (stack, utils.sh_escape(command), command))
115        return command
118    def _run(self, command, timeout, ignore_status,
119             stdout, stderr, connect_timeout, env, options, stdin, args,
120             ignore_timeout, ssh_failure_retry_ok):
121        """Helper function for run()."""
122        if connect_timeout > timeout:
123            connect_timeout = int(timeout)
125        ssh_cmd = self.ssh_command(connect_timeout, options)
126        if not env.strip():
127            env = ""
128        else:
129            env = "export %s;" % env
130        for arg in args:
131            command += ' "%s"' % utils.sh_escape(arg)
132        full_cmd = '%s "%s %s"' % (ssh_cmd, env, utils.sh_escape(command))
134        # TODO(jrbarnette):  crbug.com/484726 - When we're in an SSP
135        # container, sometimes shortly after reboot we will see DNS
136        # resolution errors on ssh commands; the problem never
137        # occurs more than once in a row.  This especially affects
138        # the autoupdate_Rollback test, but other cases have been
139        # affected, too.
140        #
141        # We work around it by detecting the first DNS resolution error
142        # and retrying exactly one time.
143        dns_error_retry_count = 1
145        def counters_inc(counter_name, failure_name):
146            """Helper function to increment metrics counters.
147            @param counter_name: string indicating which counter to use
148            @param failure_name: string indentifying an error, or 'success'
149            """
150            if counter_name == 'call':
151                # ssh_counter records the outcome of each ssh invocation
152                # inside _run(), including exceptions.
153                ssh_counter = metrics.Counter('chromeos/autotest/ssh/calls')
154                fields = {'error' : failure_name or 'success',
155                          'attempt' : ssh_call_count}
156                ssh_counter.increment(fields=fields)
158            if counter_name == 'run':
159                # run_counter records each call to _run() with its result
160                # and how many tries were made.  Calls are recorded when
161                # _run() exits (including exiting with an exception)
162                run_counter = metrics.Counter('chromeos/autotest/ssh/runs')
163                fields = {'error' : failure_name or 'success',
164                          'attempt' : ssh_call_count}
165                run_counter.increment(fields=fields)
167        # If ssh_failure_retry_ok is True, retry twice on timeouts and generic
168        # error 255: if a simple retry doesn't work, kill the ssh master
169        # connection and try again.  (Note that either error could come from
170        # the command running in the DUT, in which case the retry may be
171        # useless but, in theory, also harmless.)
172        if ssh_failure_retry_ok:
173            # Ignore ssh command timeout, even though it could be a timeout due
174            # to the command executing in the remote host.  Note that passing
175            # ignore_timeout = True makes utils.run() return None on timeouts
176            # (and only on timeouts).
177            original_ignore_timeout = ignore_timeout
178            ignore_timeout = True
179            ssh_failure_retry_count = 2
180        else:
181            ssh_failure_retry_count = 0
183        ssh_call_count = 0
185        while True:
186            try:
187                # Increment call count first, in case utils.run() throws an
188                # exception.
189                ssh_call_count += 1
190                result = utils.run(full_cmd, timeout, True, stdout, stderr,
191                                   verbose=False, stdin=stdin,
192                                   stderr_is_expected=ignore_status,
193                                   ignore_timeout=ignore_timeout)
194            except Exception as e:
195                # No retries on exception.
196                counters_inc('call', 'exception')
197                counters_inc('run', 'exception')
198                raise e
200            failure_name = None
202            if result:
203                if result.exit_status == 255:
204                    if re.search(r'^ssh: .*: Name or service not known',
205                                 result.stderr):
206                        failure_name = 'dns_failure'
207                    else:
208                        failure_name = 'error_255'
209                elif result.exit_status > 0:
210                    failure_name = 'nonzero_status'
211            else:
212                # result == None
213                failure_name = 'timeout'
215            # Record the outcome of the ssh invocation.
216            counters_inc('call', failure_name)
218            if failure_name:
219                # There was a failure: decide whether to retry.
220                if failure_name == 'dns_failure':
221                    if dns_error_retry_count > 0:
222                        logging.debug('retrying ssh because of DNS failure')
223                        dns_error_retry_count -= 1
224                        continue
225                else:
226                    if ssh_failure_retry_count == 2:
227                        logging.debug('retrying ssh command after %s',
228                                       failure_name)
229                        ssh_failure_retry_count -= 1
230                        continue
231                    elif ssh_failure_retry_count == 1:
232                        # After two failures, restart the master connection
233                        # before the final try.
234                        logging.debug('retry 2: restarting master connection')
235                        self.restart_master_ssh()
236                        # Last retry: reinstate timeout behavior.
237                        ignore_timeout = original_ignore_timeout
238                        ssh_failure_retry_count -= 1
239                        continue
241            # No retry conditions occurred.  Exit the loop.
242            break
244        # The outcomes of ssh invocations have been recorded.  Now record
245        # the outcome of this function.
247        if ignore_timeout and not result:
248            counters_inc('run', 'ignored_timeout')
249            return None
251        # The error messages will show up in band (indistinguishable
252        # from stuff sent through the SSH connection), so we have the
253        # remote computer echo the message "Connected." before running
254        # any command.  Since the following 2 errors have to do with
255        # connecting, it's safe to do these checks.
256        if result.exit_status == 255:
257            if re.search(r'^ssh: connect to host .* port .*: '
258                         r'Connection timed out\r$', result.stderr):
259                counters_inc('run', 'final_timeout')
260                raise error.AutoservSSHTimeout("ssh timed out", result)
261            if "Permission denied." in result.stderr:
262                msg = "ssh permission denied"
263                counters_inc('run', 'final_eperm')
264                raise error.AutoservSshPermissionDeniedError(msg, result)
266        if not ignore_status and result.exit_status > 0:
267            counters_inc('run', 'final_run_error')
268            raise error.AutoservRunError("command execution error", result)
270        counters_inc('run', failure_name)
271        return result
274    def run_very_slowly(self, command, timeout=None, ignore_status=False,
275            stdout_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
276            connect_timeout=30, options='', stdin=None, verbose=True, args=(),
277            ignore_timeout=False, ssh_failure_retry_ok=False):
278        """
279        Run a command on the remote host.
280        This RPC call has an overhead of minimum 40ms and up to 400ms on
281        servers (crbug.com/734887). Each time a run_very_slowly is added for
282        every job - a server core dies in the lab.
283        @see common_lib.hosts.host.run()
285        @param timeout: command execution timeout in seconds. Default is 1 hour.
286        @param connect_timeout: ssh connection timeout (in seconds)
287        @param options: string with additional ssh command options
288        @param verbose: log the commands
289        @param ignore_timeout: bool True if SSH command timeouts should be
290                ignored.  Will return None on command timeout.
291        @param ssh_failure_retry_ok: True if the command may be retried on
292                probable ssh failure (error 255 or timeout).  When true,
293                the command may be executed up to three times, the second
294                time after restarting the ssh master connection.  Use only for
295                commands that are idempotent, because when a "probable
296                ssh failure" occurs, we cannot tell if the command executed
297                or not.
299        @raises AutoservRunError: if the command failed
300        @raises AutoservSSHTimeout: ssh connection has timed out
301        """
302        if timeout is None:
303            timeout = 3600
304        start_time = time.time()
305        with metrics.SecondsTimer('chromeos/autotest/ssh/master_ssh_time',
306                                  scale=0.001):
307            if verbose:
308                stack = self._get_server_stack_state(lowest_frames=1,
309                                                     highest_frames=7)
310                logging.debug("Running (ssh) '%s' from '%s'", command, stack)
311                command = self._verbose_logger_command(command)
313            self.start_master_ssh(min(
314                    timeout,
315                    self.DEFAULT_START_MASTER_SSH_TIMEOUT_S,
316            ))
318            env = " ".join("=".join(pair) for pair in self.env.iteritems())
319            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
320            try:
321                return self._run(command, timeout - elapsed, ignore_status,
322                                 stdout_tee, stderr_tee, connect_timeout, env,
323                                 options, stdin, args, ignore_timeout,
324                                 ssh_failure_retry_ok)
325            except error.CmdError, cmderr:
326                # We get a CmdError here only if there is timeout of that
327                # command. Catch that and stuff it into AutoservRunError and
328                # raise it.
329                timeout_message = str('Timeout encountered: %s' %
330                                      cmderr.args[0])
331                raise error.AutoservRunError(timeout_message, cmderr.args[1])
334    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
335        return self.run_very_slowly(*args, **kwargs)
338    def run_background(self, command, verbose=True):
339        """Start a command on the host in the background.
341        The command is started on the host in the background, and
342        this method call returns immediately without waiting for the
343        command's completion.  The PID of the process on the host is
344        returned as a string.
346        The command may redirect its stdin, stdout, or stderr as
347        necessary.  Without redirection, all input and output will
348        use /dev/null.
350        @param command The command to run in the background
351        @param verbose As for `self.run()`
353        @return Returns the PID of the remote background process
354                as a string.
355        """
356        # Redirection here isn't merely hygienic; it's a functional
357        # requirement.  sshd won't terminate until stdin, stdout,
358        # and stderr are all closed.
359        #
360        # The subshell is needed to do the right thing in case the
361        # passed in command has its own I/O redirections.
362        cmd_fmt = '( %s ) </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n $!'
363        return self.run(cmd_fmt % command, verbose=verbose).stdout
366    def run_short(self, command, **kwargs):
367        """
368        Calls the run() command with a short default timeout.
370        Takes the same arguments as does run(),
371        with the exception of the timeout argument which
372        here is fixed at 60 seconds.
373        It returns the result of run.
375        @param command: the command line string
377        """
378        return self.run(command, timeout=60, **kwargs)
381    def run_grep(self, command, timeout=30, ignore_status=False,
382                 stdout_ok_regexp=None, stdout_err_regexp=None,
383                 stderr_ok_regexp=None, stderr_err_regexp=None,
384                 connect_timeout=30):
385        """
386        Run a command on the remote host and look for regexp
387        in stdout or stderr to determine if the command was
388        successul or not.
391        @param command: the command line string
392        @param timeout: time limit in seconds before attempting to
393                        kill the running process. The run() function
394                        will take a few seconds longer than 'timeout'
395                        to complete if it has to kill the process.
396        @param ignore_status: do not raise an exception, no matter
397                              what the exit code of the command is.
398        @param stdout_ok_regexp: regexp that should be in stdout
399                                 if the command was successul.
400        @param stdout_err_regexp: regexp that should be in stdout
401                                  if the command failed.
402        @param stderr_ok_regexp: regexp that should be in stderr
403                                 if the command was successul.
404        @param stderr_err_regexp: regexp that should be in stderr
405                                 if the command failed.
406        @param connect_timeout: connection timeout (in seconds)
408        Returns:
409                if the command was successul, raises an exception
410                otherwise.
412        Raises:
413                AutoservRunError:
414                - the exit code of the command execution was not 0.
415                - If stderr_err_regexp is found in stderr,
416                - If stdout_err_regexp is found in stdout,
417                - If stderr_ok_regexp is not found in stderr.
418                - If stdout_ok_regexp is not found in stdout,
419        """
421        # We ignore the status, because we will handle it at the end.
422        result = self.run(command, timeout, ignore_status=True,
423                          connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
425        # Look for the patterns, in order
426        for (regexp, stream) in ((stderr_err_regexp, result.stderr),
427                                 (stdout_err_regexp, result.stdout)):
428            if regexp and stream:
429                err_re = re.compile (regexp)
430                if err_re.search(stream):
431                    raise error.AutoservRunError(
432                        '%s failed, found error pattern: "%s"' % (command,
433                                                                regexp), result)
435        for (regexp, stream) in ((stderr_ok_regexp, result.stderr),
436                                 (stdout_ok_regexp, result.stdout)):
437            if regexp and stream:
438                ok_re = re.compile (regexp)
439                if ok_re.search(stream):
440                    if ok_re.search(stream):
441                        return
443        if not ignore_status and result.exit_status > 0:
444            raise error.AutoservRunError("command execution error", result)
447    def setup_ssh_key(self):
448        """Setup SSH Key"""
449        logging.debug('Performing SSH key setup on %s as %s.',
450                      self.host_port, self.user)
452        try:
453            host = pxssh.pxssh()
454            host.login(self.hostname, self.user, self.password,
455                        port=self.port)
456            public_key = utils.get_public_key()
458            host.sendline('mkdir -p ~/.ssh')
459            host.prompt()
460            host.sendline('chmod 700 ~/.ssh')
461            host.prompt()
462            host.sendline("echo '%s' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; " %
463                            public_key)
464            host.prompt()
465            host.sendline('chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')
466            host.prompt()
467            host.logout()
469            logging.debug('SSH key setup complete.')
471        except:
472            logging.debug('SSH key setup has failed.')
473            try:
474                host.logout()
475            except:
476                pass
479    def setup_ssh(self):
480        """Setup SSH"""
481        if self.password:
482            try:
483                self.ssh_ping()
484            except error.AutoservSshPingHostError:
485                self.setup_ssh_key()