3# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
7"""Load generator for devserver."""
9import argparse
10import itertools
11import json
12import re
13import sys
15import common
16from chromite.lib import commandline
19# Default keys to skip displaying.
21    'build_name',
22    'devserver',
23    'name',
24    'parent',
25    'quick_provision',
26    'trigger_response',
29# List of commandline arguments for easy filtering.
31    'board',
32    'build_name',
33    'devserver',
34    'name',
35    'status',
39def get_parser():
40    """Creates the argparse parser."""
41    parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
42    parser.add_argument('infile', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
43                        help='Path to JSON file to read.',
44                        default=[sys.stdin])
45    parser.add_argument('--boards', type=str, action='store',
46                        help='Boards to show.')
47    parser.add_argument('--group', type=str, action='store',
48                        help='Comma-spearated list of keys to group by.')
49    parser.add_argument('--dump', action='store_true',
50                        help='Dump all filtered entries.')
51    parser.add_argument('--skip', type=str, action='store',
52                        help='Comma-separated list of keys to skip displaying.',
53                        default=','.join(DEFAULT_SKIP))
54    parser.add_argument('--filter', type=str, action='store',
55                        help='Filter expression to apply to each node.')
56    for arg in FILTER_ARGS:
57        parser.add_argument('--%s' % arg, type=str, action='store',
58                            help='Comma-separated list of %s to filter by.' %
59                            arg)
60    parser.add_argument('--no-summary', action='store_false', dest='summary',
61                        help='Disable summary.')
63    return parser
65def summarize_entries(entries, skip=set()):
66    """Summarize a list of entries."""
67    TAG_KEYS = [
68        'board', 'build_name', 'devserver', 'name',
69        'parent', 'quick_provision', 'status'
70    ]
71    VALUE_KEYS = [
72        'avg_active', 'elapsed',
73    ]
74    summary = {
75        'COUNT': len(entries),
76    }
77    summary.update({key: summarize_tags(entries, key) for key in TAG_KEYS
78                    if key not in skip})
79    summary.update({key: summarize_values(entries, key) for key in VALUE_KEYS
80                    if key not in skip})
81    return summary
83def summarize_tags(entries, key):
84    """Summarize all the different string values for a given key."""
85    tags = {str(entry[key]) for entry in entries}
86    return list(tags)
88def summarize_values(entries, key):
89    """Summarize the numeric values for a given key."""
90    if entries is None or len(entries) == 0:
91        return None
93    values = [entry[key] for entry in entries if key in entry]
94    summary = {}
95    num_values = len(values)
96    if num_values:
97        summary['min'] = min(values)
98        summary['max'] = max(values)
99        summary['avg'] = sum(values) / num_values
100    num_skipped = len(entries) - num_values
101    if num_skipped:
102        summary['num'] = num_values
103        summary['skipped'] = num_skipped
104    return summary
106def group_entries(keys, entries):
107    """Group entries based on different values of given keys.
109    @param keys: A list of keys to group by.
110    @param entries: A list of entries to split into groups.
112    @return A list of list of entries, where each list has a different key
113            value.
114    """
115    if not keys:
116        return [entries]
118    # Divide the group based on the first key.
119    indexed = {}
120    for entry in entries:
121        value = str(entry[keys[0]])
122        indexed.setdefault(value, []).append(entry)
123    groups = [indexed[value] for value in sorted(indexed.keys())]
125    # Recursively subdivide all the groups based on the rest of the keys.
126    subgroups = []
127    for group in groups:
128        subgroups.extend(group_entries(keys[1:], group))
129    return subgroups
131def main(argv):
132    """Load generator for a devserver."""
133    parser = get_parser()
134    options = parser.parse_args(argv)
136    # Read entries from the specified file.
137    all_entries = []
138    for f in options.infile:
139        all_entries.extend([json.loads(line) for line in f])
141    # Filter entries:
142    # - Ignore non-provisions.
143    # - Filter via the specified FILTER_ARGS arguments.
144    # - Filter via explicit filter request.
145    entries = filter(lambda x: x['name'] != 'Runner', all_entries)
146    for arg in FILTER_ARGS:
147        if options.__dict__.get(arg):
148            entries = filter(lambda x: x[arg] in
149                                       options.__dict__[arg].split(','),
150                             entries)
151    if options.filter:
152        entries = filter(lambda x: eval(options.filter, {'re': re}, x), entries)
154    # Group the entries based on specified keys.
155    groups = group_entries(options.group.split(',') if options.group else None,
156                           entries)
158    # Dump all filtered entries as groups, including their parents.
159    if options.dump:
160        dump_entries = itertools.chain(*groups)
161        # Dump all entries, tracking needed parents.
162        parents = []
163        for entry in dump_entries:
164            print(json.dumps(entry))
165            if 'parent' in entry and entry['parent'] not in parents:
166                parents.append(entry['parent'])
167        # Dump all parents.
168        for entry in all_entries:
169            if entry['id'] in parents:
170                print(json.dumps(entry))
172    # Summarize the entries, group by group.
173    if options.summary:
174        skip = options.skip.split(',') if options.skip else set()
175        summaries = [summarize_entries(group, skip) for group in groups]
176        print(json.dumps(summaries, indent=2))
178if __name__ == '__main__':
179    sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))