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2# @lint-avoid-python-3-compatibility-imports
4# funccount Count functions, tracepoints, and USDT probes.
5#           For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF.
7# USAGE: funccount [-h] [-p PID] [-i INTERVAL] [-d DURATION] [-T] [-r] pattern
9# The pattern is a string with optional '*' wildcards, similar to file
10# globbing. If you'd prefer to use regular expressions, use the -r option.
12# Copyright (c) 2015 Brendan Gregg.
13# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
15# 09-Sep-2015   Brendan Gregg       Created this.
16# 18-Oct-2016   Sasha Goldshtein    Generalized for uprobes, tracepoints, USDT.
18from __future__ import print_function
19from bcc import ArgString, BPF, USDT
20from time import sleep, strftime
21import argparse
22import os
23import re
24import signal
25import sys
26import traceback
28debug = False
30def verify_limit(num):
31    probe_limit = 1000
32    if num > probe_limit:
33        raise Exception("maximum of %d probes allowed, attempted %d" %
34                        (probe_limit, num))
36class Probe(object):
37    def __init__(self, pattern, use_regex=False, pid=None):
38        """Init a new probe.
40        Init the probe from the pattern provided by the user. The supported
41        patterns mimic the 'trace' and 'argdist' tools, but are simpler because
42        we don't have to distinguish between probes and retprobes.
44            func            -- probe a kernel function
45            lib:func        -- probe a user-space function in the library 'lib'
46            /path:func      -- probe a user-space function in binary '/path'
47            p::func         -- same thing as 'func'
48            p:lib:func      -- same thing as 'lib:func'
49            t:cat:event     -- probe a kernel tracepoint
50            u:lib:probe     -- probe a USDT tracepoint
51        """
52        parts = bytes(pattern).split(b':')
53        if len(parts) == 1:
54            parts = [b"p", b"", parts[0]]
55        elif len(parts) == 2:
56            parts = [b"p", parts[0], parts[1]]
57        elif len(parts) == 3:
58            if parts[0] == b"t":
59                parts = [b"t", b"", b"%s:%s" % tuple(parts[1:])]
60            if parts[0] not in [b"p", b"t", b"u"]:
61                raise Exception("Type must be 'p', 't', or 'u', but got %s" %
62                                parts[0])
63        else:
64            raise Exception("Too many ':'-separated components in pattern %s" %
65                            pattern)
67        (self.type, self.library, self.pattern) = parts
68        if not use_regex:
69            self.pattern = self.pattern.replace(b'*', b'.*')
70            self.pattern = b'^' + self.pattern + b'$'
72        if (self.type == b"p" and self.library) or self.type == b"u":
73            libpath = BPF.find_library(self.library)
74            if libpath is None:
75                # This might be an executable (e.g. 'bash')
76                libpath = BPF.find_exe(self.library)
77            if libpath is None or len(libpath) == 0:
78                raise Exception("unable to find library %s" % self.library)
79            self.library = libpath
81        self.pid = pid
82        self.matched = 0
83        self.trace_functions = {}   # map location number to function name
85    def is_kernel_probe(self):
86        return self.type == b"t" or (self.type == b"p" and self.library == b"")
88    def attach(self):
89        if self.type == b"p" and not self.library:
90            for index, function in self.trace_functions.items():
91                self.bpf.attach_kprobe(
92                        event=function,
93                        fn_name="trace_count_%d" % index)
94        elif self.type == b"p" and self.library:
95            for index, function in self.trace_functions.items():
96                self.bpf.attach_uprobe(
97                        name=self.library,
98                        sym=function,
99                        fn_name="trace_count_%d" % index,
100                        pid=self.pid or -1)
101        elif self.type == b"t":
102            for index, function in self.trace_functions.items():
103                self.bpf.attach_tracepoint(
104                        tp=function,
105                        fn_name="trace_count_%d" % index)
106        elif self.type == b"u":
107            pass    # Nothing to do -- attach already happened in `load`
109    def _add_function(self, template, probe_name):
110        new_func = b"trace_count_%d" % self.matched
111        text = template.replace(b"PROBE_FUNCTION", new_func)
112        text = text.replace(b"LOCATION", b"%d" % self.matched)
113        self.trace_functions[self.matched] = probe_name
114        self.matched += 1
115        return text
117    def _generate_functions(self, template):
118        self.usdt = None
119        text = b""
120        if self.type == b"p" and not self.library:
121            functions = BPF.get_kprobe_functions(self.pattern)
122            verify_limit(len(functions))
123            for function in functions:
124                text += self._add_function(template, function)
125        elif self.type == b"p" and self.library:
126            # uprobes are tricky because the same function may have multiple
127            # addresses, and the same address may be mapped to multiple
128            # functions. We aren't allowed to create more than one uprobe
129            # per address, so track unique addresses and ignore functions that
130            # map to an address that we've already seen. Also ignore functions
131            # that may repeat multiple times with different addresses.
132            addresses, functions = (set(), set())
133            functions_and_addresses = BPF.get_user_functions_and_addresses(
134                                        self.library, self.pattern)
135            verify_limit(len(functions_and_addresses))
136            for function, address in functions_and_addresses:
137                if address in addresses or function in functions:
138                    continue
139                addresses.add(address)
140                functions.add(function)
141                text += self._add_function(template, function)
142        elif self.type == b"t":
143            tracepoints = BPF.get_tracepoints(self.pattern)
144            verify_limit(len(tracepoints))
145            for tracepoint in tracepoints:
146                text += self._add_function(template, tracepoint)
147        elif self.type == b"u":
148            self.usdt = USDT(path=self.library, pid=self.pid)
149            matches = []
150            for probe in self.usdt.enumerate_probes():
151                if not self.pid and (probe.bin_path != self.library):
152                    continue
153                if re.match(self.pattern, probe.name):
154                    matches.append(probe.name)
155            verify_limit(len(matches))
156            for match in matches:
157                new_func = b"trace_count_%d" % self.matched
158                text += self._add_function(template, match)
159                self.usdt.enable_probe(match, new_func)
160            if debug:
161                print(self.usdt.get_text())
162        return text
164    def load(self):
165        trace_count_text = b"""
166int PROBE_FUNCTION(void *ctx) {
167    FILTER
168    int loc = LOCATION;
169    u64 *val = counts.lookup(&loc);
170    if (!val) {
171        return 0;   // Should never happen, # of locations is known
172    }
173    (*val)++;
174    return 0;
176        """
177        bpf_text = b"""#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
179BPF_ARRAY(counts, u64, NUMLOCATIONS);
180        """
182        # We really mean the tgid from the kernel's perspective, which is in
183        # the top 32 bits of bpf_get_current_pid_tgid().
184        if self.pid:
185            trace_count_text = trace_count_text.replace(b'FILTER',
186                b"""u32 pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;
187                   if (pid != %d) { return 0; }""" % self.pid)
188        else:
189            trace_count_text = trace_count_text.replace(b'FILTER', b'')
191        bpf_text += self._generate_functions(trace_count_text)
192        bpf_text = bpf_text.replace(b"NUMLOCATIONS",
193                                    b"%d" % len(self.trace_functions))
194        if debug:
195            print(bpf_text)
197        if self.matched == 0:
198            raise Exception("No functions matched by pattern %s" %
199                            self.pattern)
201        self.bpf = BPF(text=bpf_text,
202                       usdt_contexts=[self.usdt] if self.usdt else [])
203        self.clear()    # Initialize all array items to zero
205    def counts(self):
206        return self.bpf["counts"]
208    def clear(self):
209        counts = self.bpf["counts"]
210        for location, _ in list(self.trace_functions.items()):
211            counts[counts.Key(location)] = counts.Leaf()
213class Tool(object):
214    def __init__(self):
215        examples = """examples:
216    ./funccount 'vfs_*'             # count kernel fns starting with "vfs"
217    ./funccount -r '^vfs.*'         # same as above, using regular expressions
218    ./funccount -Ti 5 'vfs_*'       # output every 5 seconds, with timestamps
219    ./funccount -d 10 'vfs_*'       # trace for 10 seconds only
220    ./funccount -p 185 'vfs_*'      # count vfs calls for PID 181 only
221    ./funccount t:sched:sched_fork  # count calls to the sched_fork tracepoint
222    ./funccount -p 185 u:node:gc*   # count all GC USDT probes in node, PID 185
223    ./funccount c:malloc            # count all malloc() calls in libc
224    ./funccount go:os.*             # count all "os.*" calls in libgo
225    ./funccount -p 185 go:os.*      # count all "os.*" calls in libgo, PID 185
226    ./funccount ./test:read*        # count "read*" calls in the ./test binary
227    """
228        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
229            description="Count functions, tracepoints, and USDT probes",
230            formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
231            epilog=examples)
232        parser.add_argument("-p", "--pid", type=int,
233            help="trace this PID only")
234        parser.add_argument("-i", "--interval",
235            help="summary interval, seconds")
236        parser.add_argument("-d", "--duration",
237            help="total duration of trace, seconds")
238        parser.add_argument("-T", "--timestamp", action="store_true",
239            help="include timestamp on output")
240        parser.add_argument("-r", "--regexp", action="store_true",
241            help="use regular expressions. Default is \"*\" wildcards only.")
242        parser.add_argument("-D", "--debug", action="store_true",
243            help="print BPF program before starting (for debugging purposes)")
244        parser.add_argument("pattern",
245            type=ArgString,
246            help="search expression for events")
247        self.args = parser.parse_args()
248        global debug
249        debug = self.args.debug
250        self.probe = Probe(self.args.pattern, self.args.regexp, self.args.pid)
251        if self.args.duration and not self.args.interval:
252            self.args.interval = self.args.duration
253        if not self.args.interval:
254            self.args.interval = 99999999
256    @staticmethod
257    def _signal_ignore(signal, frame):
258        print()
260    def run(self):
261        self.probe.load()
262        self.probe.attach()
263        print("Tracing %d functions for \"%s\"... Hit Ctrl-C to end." %
264              (self.probe.matched, bytes(self.args.pattern)))
265        exiting = 0 if self.args.interval else 1
266        seconds = 0
267        while True:
268            try:
269                sleep(int(self.args.interval))
270                seconds += int(self.args.interval)
271            except KeyboardInterrupt:
272                exiting = 1
273                # as cleanup can take many seconds, trap Ctrl-C:
274                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, Tool._signal_ignore)
275            if self.args.duration and seconds >= int(self.args.duration):
276                exiting = 1
278            print()
279            if self.args.timestamp:
280                print("%-8s\n" % strftime("%H:%M:%S"), end="")
282            print("%-36s %8s" % ("FUNC", "COUNT"))
283            counts = self.probe.counts()
284            for k, v in sorted(counts.items(),
285                               key=lambda counts: counts[1].value):
286                if v.value == 0:
287                    continue
288                print("%-36s %8d" %
289                      (self.probe.trace_functions[k.value], v.value))
291            if exiting:
292                print("Detaching...")
293                exit()
294            else:
295                self.probe.clear()
297if __name__ == "__main__":
298    try:
299        Tool().run()
300    except Exception:
301        if debug:
302            traceback.print_exc()
303        elif sys.exc_info()[0] is not SystemExit:
304            print(sys.exc_info()[1])