1:test-result: PASS # A test name that starts with a #
2:test-result: PASS #542
3:test-result: PASS #809
4:test-result: FAIL 'Not' checks that should fail
5:test-result: PASS 'Not' checks that should succeed
6:test-result: PASS (unimplemented) static bools can be evaluated
7:test-result: FAIL A METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE based test run that fails
8:test-result: PASS A METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE based test run that succeeds
9:test-result: FAIL A TEST_CASE_METHOD based test run that fails
10:test-result: PASS A TEST_CASE_METHOD based test run that succeeds
11:test-result: FAIL A couple of nested sections followed by a failure
12:test-result: FAIL A failing expression with a non streamable type is still captured
13:test-result: PASS AllOf matcher
14:test-result: PASS An empty test with no assertions
15:test-result: PASS An expression with side-effects should only be evaluated once
16:test-result: FAIL An unchecked exception reports the line of the last assertion
17:test-result: PASS Anonymous test case 1
18:test-result: PASS AnyOf matcher
19:test-result: PASS Approximate PI
20:test-result: PASS Approximate comparisons with different epsilons
21:test-result: PASS Approximate comparisons with floats
22:test-result: PASS Approximate comparisons with ints
23:test-result: PASS Approximate comparisons with mixed numeric types
24:test-result: PASS Assertions then sections
25:test-result: PASS Character pretty printing
26:test-result: PASS Comparing function pointers
27:test-result: PASS Comparing member function pointers
28:test-result: PASS Comparisons between ints where one side is computed
29:test-result: PASS Comparisons between unsigned ints and negative signed ints match c++ standard behaviour
30:test-result: PASS Comparisons with int literals don't warn when mixing signed/ unsigned
31:test-result: FAIL Contains string matcher
32:test-result: FAIL Custom exceptions can be translated when testing for nothrow
33:test-result: FAIL Custom exceptions can be translated when testing for throwing as something else
34:test-result: FAIL Custom std-exceptions can be custom translated
35:test-result: PASS Demonstrate that a non-const == is not used
36:test-result: FAIL EndsWith string matcher
37:test-result: XFAIL Equality checks that should fail
38:test-result: PASS Equality checks that should succeed
39:test-result: PASS Equals
40:test-result: FAIL Equals string matcher
41:test-result: PASS Exception messages can be tested for
42:test-result: FAIL Expected exceptions that don't throw or unexpected exceptions fail the test
43:test-result: FAIL FAIL aborts the test
44:test-result: FAIL FAIL does not require an argument
45:test-result: PASS Factorials are computed
46:test-result: PASS Generator over a range of pairs
47:test-result: PASS Generators over two ranges
48:test-result: PASS Greater-than inequalities with different epsilons
49:test-result: PASS INFO and WARN do not abort tests
50:test-result: FAIL INFO gets logged on failure
51:test-result: FAIL INFO gets logged on failure, even if captured before successful assertions
52:test-result: XFAIL Inequality checks that should fail
53:test-result: PASS Inequality checks that should succeed
54:test-result: PASS Less-than inequalities with different epsilons
55:test-result: PASS Long strings can be wrapped
56:test-result: PASS Long text is truncated
57:test-result: PASS ManuallyRegistered
58:test-result: PASS Matchers can be (AllOf) composed with the && operator
59:test-result: PASS Matchers can be (AnyOf) composed with the || operator
60:test-result: PASS Matchers can be composed with both && and ||
61:test-result: FAIL Matchers can be composed with both && and || - failing
62:test-result: PASS Matchers can be negated (Not) with the ! operator
63:test-result: FAIL Matchers can be negated (Not) with the ! operator - failing
64:test-result: FAIL Mismatching exception messages failing the test
65:test-result: PASS Nice descriptive name
66:test-result: FAIL Non-std exceptions can be translated
67:test-result: PASS NotImplemented exception
68:test-result: PASS Objects that evaluated in boolean contexts can be checked
69:test-result: PASS Operators at different namespace levels not hijacked by Koenig lookup
70:test-result: FAIL Ordering comparison checks that should fail
71:test-result: PASS Ordering comparison checks that should succeed
72:test-result: FAIL Output from all sections is reported
73:test-result: PASS Parse test names and tags
74:test-result: PASS Parsing a std::pair
75:test-result: PASS Pointers can be compared to null
76:test-result: PASS Pointers can be converted to strings
77:test-result: PASS Process can be configured on command line
78:test-result: FAIL SCOPED_INFO is reset for each loop
79:test-result: PASS SUCCEED counts as a test pass
80:test-result: PASS SUCCESS does not require an argument
81:test-result: PASS Scenario: BDD tests requiring Fixtures to provide commonly-accessed data or methods
82:test-result: PASS Scenario: Do that thing with the thing
83:test-result: PASS Scenario: This is a really long scenario name to see how the list command deals with wrapping
84:test-result: PASS Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity
85A string sent directly to stdout
86A string sent directly to stderr
87:test-result: PASS Sends stuff to stdout and stderr
88:test-result: PASS Some simple comparisons between doubles
89Message from section one
90Message from section two
91:test-result: PASS Standard output from all sections is reported
92:test-result: FAIL StartsWith string matcher
93:test-result: PASS String matchers
96:test-result: PASS Strings can be rendered with colour
97:test-result: FAIL Tabs and newlines show in output
98:test-result: PASS Tag alias can be registered against tag patterns
99:test-result: PASS Test case with one argument
100:test-result: PASS Test enum bit values
101:test-result: PASS Text can be formatted using the Text class
102:test-result: PASS The NO_FAIL macro reports a failure but does not fail the test
103:test-result: FAIL This test 'should' fail but doesn't
104:test-result: PASS Tracker
105:test-result: FAIL Unexpected exceptions can be translated
106:test-result: PASS Use a custom approx
107:test-result: PASS Variadic macros
108:test-result: PASS When checked exceptions are thrown they can be expected or unexpected
109:test-result: FAIL When unchecked exceptions are thrown directly they are always failures
110:test-result: FAIL When unchecked exceptions are thrown during a CHECK the test should continue
111:test-result: FAIL When unchecked exceptions are thrown during a REQUIRE the test should abort fail
112:test-result: FAIL When unchecked exceptions are thrown from functions they are always failures
113:test-result: FAIL When unchecked exceptions are thrown from sections they are always failures
114:test-result: PASS When unchecked exceptions are thrown, but caught, they do not affect the test
115:test-result: PASS Where the LHS is not a simple value
116:test-result: PASS Where there is more to the expression after the RHS
117:test-result: PASS X/level/0/a
118:test-result: PASS X/level/0/b
119:test-result: PASS X/level/1/a
120:test-result: PASS X/level/1/b
121:test-result: PASS XmlEncode
122:test-result: PASS atomic if
123:test-result: PASS boolean member
124:test-result: PASS checkedElse
125:test-result: FAIL checkedElse, failing
126:test-result: PASS checkedIf
127:test-result: FAIL checkedIf, failing
128:test-result: PASS comparisons between const int variables
129:test-result: PASS comparisons between int variables
130:test-result: PASS even more nested SECTION tests
131:test-result: PASS first tag
132spanner:test-result: PASS has printf
133:test-result: FAIL just failure
134:test-result: PASS just info
135:test-result: FAIL looped SECTION tests
136:test-result: FAIL looped tests
137:test-result: FAIL more nested SECTION tests
138:test-result: PASS nested SECTION tests
139:test-result: PASS non streamable - with conv. op
140:test-result: PASS not allowed
141:test-result: PASS null strings
142:test-result: PASS pair<pair<int,const char *,pair<std::string,int> > -> toString
143:test-result: PASS pointer to class
144:test-result: PASS random SECTION tests
145:test-result: PASS replaceInPlace
146:test-result: PASS second tag
147:test-result: FAIL send a single char to INFO
148:test-result: FAIL sends information to INFO
149:test-result: PASS std::pair<int,const std::string> -> toString
150:test-result: PASS std::pair<int,std::string> -> toString
151:test-result: PASS std::vector<std::pair<std::string,int> > -> toString
152:test-result: FAIL string literals of different sizes can be compared
153:test-result: PASS toString on const wchar_t const pointer returns the string contents
154:test-result: PASS toString on const wchar_t pointer returns the string contents
155:test-result: PASS toString on wchar_t const pointer returns the string contents
156:test-result: PASS toString on wchar_t returns the string contents
157:test-result: PASS toString( has_maker )
158:test-result: PASS toString( has_maker_and_toString )
159:test-result: PASS toString( has_toString )
160:test-result: PASS toString( vectors<has_maker )
161:test-result: SKIP toString( vectors<has_maker_and_toString )
162:test-result: SKIP toString( vectors<has_toString )
163:test-result: PASS toString(enum w/operator<<)
164:test-result: PASS toString(enum)
165:test-result: PASS vector<int> -> toString
166:test-result: PASS vector<string> -> toString
167:test-result: PASS vectors can be sized and resized
168:test-result: PASS xmlentitycheck