1 2Implementation notes: 3 4 This is a true OS/400 implementation, not a PASE implementation (for PASE, 5use AIX implementation). 6 7 The biggest problem with OS/400 is EBCDIC. Libcurl implements an internal 8conversion mechanism, but it has been designed for computers that have a 9single native character set. OS/400 default native character set varies 10depending on the country for which it has been localized. And more, a job 11may dynamically alter its "native" character set. 12 Several characters that do not have fixed code in EBCDIC variants are 13used in libcurl strings. As a consequence, using the existing conversion 14mechanism would have lead in a localized binary library - not portable across 15countries. 16 For this reason, and because libcurl was originally designed for ASCII based 17operating systems, the current OS/400 implementation uses ASCII as internal 18character set. This has been accomplished using the QADRT library and 19include files, a C and system procedures ASCII wrapper library. See IBM QADRT 20description for more information. 21 This then results in libcurl being an ASCII library: any function string 22argument is taken/returned in ASCII and a C/C++ calling program built around 23QADRT may use libcurl functions as on any other platform. 24 QADRT does not define ASCII wrappers for all C/system procedures: the 25OS/400 configuration header file and an additional module (os400sys.c) define 26some more of them, that are used by libcurl and that QADRT left out. 27 To support all the different variants of EBCDIC, non-standard wrapper 28procedures have been added to libcurl on OS/400: they provide an additional 29CCSID (numeric Coded Character Set ID specific to OS/400) parameter for each 30string argument. String values passed to callback procedures are NOT converted, 31so text gathered this way is (probably !) ASCII. 32 33 Another OS/400 problem comes from the fact that the last fixed argument of a 34vararg procedure may not be of type char, unsigned char, short or unsigned 35short. Enums that are internally implemented by the C compiler as one of these 36types are also forbidden. Libcurl uses enums as vararg procedure tagfields... 37Happily, there is a pragma forcing enums to type "int". The original libcurl 38header files are thus altered during build process to use this pragma, in 39order to force libcurl enums of being type int (the pragma disposition in use 40before inclusion is restored before resuming the including unit compilation). 41 42 Secure socket layer is provided by the IBM GSKit API: unlike other SSL 43implementations, GSKit is based on "certificate stores" or keyrings 44rather than individual certificate/key files. Certificate stores, as well as 45"certificate labels" are managed by external IBM-defined applications. 46 There are two ways to specify an SSL context: 47- By an application identifier. 48- By a keyring file pathname and (optionally) certificate label. 49 To identify an SSL context by application identifier, use option 50SETOPT_SSLCERT to specify the application identifier. 51 To address an SSL context by keyring and certificate label, use CURLOPT_CAINFO 52to set-up the keyring pathname, CURLOPT_SSLCERT to define the certificate label 53(omitting it will cause the default certificate in keyring to be used) and 54CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD to give the keyring password. If SSL is used without 55defining any of these options, the default (i.e.: system) keyring is used for 56server certificate validation. 57 58 Non-standard EBCDIC wrapper prototypes are defined in an additional header 59file: ccsidcurl.h. These should be self-explanatory to an OS/400-aware 60designer. CCSID 0 can be used to select the current job's CCSID. 61 Wrapper procedures with variable arguments are described below: 62 63_ curl_easy_setopt_ccsid() 64 Variable arguments are a string pointer and a CCSID (unsigned int) for 65options: 66 CURLOPT_ABSTRACT_UNIX_SOCKET 67 CURLOPT_ALTSVC 68 CURLOPT_CAINFO 69 CURLOPT_CAPATH 70 CURLOPT_COOKIE 71 CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE 72 CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR 73 CURLOPT_COOKIELIST 74 CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS 75 CURLOPT_CRLFILE 76 CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST 77 CURLOPT_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL 78 CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS 79 CURLOPT_DOH_URL 80 CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET 81 CURLOPT_ENCODING 82 CURLOPT_FTPPORT 83 CURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT 84 CURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER 85 CURLOPT_INTERFACE 86 CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT 87 CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD 88 CURLOPT_KRBLEVEL 89 CURLOPT_LOGIN_OPTIONS 90 CURLOPT_MAIL_AUTH 91 CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM 92 CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE 93 CURLOPT_NOPROXY 94 CURLOPT_PASSWORD 95 CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY 96 CURLOPT_PRE_PROXY 97 CURLOPT_PROXY 98 CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD 99 CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME 100 CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD 101 CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO 102 CURLOPT_PROXY_CAPATH 103 CURLOPT_PROXY_CRLFILE 104 CURLOPT_PROXY_KEYPASSWD 105 CURLOPT_PROXY_PINNEDPUBLICKEY 106 CURLOPT_PROXY_SERVICE_NAME 107 CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERT 108 CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTTYPE 109 CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY 110 CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYTYPE 111 CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_CIPHER_LIST 112 CURLOPT_PROXY_TLS13_CIPHERS 113 CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD 114 CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE 115 CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME 116 CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE 117 CURLOPT_RANGE 118 CURLOPT_REFERER 119 CURLOPT_REQUEST_TARGET 120 CURLOPT_RTSP_SESSION_UID 121 CURLOPT_RTSP_STREAM_URI 122 CURLOPT_RTSP_TRANSPORT 123 CURLOPT_SERVICE_NAME 124 CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICE 125 CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5 126 CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS 127 CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE 128 CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE 129 CURLOPT_SSLCERT 130 CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE 131 CURLOPT_SSLENGINE 132 CURLOPT_SSLKEY 133 CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE 134 CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST 135 CURLOPT_TLS13_CIPHERS 136 CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD 137 CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_TYPE 138 CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_USERNAME 139 CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH 140 CURLOPT_URL 141 CURLOPT_USERAGENT 142 CURLOPT_USERNAME 143 CURLOPT_USERPWD 144 CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEARER 145 Else it is the same as for curl_easy_setopt(). 146 Note that CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER is not in the list above, since it gives the 147address of an (empty) character buffer, not the address of a string. 148CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS stores the address of static binary data (of type void *) and 149thus is not converted. If CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS is issued after 150CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE != -1, the data size is adjusted according to the 151CCSID conversion result length. 152 153_ curl_formadd_ccsid() 154 In the variable argument list, string pointers should be followed by a (long) 155CCSID for the following options: 156 CURLFORM_FILENAME 157 CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE 158 CURLFORM_BUFFER 159 CURLFORM_FILE 160 CURLFORM_FILECONTENT 161 CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS 162 CURLFORM_COPYNAME 163 CURLFORM_PTRNAME 164 If taken from an argument array, an additional array entry must follow each 165entry containing one of the above option. This additional entry holds the CCSID 166in its value field, and the option field is meaningless. 167 It is not possible to have a string pointer and its CCSID across a function 168parameter/array boundary. 169 Please note that CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS and CURLFORM_BUFFERPTR are considered 170unconvertible strings and thus are NOT followed by a CCSID. 171 172_ curl_easy_getinfo_ccsid() 173 The following options are followed by a 'char * *' and a CCSID. Unlike 174curl_easy_getinfo(), the value returned in the pointer should be freed after 175use: 176 CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL 177 CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE 178 CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATH 179 CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL 180 CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP 181 CURLINFO_RTSP_SESSION_ID 182 CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP 183 CURLINFO_SCHEME 184 Likewise, the following options are followed by a struct curl_slist * * and a 185CCSID. 186 CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINES 187 CURLINFO_COOKIELIST 188Lists returned should be released with curl_slist_free_all() after use. 189 Option CURLINFO_CERTINFO is followed by a struct curl_certinfo * * and a 190CCSID. Returned structures should be free'ed using curl_certinfo_free_all() 191after use. 192 Other options are processed like in curl_easy_getinfo(). 193 194_ curl_pushheader_bynum_cssid() and curl_pushheader_byname_ccsid() 195 Although the prototypes are self-explanatory, the returned string pointer 196should be freed after use, as opposite to the non-ccsid versions of these 197procedures. 198 Please note that HTTP2 is not (yet) implemented on OS/400, thus these 199functions will always return NULL. 200 201 202 Standard compilation environment does support neither autotools nor make; 203in fact, very few common utilities are available. As a consequence, the 204config-os400.h has been coded manually and the compilation scripts are 205a set of shell scripts stored in subdirectory packages/OS400. 206 207 The "curl" command and the test environment are currently not supported on 208OS/400. 209 210 211Protocols currently implemented on OS/400: 212_ DICT 213_ FILE 214_ FTP 215_ FTPS 216_ FTP with secure transmission 217_ GOPHER 218_ HTTP 219_ HTTPS 220_ IMAP 221_ IMAPS 222_ IMAP with secure transmission 223_ LDAP 224_ POP3 225_ POP3S 226_ POP3 with secure transmission 227_ RTSP 228_ SCP if libssh2 is enabled 229_ SFTP if libssh2 is enabled 230_ SMTP 231_ SMTPS 232_ SMTP with secure transmission 233_ TELNET 234_ TFTP 235 236 237 238Compiling on OS/400: 239 240 These instructions targets people who knows about OS/400, compiling, IFS and 241archive extraction. Do not ask questions about these subjects if you're not 242familiar with. 243 244_ As a prerequisite, QADRT development environment must be installed. 245_ If data compression has to be supported, ZLIB development environment must 246 be installed. 247_ Likewise, if SCP and SFTP protocols have to be compiled in, LIBSSH2 248 developent environment must be installed. 249_ Install the curl source directory in IFS. Do NOT install it in the 250 installation target directory (which defaults to /curl). 251_ Enter shell (QSH) 252_ Change current directory to the curl installation directory 253_ Change current directory to ./packages/OS400 254_ Edit file iniscript.sh. You may want to change tunable configuration 255 parameters, like debug info generation, optimisation level, listing option, 256 target library, ZLIB/LIBSSH2 availability and location, etc. 257_ Copy any file in the current directory to makelog (i.e.: 258 cp initscript.sh makelog): this is intended to create the makelog file with 259 an ASCII CCSID! 260_ Enter the command "sh makefile.sh > makelog 2>&1' 261_ Examine the makelog file to check for compilation errors. 262 263 Leaving file initscript.sh unchanged, this will produce the following OS/400 264objects: 265_ Library CURL. All other objects will be stored in this library. 266_ Modules for all libcurl units. 267_ Binding directory CURL_A, to be used at calling program link time for 268 statically binding the modules (specify BNDSRVPGM(QADRTTS QGLDCLNT QGLDBRDR) 269 when creating a program using CURL_A). 270_ Service program CURL.<soname>, where <soname> is extracted from the 271 lib/Makefile.am VERSION variable. To be used at calling program run-time 272 when this program has dynamically bound curl at link time. 273_ Binding directory CURL. To be used to dynamically bind libcurl when linking a 274 calling program. 275_ Source file H. It contains all the include members needed to compile a C/C++ 276 module using libcurl, and an ILE/RPG /copy member for support in this 277 language. 278_ Standard C/C++ libcurl include members in file H. 279_ CCSIDCURL member in file H. This defines the non-standard EBCDIC wrappers for 280 C and C++. 281_ CURL.INC member in file H. This defines everything needed by an ILE/RPG 282 program using libcurl. 283_ LIBxxx modules and programs. Although the test environment is not supported 284 on OS/400, the libcurl test programs are compiled for manual tests. 285_ IFS directory /curl/include/curl containing the C header files for IFS source 286 C/C++ compilation and curl.inc.rpgle for IFS source ILE/RPG compilation. 287 288 289 290Special programming consideration: 291 292QADRT being used, the following points must be considered: 293_ If static binding is used, service program QADRTTS must be linked too. 294_ The EBCDIC CCSID used by QADRT is 37 by default, NOT THE JOB'S CCSID. If 295 another EBCDIC CCSID is required, it must be set via a locale through a call 296 to setlocale_a (QADRT's setlocale() ASCII wrapper) with category LC_ALL or 297 LC_CTYPE, or by setting environment variable QADRT_ENV_LOCALE to the locale 298 object path before executing the program. 299_ Do not use original source include files unless you know what you are doing. 300 Use the installed members instead (in /QSYS.LIB/CURL.LIB/H.FILE and 301 /curl/include/curl). 302 303 304 305ILE/RPG support: 306 307 Since 95% of the OS/400 programmers use ILE/RPG exclusively, a definition 308 /INCLUDE member is provided for this language. To include all libcurl 309 definitions in an ILE/RPG module, line 310 311 h bnddir('CURL/CURL') 312 313must figure in the program header, and line 314 315 d/include curl/h,curl.inc 316 317in the global data section of the module's source code. 318 319 No vararg procedure support exists in ILE/RPG: for this reason, the following 320considerations apply: 321_ Procedures curl_easy_setopt_long(), curl_easy_setopt_object(), 322 curl_easy_setopt_function() and curl_easy_setopt_offset() are all alias 323 prototypes to curl_easy_setopt(), but with different parameter lists. 324_ Procedures curl_easy_getinfo_string(), curl_easy_getinfo_long(), 325 curl_easy_getinfo_double(), curl_easy_getinfo_slist(), 326 curl_easy_getinfo_ptr(), curl_easy_getinfo_socket() and 327 curl_easy_getinfo_off_t() are all alias prototypes to curl_easy_getinfo(), 328 but with different parameter lists. 329_ Procedures curl_multi_setopt_long(), curl_multi_setopt_object(), 330 curl_multi_setopt_function() and curl_multi_setopt_offset() are all alias 331 prototypes to curl_multi_setopt(), but with different parameter lists. 332_ The prototype of procedure curl_formadd() allows specifying a pointer option 333 and the CURLFORM_END option. This makes possible to use an option array 334 without any additional definition. If some specific incompatible argument 335 list is used in the ILE/RPG program, the latter must define a specialised 336 alias. The same applies to curl_formadd_ccsid() too. 337 338 Since RPG cannot cast a long to a pointer, procedure curl_form_long_value() 339is provided for that purpose: this allows storing a long value in the curl_forms 340array. 341