1 #ifndef _EGLUUTIL_HPP
2 #define _EGLUUTIL_HPP
3 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
4  * drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
5  * ----------------------------------------
6  *
7  * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
8  *
9  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
12  *
13  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
14  *
15  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
16  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
18  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
19  * limitations under the License.
20  *
21  *//*!
22  * \file
23  * \brief EGL utilities
24  *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "tcuDefs.hpp"
27 #include "egluDefs.hpp"
28 #include "egluNativeWindow.hpp"
29 #include "egluNativeDisplay.hpp"
30 #include "eglwDefs.hpp"
32 #include <vector>
33 #include <map>
34 #include <string>
36 namespace tcu
37 {
38 class CommandLine;
39 }
41 namespace eglw
42 {
43 class Library;
44 }
46 namespace eglu
47 {
49 class NativePixmapFactory;
50 class NativePixmap;
51 class FilterList;
53 typedef std::map<eglw::EGLint, eglw::EGLint> AttribMap;
55 std::vector<eglw::EGLint>		attribMapToList				(const AttribMap& map);
57 Version							getVersion					(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display);
59 std::vector<std::string>		getClientExtensions			(const eglw::Library& egl);
60 std::vector<std::string>		getDisplayExtensions		(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display);
61 bool							hasExtension				(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, const std::string& extName);
63 std::vector<eglw::EGLConfig>	getConfigs					(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display);
64 std::vector<eglw::EGLConfig>	chooseConfigs				(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, const AttribMap& attribs);
65 std::vector<eglw::EGLConfig>	chooseConfigs				(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, const FilterList& filters);
66 std::vector<eglw::EGLConfig>	chooseConfigs				(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, const eglw::EGLint* attribs);
67 eglw::EGLConfig					chooseSingleConfig			(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, const AttribMap& attribs);
68 eglw::EGLConfig					chooseSingleConfig			(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, const eglw::EGLint* attribs);
69 eglw::EGLConfig					chooseSingleConfig			(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, const FilterList& filters);
70 eglw::EGLConfig					chooseConfigByID			(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLint id);
71 eglw::EGLint					getConfigAttribInt			(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLConfig config, eglw::EGLint attrib);
72 eglw::EGLint					getConfigID					(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLConfig config);
74 eglw::EGLint					querySurfaceInt				(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLSurface surface, eglw::EGLint attrib);
75 tcu::IVec2						getSurfaceSize				(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLSurface surface);
76 tcu::IVec2						getSurfaceResolution		(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLSurface surface);
78 eglw::EGLDisplay				getDisplay					(NativeDisplay& nativeDisplay);
79 eglw::EGLDisplay				getAndInitDisplay			(NativeDisplay& nativeDisplay, Version* version = DE_NULL);
80 void							terminateDisplay			(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display);
81 eglw::EGLSurface				createWindowSurface			(NativeDisplay& nativeDisplay, NativeWindow& window, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLConfig config, const eglw::EGLAttrib* attribList);
82 eglw::EGLSurface				createPixmapSurface			(NativeDisplay& nativeDisplay, NativePixmap& pixmap, eglw::EGLDisplay display, eglw::EGLConfig config, const eglw::EGLAttrib* attribList);
84 const NativeDisplayFactory&		selectNativeDisplayFactory	(const NativeDisplayFactoryRegistry& registry, const tcu::CommandLine& cmdLine);
85 const NativeWindowFactory&		selectNativeWindowFactory	(const NativeDisplayFactory& factory, const tcu::CommandLine& cmdLine);
86 const NativePixmapFactory&		selectNativePixmapFactory	(const NativeDisplayFactory& factory, const tcu::CommandLine& cmdLine);
88 WindowParams::Visibility		parseWindowVisibility		(const tcu::CommandLine& commandLine);
89 eglw::EGLenum					parseClientAPI				(const std::string& api);
90 std::vector<eglw::EGLenum>		parseClientAPIs				(const std::string& apiList);
91 std::vector<eglw::EGLenum>		getClientAPIs				(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display);
93 eglw::EGLint					getRenderableAPIsMask		(const eglw::Library& egl, eglw::EGLDisplay display);
95 std::vector<eglw::EGLint>		toLegacyAttribList			(const eglw::EGLAttrib* attribs);
97 } // eglu
99 #endif // _EGLUUTIL_HPP