1 %define _root_sbindir /sbin 2 %define _root_libdir /%{_lib} 3 %define _root_localedir /usr/share/locale 4 %define _root_etcdir /etc 5 6 Summary: Utilities for managing ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems 7 Name: e2fsprogs 8 Version: 1.44.4 9 Release: 0 10 License: GPLv2 11 Group: System Environment/Base 12 Source: ftp://download.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs-%{version}.tar.gz 13 Url: http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ 14 Prereq: /sbin/ldconfig 15 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root 16 17 %description 18 The e2fsprogs package contains a number of utilities for creating, 19 checking, modifying, and correcting any inconsistencies in ext2, ext3, 20 and ext4 filesystems. E2fsprogs contains e2fsck (used to repair 21 filesystem inconsistencies after an unclean shutdown), mke2fs (used to 22 initialize a partition to contain an empty ext2 filesystem), debugfs 23 (used to examine the internal structure of a filesystem, to manually 24 repair a corrupted filesystem or to create test cases for e2fsck), 25 tune2fs (used to modify filesystem parameters), resize2fs to grow and 26 shrink unmounted ext2 filesystems, and most of the other core ext2fs 27 filesystem utilities. 28 29 You should install the e2fsprogs package if you are using any ext2, 30 ext3, or ext4 filesystems (if you're not sure, you probably should 31 install this package). You may also need to install it (even if you 32 don't use ext2/ext3/ext4) for the libuuid and libblkid libraries and 33 fsck tool that are included here. 34 35 %package devel 36 Summary: Ext2 filesystem-specific static libraries and headers. 37 Group: Development/Libraries 38 Requires: e2fsprogs = %{version} 39 Prereq: /sbin/install-info 40 41 %description devel 42 E2fsprogs-devel contains the libraries and header files needed to 43 develop ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystem-specific programs. 44 45 You should install e2fsprogs-devel if you want to develop 46 ext2. ext3. or ext4 filesystem-specific programs. If you install 47 e2fsprogs-devel, you'll also want to install e2fsprogs. 48 49 %package -n uuidd 50 Summary: helper daemon to guarantee uniqueness of time-based UUIDs 51 Group: System Environment/Daemons 52 License: GPLv2 53 Requires: e2fsprogs = %{version} 54 Requires(pre): shadow-utils 55 56 %description -n uuidd 57 The uuidd package contains a userspace daemon (uuidd) which guarantees 58 uniqueness of time-based UUID generation even at very high rates on 59 SMP systems. 60 61 %prep 62 %setup 63 64 %build 65 %configure --enable-elf-shlibs --enable-nls \ 66 %{?extra_config_flags:%extra_config_flags} 67 make 68 make check 69 70 %install 71 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT 72 export PATH=/sbin:$PATH 73 make install install-libs DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" \ 74 root_sbindir=%{_root_sbindir} root_libdir=%{_root_libdir} 75 /sbin/ldconfig -n ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir} 76 77 # Add a dir that uuidd needs that the Makefiles don't create 78 install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/libuuid 79 80 %find_lang %{name} 81 82 %clean 83 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT 84 85 %post -p /sbin/ldconfig 86 87 %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig 88 89 %post devel 90 if [ -x /sbin/install-info -a -f %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info.gz ]; then 91 /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir 92 fi 93 exit 0 94 95 %postun devel 96 if [ $1 = 0 -a -x /sbin/install-info -a -f %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info.gz ]; then 97 /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir 98 fi 99 exit 0 100 101 %pre -n uuidd 102 getent group uuidd >/dev/null || groupadd -r uuidd 103 getent passwd uuidd >/dev/null || \ 104 useradd -r -g uuidd -d /var/lib/libuuid -s /sbin/nologin \ 105 -c "UUID generator helper daemon" uuidd 106 exit 0 107 108 %files -f %{name}.lang 109 %defattr(-,root,root) 110 %doc README RELEASE-NOTES 111 112 %{_root_sbindir}/badblocks 113 %{_root_sbindir}/blkid 114 %{_root_sbindir}/debugfs 115 %{_root_sbindir}/dumpe2fs 116 %{_root_sbindir}/e2fsck 117 %{_root_sbindir}/e2image 118 %{_root_sbindir}/e2label 119 %{_root_sbindir}/e2mmpstatus 120 %{_root_sbindir}/e2undo 121 %{_root_sbindir}/findfs 122 %{_root_sbindir}/fsck 123 %{_root_sbindir}/fsck.ext2 124 %{_root_sbindir}/fsck.ext3 125 %{_root_sbindir}/fsck.ext4 126 %{_root_sbindir}/fsck.ext4dev 127 %{_root_sbindir}/logsave 128 %{_root_sbindir}/mke2fs 129 %{_root_etcdir}/mke2fs.conf 130 %{_root_sbindir}/mkfs.ext2 131 %{_root_sbindir}/mkfs.ext3 132 %{_root_sbindir}/mkfs.ext4 133 %{_root_sbindir}/mkfs.ext4dev 134 %{_root_sbindir}/resize2fs 135 %{_root_sbindir}/tune2fs 136 %{_sbindir}/filefrag 137 %{_sbindir}/mklost+found 138 %{_sbindir}/e2freefrag 139 140 %{_root_libdir}/libblkid.so.* 141 %{_root_libdir}/libcom_err.so.* 142 %{_root_libdir}/libe2p.so.* 143 %{_root_libdir}/libext2fs.so.* 144 %{_root_libdir}/libss.so.* 145 %{_root_libdir}/libuuid.so.* 146 147 %{_libdir}/e2initrd_helper 148 149 %{_bindir}/chattr 150 %{_bindir}/lsattr 151 %{_bindir}/uuidgen 152 %{_mandir}/man1/chattr.1* 153 %{_mandir}/man1/lsattr.1* 154 %{_mandir}/man1/uuidgen.1* 155 156 %{_mandir}/man5/e2fsck.conf.5* 157 %{_mandir}/man5/mke2fs.conf.5* 158 159 %{_mandir}/man8/badblocks.8* 160 %{_mandir}/man8/blkid.8* 161 %{_mandir}/man8/debugfs.8* 162 %{_mandir}/man8/dumpe2fs.8* 163 %{_mandir}/man8/e2fsck.8* 164 %{_mandir}/man8/findfs.8* 165 %{_mandir}/man8/fsck.ext2.8* 166 %{_mandir}/man8/fsck.ext3.8* 167 %{_mandir}/man8/fsck.ext4.8* 168 %{_mandir}/man8/fsck.ext4dev.8* 169 %{_mandir}/man8/e2image.8* 170 %{_mandir}/man8/e2label.8* 171 %{_mandir}/man8/e2mmpstatus.8* 172 %{_mandir}/man8/e2undo.8* 173 %{_mandir}/man8/fsck.8* 174 %{_mandir}/man8/logsave.8* 175 %{_mandir}/man8/mke2fs.8* 176 %{_mandir}/man8/mkfs.ext2.8* 177 %{_mandir}/man8/mkfs.ext3.8* 178 %{_mandir}/man8/mkfs.ext4.8* 179 %{_mandir}/man8/mkfs.ext4dev.8* 180 %{_mandir}/man8/mklost+found.8* 181 %{_mandir}/man8/resize2fs.8* 182 %{_mandir}/man8/tune2fs.8* 183 %{_mandir}/man8/filefrag.8* 184 %{_mandir}/man8/e2freefrag.8* 185 186 %files devel 187 %defattr(-,root,root) 188 %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info* 189 %{_bindir}/compile_et 190 %{_bindir}/mk_cmds 191 192 %{_libdir}/libblkid.a 193 %{_libdir}/libblkid.so 194 %{_libdir}/libcom_err.a 195 %{_libdir}/libcom_err.so 196 %{_libdir}/libe2p.a 197 %{_libdir}/libe2p.so 198 %{_libdir}/libext2fs.a 199 %{_libdir}/libext2fs.so 200 %{_libdir}/libss.a 201 %{_libdir}/libss.so 202 %{_libdir}/libuuid.a 203 %{_libdir}/libuuid.so 204 205 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/blkid.pc 206 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/com_err.pc 207 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/e2p.pc 208 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/ext2fs.pc 209 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/ss.pc 210 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/uuid.pc 211 212 %{_datadir}/et 213 %{_datadir}/ss 214 %{_includedir}/blkid 215 %{_includedir}/e2p 216 %{_includedir}/et 217 %{_includedir}/com_err.h 218 %{_includedir}/ext2fs 219 %{_includedir}/ss 220 %{_includedir}/uuid 221 %{_mandir}/man1/compile_et.1* 222 %{_mandir}/man1/mk_cmds.1* 223 %{_mandir}/man3/com_err.3* 224 %{_mandir}/man3/libblkid.3* 225 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid.3* 226 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_clear.3* 227 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_compare.3* 228 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_copy.3* 229 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_generate.3* 230 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_generate_random.3* 231 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_generate_time.3* 232 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_is_null.3* 233 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_parse.3* 234 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_time.3* 235 %{_mandir}/man3/uuid_unparse.3* 236 237 %files -n uuidd 238 %defattr(-,root,root) 239 # if you want to run via init 240 # /etc/init.d/uuidd 241 %{_mandir}/man8/uuidd.8* 242 %attr(6755, uuidd, uuidd) %{_sbindir}/uuidd 243 %dir %attr(2775, uuidd, uuidd) /var/lib/libuuid 244 245