1 /*############################################################################
2   # Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
3   #
4   # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5   # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6   # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7   #
8   #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9   #
10   # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   # limitations under the License.
15   ############################################################################*/
17 /*!
18  * \file
19  * \brief Member C++ wrapper interface.
20  */
24 extern "C" {
25 #include "epid/member/api.h"
26 }
28 /// C++ Wrapper to manage memory for MemberCtx via RAII
29 class MemberCtxObj {
30  public:
31   /// Create a MemberCtx
32   explicit MemberCtxObj(GroupPubKey const& pub_key, PrivKey const& priv_key,
33                         BitSupplier rnd_func, void* rnd_param);
34   /// Create a MemberCtx
35   explicit MemberCtxObj(GroupPubKey const& pub_key, PrivKey const& priv_key,
36                         HashAlg hash_alg, BitSupplier rnd_func,
37                         void* rnd_param);
38   /// Create a MemberCtx
39   explicit MemberCtxObj(BitSupplier rnd_func, void* rnd_param);
40   /// Create a MemberCtx
41   explicit MemberCtxObj(MemberParams const* params);
42   /// Create a MemberCtx
43   explicit MemberCtxObj(GroupPubKey const& pub_key,
44                         MembershipCredential const& cred, BitSupplier rnd_func,
45                         void* rnd_param);
46   /// Create a MemberCtx given precomputation blob
47   MemberCtxObj(GroupPubKey const& pub_key, PrivKey const& priv_key,
48                MemberPrecomp const& precomp, BitSupplier rnd_func,
49                void* rnd_param);
50   /// Create a MemberCtx given precomputation blob
51   MemberCtxObj(GroupPubKey const& pub_key, PrivKey const& priv_key,
52                HashAlg hash_alg, MemberPrecomp const& precomp,
53                BitSupplier rnd_func, void* rnd_param);
54   /// Create a MemberCtx given precomputation blob
55   MemberCtxObj(GroupPubKey const& pub_key, MembershipCredential const& cred,
56                MemberPrecomp const& precomp, BitSupplier rnd_func,
57                void* rnd_param);
58   /// Create a MemberCtx given precomputation blob
59   MemberCtxObj(GroupPubKey const& pub_key, MembershipCredential const& cred,
60                HashAlg hash_alg, BitSupplier rnd_func, void* rnd_param);
61   // This class instances are not meant to be copied.
62   // Explicitly delete copy constructor and assignment operator.
63   MemberCtxObj(const MemberCtxObj&) = delete;
64   MemberCtxObj& operator=(const MemberCtxObj&) = delete;
66   /// Destroy the MemberCtx
67   ~MemberCtxObj();
68   /// get a pointer to the stored MemberCtx
69   MemberCtx* ctx() const;
70   /// cast operator to get the pointer to the stored MemberCtx
71   operator MemberCtx*() const;
72   /// const cast operator to get the pointer to the stored MemberCtx
73   operator const MemberCtx*() const;
75  private:
76   /// Creates and initializes new member given parameters.
77   MemberCtx* CreateMember(MemberParams const* params) const;
78   /// Deletes the member created by CreateMember().
79   void DeleteMember(MemberCtx** ctx) const;
80   /// The stored MemberCtx
81   MemberCtx* ctx_;
82 };