1Platform / Language / Feature support    {#flatbuffers_support}
4FlatBuffers is actively being worked on, which means that certain platform /
5language / feature combinations may not be available yet.
7This page tries to track those issues, to make informed decisions easier.
8In general:
10  * Languages: language support beyond the ones created by the original
11    FlatBuffer authors typically depends on community contributions.
12  * Features: C++ was the first language supported, since our original
13    target was high performance game development. It thus has the richest
14    feature set, and is likely most robust. Other languages are catching up
15    however.
16  * Platforms: All language implementations are typically portable to most
17    platforms, unless where noted otherwise.
19NOTE: this table is a start, it needs to be extended.
21Feature                        | C++    | Java   | C#     | Go     | Python | JS        | TS        | C       | PHP | Dart    | Lobster | Rust
22------------------------------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | --------- | --------- | ------  | --- | ------- | ------- | ----
23Codegen for all basic features | Yes    | Yes    | Yes    | Yes    | Yes    | Yes       | Yes       | Yes     | WiP | Yes     | Yes     | Yes
24JSON parsing                   | Yes    | No     | No     | No     | No     | No        | No        | Yes     | No  | No      | Yes     | No
25Simple mutation                | Yes    | Yes    | Yes    | Yes    | No     | No        | No        | No      | No  | No      | No      | No
26Reflection                     | Yes    | No     | No     | No     | No     | No        | No        | Basic   | No  | No      | No      | No
27Buffer verifier                | Yes    | No     | No     | No     | No     | No        | No        | Yes     | No  | No      | No      | No
28Testing: basic                 | Yes    | Yes    | Yes    | Yes    | Yes    | Yes       | Yes       | Yes     | ?   | Yes     | Yes     | Yes
29Testing: fuzz                  | Yes    | No     | No     | Yes    | Yes    | No        | No        | No      | ?   | No      | No      | Yes
30Performance:                   | Superb | Great  | Great  | Great  | Ok     | ?         | ?         | Superb  | ?   | ?       | Great   | Superb
31Platform: Windows              | VS2010 | Yes    | Yes    | ?      | ?      | ?         | Yes       | VS2010  | ?   | Yes     | Yes     | Yes
32Platform: Linux                | GCC282 | Yes    | ?      | Yes    | Yes    | ?         | Yes       | Yes     | ?   | Yes     | Yes     | Yes
33Platform: OS X                 | Xcode4 | ?      | ?      | ?      | Yes    | ?         | Yes       | Yes     | ?   | Yes     | Yes     | Yes
34Platform: Android              | NDK10d | Yes    | ?      | ?      | ?      | ?         | ?         | ?       | ?   | Flutter | Yes     | ?
35Platform: iOS                  | ?      | ?      | ?      | ?      | ?      | ?         | ?         | ?       | ?   | Flutter | Yes     | ?
36Engine: Unity                  | ?      | ?      | Yes    | ?      | ?      | ?         | ?         | ?       | ?   | ?       | No      | ?
37Primary authors (github)       | aard*  | aard*  | ev*/js*| rw     | rw     | evanw/ev* | kr*       | mik*    | ch* | dnfield | aard*   | rw
39  * aard = aardappel (previously: gwvo)
40  * ev = evolutional
41  * js = jonsimantov
42  * mik = mikkelfj
43  * ch = chobie
44  * kr = krojew