1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2#  Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
16from concurrent import futures
18import itertools
19import sys
20import re
21import pygraphviz as gv
22import ply.lex as lex
23import ply.yacc as yacc
24from functools import lru_cache as memoize
26diagnostic_header_pattern = re.compile('[^ ]+\.[^ ]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: ([^ ]*): (.*)')
27in_file_included_from_pattern = re.compile('In file included from .*:')
28in_instantiation_of_template_pattern = re.compile('in instantiation of (.*) (?:requested|required) here')
29static_warning_marked_deprecated_here_pattern = re.compile('\'static_warning\' has been explicitly marked deprecated here')
31class Diagnostic:
32    def __init__(self, kind, message):
33        self.kind = kind
34        self.message = message
35        self.template_instantiation_trace = []
37tokens = (
38    'LPAREN',
39    'RPAREN',
40    'LBRACKET',
41    'RBRACKET',
42    'LBRACE',
43    'RBRACE',
44    'LESS_THAN',
47    'COMMA',
49    'ASTERISK',
50    'AMPERSAND',
53t_LPAREN = r'\('
54t_RPAREN = r'\)'
55t_LBRACKET = r'\['
56t_RBRACKET = r'\]'
57t_LBRACE =  r'}'
58t_RBRACE = r'{'
59t_LESS_THAN = r'<'
60t_GREATER_THAN = r'>'
61t_DOUBLE_COLON = r'::'
62t_COMMA = r','
63t_ASTERISK = r'\*'
64t_AMPERSAND = r'&'
65# We conflate numbers as identifiers too, we don't care about the difference.
66t_IDENTIFIER = r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+'
68t_ignore = ' \t'
70def t_error(t):
71    raise Exception("Illegal character '%s' followed by %s" % (t.value[0], t.value[1:]))
73class LayoutNeedsMultipleLinesException(Exception):
74    pass
76class AstNode:
77    def __str__(self):
78        return ''.join(self)
80class TerminalAstNode(AstNode):
81    def __init__(self, s):
82        self.s = s
83        self.is_multiline = (s == '\n')
84        # last_line_length is the string length if s is not a multiline string.
85        # For multiline strings ending in a newline, this is 0.
86        if self.is_multiline:
87            self.first_line_length = 0
88            self.last_line_length = 0
89            self.max_line_length = 0
90        else:
91            # This never happens ATM, so we don't handle it.
92            assert not '\n' in s
94            self.first_line_length = len(s)
95            self.last_line_length = len(s)
96            self.max_line_length = len(s)
98    def __iter__(self):
99        return iter((self.s,))
101class NonTerminalAstNode(AstNode):
102    def __init__(self, children_ast_nodes):
103        self.children_ast_nodes = children_ast_nodes
104        first_line_length = 0
105        last_line_length = 0
106        is_multiline = False
107        max_line_length = 0
108        for node in children_ast_nodes:
109            if node.is_multiline:
110                last_line_length = node.last_line_length
111                max_line_length = max(max_line_length, last_line_length + node.first_line_length, node.max_line_length)
112                is_multiline = True
113            else:
114                last_line_length += node.last_line_length
115                max_line_length = max(max_line_length, last_line_length)
117        self.first_line_length = first_line_length
118        self.last_line_length = last_line_length
119        self.is_multiline = is_multiline
120        self.max_line_length = max_line_length
122    def __iter__(self):
123        return itertools.chain(*self.children_ast_nodes)
125max_line_length = 80
126# Size of an indent in spaces.
127single_indent_length = 4
129class TerminalNodeFactory():
130    def __init__(self, s):
131        self.s = s
133    def __call__(self, current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, last_token_was_type_wrapper, accept_single_line_only):
134        return TerminalAstNode(self.s)
136# 'balanced_string' nodes evaluate to a function (or a callable object) taking these parameters:
137#     current_indent (integer): the indentation in the current line (spaces only)
138#     current_line_length (integer): the number of preceding characters in the current line (>=current_indent)
139#     inside_meta_type (boolean): whether we're inside a Type<...>
140#     last_token_was_type_wrapper (boolean): whether the immediately-preceding token was the identifier 'Type'
141#  and returning an AstNode
142# 'comma_separated_balanced_string' nodes evaluate to a tuple of such functions
144def p_comma_separated_balanced_string_empty(p):
145    'comma_separated_balanced_string : '
146    p[0] = tuple()
148def p_comma_separated_balanced_string_not_empty(p):
149    'comma_separated_balanced_string : COMMA balanced_string comma_separated_balanced_string'
150    p[0] = (
151        p[2],
152        *(p[3])
153    )
155def p_optional_balanced_string_empty(p):
156    'optional_balanced_string : '
157    p[0] = TerminalNodeFactory('')
159def p_optional_balanced_string_not_empty(p):
160    'optional_balanced_string : balanced_string'
161    p[0] = p[1]
163class BalancedStringTerminalNodeFactory():
164    def __init__(self, first_token, node_factory):
165        self.first_token = first_token
166        self.node_factory = node_factory
168    def __call__(self, current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, last_token_was_type_wrapper, accept_single_line_only):
169        terminal_node = TerminalAstNode(self.first_token)
170        non_terminal_node = self.node_factory(
171            current_indent,
172            current_line_length + len(self.first_token),
173            inside_meta_type,
174            self.first_token == 'Type',
175            accept_single_line_only)
176        if non_terminal_node is None:
177            return None
178        return NonTerminalAstNode((terminal_node, non_terminal_node))
180def p_balanced_string_terminal(p):
181    '''balanced_string : DOUBLE_COLON balanced_string
182                       | IDENTIFIER optional_balanced_string
183                       | ASTERISK optional_balanced_string
184                       | AMPERSAND optional_balanced_string
185    '''
186    first_token = p[1]
187    node_factory = p[2]
189    p[0] = BalancedStringTerminalNodeFactory(first_token, node_factory)
191def create_composite_node_from_factories(node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs, current_line_length, accept_single_line_only):
192    nodes = []
193    for node_factory, current_indent, inside_meta_type in node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs:
194        node = node_factory(current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, False, accept_single_line_only)
195        if node is None:
196            return None
197        nodes.append(node)
198        if node.is_multiline:
199            if accept_single_line_only:
200                raise Exception('Unexpected multiline, due to factory: ' + node_factory)
201            # Note that due to the way we break lines, the last line will have the same indent as the first.
202            # So we don't need to update current_indent here.
203            current_line_length = node.last_line_length
204        else:
205            current_line_length += node.last_line_length
206    return NonTerminalAstNode(nodes)
208def compute_layout(left_token, intermediate_node_factories, right_token, rhs_node_factory, current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, last_token_was_type_wrapper, accept_single_line_only):
209    # We lay out the result in one of two ways:
210    #
211    # $previousIndent $previousContent LPAREN x1, x2, x3 RPAREN balanced_string
212    #
213    # Or:
214    #
215    # $previousIndent $previousContent LPAREN
216    # $previousIndent $indent x1 ,
217    # $previousIndent $indent x2 ,
218    # $previousIndent $indent x3 RPAREN balanced_string
220    entering_meta_type = last_token_was_type_wrapper
222    # First, we try to use the first format if possible
223    node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs = [
224        (TerminalNodeFactory(left_token), current_indent, inside_meta_type),
225        *((intermediate_node_factory, current_indent, (inside_meta_type or entering_meta_type))
226          for intermediate_node_factory in intermediate_node_factories),
227        (TerminalNodeFactory(right_token), current_indent, inside_meta_type),
228        (rhs_node_factory, current_indent, inside_meta_type),
229    ]
230    node_with_single_line_layout = create_composite_node_from_factories(node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs, current_line_length, True)
231    if node_with_single_line_layout is not None and node_with_single_line_layout.max_line_length <= max_line_length:
232        assert not node_with_single_line_layout.is_multiline
233        return node_with_single_line_layout
235    if accept_single_line_only:
236        return None
238    # The result exceeds the line length, let's switch to the second one.
239    node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs = [
240        (TerminalNodeFactory(left_token),
241         current_indent,
242         inside_meta_type)
243    ]
244    new_indent_length = current_indent + single_indent_length
245    comma_node_factory_inside_meta_type_pair = (TerminalNodeFactory(','), current_indent, inside_meta_type or entering_meta_type)
246    newline_node_factory_inside_meta_type_pair = (TerminalNodeFactory('\n'), current_indent, inside_meta_type or entering_meta_type)
247    indent_node_factory_inside_meta_type_pair = (TerminalNodeFactory(' ' * new_indent_length), current_indent, inside_meta_type or entering_meta_type)
248    for inner_node_factory in intermediate_node_factories:
249        node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs.append(newline_node_factory_inside_meta_type_pair)
250        node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs.append(indent_node_factory_inside_meta_type_pair)
251        node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs.append((inner_node_factory, new_indent_length, inside_meta_type or entering_meta_type))
252        node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs.append(comma_node_factory_inside_meta_type_pair)
253    node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs.pop()
254    node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs.append((TerminalNodeFactory(right_token), current_indent, inside_meta_type))
255    node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs.append((rhs_node_factory, current_indent, inside_meta_type))
256    return create_composite_node_from_factories(node_factory_inside_meta_type_pairs, current_line_length, accept_single_line_only)
259def p_balanced_string_with_balanced_token_no_comma_separated_elems(p):
260    '''balanced_string : LPAREN    RPAREN       optional_balanced_string
261                       | LBRACKET  RBRACKET     optional_balanced_string
262                       | LBRACE    RBRACE       optional_balanced_string
263                       | LESS_THAN GREATER_THAN optional_balanced_string
264    '''
265    p_1 = p[1]
266    p_2 = p[2]
267    p_3 = p[3]
268    def result(current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, last_token_was_type_wrapper, accept_single_line_only):
269        return compute_layout(p_1, [], p_2, p_3, current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, last_token_was_type_wrapper, accept_single_line_only)
271    p[0] = result
273def p_balanced_string_with_balanced_token_some_comma_separated_elems(p):
274    '''balanced_string : LPAREN    balanced_string comma_separated_balanced_string RPAREN       optional_balanced_string
275                       | LBRACKET  balanced_string comma_separated_balanced_string RBRACKET     optional_balanced_string
276                       | LBRACE    balanced_string comma_separated_balanced_string RBRACE       optional_balanced_string
277                       | LESS_THAN balanced_string comma_separated_balanced_string GREATER_THAN optional_balanced_string
278    '''
279    p_1 = p[1]
280    p_2 = p[2]
281    p_3 = p[3]
282    p_4 = p[4]
283    p_5 = p[5]
284    def result(current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, last_token_was_type_wrapper, accept_single_line_only):
285        if not inside_meta_type:
286            if p_1 == '(' and p_4 == ')':
287                if len(p_3) == 0:
288                    if isinstance(p_2, BalancedStringTerminalNodeFactory) and p_2.first_token == '*':
289                        if isinstance(p_2.node_factory, TerminalNodeFactory) and p_2.node_factory.s == '':
290                            # Special case: we're not inside a Type<...> and we've encountered a '(*)'.
291                            # Discard it and just print the rhs.
292                            return p_5(current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, False, accept_single_line_only)
294        return compute_layout(p_1, (p_2, *(p_3)), p_4, p_5, current_indent, current_line_length, inside_meta_type, last_token_was_type_wrapper, accept_single_line_only)
296    p[0] = result
298def p_error(p):
299    raise Exception("Syntax error when parsing meta type: ", p[:])
301lexer = lex.lex()
302parser = yacc.yacc(start='balanced_string')
304strings_to_remove = re.compile(r'template class |template type alias |function template specialization |member class |member function |default argument for |fruit::impl::meta::|fruit::impl::|fruit::')
306def do_simplify_template_trace_element(element):
307    element, _ = re.subn(strings_to_remove, '', element)
308    element = element.strip()
309    if element[0] != '\'' or element[-1] != '\'':
310        raise Exception('Expected single quotes in: ' + element)
311    element = element[1:-1]
312    if element.startswith('DoEval<') and element[-1] == '>':
313        element = element[7:-1]
314    result = ''.join(parser.parse(element, lexer)(0, 0, False, False, False))
315    return result
318def simplify_template_trace_element(element, executor):
319    return executor.submit(do_simplify_template_trace_element, element)
321def to_dot_left_justified_string(s):
322    return '\\l'.join(s.splitlines() + [''])
324def main():
325    diagnostics = []
327    with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
328        lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
329        for line_number, line in enumerate(lines):
330            # Remove the newline
331            line = line[:-1]
333            matches = in_file_included_from_pattern.search(line)
334            if matches:
335                continue
337            matches = diagnostic_header_pattern.search(line)
338            if matches:
339                diagnostic_kind, diagnostic_message = matches.groups()
340                if diagnostic_kind == 'error':
341                    diagnostics.append(Diagnostic(diagnostic_kind, diagnostic_message))
342                    print('Processing diagnostic. (%s / %s) ' % (line_number, len(lines)), file=sys.stderr)
343                elif diagnostic_kind == 'note':
344                    matches = in_instantiation_of_template_pattern.search(diagnostic_message)
345                    if matches:
346                        if not diagnostics:
347                            raise Exception('Found template instantiation note before any error diagnostic: %s' % diagnostic_message)
348                        if 'in instantiation of template type alias' in line:
349                            pass
350                        else:
351                            group = matches.groups()[0]
352                            trace_element_future = simplify_template_trace_element(group, executor)
353                            diagnostics[-1].template_instantiation_trace.append(trace_element_future)
354                        continue
356                    matches = static_warning_marked_deprecated_here_pattern.search(diagnostic_message)
357                    if matches:
358                        continue
360                    raise Exception('Found unknown note: %s' % diagnostic_message)
362        call_graph = {}
363        graph = gv.AGraph(directed=True)
365        for diagnostic_index, diagnostic in enumerate(diagnostics):
366            if diagnostic_index % 10 == 0:
367                print('Constructing dep graph: iteration %s/%s' % (diagnostic_index, len(diagnostics)), file=sys.stderr)
369            template_instantiation_trace = [trace_element_future.result() for trace_element_future in diagnostic.template_instantiation_trace]
370            for called, caller in zip(template_instantiation_trace[1:], template_instantiation_trace[2:]):
371                if called in call_graph and call_graph[called] != caller:
372                    # Avoid this edge, so that the resulting graph is a tree
373                    continue
374                graph.add_edge(to_dot_left_justified_string(caller), to_dot_left_justified_string(called))
375                call_graph[called] = caller
377        print(graph)
379if __name__ == '__main__':
380    main()