1# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
14"""Buildgen expand filegroups plugin.
16This takes the list of libs from our yaml dictionary,
17and expands any and all filegroup.
22def excluded(filename, exclude_res):
23    for r in exclude_res:
24        if r.search(filename):
25            return True
26    return False
29def uniquify(lst):
30    out = []
31    for el in lst:
32        if el not in out:
33            out.append(el)
34    return out
37FILEGROUP_LISTS = ['src', 'headers', 'public_headers', 'deps']
40    'language': 'c',
41    'boringssl': False,
42    'zlib': False,
43    'ares': False,
47def mako_plugin(dictionary):
48    """The exported plugin code for expand_filegroups.
50  The list of libs in the build.yaml file can contain "filegroups" tags.
51  These refer to the filegroups in the root object. We will expand and
52  merge filegroups on the src, headers and public_headers properties.
54  """
55    libs = dictionary.get('libs')
56    targets = dictionary.get('targets')
57    filegroups_list = dictionary.get('filegroups')
58    filegroups = {}
60    for fg in filegroups_list:
61        for lst in FILEGROUP_LISTS:
62            fg[lst] = fg.get(lst, [])
63            fg['own_%s' % lst] = list(fg[lst])
64        for attr, val in FILEGROUP_DEFAULTS.iteritems():
65            if attr not in fg:
66                fg[attr] = val
68    todo = list(filegroups_list)
69    skips = 0
71    while todo:
72        assert skips != len(
73            todo), "infinite loop in filegroup uses clauses: %r" % [
74                t['name'] for t in todo
75            ]
76        # take the first element of the todo list
77        cur = todo[0]
78        todo = todo[1:]
79        # check all uses filegroups are present (if no, skip and come back later)
80        skip = False
81        for uses in cur.get('uses', []):
82            if uses not in filegroups:
83                skip = True
84        if skip:
85            skips += 1
86            todo.append(cur)
87        else:
88            skips = 0
89            assert 'plugins' not in cur
90            plugins = []
91            for uses in cur.get('uses', []):
92                for plugin in filegroups[uses]['plugins']:
93                    if plugin not in plugins:
94                        plugins.append(plugin)
95                for lst in FILEGROUP_LISTS:
96                    vals = cur.get(lst, [])
97                    vals.extend(filegroups[uses].get(lst, []))
98                    cur[lst] = vals
99            cur_plugin_name = cur.get('plugin')
100            if cur_plugin_name:
101                plugins.append(cur_plugin_name)
102            cur['plugins'] = plugins
103            filegroups[cur['name']] = cur
105    # build reverse dependency map
106    things = {}
107    for thing in dictionary['libs'] + dictionary['targets'] + dictionary['filegroups']:
108        things[thing['name']] = thing
109        thing['used_by'] = []
110    thing_deps = lambda t: t.get('uses', []) + t.get('filegroups', []) + t.get('deps', [])
111    for thing in things.itervalues():
112        done = set()
113        todo = thing_deps(thing)
114        while todo:
115            cur = todo[0]
116            todo = todo[1:]
117            if cur in done: continue
118            things[cur]['used_by'].append(thing['name'])
119            todo.extend(thing_deps(things[cur]))
120            done.add(cur)
122    # the above expansion can introduce duplicate filenames: contract them here
123    for fg in filegroups.itervalues():
124        for lst in FILEGROUP_LISTS:
125            fg[lst] = uniquify(fg.get(lst, []))
127    for tgt in dictionary['targets']:
128        for lst in FILEGROUP_LISTS:
129            tgt[lst] = tgt.get(lst, [])
130            tgt['own_%s' % lst] = list(tgt[lst])
132    for lib in libs + targets:
133        assert 'plugins' not in lib
134        plugins = []
135        for lst in FILEGROUP_LISTS:
136            vals = lib.get(lst, [])
137            lib[lst] = list(vals)
138            lib['own_%s' % lst] = list(vals)
139        for fg_name in lib.get('filegroups', []):
140            fg = filegroups[fg_name]
141            for plugin in fg['plugins']:
142                if plugin not in plugins:
143                    plugins.append(plugin)
144            for lst in FILEGROUP_LISTS:
145                vals = lib.get(lst, [])
146                vals.extend(fg.get(lst, []))
147                lib[lst] = vals
148            lib['plugins'] = plugins
149        if lib.get('generate_plugin_registry', False):
150            lib['src'].append(
151                'src/core/plugin_registry/%s_plugin_registry.cc' % lib['name'])
152        for lst in FILEGROUP_LISTS:
153            lib[lst] = uniquify(lib.get(lst, []))