2## Compares the ant jars to the maven jars and makes sure they're the same
3## (or different where/how expected)
5## Note: The no_aop build doesn't compare cleanly for some reason.
6## Maybe a difference between the ant & maven munge preprocessor?
10function cleanAndBuild {
11  mvn clean > /dev/null
12  ant clean.all > /dev/null
13  #ant no_aop > /dev/null
14  ant dist > /dev/null
15  mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true > /dev/null
16  #ant -f build/no_aop/build.xml dist > /dev/null
19function findAndCompareJars {
20  version=4.0
21  for ANT in `find ./build/dist/* -name "*-snapshot.jar" `
22  do
23    if [ $ANT = "./build/dist/guice-snapshot.jar" ]; then
24      ## Check the main build.
25      MVN=./core/target/guice-$version-SNAPSHOT.jar
26      extension=core
27      compareJars "$ANT" "$MVN" $extension
28      #compareJars "./build/no_aop/$ANT" "./core/target/guice-$version-SNAPSHOT-no_aop.jar" "no_aop: $extension"
29    else
30      ## Check extensions.
31      extension=`echo $ANT | awk -F"-" '{print $2 }'`
32      MVN=./extensions/$extension/target/guice-$extension-$version-SNAPSHOT.jar
33      compareJars "$ANT" "$MVN" $extension
34    fi
36  done;
39function compareJars {
40  ANT=$1
41  MVN=$2
42  extension=$3
43  curdir=`pwd`
45  echo Comparing $3
46  mkdir "tmp$$"
47  cp $ANT tmp$$/ant.jar
48  cp $MVN tmp$$/mvn.jar
49  cd "tmp$$"
50  mkdir ant
51  mkdir mvn
52  cd ant
53  jar -xf ../ant.jar
54  cd ..
55  cd mvn
56  jar -xf ../mvn.jar
57  cd ..
59  ## ant puts LICENSE & NOTICE files in a different place
60  echo LICENSE > excludes
61  echo NOTICE >> excludes
62  ## ant does not create DEPENDENCIES
63  echo DEPENDENCIES >> excludes
64  ## ant/mvn slightly different in MANIFEST.MF
65  echo MANIFEST.MF >> excludes
67  ## ant leaves empty directories for some jarjar'd paths --
68  ## we grep -v instead of exclude because we want to make sure
69  ## if any files in those directories exist, that they're diff'd.
70  ## ant 1.8+ also creates package-info classes all the time, and
71  ## maven doesn't -- so we just ignore the package-info classes.
72  diff -u --recursive -Xexcludes ant mvn | \
73     grep -v "^Only in ant/com/google/inject/internal/asm: signature$" | \
74     grep -v "^Only in ant/com/google/inject/internal/cglib: beans$" | \
75     grep -v "^Only in ant/com/google/inject/internal/cglib: transform$" | \
76     grep -v "^Only in ant/com/google/inject/internal/cglib/transform: impl$" | \
77     grep -v "^Only in ant/com/google/inject/internal/cglib: util$" | \
78     grep -v "^Only in ant: net$" | \
79     grep -v "^Only in ant: org$" | \
80     grep -v "^Only in ant/com/google/inject/.*: package-info\.class$"
81  # failure is 0 because we're using grep -v to filter things out
82  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
83    export RETVAL=1
84  fi
85  cd "$curdir"
86  rm -rf "tmp$$"
89## Only bother doing this on the jdk8/mvn build (before we publish snapshots).
90## Otherwise it's a waste of time building mvn+ant each time.
91if [ "$TRAVIS_JDK_VERSION" == "oraclejdk8" ] && \
92   [ "$LABEL" == "mvn" ]; then
93  echo "Cleaning and building ant & maven..."
94  cleanAndBuild
95  echo "Starting to compare jars..."
96  echo
97  findAndCompareJars
98  if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
99    echo "Everything looks good!"
100    exit 0
101  else
102    echo "Some things don't match -- see above for details."
103    exit 1
104  fi