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1 /*
2  * iperf, Copyright (c) 2014-2018, The Regents of the University of
3  * California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject
4  * to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of
5  * Energy).  All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
8  * software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer
9  * Department at TTD@lbl.gov.
10  *
11  * NOTICE.  This software is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.
12  * As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others
13  * acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
14  * worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative
15  * works, and perform publicly and display publicly.  Beginning five
16  * (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained
17  * from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent
18  * five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself
19  * and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
20  * irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
21  * prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform
22  * publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
23  *
24  * This code is distributed under a BSD style license, see the LICENSE
25  * file for complete information.
26  */
27 #include <stdio.h>
28 #include <stdlib.h>
29 #include <string.h>
30 #include <errno.h>
31 #include <unistd.h>
32 #include <assert.h>
33 #include <sys/socket.h>
34 #include <sys/types.h>
35 #include <netinet/in.h>
36 #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H
37 #include <stdint.h>
38 #endif
39 #include <sys/time.h>
40 #include <sys/select.h>
42 #include "iperf.h"
43 #include "iperf_api.h"
44 #include "iperf_util.h"
45 #include "iperf_udp.h"
46 #include "timer.h"
47 #include "net.h"
48 #include "cjson.h"
49 #include "portable_endian.h"
51 #if defined(HAVE_INTTYPES_H)
52 # include <inttypes.h>
53 #else
54 # define PRIu64		"llu"
55 #endif
57 /* iperf_udp_recv
58  *
59  * receives the data for UDP
60  */
61 int
iperf_udp_recv(struct iperf_stream * sp)62 iperf_udp_recv(struct iperf_stream *sp)
63 {
64     uint32_t  sec, usec;
65     uint64_t  pcount;
66     int       r;
67     int       size = sp->settings->blksize;
68     double    transit = 0, d = 0;
69     struct iperf_time sent_time, arrival_time, temp_time;
71     r = Nread(sp->socket, sp->buffer, size, Pudp);
73     /*
74      * If we got an error in the read, or if we didn't read anything
75      * because the underlying read(2) got a EAGAIN, then skip packet
76      * processing.
77      */
78     if (r <= 0)
79         return r;
81     /* Only count bytes received while we're in the correct state. */
82     if (sp->test->state == TEST_RUNNING) {
83 	sp->result->bytes_received += r;
84 	sp->result->bytes_received_this_interval += r;
86 	if (sp->test->udp_counters_64bit) {
87 	    memcpy(&sec, sp->buffer, sizeof(sec));
88 	    memcpy(&usec, sp->buffer+4, sizeof(usec));
89 	    memcpy(&pcount, sp->buffer+8, sizeof(pcount));
90 	    sec = ntohl(sec);
91 	    usec = ntohl(usec);
92 	    pcount = be64toh(pcount);
93 	    sent_time.secs = sec;
94 	    sent_time.usecs = usec;
95 	}
96 	else {
97 	    uint32_t pc;
98 	    memcpy(&sec, sp->buffer, sizeof(sec));
99 	    memcpy(&usec, sp->buffer+4, sizeof(usec));
100 	    memcpy(&pc, sp->buffer+8, sizeof(pc));
101 	    sec = ntohl(sec);
102 	    usec = ntohl(usec);
103 	    pcount = ntohl(pc);
104 	    sent_time.secs = sec;
105 	    sent_time.usecs = usec;
106 	}
108 	if (sp->test->debug)
109 	    fprintf(stderr, "pcount %" PRIu64 " packet_count %d\n", pcount, sp->packet_count);
111 	/*
112 	 * Try to handle out of order packets.  The way we do this
113 	 * uses a constant amount of storage but might not be
114 	 * correct in all cases.  In particular we seem to have the
115 	 * assumption that packets can't be duplicated in the network,
116 	 * because duplicate packets will possibly cause some problems here.
117 	 *
118 	 * First figure out if the sequence numbers are going forward.
119 	 * Note that pcount is the sequence number read from the packet,
120 	 * and sp->packet_count is the highest sequence number seen so
121 	 * far (so we're expecting to see the packet with sequence number
122 	 * sp->packet_count + 1 arrive next).
123 	 */
124 	if (pcount >= sp->packet_count + 1) {
126 	    /* Forward, but is there a gap in sequence numbers? */
127 	    if (pcount > sp->packet_count + 1) {
128 		/* There's a gap so count that as a loss. */
129 		sp->cnt_error += (pcount - 1) - sp->packet_count;
130 	    }
131 	    /* Update the highest sequence number seen so far. */
132 	    sp->packet_count = pcount;
133 	} else {
135 	    /*
136 	     * Sequence number went backward (or was stationary?!?).
137 	     * This counts as an out-of-order packet.
138 	     */
139 	    sp->outoforder_packets++;
141 	    /*
142 	     * If we have lost packets, then the fact that we are now
143 	     * seeing an out-of-order packet offsets a prior sequence
144 	     * number gap that was counted as a loss.  So we can take
145 	     * away a loss.
146 	     */
147 	    if (sp->cnt_error > 0)
148 		sp->cnt_error--;
150 	    /* Log the out-of-order packet */
151 	    if (sp->test->debug)
152 		fprintf(stderr, "OUT OF ORDER - incoming packet sequence %" PRIu64 " but expected sequence %d on stream %d", pcount, sp->packet_count, sp->socket);
153 	}
155 	/*
156 	 * jitter measurement
157 	 *
158 	 * This computation is based on RFC 1889 (specifically
159 	 * sections 6.3.1 and A.8).
160 	 *
161 	 * Note that synchronized clocks are not required since
162 	 * the source packet delta times are known.  Also this
163 	 * computation does not require knowing the round-trip
164 	 * time.
165 	 */
166 	iperf_time_now(&arrival_time);
168 	iperf_time_diff(&arrival_time, &sent_time, &temp_time);
169 	transit = iperf_time_in_secs(&temp_time);
170 	d = transit - sp->prev_transit;
171 	if (d < 0)
172 	    d = -d;
173 	sp->prev_transit = transit;
174 	sp->jitter += (d - sp->jitter) / 16.0;
175     }
176     else {
177 	if (sp->test->debug)
178 	    printf("Late receive, state = %d\n", sp->test->state);
179     }
181     return r;
182 }
185 /* iperf_udp_send
186  *
187  * sends the data for UDP
188  */
189 int
iperf_udp_send(struct iperf_stream * sp)190 iperf_udp_send(struct iperf_stream *sp)
191 {
192     int r;
193     int       size = sp->settings->blksize;
194     struct iperf_time before;
196     iperf_time_now(&before);
198     ++sp->packet_count;
200     if (sp->test->udp_counters_64bit) {
202 	uint32_t  sec, usec;
203 	uint64_t  pcount;
205 	sec = htonl(before.secs);
206 	usec = htonl(before.usecs);
207 	pcount = htobe64(sp->packet_count);
209 	memcpy(sp->buffer, &sec, sizeof(sec));
210 	memcpy(sp->buffer+4, &usec, sizeof(usec));
211 	memcpy(sp->buffer+8, &pcount, sizeof(pcount));
213     }
214     else {
216 	uint32_t  sec, usec, pcount;
218 	sec = htonl(before.secs);
219 	usec = htonl(before.usecs);
220 	pcount = htonl(sp->packet_count);
222 	memcpy(sp->buffer, &sec, sizeof(sec));
223 	memcpy(sp->buffer+4, &usec, sizeof(usec));
224 	memcpy(sp->buffer+8, &pcount, sizeof(pcount));
226     }
228     r = Nwrite(sp->socket, sp->buffer, size, Pudp);
230     if (r < 0)
231 	return r;
233     sp->result->bytes_sent += r;
234     sp->result->bytes_sent_this_interval += r;
236     if (sp->test->debug)
237 	printf("sent %d bytes of %d, total %" PRIu64 "\n", r, sp->settings->blksize, sp->result->bytes_sent);
239     return r;
240 }
243 /**************************************************************************/
245 /*
246  * The following functions all have to do with managing UDP data sockets.
247  * UDP of course is connectionless, so there isn't really a concept of
248  * setting up a connection, although connect(2) can (and is) used to
249  * bind the remote end of sockets.  We need to simulate some of the
250  * connection management that is built-in to TCP so that each side of the
251  * connection knows about each other before the real data transfers begin.
252  */
254 /*
255  * Set and verify socket buffer sizes.
256  * Return 0 if no error, -1 if an error, +1 if socket buffers are
257  * potentially too small to hold a message.
258  */
259 int
iperf_udp_buffercheck(struct iperf_test * test,int s)260 iperf_udp_buffercheck(struct iperf_test *test, int s)
261 {
262     int rc = 0;
263     int sndbuf_actual, rcvbuf_actual;
265     /*
266      * Set socket buffer size if requested.  Do this for both sending and
267      * receiving so that we can cover both normal and --reverse operation.
268      */
269     int opt;
270     socklen_t optlen;
272     if ((opt = test->settings->socket_bufsize)) {
273         if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
274             i_errno = IESETBUF;
275             return -1;
276         }
277         if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
278             i_errno = IESETBUF;
279             return -1;
280         }
281     }
283     /* Read back and verify the sender socket buffer size */
284     optlen = sizeof(sndbuf_actual);
285     if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &sndbuf_actual, &optlen) < 0) {
286 	i_errno = IESETBUF;
287 	return -1;
288     }
289     if (test->debug) {
290 	printf("SNDBUF is %u, expecting %u\n", sndbuf_actual, test->settings->socket_bufsize);
291     }
292     if (test->settings->socket_bufsize && test->settings->socket_bufsize > sndbuf_actual) {
293 	i_errno = IESETBUF2;
294 	return -1;
295     }
296     if (test->settings->blksize > sndbuf_actual) {
297 	char str[80];
298 	snprintf(str, sizeof(str),
299 		 "Block size %d > sending socket buffer size %d",
300 		 test->settings->blksize, sndbuf_actual);
301 	warning(str);
302 	rc = 1;
303     }
305     /* Read back and verify the receiver socket buffer size */
306     optlen = sizeof(rcvbuf_actual);
307     if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &rcvbuf_actual, &optlen) < 0) {
308 	i_errno = IESETBUF;
309 	return -1;
310     }
311     if (test->debug) {
312 	printf("RCVBUF is %u, expecting %u\n", rcvbuf_actual, test->settings->socket_bufsize);
313     }
314     if (test->settings->socket_bufsize && test->settings->socket_bufsize > rcvbuf_actual) {
315 	i_errno = IESETBUF2;
316 	return -1;
317     }
318     if (test->settings->blksize > rcvbuf_actual) {
319 	char str[80];
320 	snprintf(str, sizeof(str),
321 		 "Block size %d > receiving socket buffer size %d",
322 		 test->settings->blksize, rcvbuf_actual);
323 	warning(str);
324 	rc = 1;
325     }
327     if (test->json_output) {
328 	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(test->json_start, "sock_bufsize", test->settings->socket_bufsize);
329 	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(test->json_start, "sndbuf_actual", sndbuf_actual);
330 	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(test->json_start, "rcvbuf_actual", rcvbuf_actual);
331     }
333     return rc;
334 }
336 /*
337  * iperf_udp_accept
338  *
339  * Accepts a new UDP "connection"
340  */
341 int
iperf_udp_accept(struct iperf_test * test)342 iperf_udp_accept(struct iperf_test *test)
343 {
344     struct sockaddr_storage sa_peer;
345     int       buf;
346     socklen_t len;
347     int       sz, s;
348     int	      rc;
350     /*
351      * Get the current outstanding socket.  This socket will be used to handle
352      * data transfers and a new "listening" socket will be created.
353      */
354     s = test->prot_listener;
356     /*
357      * Grab the UDP packet sent by the client.  From that we can extract the
358      * client's address, and then use that information to bind the remote side
359      * of the socket to the client.
360      */
361     len = sizeof(sa_peer);
362     if ((sz = recvfrom(test->prot_listener, &buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &sa_peer, &len)) < 0) {
363         i_errno = IESTREAMACCEPT;
364         return -1;
365     }
367     if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sa_peer, len) < 0) {
368         i_errno = IESTREAMACCEPT;
369         return -1;
370     }
372     /* Check and set socket buffer sizes */
373     rc = iperf_udp_buffercheck(test, s);
374     if (rc < 0)
375 	/* error */
376 	return rc;
377     /*
378      * If the socket buffer was too small, but it was the default
379      * size, then try explicitly setting it to something larger.
380      */
381     if (rc > 0) {
382 	if (test->settings->socket_bufsize == 0) {
383 	    int bufsize = test->settings->blksize + UDP_BUFFER_EXTRA;
384 	    printf("Increasing socket buffer size to %d\n",
385 		bufsize);
386 	    test->settings->socket_bufsize = bufsize;
387 	    rc = iperf_udp_buffercheck(test, s);
388 	    if (rc < 0)
389 		return rc;
390 	}
391     }
393 #if defined(HAVE_SO_MAX_PACING_RATE)
394     /* If socket pacing is specified, try it. */
395     if (test->settings->fqrate) {
396 	/* Convert bits per second to bytes per second */
397 	unsigned int fqrate = test->settings->fqrate / 8;
398 	if (fqrate > 0) {
399 	    if (test->debug) {
400 		printf("Setting fair-queue socket pacing to %u\n", fqrate);
401 	    }
402 	    if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MAX_PACING_RATE, &fqrate, sizeof(fqrate)) < 0) {
403 		warning("Unable to set socket pacing");
404 	    }
405 	}
406     }
407 #endif /* HAVE_SO_MAX_PACING_RATE */
408     {
409 	unsigned int rate = test->settings->rate / 8;
410 	if (rate > 0) {
411 	    if (test->debug) {
412 		printf("Setting application pacing to %u\n", rate);
413 	    }
414 	}
415     }
417     /*
418      * Create a new "listening" socket to replace the one we were using before.
419      */
420     test->prot_listener = netannounce(test->settings->domain, Pudp, test->bind_address, test->server_port);
421     if (test->prot_listener < 0) {
422         i_errno = IESTREAMLISTEN;
423         return -1;
424     }
426     FD_SET(test->prot_listener, &test->read_set);
427     test->max_fd = (test->max_fd < test->prot_listener) ? test->prot_listener : test->max_fd;
429     /* Let the client know we're ready "accept" another UDP "stream" */
430     buf = 987654321;		/* any content will work here */
431     if (write(s, &buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) {
432         i_errno = IESTREAMWRITE;
433         return -1;
434     }
436     return s;
437 }
440 /*
441  * iperf_udp_listen
442  *
443  * Start up a listener for UDP stream connections.  Unlike for TCP,
444  * there is no listen(2) for UDP.  This socket will however accept
445  * a UDP datagram from a client (indicating the client's presence).
446  */
447 int
iperf_udp_listen(struct iperf_test * test)448 iperf_udp_listen(struct iperf_test *test)
449 {
450     int s;
452     if ((s = netannounce(test->settings->domain, Pudp, test->bind_address, test->server_port)) < 0) {
453         i_errno = IESTREAMLISTEN;
454         return -1;
455     }
457     /*
458      * The caller will put this value into test->prot_listener.
459      */
460     return s;
461 }
464 /*
465  * iperf_udp_connect
466  *
467  * "Connect" to a UDP stream listener.
468  */
469 int
iperf_udp_connect(struct iperf_test * test)470 iperf_udp_connect(struct iperf_test *test)
471 {
472     int s, buf, sz;
473 #ifdef SO_RCVTIMEO
474     struct timeval tv;
475 #endif
476     int rc;
478     /* Create and bind our local socket. */
479     if ((s = netdial(test->settings->domain, Pudp, test->bind_address, test->bind_port, test->server_hostname, test->server_port, -1)) < 0) {
480         i_errno = IESTREAMCONNECT;
481         return -1;
482     }
484     /* Check and set socket buffer sizes */
485     rc = iperf_udp_buffercheck(test, s);
486     if (rc < 0)
487 	/* error */
488 	return rc;
489     /*
490      * If the socket buffer was too small, but it was the default
491      * size, then try explicitly setting it to something larger.
492      */
493     if (rc > 0) {
494 	if (test->settings->socket_bufsize == 0) {
495 	    int bufsize = test->settings->blksize + UDP_BUFFER_EXTRA;
496 	    printf("Increasing socket buffer size to %d\n",
497 		bufsize);
498 	    test->settings->socket_bufsize = bufsize;
499 	    rc = iperf_udp_buffercheck(test, s);
500 	    if (rc < 0)
501 		return rc;
502 	}
503     }
505 #if defined(HAVE_SO_MAX_PACING_RATE)
506     /* If socket pacing is available and not disabled, try it. */
507     if (test->settings->fqrate) {
508 	/* Convert bits per second to bytes per second */
509 	unsigned int fqrate = test->settings->fqrate / 8;
510 	if (fqrate > 0) {
511 	    if (test->debug) {
512 		printf("Setting fair-queue socket pacing to %u\n", fqrate);
513 	    }
514 	    if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MAX_PACING_RATE, &fqrate, sizeof(fqrate)) < 0) {
515 		warning("Unable to set socket pacing");
516 	    }
517 	}
518     }
519 #endif /* HAVE_SO_MAX_PACING_RATE */
520     {
521 	unsigned int rate = test->settings->rate / 8;
522 	if (rate > 0) {
523 	    if (test->debug) {
524 		printf("Setting application pacing to %u\n", rate);
525 	    }
526 	}
527     }
529 #ifdef SO_RCVTIMEO
530     /* 30 sec timeout for a case when there is a network problem. */
531     tv.tv_sec = 30;
532     tv.tv_usec = 0;
533     setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (struct timeval *)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval));
534 #endif
536     /*
537      * Write a datagram to the UDP stream to let the server know we're here.
538      * The server learns our address by obtaining its peer's address.
539      */
540     buf = 123456789;		/* this can be pretty much anything */
541     if (write(s, &buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) {
542         // XXX: Should this be changed to IESTREAMCONNECT?
543         i_errno = IESTREAMWRITE;
544         return -1;
545     }
547     /*
548      * Wait until the server replies back to us.
549      */
550     if ((sz = recv(s, &buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) < 0) {
551         i_errno = IESTREAMREAD;
552         return -1;
553     }
555     return s;
556 }
559 /* iperf_udp_init
560  *
561  * initializer for UDP streams in TEST_START
562  */
563 int
iperf_udp_init(struct iperf_test * test)564 iperf_udp_init(struct iperf_test *test)
565 {
566     return 0;
567 }