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1# tc(8) completion                                         -*- shell-script -*-
2# Copyright 2016 6WIND S.A.
3# Copyright 2016 Quentin Monnet <quentin.monnet@6wind.com>
5QDISC_KIND=' choke codel bfifo pfifo pfifo_head_drop fq fq_codel gred hhf \
6            mqprio multiq netem pfifo_fast pie red rr sfb sfq tbf atm cbq drr \
7            dsmark hfsc htb prio qfq '
8FILTER_KIND=' basic bpf cgroup flow flower fw route rsvp tcindex u32 matchall '
9ACTION_KIND=' gact mirred bpf sample '
11# Takes a list of words in argument; each one of them is added to COMPREPLY if
12# it is not already present on the command line. Returns no value.
15    local w subcword found
16    for w in $*; do
17        found=0
18        for (( subcword=3; subcword < ${#words[@]}-1; subcword++ )); do
19            if [[ $w == ${words[subcword]} ]]; then
20                found=1
21                break
22            fi
23        done
24        [[ $found -eq 0 ]] && \
25            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$w" -- "$cur" ) )
26    done
29# Takes a list of words in argument; each one of them is added to COMPREPLY if
30# it is not already present on the command line from the provided index. Returns
31# no value.
34    local w subcword found from=$1
35    shift
36    for w in $*; do
37        found=0
38        for (( subcword=$from; subcword < ${#words[@]}-1; subcword++ )); do
39            if [[ $w == ${words[subcword]} ]]; then
40                found=1
41                break
42            fi
43        done
44        [[ $found -eq 0 ]] && \
45            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$w" -- "$cur" ) )
46    done
49# Takes a list of words in argument; adds them all to COMPREPLY if none of them
50# is already present on the command line. Returns no value.
53    local w subcword
54    for w in $*; do
55        for (( subcword=3; subcword < ${#words[@]}-1; subcword++ )); do
56            [[ $w == ${words[subcword]} ]] && return 1
57        done
58    done
59    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$*" -- "$cur" ) )
62# Takes a list of words in argument; adds them all to COMPREPLY if none of them
63# is already present on the command line from the provided index. Returns no
64# value.
67    local w subcword from=$1
68    shift
69    for w in $*; do
70        for (( subcword=$from; subcword < ${#words[@]}-1; subcword++ )); do
71            [[ $w == ${words[subcword]} ]] && return 1
72        done
73    done
74    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$*" -- "$cur" ) )
77# Returns "$cur ${cur}arg1 ${cur}arg2 ..."
80    [[ $cur =~ ^[0-9]+ ]] || return 1
81    local value=${cur%%[^0-9]*}
82    [[ $cur == $value ]] && echo $cur
83    echo ${@/#/$value}
86# Complete based on given word, usually $prev (or possibly the word before),
87# for when an argument or an option name has but a few possible arguments (so
88# tc does not take particular commands into account here).
89# Returns 0 is completion should stop after running this function, 1 otherwise.
92    case $1 in
93        # Command options
94        dev)
95            _available_interfaces
96            return 0
97            ;;
98        classid)
99            return 0
100            ;;
101        estimator)
102            local list=$( _tc_expand_units 'secs' 'msecs' 'usecs' )
103            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$list" -- "$cur" ) )
104            return 0
105            ;;
106        handle)
107            return 0
108            ;;
109        parent|flowid)
110            local i iface ids cmd
111            for (( i=3; i < ${#words[@]}-2; i++ )); do
112                [[ ${words[i]} == dev ]] && iface=${words[i+1]}
113                break
114            done
115            for cmd in qdisc class; do
116                if [[ -n $iface ]]; then
117                    ids+=$( tc $cmd show dev $iface 2>/dev/null | \
118                        cut -d\  -f 3 )" "
119                else
120                    ids+=$( tc $cmd show 2>/dev/null | cut -d\  -f 3 )
121                fi
122            done
123            [[ $ids != " " ]] && \
124                COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$ids" -- "$cur" ) )
125            return 0
126            ;;
127        protocol) # list comes from lib/ll_proto.c
128            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W ' 802.1Q 802.1ad 802_2 802_3 LLDP aarp \
129                all aoe arp atalk atmfate atmmpoa ax25 bpq can control cust \
130                ddcmp dec diag dna_dl dna_rc dna_rt econet ieeepup ieeepupat \
131                ip ipv4 ipv6 ipx irda lat localtalk loop mobitex ppp_disc \
132                ppp_mp ppp_ses ppptalk pup pupat rarp sca snap tipc tr_802_2 \
133                wan_ppp x25' -- "$cur" ) )
134            return 0
135            ;;
136        prio)
137            return 0
138            ;;
139        stab)
140            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'mtu tsize mpu overhead
141                linklayer' -- "$cur" ) )
142            ;;
144        # Qdiscs and classes options
145        alpha|bands|beta|buckets|corrupt|debug|decrement|default|\
146        default_index|depth|direct_qlen|divisor|duplicate|ewma|flow_limit|\
147        flows|hh_limit|increment|indices|linklayer|non_hh_weight|num_tc|\
148        penalty_burst|penalty_rate|prio|priomap|probability|queues|r2q|\
149        reorder|vq|vqs)
150            return 0
151            ;;
152        setup)
153            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'vqs' -- "$cur" ) )
154            return 0
155            ;;
156        hw)
157            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W '1 0' -- "$cur" ) )
158            return 0
159            ;;
160        distribution)
161            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'uniform normal pareto
162                paretonormal' -- "$cur" ) )
163            return 0
164            ;;
165        loss)
166            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'random state gmodel' -- "$cur" ) )
167            return 0
168            ;;
170        # Qdiscs and classes options options
171        gap|gmodel|state)
172            return 0
173            ;;
175        # Filters options
176        map)
177            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'key' -- "$cur" ) )
178            return 0
179            ;;
180        hash)
181            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'keys' -- "$cur" ) )
182            return 0
183            ;;
184        indev)
185            _available_interfaces
186            return 0
187            ;;
188        eth_type)
189            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'ipv4 ipv6' -- "$cur" ) )
190            return 0
191            ;;
192        ip_proto)
193            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'tcp udp' -- "$cur" ) )
194            return 0
195            ;;
197        # Filters options options
198        key|keys)
199            [[ ${words[@]} =~ graft ]] && return 1
200            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'src dst proto proto-src proto-dst iif \
201                priority mark nfct nfct-src nfct-dst nfct-proto-src \
202                nfct-proto-dst rt-classid sk-uid sk-gid vlan-tag rxhash' -- \
203                "$cur" ) )
204            return 0
205            ;;
207        # BPF options - used for filters, actions, and exec
208        export|bytecode|bytecode-file|object-file)
209            _filedir
210            return 0
211            ;;
212        object-pinned|graft) # Pinned object is probably under /sys/fs/bpf/
213            [[ -n "$cur" ]] && _filedir && return 0
214            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -G "/sys/fs/bpf/*" -- "$cur" ) ) || _filedir
215            compopt -o nospace
216            return 0
217            ;;
218        section)
219            if (type objdump > /dev/null 2>&1) ; then
220                local fword objfile section_list
221                for (( fword=3; fword < ${#words[@]}-3; fword++ )); do
222                    if [[ ${words[fword]} == object-file ]]; then
223                        objfile=${words[fword+1]}
224                        break
225                    fi
226                done
227                section_list=$( objdump -h $objfile 2>/dev/null | \
228                    sed -n 's/^ *[0-9]\+ \([^ ]*\) *.*/\1/p' )
229                COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$section_list" -- "$cur" ) )
230            fi
231            return 0
232            ;;
233        import|run)
234            _filedir
235            return 0
236            ;;
237        type)
238            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'cls act' -- "$cur" ) )
239            return 0
240            ;;
242        # Actions options
243        random)
244            _tc_one_of_list 'netrand determ'
245            return 0
246            ;;
248        # Units for option arguments
249        bandwidth|maxrate|peakrate|rate)
250            local list=$( _tc_expand_units 'bit' \
251                'kbit' 'kibit' 'kbps' 'kibps' \
252                'mbit' 'mibit' 'mbps' 'mibps' \
253                'gbit' 'gibit' 'gbps' 'gibps' \
254                'tbit' 'tibit' 'tbps' 'tibps' )
255            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$list" -- "$cur" ) )
256            ;;
257        admit_bytes|avpkt|burst|cell|initial_quantum|limit|max|min|mtu|mpu|\
258        overhead|quantum|redflowlist)
259            local list=$( _tc_expand_units \
260                'b' 'kbit' 'k' 'mbit' 'm' 'gbit' 'g' )
261            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$list" -- "$cur" ) )
262            ;;
263        db|delay|evict_timeout|interval|latency|perturb|rehash|reset_timeout|\
264        target|tupdate)
265            local list=$( _tc_expand_units 'secs' 'msecs' 'usecs' )
266            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$list" -- "$cur" ) )
267            ;;
268    esac
269    return 1
272# Complete with options names for qdiscs. Each qdisc has its own set of options
273# and it seems we cannot really parse it from anywhere, so we add it manually
274# in this function.
275# Returns 0 is completion should stop after running this function, 1 otherwise.
278    case $1 in
279        choke)
280            _tc_once_attr 'limit bandwidth ecn min max burst'
281            return 0
282            ;;
283        codel)
284            _tc_once_attr 'limit target interval'
285            _tc_one_of_list 'ecn noecn'
286            return 0
287            ;;
288        bfifo|pfifo|pfifo_head_drop)
289            _tc_once_attr 'limit'
290            return 0
291            ;;
292        fq)
293            _tc_once_attr 'limit flow_limit quantum initial_quantum maxrate \
294                buckets'
295            _tc_one_of_list 'pacing nopacing'
296            return 0
297            ;;
298        fq_codel)
299            _tc_once_attr 'limit flows target interval quantum'
300            _tc_one_of_list 'ecn noecn'
301            return 0
302            ;;
303        gred)
304            _tc_once_attr 'setup vqs default grio vq prio limit min max avpkt \
305                burst probability bandwidth'
306            return 0
307            ;;
308        hhf)
309            _tc_once_attr 'limit quantum hh_limit reset_timeout admit_bytes \
310                evict_timeout non_hh_weight'
311            return 0
312            ;;
313        mqprio)
314            _tc_once_attr 'num_tc map queues hw'
315            return 0
316            ;;
317        netem)
318            _tc_once_attr 'delay distribution corrupt duplicate loss ecn \
319                reorder rate'
320            return 0
321            ;;
322        pie)
323            _tc_once_attr 'limit target tupdate alpha beta'
324            _tc_one_of_list 'bytemode nobytemode'
325            _tc_one_of_list 'ecn noecn'
326            return 0
327            ;;
328        red)
329            _tc_once_attr 'limit min max avpkt burst adaptive probability \
330                bandwidth ecn harddrop'
331            return 0
332            ;;
333        rr|prio)
334            _tc_once_attr 'bands priomap multiqueue'
335            return 0
336            ;;
337        sfb)
338            _tc_once_attr 'rehash db limit max target increment decrement \
339                penalty_rate penalty_burst'
340            return 0
341            ;;
342        sfq)
343            _tc_once_attr 'limit perturb quantum divisor flows depth headdrop \
344                redflowlimit min max avpkt burst probability ecn harddrop'
345            return 0
346            ;;
347        tbf)
348            _tc_once_attr 'limit burst rate mtu peakrate latency overhead \
349                linklayer'
350            return 0
351            ;;
352        cbq)
353            _tc_once_attr 'bandwidth avpkt mpu cell ewma'
354            return 0
355            ;;
356        dsmark)
357            _tc_once_attr 'indices default_index set_tc_index'
358            return 0
359            ;;
360        hfsc)
361            _tc_once_attr 'default'
362            return 0
363            ;;
364        htb)
365            _tc_once_attr 'default r2q direct_qlen debug'
366            return 0
367            ;;
368        multiq|pfifo_fast|atm|drr|qfq)
369            return 0
370            ;;
371    esac
372    return 1
375# Complete with options names for BPF filters or actions.
376# Returns 0 is completion should stop after running this function, 1 otherwise.
379    [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-3]} == object-file ]] && \
380        _tc_once_attr 'section export'
381    [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-5]} == object-file ]] && \
382        [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-3]} =~ (section|export) ]] && \
383        _tc_once_attr 'section export'
384    _tc_one_of_list 'bytecode bytecode-file object-file object-pinned'
385    _tc_once_attr 'verbose index direct-action action classid'
386    return 0
389# Complete with options names for filter actions.
390# This function is recursive, thus allowing multiple actions statement to be
391# parsed.
392# Returns 0 is completion should stop after running this function, 1 otherwise.
395    for ((acwd=$1; acwd < ${#words[@]}-1; acwd++));
396    do
397        if [[ action == ${words[acwd]} ]]; then
398            _tc_filter_action_options $((acwd+1)) && return 0
399        fi
400    done
402    local action acwd
403    for ((acwd=$1; acwd < ${#words[@]}-1; acwd++)); do
404        if [[ $ACTION_KIND =~ ' '${words[acwd]}' ' ]]; then
405            _tc_one_of_list_from $acwd action
406            _tc_action_options $acwd && return 0
407        fi
408    done
409    _tc_one_of_list_from $acwd $ACTION_KIND
410    return 0
413# Complete with options names for filters.
414# Returns 0 is completion should stop after running this function, 1 otherwise.
418    for ((acwd=$1; acwd < ${#words[@]}-1; acwd++));
419    do
420        if [[ action == ${words[acwd]} ]]; then
421            _tc_filter_action_options $((acwd+1)) && return 0
422        fi
423    done
425    filter=${words[$1]}
426    case $filter in
427        basic)
428            _tc_once_attr 'match action classid'
429            return 0
430            ;;
431        bpf)
432            _tc_bpf_options
433            return 0
434            ;;
435        cgroup)
436            _tc_once_attr 'match action'
437            return 0
438            ;;
439        flow)
440            local i
441            for (( i=5; i < ${#words[@]}-1; i++ )); do
442                if [[ ${words[i]} =~ ^keys?$ ]]; then
443                    _tc_direct_complete 'key'
444                    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'or and xor rshift addend' -- \
445                        "$cur" ) )
446                    break
447                fi
448            done
449            _tc_once_attr 'map hash divisor baseclass match action'
450            return 0
451            ;;
452        matchall)
453            _tc_once_attr 'action skip_sw skip_hw'
454            return 0
455            ;;
456        flower)
457            _tc_once_attr 'action classid indev dst_mac src_mac eth_type \
458                ip_proto dst_ip src_ip dst_port src_port'
459            return 0
460            ;;
461        fw)
462            _tc_once_attr 'action classid'
463            return 0
464            ;;
465        route)
466            _tc_one_of_list 'from fromif'
467            _tc_once_attr 'to classid action'
468            return 0
469            ;;
470        rsvp)
471            _tc_once_attr 'ipproto session sender classid action tunnelid \
472                tunnel flowlabel spi/ah spi/esp u8 u16 u32'
473            [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-3]} == tunnel ]] && \
474                    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'skip' -- "$cur" ) )
475            [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-3]} =~ u(8|16|32) ]] && \
476                    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'mask' -- "$cur" ) )
477            [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-3]} == mask ]] && \
478                    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'at' -- "$cur" ) )
479            return 0
480            ;;
481        tcindex)
482            _tc_once_attr 'hash mask shift classid action'
483            _tc_one_of_list 'pass_on fall_through'
484            return 0
485            ;;
486        u32)
487            _tc_once_attr 'match link classid action offset ht hashkey sample'
488            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'ip ip6 udp tcp icmp u8 u16 u32 mark \
489                divisor' -- "$cur" ) )
490            return 0
491            ;;
492    esac
493    return 1
496# Complete with options names for actions.
497# Returns 0 is completion should stop after running this function, 1 otherwise.
500    local from=$1
501    local action=${words[from]}
502    case $action in
503        bpf)
504            _tc_bpf_options
505            return 0
506            ;;
507        mirred)
508            _tc_one_of_list_from $from 'ingress egress'
509            _tc_one_of_list_from $from 'mirror redirect'
510            _tc_once_attr_from $from 'index dev'
511            return 0
512            ;;
513        sample)
514            _tc_once_attr_from $from 'rate'
515            _tc_once_attr_from $from 'trunc'
516            _tc_once_attr_from $from 'group'
517            return 0
518            ;;
519        gact)
520            _tc_one_of_list_from $from 'reclassify drop continue pass'
521            _tc_once_attr_from $from 'random'
522            return 0
523            ;;
524    esac
525    return 1
528# Complete with options names for exec.
529# Returns 0 is completion should stop after running this function, 1 otherwise.
532    case $1 in
533        import)
534            [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-3]} == import ]] && \
535                _tc_once_attr 'run'
536            return 0
537            ;;
538        graft)
539            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'key type' -- "$cur" ) )
540            [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-3]} == object-file ]] && \
541                _tc_once_attr 'type'
542            _tc_bpf_options
543            return 0
544            ;;
545    esac
546    return 1
549# Main completion function
550# Logic is as follows:
551#   1. Check if previous word is a global option; if so, propose arguments.
552#   2. Check if current word is a global option; if so, propose completion.
553#   3. Check for the presence of a main command (qdisc|class|filter|...). If
554#      there is one, first call _tc_direct_complete to see if previous word is
555#      waiting for a particular completion. If so, propose completion and exit.
556#   4. Extract main command and -- if available -- its subcommand
557#      (add|delete|show|...).
558#   5. Propose completion based on main and sub- command in use. Additional
559#      functions may be called for qdiscs, classes or filter options.
562    local cur prev words cword
563    _init_completion || return
565    case $prev in
566        -V|-Version)
567            return 0
568            ;;
569        -b|-batch|-cf|-conf)
570            _filedir
571            return 0
572            ;;
573        -force)
574            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '-batch' -- "$cur" ) )
575            return 0
576            ;;
577        -nm|name)
578            [[ -r /etc/iproute2/tc_cls ]] || \
579                COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '-conf' -- "$cur" ) )
580            return 0
581            ;;
582        -n|-net|-netns)
583            local nslist=$( ip netns list 2>/dev/null )
584            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$nslist" -- "$cur" ) )
585            return 0
586            ;;
587        -tshort)
588            _tc_once_attr '-statistics'
589            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'monitor' -- "$cur" ) )
590            return 0
591            ;;
592        -timestamp)
593            _tc_once_attr '-statistics -tshort'
594            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W 'monitor' -- "$cur" ) )
595            return 0
596            ;;
597    esac
599    # Search for main commands
600    local subcword cmd subcmd
601    for (( subcword=1; subcword < ${#words[@]}-1; subcword++ )); do
602        [[ ${words[subcword]} == -b?(atch) ]] && return 0
603        [[ -n $cmd ]] && subcmd=${words[subcword]} && break
604        [[ ${words[subcword]} != -* && \
605            ${words[subcword-1]} != -@(n?(et?(ns))|c?(on)f) ]] && \
606            cmd=${words[subcword]}
607    done
609    if [[ -z $cmd ]]; then
610        case $cur in
611            -*)
612                local c='-Version -statistics -details -raw -pretty \
613                    -iec -graphe -batch -name -netns -timestamp'
614                [[ $cword -eq 1 ]] && c+=' -force'
615                COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$c" -- "$cur" ) )
616                return 0
617                ;;
618            *)
619                COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "help $( tc help 2>&1 | \
620                    command sed \
621                    -e '/OBJECT := /!d' \
622                    -e 's/.*{//' \
623                    -e 's/}.*//' \
624                    -e \ 's/|//g' )" -- "$cur" ) )
625                return 0
626                ;;
627        esac
628    fi
630    [[ $subcmd == help ]] && return 0
632    # For this set of commands we may create COMPREPLY just by analysing the
633    # previous word, if it expects for a specific list of options or values.
634    if [[ $cmd =~ (qdisc|class|filter|action|exec) ]]; then
635        _tc_direct_complete $prev && return 0
636        if [[ ${words[${#words[@]}-3]} == estimator ]]; then
637            local list=$( _tc_expand_units 'secs' 'msecs' 'usecs' )
638            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$list" -- "$cur" ) ) && return 0
639        fi
640    fi
642    # Completion depends on main command and subcommand in use.
643    case $cmd in
644        qdisc)
645            case $subcmd in
646                add|change|replace|link|del|delete)
647                    if [[ $(($cword-$subcword)) -eq 1 ]]; then
648                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'dev' -- "$cur" ) )
649                        return 0
650                    fi
651                    local qdisc qdwd
652                    for ((qdwd=$subcword; qdwd < ${#words[@]}-1; qdwd++)); do
653                        if [[ $QDISC_KIND =~ ' '${words[qdwd]}' ' ]]; then
654                            qdisc=${words[qdwd]}
655                            _tc_qdisc_options $qdisc && return 0
656                        fi
657                    done
658                    _tc_one_of_list $QDISC_KIND
659                    _tc_one_of_list 'root ingress parent clsact'
660                    _tc_once_attr 'handle estimator stab'
661                    ;;
662                show)
663                    _tc_once_attr 'dev'
664                    _tc_one_of_list 'ingress clsact'
665                    _tc_once_attr '-statistics -details -raw -pretty -iec \
666                        -graph -name'
667                    ;;
668                help)
669                    return 0
670                    ;;
671                *)
672                    [[ $cword -eq $subcword ]] && \
673                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'help add delete change \
674                            replace link show' -- "$cur" ) )
675                    ;;
676            esac
677            ;;
679        class)
680            case $subcmd in
681                add|change|replace|del|delete)
682                    if [[ $(($cword-$subcword)) -eq 1 ]]; then
683                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'dev' -- "$cur" ) )
684                        return 0
685                    fi
686                    local qdisc qdwd
687                    for ((qdwd=$subcword; qdwd < ${#words[@]}-1; qdwd++)); do
688                        if [[ $QDISC_KIND =~ ' '${words[qdwd]}' ' ]]; then
689                            qdisc=${words[qdwd]}
690                            _tc_qdisc_options $qdisc && return 0
691                        fi
692                    done
693                    _tc_one_of_list $QDISC_KIND
694                    _tc_one_of_list 'root parent'
695                    _tc_once_attr 'classid'
696                    ;;
697                show)
698                    _tc_once_attr 'dev'
699                    _tc_one_of_list 'root parent'
700                    _tc_once_attr '-statistics -details -raw -pretty -iec \
701                        -graph -name'
702                    ;;
703                help)
704                    return 0
705                    ;;
706                *)
707                    [[ $cword -eq $subcword ]] && \
708                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'help add delete change \
709                            replace show' -- "$cur" ) )
710                    ;;
711            esac
712            ;;
714        filter)
715            case $subcmd in
716                add|change|replace|del|delete)
717                    if [[ $(($cword-$subcword)) -eq 1 ]]; then
718                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'dev' -- "$cur" ) )
719                        return 0
720                    fi
721                    local filter fltwd
722                    for ((fltwd=$subcword; fltwd < ${#words[@]}-1; fltwd++));
723                    do
724                        if [[ $FILTER_KIND =~ ' '${words[fltwd]}' ' ]]; then
725                            _tc_filter_options $fltwd && return 0
726                        fi
727                    done
728                    _tc_one_of_list $FILTER_KIND
729                    _tc_one_of_list 'root ingress egress parent'
730                    _tc_once_attr 'handle estimator pref protocol'
731                    ;;
732                show)
733                    _tc_once_attr 'dev'
734                    _tc_one_of_list 'root ingress egress parent'
735                    _tc_once_attr '-statistics -details -raw -pretty -iec \
736                        -graph -name'
737                    ;;
738                help)
739                    return 0
740                    ;;
741                *)
742                    [[ $cword -eq $subcword ]] && \
743                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'help add delete change \
744                            replace show' -- "$cur" ) )
745                    ;;
746            esac
747            ;;
749        action)
750            case $subcmd in
751                add|change|replace)
752                    local action acwd
753                    for ((acwd=$subcword; acwd < ${#words[@]}-1; acwd++)); do
754                        if [[ $ACTION_KIND =~ ' '${words[acwd]}' ' ]]; then
755                            _tc_action_options $acwd && return 0
756                        fi
757                    done
758                    _tc_one_of_list $ACTION_KIND
759                    ;;
760                get|del|delete)
761                    _tc_once_attr 'index'
762                    ;;
763                lst|list|flush|show)
764                    _tc_one_of_list $ACTION_KIND
765                    ;;
766                *)
767                    [[ $cword -eq $subcword ]] && \
768                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'help add delete change \
769                            replace show list flush action' -- "$cur" ) )
770                    ;;
771            esac
772            ;;
774        monitor)
775            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'help' -- "$cur" ) )
776            ;;
778        exec)
779            case $subcmd in
780                bpf)
781                    local excmd exwd EXEC_KIND=' import debug graft '
782                    for ((exwd=$subcword; exwd < ${#words[@]}-1; exwd++)); do
783                        if [[ $EXEC_KIND =~ ' '${words[exwd]}' ' ]]; then
784                            excmd=${words[exwd]}
785                            _tc_exec_options $excmd && return 0
786                        fi
787                    done
788                    _tc_one_of_list $EXEC_KIND
789                    ;;
790                *)
791                    [[ $cword -eq $subcword ]] && \
792                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'bpf' -- "$cur" ) )
793                    ;;
794            esac
795            ;;
796    esac
797} &&
798complete -F _tc tc
800# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh