1 package junitparams;
3 import java.util.List;
5 import junitparams.internal.MethodBlockSupplier;
6 import org.junit.runner.Description;
7 import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;
8 import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner;
9 import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod;
10 import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;
11 import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;
13 import junitparams.internal.DescribableFrameworkMethod;
14 import junitparams.internal.InstanceFrameworkMethod;
15 import junitparams.internal.InvokableFrameworkMethod;
16 import junitparams.internal.NonParameterisedFrameworkMethod;
17 import junitparams.internal.ParameterisedFrameworkMethod;
18 import junitparams.internal.TestMethod;
20 /**
21  * <h1>JUnitParams</h1><br>
22  * <p>
23  * This is a JUnit runner for parameterised tests that don't suck. Annotate your test class with
24  * <code>&#064;RunWith(JUnitParamsRunner.class)</code> and place
25  * <code>&#064;Parameters</code> annotation on each test method which requires
26  * parameters. Nothing more needed - no special structure, no dirty tricks.
27  * </p>
28  * <br>
29  * <h2>Contents</h2> <b> <a href="#p1">1. Parameterising tests</a><br>
30  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#a">a. Parameterising tests via values
31  * in annotation</a><br>
32  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#b">b. Parameterising tests via a
33  * method that returns parameter values</a><br>
34  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#c">c. Parameterising tests via
35  * external classes</a><br>
36  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#d">d. Loading parameters from files</a><br>
37  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#d">e. Converting parameter values</a><br>
38  * <a href="#p2">2. Usage with Spring</a><br>
39  * <a href="#p3">3. Other options</a><br>
40  * </b><br>
41  * <h3 id="p1">1. Parameterising tests</h3> Parameterised tests are a great way
42  * to limit the amount of test code when you need to test the same code under
43  * different conditions. Ever tried to do it with standard JUnit tools like
44  * Parameterized runner or Theories? I always thought they're so awkward to use,
45  * that I've written this library to help all those out there who'd like to have
46  * a handy tool.
47  *
48  * So here we go. There are a few different ways to use JUnitParams, I will try
49  * to show you all of them here.
50  *
51  * <h4 id="a">a. Parameterising tests via values in annotation</h4>
52  * <p>
53  * You can parameterise your test with values defined in annotations. Just pass
54  * sets of test method argument values as an array of Strings, where each string
55  * contains the argument values separated by a comma or a pipe "|".
56  *
57  * <pre>
58  *   &#064;Test
59  *   &#064;Parameters({ "20, Tarzan", "0, Jane" })
60  *   public void cartoonCharacters(int yearsInJungle, String person) {
61  *       ...
62  *   }
63  * </pre>
64  *
65  * Sometimes you may be interested in passing enum values as parameters, then
66  * you can just write them as Strings like this:
67  *
68  * <pre>
69  * &#064;Test
70  * &#064;Parameters({ &quot;FROM_JUNGLE&quot;, &quot;FROM_CITY&quot; })
71  * public void passEnumAsParam(PersonType person) {
72  * }
73  * </pre>
74  *
75  * <h4 id="b">b. Parameterising tests via a method that returns parameter values
76  * </h4>
77  * <p>
78  * Obviously passing parameters as strings is handy only for trivial situations,
79  * that's why for normal cases you have a method that gives you a collection of
80  * parameters:
81  *
82  * <pre>
83  *   &#064;Test
84  *   &#064;Parameters(method = "cartoonCharacters")
85  *   public void cartoonCharacters(int yearsInJungle, String person) {
86  *       ...
87  *   }
88  *   private Object[] cartoonCharacters() {
89  *      return $(
90  *          $(0, "Tarzan"),
91  *          $(20, "Jane")
92  *      );
93  *   }
94  * </pre>
95  *
96  * Where <code>$(...)</code> is a static method defined in
97  * <code>JUnitParamsRunner</code> class, which returns its parameters as a
98  * <code>Object[]</code> array. Just a shortcut, so that you don't need to write the ugly <code>new Object[] {}</code> kind of stuff.
99  *
100  * <p>
101  * <code>method</code> can take more than one method name - you can pass as many
102  * of them as you want, separated by commas. This enables you to divide your
103  * test cases e.g. into categories.
104  * <pre>
105  *   &#064;Test
106  *   &#064;Parameters(method = "menCharactes, womenCharacters")
107  *   public void cartoonCharacters(int yearsInJungle, String person) {
108  *       ...
109  *   }
110  *   private Object[] menCharacters() {
111  *      return $(
112  *          $(20, "Tarzan"),
113  *          $(2, "Chip"),
114  *          $(2, "Dale")
115  *      );
116  *   }
117  *   private Object[] womenCharacters() {
118  *      return $(
119  *          $(0, "Jane"),
120  *          $(18, "Pocahontas")
121  *      );
122  *   }
123  * </pre>
124  * <p>
125  * The <code>method</code> argument of a <code>@Parameters</code> annotation can
126  * be ommited if the method that provides parameters has a the same name as the
127  * test, but prefixed by <code>parametersFor</code>. So our example would look
128  * like this:
129  *
130  * <pre>
131  *   &#064;Test
132  *   &#064;Parameters
133  *   public void cartoonCharacters(int yearsInJungle, String person) {
134  *       ...
135  *   }
136  *   private Object[] parametersForCartoonCharacters() {
137  *      return $(
138  *          $(0, "Tarzan"),
139  *          $(20, "Jane")
140  *      );
141  *   }
142  * </pre>
143  *
144  * <p>
145  * If you don't like returning untyped values and arrays, you can equally well
146  * return any Iterable of concrete objects:
147  *
148  * <pre>
149  *   &#064;Test
150  *   &#064;Parameters
151  *   public void cartoonCharacters(Person character) {
152  *       ...
153  *   }
154  *   private List&lt;Person&gt; parametersForCartoonCharacters() {
155  *      return Arrays.asList(
156  *          new Person(0, "Tarzan"),
157  *          new Person(20, "Jane")
158  *      );
159  *   }
160  * </pre>
161  *
162  * If we had more than just two Person's to make, we would get redundant,
163  * so JUnitParams gives you a simplified way of creating objects to be passed as
164  * params. You can omit the creation of the objects and just return their constructor
165  * argument values like this:
166  *
167  * <pre>
168  *   &#064;Test
169  *   &#064;Parameters
170  *   public void cartoonCharacters(Person character) {
171  *       ...
172  *   }
173  *   private List&lt;?&gt; parametersForCartoonCharacters() {
174  *      return Arrays.asList(
175  *          $(0, "Tarzan"),
176  *          $(20, "Jane")
177  *      );
178  *   }
179  * </pre>
180  * And JUnitParams will invoke the appropriate constructor (<code>new Person(int age, String name)</code> in this case.)
181  * <b>If you want to use it, watch out! Automatic refactoring of constructor
182  * arguments won't be working here!</b>
183  *
184  * <p>
185  * You can also define methods that provide parameters in subclasses and use
186  * them in test methods defined in superclasses, as well as redefine data
187  * providing methods in subclasses to be used by test method defined in a
188  * superclass. That you can doesn't mean you should. Inheritance in tests is
189  * usually a code smell (readability hurts), so make sure you know what you're
190  * doing.
191  *
192  * <h4 id="c">c. Parameterising tests via external classes</h4>
193  * <p>
194  * For more complex cases you may want to externalise the method that provides
195  * parameters or use more than one method to provide parameters to a single test
196  * method. You can easily do that like this:
197  *
198  * <pre>
199  *   &#064;Test
200  *   &#064;Parameters(source = CartoonCharactersProvider.class)
201  *   public void testReadyToLiveInJungle(int yearsInJungle, String person) {
202  *       ...
203  *   }
204  *   ...
205  *   class CartoonCharactersProvider {
206  *      public static Object[] provideCartoonCharactersManually() {
207  *          return $(
208  *              $(0, "Tarzan"),
209  *              $(20, "Jane")
210  *          );
211  *      }
212  *      public static Object[] provideCartoonCharactersFromDB() {
213  *          return cartoonsRepository.loadCharacters();
214  *      }
215  *   }
216  * </pre>
217  *
218  * All methods starting with <code>provide</code> are used as parameter
219  * providers.
220  *
221  * <p>
222  * Sometimes though you may want to use just one or few methods of some class to
223  * provide you parameters. This can be done as well like this:
224  *
225  * <pre>
226  *   &#064;Test
227  *   &#064;Parameters(source = CartoonCharactersProvider.class, method = "cinderellaCharacters,snowwhiteCharacters")
228  *   public void testPrincesses(boolean isAPrincess, String characterName) {
229  *       ...
230  *   }
231  * </pre>
232  *
233  *
234  * <h4 id="d">d. Loading parameters from files</h4> You may be interested in
235  * loading parameters from a file. This is very easy if it's a CSV file with
236  * columns in the same order as test method parameters:
237  *
238  * <pre>
239  *   &#064;Test
240  *   &#064;FileParameters("cartoon-characters.csv")
241  *   public void shouldSurviveInJungle(int yearsInJungle, String person) {
242  *       ...
243  *   }
244  * </pre>
245  *
246  * But if you want to process the data from the CSV file a bit to use it in the
247  * test method arguments, you
248  * need to use an <code>IdentityMapper</code>. Look:
249  *
250  * <pre>
251  *   &#064;Test
252  *   &#064;FileParameters(value = "cartoon-characters.csv", mapper = CartoonMapper.class)
253  *   public void shouldSurviveInJungle(Person person) {
254  *       ...
255  *   }
256  *
257  *   public class CartoonMapper extends IdentityMapper {
258  *     &#064;Override
259  *     public Object[] map(Reader reader) {
260  *         Object[] map = super.map(reader);
261  *         List&lt;Object[]&gt; result = new LinkedList&lt;Object[]&gt;();
262  *         for (Object lineObj : map) {
263  *             String line = (String) lineObj; // line in a format just like in the file
264  *             result.add(new Object[] { ..... }); // some format edible by the test method
265  *         }
266  *         return result.toArray();
267  *     }
268  *
269  * }
270  * </pre>
271  *
272  * A CSV files with a header are also supported with the use of <code>CsvWithHeaderMapper</code> class.
273  *
274  * You may also want to use a completely different file format, like excel or
275  * something. Then just parse it yourself:
276  *
277  * <pre>
278  *   &#064;Test
279  *   &#064;FileParameters(value = "cartoon-characters.xsl", mapper = ExcelCartoonMapper.class)
280  *   public void shouldSurviveInJungle(Person person) {
281  *       ...
282  *   }
283  *
284  *   public class CartoonMapper implements DataMapper {
285  *     &#064;Override
286  *     public Object[] map(Reader fileReader) {
287  *         ...
288  *     }
289  * }
290  * </pre>
291  *
292  * As you see, you don't need to open or close the file. Just read it from the
293  * reader and parse it the way you wish.
294  *
295  * By default the file is loaded from the file system, relatively to where you start the tests from. But you can also use a resource from
296  * the classpath by prefixing the file name with <code>classpath:</code>
297  *
298  * <h4 id="e">e. Converting parameter values</h4>
299  * Sometimes you want to pass some parameter in one form, but use it in the test in another. Dates are a good example. It's handy to
300  * specify them in the parameters as a String like "2013.01.01", but you'd like to use a Jodatime's LocalDate or JDKs Date in the test
301  * without manually converting the value in the test. This is where the converters become handy. It's enough to annotate a parameter with
302  * a <code>&#064;ConvertParam</code> annotation, give it a converter class and possibly some options (like date format in this case) and
303  * you're done. Here's an example:
304  * <pre>
305  *     &#064;Test
306  *     &#064;Parameters({ "01.12.2012, A" })
307  *     public void convertMultipleParams(
308  *                  &#064;ConvertParam(value = StringToDateConverter.class, options = "dd.MM.yyyy") Date date,
309  *                  &#064;ConvertParam(LetterToASCIIConverter.class) int num) {
310  *
311  *         Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
312  *         calendar.setTime(date);
313  *
314  *         assertEquals(2012, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
315  *         assertEquals(11, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH));
316  *         assertEquals(1, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
317  *
318  *         assertEquals(65, num);
319  *     }
320  * </pre>
321  *
322  * <h3 id="p2">2. Usage with Spring</h3>
323  * <p>
324  * You can easily use JUnitParams together with Spring. The only problem is that
325  * Spring's test framework is based on JUnit runners, and JUnit allows only one
326  * runner to be run at once. Which would normally mean that you could use only
327  * one of Spring or JUnitParams. Luckily we can cheat Spring a little by adding
328  * this to your test class:
329  *
330  * <pre>
331  * private TestContextManager testContextManager;
332  *
333  * &#064;Before
334  * public void init() throws Exception {
335  *     this.testContextManager = new TestContextManager(getClass());
336  *     this.testContextManager.prepareTestInstance(this);
337  * }
338  * </pre>
339  *
340  * This lets you use in your tests anything that Spring provides in its test
341  * framework.
342  *
343  * <h3 id="p3">3. Other options</h3>
344  * <h4> Enhancing test case description</h4>
345  * You can use <code>TestCaseName</code> annotation to provide template of the individual test case name:
346  * <pre>
347  *     &#064;TestCaseName("factorial({0}) = {1}")
348  *     &#064;Parameters({ "1,1"})
349  *     public void fractional_test(int argument, int result) { }
350  * </pre>
351  * Will be displayed as 'fractional(1)=1'
352  * <h4>Customizing how parameter objects are shown in IDE</h4>
353  * <p>
354  * Tests show up in your IDE as a tree with test class name being the root, test
355  * methods being nodes, and parameter sets being the leaves. If you want to
356  * customize the way an parameter object is shown, create a <b>toString</b>
357  * method for it.
358  * <h4>Empty parameter sets</h4>
359  * <p>
360  * If you create a parameterised test, but won't give it any parameter sets, it
361  * will be ignored and you'll be warned about it.
362  * <h4>Parameterised test with no parameters</h4>
363  * <p>
364  * If for some reason you want to have a normal non-parameterised method to be
365  * annotated with @Parameters, then fine, you can do it. But it will be ignored
366  * then, since there won't be any params for it, and parameterised tests need
367  * parameters to execute properly (parameters are a part of test setup, right?)
368  * <h4>JUnit Rules</h4>
369  * <p>
370  * The runner for parameterised test is trying to keep all the @Rule's running,
371  * but if something doesn't work - let me know. It's pretty tricky, since the
372  * rules in JUnit are chained, but the chain is kind of... unstructured, so
373  * sometimes I need to guess how to call the next element in chain. If you have
374  * your own rule, make sure it has a field of type Statement which is the next
375  * statement in chain to call.
376  * <h4>Test inheritance</h4>
377  * <p>
378  * Although usually a bad idea, since it makes tests less readable, sometimes
379  * inheritance is the best way to remove repetitions from tests. JUnitParams is
380  * fine with inheritance - you can define a common test in the superclass, and
381  * have separate parameters provider methods in the subclasses. Also the other
382  * way around is ok, you can define parameter providers in superclass and have
383  * tests in subclasses uses them as their input.
384  *
385  * @author Pawel Lipinski (lipinski.pawel@gmail.com)
386  */
387 public class JUnitParamsRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {
389     private final MethodBlockSupplier methodBlockSupplier;
JUnitParamsRunner(Class<?> klass)391     public JUnitParamsRunner(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {
392         super(klass);
393         methodBlockSupplier = new MethodBlockSupplier() {
394             @Override
395             public Statement getMethodBlock(InvokableFrameworkMethod method) {
396                 return methodBlock(method);
397             }
398         };
399     }
401     @Override
collectInitializationErrors(List<Throwable> errors)402     protected void collectInitializationErrors(List<Throwable> errors) {
403         super.validateFields(errors);
404         for (Throwable throwable : errors)
405             throwable.printStackTrace();
406     }
408     @Override
runChild(FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier)409     protected void runChild(FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier) {
410         DescribableFrameworkMethod describableMethod = getDescribableMethod(method);
411         if (handleIgnored(describableMethod, notifier))
412             return;
414         if (method instanceof ParameterisedFrameworkMethod) {
415             ParameterisedFrameworkMethod parameterisedFrameworkMethod =
416                     (ParameterisedFrameworkMethod) method;
418             List<InstanceFrameworkMethod> methods = parameterisedFrameworkMethod.getMethods();
419             for (InstanceFrameworkMethod frameworkMethod : methods) {
420                 frameworkMethod.run(methodBlockSupplier, notifier);
421             }
422         }
423         else if (describableMethod instanceof InvokableFrameworkMethod) {
424             ((InvokableFrameworkMethod) describableMethod).run(methodBlockSupplier, notifier);
425         }
426         else {
427             throw new IllegalStateException(
428                     "Unsupported FrameworkMethod class: " + method.getClass());
429         }
430     }
432     /**
433      * Check that the supplied method is one that was originally in the list returned by
434      * {@link #computeTestMethods()}.
435      *
436      * @param method the method, must be an instance of {@link DescribableFrameworkMethod}
437      * @return the supplied method cast to {@link DescribableFrameworkMethod}
438      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied method is not a
439      *         {@link DescribableFrameworkMethod}
440      */
getDescribableMethod(FrameworkMethod method)441     private DescribableFrameworkMethod getDescribableMethod(FrameworkMethod method) {
442         if (!(method instanceof DescribableFrameworkMethod)) {
443             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
444                     "Unsupported FrameworkMethod class: " + method.getClass()
445                             + ", expected a DescribableFrameworkMethod subclass");
446         }
448         return (DescribableFrameworkMethod) method;
449     }
handleIgnored(DescribableFrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier)451     private boolean handleIgnored(DescribableFrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier) {
452         // A parameterised method that is ignored (either due to @Ignore or due to empty parameters)
453         // is treated as if it was a non-parameterised method.
454         boolean ignored = (method instanceof NonParameterisedFrameworkMethod)
455                 && ((NonParameterisedFrameworkMethod) method).isIgnored();
456         if (ignored)
457             notifier.fireTestIgnored(method.getDescription());
459         return ignored;
460     }
462     @Override
computeTestMethods()463     protected List<FrameworkMethod> computeTestMethods() {
464         return TestMethod.listFrom(getTestClass());
465     }
467     @Override
methodInvoker(FrameworkMethod method, Object test)468     protected Statement methodInvoker(FrameworkMethod method, Object test) {
469         if (method instanceof InvokableFrameworkMethod) {
470             return ((InvokableFrameworkMethod) method).getInvokeStatement(test);
471         }
472         throw new IllegalStateException(
473                 "Unsupported FrameworkMethod class: " + method.getClass()
474                         + ", expected an InvokableFrameworkMethod subclass");
475     }
477     @Override
describeChild(FrameworkMethod method)478     protected Description describeChild(FrameworkMethod method) {
479         return getDescribableMethod(method).getDescription();
480     }
482     /**
483      * Shortcut for returning an array of objects. All parameters passed to this
484      * method are returned in an <code>Object[]</code> array.
485      *
486      * Should not be used to create var-args arrays, because of the way Java resolves
487      * var-args for objects and primitives.
488      *
489      * @deprecated This method is no longer supported. It might be removed in future
490      * as it does not support all cases (especially var-args). Create arrays using
491      * <code>new Object[]{}</code> instead.
492      *
493      * @param params
494      *            Values to be returned in an <code>Object[]</code> array.
495      * @return Values passed to this method.
496      */
497     @Deprecated
$(Object... params)498     public static Object[] $(Object... params) {
499         return params;
500     }
501 }