1 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
6 // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
10 // UNSUPPORTED: c++98, c++03
12 // <filesystem>
14 // class path
16 // template <class Source>
17 //      path& operator=(Source const&);
18 //  path& operator=(string_type&&);
19 // template <class Source>
20 //      path& assign(Source const&);
21 // template <class InputIterator>
22 //      path& assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
25 #include "filesystem_include.hpp"
26 #include <type_traits>
27 #include <string_view>
28 #include <cassert>
30 #include "test_macros.h"
31 #include "test_iterators.h"
32 #include "count_new.hpp"
33 #include "filesystem_test_helper.hpp"
34 #include <iostream>
37 template <class CharT>
RunTestCase(MultiStringType const & MS)38 void RunTestCase(MultiStringType const& MS) {
39   using namespace fs;
40   const char* Expect = MS;
41   const CharT* TestPath = MS;
42   const CharT* TestPathEnd = StrEnd(TestPath);
43   const std::size_t Size = TestPathEnd - TestPath;
44   const std::size_t SSize = StrEnd(Expect) - Expect;
45   assert(Size == SSize);
46   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47   // basic_string<Char, Traits, Alloc>
48   {
49     const std::basic_string<CharT> S(TestPath);
50     path p; PathReserve(p, S.length() + 1);
51     {
52       // string provides a contiguous iterator. No allocation needed.
53       DisableAllocationGuard g;
54       path& pref = (p = S);
55       assert(&pref == &p);
56     }
57     assert(p.native() == Expect);
58     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
59     assert(p.string<CharT>() == S);
60   }
61   {
62     const std::basic_string<CharT> S(TestPath);
63     path p; PathReserve(p, S.length() + 1);
64     {
65       DisableAllocationGuard g;
66       path& pref = p.assign(S);
67       assert(&pref == &p);
68     }
69     assert(p.native() == Expect);
70     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
71     assert(p.string<CharT>() == S);
72   }
73   // basic_string<Char, Traits, Alloc>
74   {
75     const std::basic_string_view<CharT> S(TestPath);
76     path p; PathReserve(p, S.length() + 1);
77     {
78       // string provides a contiguous iterator. No allocation needed.
79       DisableAllocationGuard g;
80       path& pref = (p = S);
81       assert(&pref == &p);
82     }
83     assert(p.native() == Expect);
84     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
85     assert(p.string<CharT>() == S);
86   }
87   {
88     const std::basic_string_view<CharT> S(TestPath);
89     path p; PathReserve(p, S.length() + 1);
90     {
91       DisableAllocationGuard g;
92       path& pref = p.assign(S);
93       assert(&pref == &p);
94     }
95     assert(p.native() == Expect);
96     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
97     assert(p.string<CharT>() == S);
98   }
99   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100   // Char* pointers
101   {
102     path p; PathReserve(p, Size + 1);
103     {
104       // char* pointers are contiguous and can be used with code_cvt directly.
105       // no allocations needed.
106       DisableAllocationGuard g;
107       path& pref = (p = TestPath);
108       assert(&pref == &p);
109     }
110     assert(p.native() == Expect);
111     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
112   }
113   {
114     path p; PathReserve(p, Size + 1);
115     {
116       DisableAllocationGuard g;
117       path& pref = p.assign(TestPath);
118       assert(&pref == &p);
119     }
120     assert(p.native() == Expect);
121     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
122   }
123   {
124     path p; PathReserve(p, Size + 1);
125     {
126       DisableAllocationGuard g;
127       path& pref = p.assign(TestPath, TestPathEnd);
128       assert(&pref == &p);
129     }
130     assert(p.native() == Expect);
131     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
132   }
133   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
134   // Iterators
135   {
136     using It = input_iterator<const CharT*>;
137     path p; PathReserve(p, Size + 1);
138     It it(TestPath);
139     {
140       // Iterators cannot be used with code_cvt directly. This assignment
141       // may allocate if it's larger than a "short-string".
142       path& pref = (p = it);
143       assert(&pref == &p);
144     }
145     assert(p.native() == Expect);
146     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
147   }
148   {
149     using It = input_iterator<const CharT*>;
150     path p; PathReserve(p, Size + 1);
151     It it(TestPath);
152     {
153       path& pref = p.assign(it);
154       assert(&pref == &p);
155     }
156     assert(p.native() == Expect);
157     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
158   }
159   {
160     using It = input_iterator<const CharT*>;
161     path p; PathReserve(p, Size + 1);
162     It it(TestPath);
163     It e(TestPathEnd);
164     {
165       path& pref = p.assign(it, e);
166       assert(&pref == &p);
167     }
168     assert(p.native() == Expect);
169     assert(p.string<CharT>() == TestPath);
170   }
171 }
173 template <class It, class = decltype(fs::path{}.assign(std::declval<It>()))>
has_assign(int)174 constexpr bool has_assign(int) { return true; }
175 template <class It>
has_assign(long)176 constexpr bool has_assign(long) { return false; }
177 template <class It>
has_assign()178 constexpr bool has_assign() { return has_assign<It>(0); }
test_sfinae()180 void test_sfinae() {
181   using namespace fs;
182   {
183     using It = const char* const;
184     static_assert(std::is_assignable<path, It>::value, "");
185     static_assert(has_assign<It>(), "");
186   }
187   {
188     using It = input_iterator<const char*>;
189     static_assert(std::is_assignable<path, It>::value, "");
190     static_assert(has_assign<It>(), "");
191   }
192   {
193     struct Traits {
194       using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
195       using value_type = const char;
196       using pointer = const char*;
197       using reference = const char&;
198       using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
199     };
200     using It = input_iterator<const char*, Traits>;
201     static_assert(std::is_assignable<path, It>::value, "");
202     static_assert(has_assign<It>(), "");
203   }
204   {
205     using It = output_iterator<const char*>;
206     static_assert(!std::is_assignable<path, It>::value, "");
207     static_assert(!has_assign<It>(), "");
209   }
210   {
211     static_assert(!std::is_assignable<path, int*>::value, "");
212     static_assert(!has_assign<int*>(), "");
213   }
214 }
RunStringMoveTest(const char * Expect)216 void RunStringMoveTest(const char* Expect) {
217   using namespace fs;
218   std::string ss(Expect);
219   path p;
220   {
221     DisableAllocationGuard g; ((void)g);
222     path& pr = (p = std::move(ss));
223     assert(&pr == &p);
224   }
225   assert(p == Expect);
226   {
227     // Signature test
228     ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(p = std::move(ss));
229   }
230 }
main()232 int main() {
233   for (auto const& MS : PathList) {
234     RunTestCase<char>(MS);
235     RunTestCase<wchar_t>(MS);
236     RunTestCase<char16_t>(MS);
237     RunTestCase<char32_t>(MS);
238     RunStringMoveTest(MS);
239   }
240   test_sfinae();
241 }