1 //===--------------------- catch_pointer_nullptr.cpp ----------------------===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
6 // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
10 // UNSUPPORTED: libcxxabi-no-exceptions
12 #include <cassert>
13 #include <cstdlib>
14 #include <iostream>
16 // Roll our own assertion macro to get better error messages out of the tests.
17 // In particular on systems that don't use __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ in assertions.
18 #define my_assert(pred, msg) do_assert(pred, msg, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
do_assert(bool assert_passed,const char * msg,int line,const char * func)20 void do_assert(bool assert_passed, const char* msg, int line, const char* func) {
21   if (assert_passed) return;
22   std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << line << " " << func
23             << ": Assertion Failed `" << msg << "'\n\n";
24   std::abort();
25 }
27 struct A {};
28 struct Base {};
29 struct Derived : public Base {};
31 template <class To>
test_conversion(To)32 bool test_conversion(To) { return true; }
34 template <class To>
test_conversion(...)35 bool test_conversion(...) { return false; }
37 template <class Pointer>
38 struct CreatePointer {
operator ()CreatePointer39   Pointer operator()() const {
40       return (Pointer)0;
41   }
42 };
44 template <class Tp>
45 struct CreatePointer<Tp*> {
operator ()CreatePointer46   Tp* operator()() const {
47       return (Tp*)42;
48   }
49 };
51 template <class Throw, class Catch>
catch_pointer_test()52 void catch_pointer_test() {
53   Throw throw_ptr = CreatePointer<Throw>()();
54   // Use the compiler to determine if the exception of type Throw can be
55   // implicitly converted to type Catch.
56   const bool can_convert = test_conversion<Catch>(throw_ptr);
57   try {
58     throw throw_ptr;
59     assert(false);
60   } catch (Catch catch_ptr) {
61     Catch catch2 = CreatePointer<Catch>()();
62     my_assert(can_convert, "non-convertible type incorrectly caught");
63     my_assert(catch_ptr == catch2,
64               "Thrown pointer does not match caught ptr");
65   } catch (...) {
66     my_assert(!can_convert, "convertible type incorrectly not caught");
67   }
68 }
70 // Generate CV qualified pointer typedefs.
71 template <class Tp, bool First = false>
72 struct TestTypes {
73   typedef Tp* Type;
74   typedef Tp const* CType;
75   typedef Tp volatile* VType;
76   typedef Tp const volatile* CVType;
77 };
79 // Special case for cv-qualifying a pointer-to-member without adding an extra
80 // pointer to it.
81 template <class Member, class Class>
82 struct TestTypes<Member Class::*, true> {
83   typedef Member (Class::*Type);
84   typedef const Member (Class::*CType);
85   typedef volatile Member (Class::*VType);
86   typedef const volatile Member (Class::*CVType);
87 };
89 template <class Throw, class Catch, int level, bool first = false>
90 struct generate_tests_imp {
91   typedef TestTypes<Throw, first> ThrowTypes;
92   typedef TestTypes<Catch, first> CatchTypes;
operator ()generate_tests_imp93   void operator()() {
94       typedef typename ThrowTypes::Type Type;
95       typedef typename ThrowTypes::CType CType;
96       typedef typename ThrowTypes::VType VType;
97       typedef typename ThrowTypes::CVType CVType;
99       run_catch_tests<Type>();
100       run_catch_tests<CType>();
101       run_catch_tests<VType>();
102       run_catch_tests<CVType>();
103   }
105   template <class ThrowTp>
run_catch_testsgenerate_tests_imp106   void run_catch_tests() {
107       typedef typename CatchTypes::Type Type;
108       typedef typename CatchTypes::CType CType;
109       typedef typename CatchTypes::VType VType;
110       typedef typename CatchTypes::CVType CVType;
112       catch_pointer_test<ThrowTp, Type>();
113       catch_pointer_test<ThrowTp, CType>();
114       catch_pointer_test<ThrowTp, VType>();
115       catch_pointer_test<ThrowTp, CVType>();
117       generate_tests_imp<ThrowTp, Type, level-1>()();
118       generate_tests_imp<ThrowTp, CType, level-1>()();
119       generate_tests_imp<ThrowTp, VType, level-1>()();
120       generate_tests_imp<ThrowTp, CVType, level-1>()();
121   }
122 };
124 template <class Throw, class Catch, bool first>
125 struct generate_tests_imp<Throw, Catch, 0, first> {
operator ()generate_tests_imp126   void operator()() {
127       catch_pointer_test<Throw, Catch>();
128   }
129 };
131 template <class Throw, class Catch, int level>
132 struct generate_tests : generate_tests_imp<Throw, Catch, level, true> {};
main()134 int main()
135 {
136   generate_tests<int, int, 3>()();
137   generate_tests<Base, Derived, 2>()();
138   generate_tests<Derived, Base, 2>()();
139   generate_tests<int, void, 2>()();
140   generate_tests<void, int, 2>()();
142   generate_tests<int A::*, int A::*, 3>()();
143   generate_tests<int A::*, void, 2>()();
144   generate_tests<void, int A::*, 2>()();
145 }