10x12300000: 0x69040000: 3DSTATE_PIPELINE_SELECT 20x12300004: 0x790d0002: 3DSTATE_MULTISAMPLE 30x12300008: 0x00000000: dword 1 40x1230000c: 0x00000000: dword 2 50x12300010: 0x00000000: dword 3 60x12300014: 0x78180000: 3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK 70x12300018: 0x00000001: dword 1 80x1230001c: 0x61020000: STATE_SIP 90x12300020: 0x00000000: dword 1 100x12300024: 0x680b0000: 3DSTATE_VF_STATISTICS 110x12300028: 0x61010008: STATE_BASE_ADDRESS 120x1230002c: 0x00000001: general state base address 0x00000000 130x12300030: 0x091ba001: surface state base address 0x091ba000 140x12300034: 0x091ba001: dynamic state base address 0x091ba000 150x12300038: 0x00000001: indirect state base address 0x00000000 160x1230003c: 0x091c2001: instruction state base address 0x091c2000 170x12300040: 0x00000001: general state upper bound disabled 180x12300044: 0x091c2001: dynamic state upper bound 0x091c2000 190x12300048: 0x00000001: indirect state upper bound disabled 200x1230004c: 0x00000001: instruction state upper bound disabled 210x12300050: 0x78230000: 3DSTATE_VIEWPORT_STATE_POINTERS_CC 220x12300054: 0x00007fe0: pointer to CC viewport 230x12300058: 0x78210000: 3DSTATE_VIEWPORT_STATE_POINTERS_SF_CLIP 240x1230005c: 0x00007f80: pointer to SF_CLIP viewport 250x12300060: 0x78300000: 3DSTATE_URB_VS 260x12300064: 0x040002c0: 16KB start, size=1 64B rows, nr_entries=704, total size 45056B 270x12300068: 0x78330000: 3DSTATE_URB_GS 280x1230006c: 0x04000000: 16KB start, size=1 64B rows, nr_entries=0, total size 0B 290x12300070: 0x78310000: 3DSTATE_URB_HS 300x12300074: 0x04000000: 16KB start, size=1 64B rows, nr_entries=0, total size 0B 310x12300078: 0x78320000: 3DSTATE_URB_DS 320x1230007c: 0x04000000: 16KB start, size=1 64B rows, nr_entries=0, total size 0B 330x12300080: 0x78240000: 3DSTATE_BLEND_STATE_POINTERS 340x12300084: 0x00007f41: pointer to BLEND_STATE at 0x00007f40 (changed) 350x12300088: 0x780e0000: 3DSTATE_CC_STATE_POINTERS 360x1230008c: 0x00007f01: pointer to COLOR_CALC_STATE at 0x00007f00 (changed) 370x12300090: 0x78250000: 3DSTATE_DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE_POINTERS 380x12300094: 0x00007ec1: pointer to DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE at 0x00007ec0 (changed) 390x12300098: 0x78160005: 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_GS 400x1230009c: 0x00000000: len 0 = 0, len 1 = 0 410x123000a0: 0x00000000: len 2 = 0, len 3 = 0 420x123000a4: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 0 430x123000a8: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 1 440x123000ac: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 2 450x123000b0: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 3 460x123000b4: 0x78110005: 3DSTATE_GS 470x123000b8: 0x00000000: kernel pointer 480x123000bc: 0x00000000: SPF=0, VME=0, Sampler Count 0, Binding table count 0 490x123000c0: 0x00000000: scratch offset 500x123000c4: 0x00000401: Dispatch GRF start 1, VUE read length 0, VUE read offset 0 510x123000c8: 0x00000400: Max Threads 1, Rendering disable 520x123000cc: 0x00000000: Reorder disable, Discard Adjaceny disable, GS disable 530x123000d0: 0x78290000: 3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_GS 540x123000d4: 0x00000000: dword 1 550x123000d8: 0x78190005: 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_HS 560x123000dc: 0x00000000: len 0 = 0, len 1 = 0 570x123000e0: 0x00000000: len 2 = 0, len 3 = 0 580x123000e4: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 0 590x123000e8: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 1 600x123000ec: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 2 610x123000f0: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 3 620x123000f4: 0x781b0005: 3DSTATE_HS 630x123000f8: 0x00000000: dword 1 640x123000fc: 0x00000000: dword 2 650x12300100: 0x00000000: dword 3 660x12300104: 0x00000000: dword 4 670x12300108: 0x00000000: dword 5 680x1230010c: 0x00000000: dword 6 690x12300110: 0x78270000: 3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_HS 700x12300114: 0x00000000: dword 1 710x12300118: 0x781c0002: 3DSTATE_TE 720x1230011c: 0x00000000: dword 1 730x12300120: 0x00000000: dword 2 740x12300124: 0x00000000: dword 3 750x12300128: 0x781a0005: 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_DS 760x1230012c: 0x00000000: len 0 = 0, len 1 = 0 770x12300130: 0x00000000: len 2 = 0, len 3 = 0 780x12300134: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 0 790x12300138: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 1 800x1230013c: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 2 810x12300140: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 3 820x12300144: 0x781d0004: 3DSTATE_DS 830x12300148: 0x00000000: dword 1 840x1230014c: 0x00000000: dword 2 850x12300150: 0x00000000: dword 3 860x12300154: 0x00000000: dword 4 870x12300158: 0x00000000: dword 5 880x1230015c: 0x78280000: 3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_DS 890x12300160: 0x00000000: dword 1 900x12300164: 0x78260000: 3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_VS 910x12300168: 0x00007c40: dword 1 920x1230016c: 0x782b0000: 3DSTATE_SAMPLER_STATE_POINTERS_VS 930x12300170: 0x00007c20: dword 1 940x12300174: 0x79120000: 3DSTATE_PUSH_CONSTANT_ALLOC_VS 950x12300178: 0x00000008: dword 1 960x1230017c: 0x78150005: 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_VS 970x12300180: 0x00000002: len 0 = 2, len 1 = 0 980x12300184: 0x00000000: len 2 = 0, len 3 = 0 990x12300188: 0x00007e00: pointer to constbuf 0 1000x1230018c: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 1 1010x12300190: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 2 1020x12300194: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 3 1030x12300198: 0x78100004: 3DSTATE_VS 1040x1230019c: 0x00000000: kernel pointer 1050x123001a0: 0x08000000: SPF=0, VME=0, Sampler Count 1, Binding table count 0 1060x123001a4: 0x00000000: scratch offset 1070x123001a8: 0x00100800: Dispatch GRF start 1, VUE read length 1, VUE read offset 0 1080x123001ac: 0xfe000401: Max Threads 128, Vertex Cache enable, VS func enable 1090x123001b0: 0x781e0001: 3DSTATE_STREAMOUT 1100x123001b4: 0x00000000: dword 1 1110x123001b8: 0x00000000: dword 2 1120x123001bc: 0x78120002: 3DSTATE_CLIP 1130x123001c0: 0x00150400: UserClip distance cull test mask 0x0 1140x123001c4: 0x98000026: Clip enable, API mode OGL, Viewport XY test enable, Viewport Z test enable, Guardband test disable, Clip mode 0, Perspective Divide enable, Non-Perspective Barycentric disable, Tri Provoking 2, Line Provoking 1, Trifan Provoking 2 1150x123001c8: 0x0003ffe0: Min PointWidth 1, Max PointWidth 2047, Force Zero RTAIndex enable, Max VPIndex 0 1160x123001cc: 0x781f000c: 3DSTATE_SBE 1170x123001d0: 0x00600810: dword 1 1180x123001d4: 0x00000000: dword 2 1190x123001d8: 0x00000000: dword 3 1200x123001dc: 0x00000000: dword 4 1210x123001e0: 0x00000000: dword 5 1220x123001e4: 0x00000000: dword 6 1230x123001e8: 0x00000000: dword 7 1240x123001ec: 0x00000000: dword 8 1250x123001f0: 0x00000000: dword 9 1260x123001f4: 0x00000000: dword 10 1270x123001f8: 0x00000000: dword 11 1280x123001fc: 0x00000000: dword 12 1290x12300200: 0x00000000: dword 13 1300x12300204: 0x78130005: 3DSTATE_SF 1310x12300208: 0x00001403: dword 1 1320x1230020c: 0x22000000: dword 2 1330x12300210: 0x4c000808: dword 3 1340x12300214: 0x00000000: dword 4 1350x12300218: 0x00000000: dword 5 1360x1230021c: 0x00000000: dword 6 1370x12300220: 0x78140001: 3DSTATE_WM 1380x12300224: 0xa0000840: (PP ), point UR 1390x12300228: 0x00000000: MS 1400x1230022c: 0x782a0000: 3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_PS 1410x12300230: 0x00007c40: dword 1 1420x12300234: 0x782f0000: 3DSTATE_SAMPLER_STATE_POINTERS_PS 1430x12300238: 0x00007c20: dword 1 1440x1230023c: 0x79160000: 3DSTATE_PUSH_CONSTANT_ALLOC_PS 1450x12300240: 0x00080008: dword 1 1460x12300244: 0x78170005: 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_PS 1470x12300248: 0x00000000: len 0 = 0, len 1 = 0 1480x1230024c: 0x00000000: len 2 = 0, len 3 = 0 1490x12300250: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 0 1500x12300254: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 1 1510x12300258: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 2 1520x1230025c: 0x00000000: pointer to constbuf 3 1530x12300260: 0x78200006: 3DSTATE_PS 1540x12300264: 0x00000140: dword 1 1550x12300268: 0x08000000: dword 2 1560x1230026c: 0x00000000: dword 3 1570x12300270: 0x55000403: dword 4 1580x12300274: 0x00040006: dword 5 1590x12300278: 0x00000000: dword 6 1600x1230027c: 0x00000240: dword 7 1610x12300280: 0x780f0000: 3DSTATE_SCISSOR_POINTERS 1620x12300284: 0x00007be0: scissor rect offset 1630x12300288: 0x7a000002: PIPE_CONTROL 1640x1230028c: 0x00002000: no write, depth stall, 1650x12300290: 0x00000000: 1660x12300294: 0x00000000: 1670x12300298: 0x7a000002: PIPE_CONTROL 1680x1230029c: 0x00000001: no write, depth cache flush, 1690x123002a0: 0x00000000: 1700x123002a4: 0x00000000: 1710x123002a8: 0x7a000002: PIPE_CONTROL 1720x123002ac: 0x00002000: no write, depth stall, 1730x123002b0: 0x00000000: 1740x123002b4: 0x00000000: 1750x123002b8: 0x78050005: 3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER 1760x123002bc: 0xe0040000: dword 1 1770x123002c0: 0x00000000: dword 2 1780x123002c4: 0x00000000: dword 3 1790x123002c8: 0x00000000: dword 4 1800x123002cc: 0x00000000: dword 5 1810x123002d0: 0x00000000: dword 6 1820x123002d4: 0x78070001: 3DSTATE_HIER_DEPTH_BUFFER 1830x123002d8: 0x00000000: pitch 1b 1840x123002dc: 0x00000000: pointer to HiZ buffer 1850x123002e0: 0x78060001: 3DSTATE_STENCIL_BUFFER 1860x123002e4: 0x00000000: dword 1 1870x123002e8: 0x00000000: dword 2 1880x123002ec: 0x78040001: 3DSTATE_CLEAR_PARAMS 1890x123002f0: 0x00000000: dword 1 1900x123002f4: 0x00000000: dword 2 1910x123002f8: 0x79000002: 3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE 1920x123002fc: 0x00000000: top left: 0,0 1930x12300300: 0x00130077: bottom right: 119,19 1940x12300304: 0x00000000: origin: 0,0 1950x12300308: 0x78080003: 3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS 1960x1230030c: 0x00004014: buffer 0: sequential, pitch 20b 1970x12300310: 0x158b3000: buffer address 1980x12300314: 0x158c2fff: max index 1990x12300318: 0x00000000: mbz 2000x1230031c: 0x78090003: 3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS 2010x12300320: 0x02850000: buffer 0: valid, type 0x0085, src offset 0x0000 bytes 2020x12300324: 0x11230000: (X, Y, 0.0, 1.0), dst offset 0x00 bytes 2030x12300328: 0x02400008: buffer 0: valid, type 0x0040, src offset 0x0008 bytes 2040x1230032c: 0x11130000: (X, Y, Z, 1.0), dst offset 0x00 bytes 2050x12300330: 0x7b000005: 3DPRIMITIVE: 2060x12300334: 0x00000007: quad list sequential 2070x12300338: 0x00000004: vertex count 2080x1230033c: 0x00000000: start vertex 2090x12300340: 0x00000001: instance count 2100x12300344: 0x00000000: start instance 2110x12300348: 0x00000000: index bias 2120x1230034c: 0x05000000: MI_BATCH_BUFFER_END 213