1 /******************************************************************************
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *****************************************************************************
18  * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
19 */
20 /*****************************************************************************/
21 /*                                                                           */
22 /*  File Name         : impeg2d_bitstream.c                                  */
23 /*                                                                           */
24 /*  Description       : This file contains all the necessary examples to     */
25 /*                      establish a consistent use of Ittiam C coding        */
26 /*                      standards (based on Indian Hill C Standards)         */
27 /*                                                                           */
28 /*  List of Functions : <List the functions defined in this file>            */
29 /*                                                                           */
30 /*  Issues / Problems : None                                                 */
31 /*                                                                           */
32 /*  Revision History  :                                                      */
33 /*                                                                           */
34 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
35 /*         10 01 2005   Ittiam          Draft                                */
36 /*                                                                           */
37 /*****************************************************************************/
38 #include <stdlib.h>
40 #include "iv_datatypedef.h"
41 #include "impeg2_defs.h"
42 #include "impeg2_platform_macros.h"
43 #include "impeg2_macros.h"
44 #include "impeg2d_bitstream.h"
46 #define BIT(val,bit)      (UWORD16)(((val) >> (bit)) & 0x1)
47 /******************************************************************************
48 *
49 *  Function Name    : impeg2d_bit_stream_init
50 *
51 *  Description      : This is a Bitstream initialising function.
52 *  Arguments        :
53 *  stream           : Pointer to the Bitstream.
54 *  byteBuf          : Address of the buffer
55 *  size             : Size of the buffer in bytes
56 *
57 *  Values Returned  : None
58 *******************************************************************************/
impeg2d_bit_stream_init(stream_t * ps_stream,UWORD8 * pu1_byte_buf,UWORD32 u4_max_offset)59 void impeg2d_bit_stream_init(stream_t *ps_stream,
60                              UWORD8 *pu1_byte_buf,
61                              UWORD32 u4_max_offset)
62 {
63     UWORD8      *pu1_byte_buff;
64     UWORD32     *pu4_word_buf;
65     size_t     u4_byte_addr;
66     UWORD32     u4_temp1,u4_temp2;
68     /* Set parameters of the stream structure.Associate the structure with
69        the file */
70     ps_stream->pv_bs_buf           = pu1_byte_buf;
71     ps_stream->u4_offset              = 0;
73     /* Take care of unaligned address and create
74        nearest greater aligned address */
75     pu1_byte_buff               = (UWORD8 *)pu1_byte_buf;
76     u4_byte_addr                = (size_t)pu1_byte_buff;
78     if((u4_byte_addr & 3) == 1)
79     {
80         u4_temp1                = ((UWORD32)(*pu1_byte_buff++)) << 8;
81         u4_temp1                += ((UWORD32)(*pu1_byte_buff++)) << 16;
82         u4_temp1                += ((UWORD32)(*pu1_byte_buff++)) << 24;
84         pu4_word_buf            = (UWORD32 *)pu1_byte_buff;
86         ps_stream->u4_offset          = 8;
87     }
88     else if((u4_byte_addr & 3) == 2)
89     {
90         u4_temp1                = ((UWORD32)(*pu1_byte_buff++)) << 16;
91         u4_temp1                += ((UWORD32)(*pu1_byte_buff++)) << 24;
93         pu4_word_buf            = (UWORD32 *)pu1_byte_buff;
95         ps_stream->u4_offset          = 16;
96     }
97     else if((u4_byte_addr & 3) == 3)
98     {
99         u4_temp1                = (((UWORD32)(*pu1_byte_buff++)) << 24);
101         pu4_word_buf            = (UWORD32 *)pu1_byte_buff;
103         ps_stream->u4_offset          = 24;
104     }
105     else
106     {
107         pu4_word_buf            = (UWORD32 *)pu1_byte_buff;
109         u4_temp1                = *pu4_word_buf++;
110         ps_stream->u4_offset          = 0;
111     }
113     /* convert the endian ness from Little endian to Big endian so that bits
114        are in proper order from MSB to LSB */
115     CONV_LE_TO_BE(u4_temp2,u4_temp1)
117     /* Read One more word for buf nxt */
118     u4_temp1                    = *pu4_word_buf++;
119     ps_stream->u4_buf              = u4_temp2;
121     CONV_LE_TO_BE(u4_temp2,u4_temp1)
123     ps_stream->u4_buf_nxt          = u4_temp2;
125     ps_stream->pu4_buf_aligned      = pu4_word_buf;
128     ps_stream->u4_max_offset        = (u4_max_offset << 3) + ps_stream->u4_offset;
130     return;
131 }
135 /******************************************************************************
136 *
137 *  Function Name    : impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit
138 *
139 *  Description      : This is a Bitstream processing function. It reads the
140 *                     bit currently pointed by the bit pointer in the buffer and
141 *                     advances the pointer by one.
142 *  Arguments        :
143 *  stream           : Pointer to the Bitstream.
144 *
145 *  Values Returned  : The bit read(0/1)
146 *******************************************************************************/
impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(stream_t * ps_stream)147 INLINE UWORD8 impeg2d_bit_stream_get_bit(stream_t *ps_stream)
148 {
149     UWORD32     u4_bit,u4_offset,u4_temp;
150     UWORD32     u4_curr_bit;
152     u4_offset               = ps_stream->u4_offset;
153     u4_curr_bit             = u4_offset & 0x1F;
154     u4_bit                  = ps_stream->u4_buf;
156     /* Move the current bit read from the current word to the
157        least significant bit positions of 'c'.*/
158     u4_bit                  >>= BITS_IN_INT - u4_curr_bit - 1;
160     u4_offset++;
162     /* If the last bit of the last word of the buffer has been read update
163        the currrent buf with next, and read next buf from bit stream buffer */
164     if (u4_curr_bit == 31)
165     {
166         ps_stream->u4_buf      = ps_stream->u4_buf_nxt;
168         if (ps_stream->u4_offset < ps_stream->u4_max_offset)
169         {
170             u4_temp             = *(ps_stream->pu4_buf_aligned)++;
171             CONV_LE_TO_BE(ps_stream->u4_buf_nxt,u4_temp)
172         }
173     }
174     ps_stream->u4_offset          = u4_offset;
176     return (u4_bit & 0x1);
177 }
178 /******************************************************************************
179 *
180 *  Function Name    : impeg2d_bit_stream_flush
181 *
182 *  Description      : This is a Bitstream processing function. It
183 *                     advances the bit and byte pointers appropriately
184 *
185 *  Arguments        :
186 *  ctxt             : Pointer to the Bitstream.
187 *  numBits          : No of bits to be read
188 *
189 *  Values Returned  : None
190 *******************************************************************************/
impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(void * pv_ctxt,UWORD32 u4_no_of_bits)191 INLINE void impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(void* pv_ctxt, UWORD32 u4_no_of_bits)
192 {
193     stream_t *ps_stream = (stream_t *)pv_ctxt;
196     if (ps_stream->u4_offset <= ps_stream->u4_max_offset)
197     {
198         /* We have to flush the bytes even if the offset is equal to the maximum
199          * offset. This will ensure that a stream with an error exactly at the
200          * offset will not get stuck in an infinite loop - If we do not flush
201          * these bytes, then we keep feeding the erroneous bits.
202          */
203         FLUSH_BITS(ps_stream->u4_offset,ps_stream->u4_buf,ps_stream->u4_buf_nxt,u4_no_of_bits,ps_stream->pu4_buf_aligned)
204     }
205     return;
206 }
207 /******************************************************************************
208 *
209 *  Function Name    : impeg2d_bit_stream_flush_to_byte_boundary
210 *
211 *  Description      : This is a Bitstream processing function.It advances
212 *                     the bit and byte pointers to next byte boundary
213 *
214 *  Arguments        :
215 *  stream           : Pointer to the Bitstream.
216 *  NoOfBits         : No of bits to be read
217 *
218 *  Values Returned  : The bits read (upto 32 bits maximum) starting from the
219 *                     least significant bit and going towards most significant
220 *                     bit in the order of their occurence.
221 *******************************************************************************/
impeg2d_bit_stream_flush_to_byte_boundary(void * pv_ctxt)222 INLINE void impeg2d_bit_stream_flush_to_byte_boundary(void* pv_ctxt)
223 {
224     UWORD8 u1_bit_offset;
225     stream_t *ps_stream = (stream_t *)pv_ctxt;
227     u1_bit_offset = (ps_stream->u4_offset) & 0x7;
230     /* if it is not byte aligned make it byte aligned*/
231     if(u1_bit_offset != 0)
232     {
233         impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(ps_stream,(8 - u1_bit_offset));
234     }
238 }
241 /******************************************************************************
242 *
243 *  Function Name    : ibits_next
244 *
245 *  Description      : This is a Bitstream processing function.It gets the
246 *                     specified number of bits from the buffer without
247 *                     altering the current pointers. It is used mainly to
248 *                     check for some specific pattern of bits like start
249 *                     code. This is equivalent to next_bits() function
250 *                     defined in MPEG-4 Visual Standard Definition of functions
251 *
252 *  Arguments        :
253 *  ctxt             : Pointer to the Bitstream.
254 *  numBits          : No of bits to be read
255 *
256 *  Values Returned  : The bits read (upto 32 bits maximum) starting from the
257 *                     least significant bit and going towards most significant
258 *                     bit in the order of their occurence.
259 *******************************************************************************/
impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(stream_t * ps_stream,WORD32 i4_no_of_bits)260 INLINE UWORD32 impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt( stream_t  *ps_stream, WORD32 i4_no_of_bits)
261 {
262     UWORD32     u4_bits,u4_offset,u4_temp;
263     UWORD8      u4_bit_ptr;
265     ASSERT(i4_no_of_bits > 0);
267     u4_offset               = ps_stream->u4_offset;
268     u4_bit_ptr              = u4_offset & 0x1F;
269     u4_bits                 = ps_stream->u4_buf << u4_bit_ptr;
271     u4_bit_ptr              += i4_no_of_bits;
272     if(32 < u4_bit_ptr)
273     {
274         /*  Read bits from the next word if necessary */
275         u4_temp             = ps_stream->u4_buf_nxt;
276         u4_bit_ptr          &= (BITS_IN_INT - 1);
278         u4_temp             = (u4_temp >> (BITS_IN_INT - u4_bit_ptr));
280         /* u4_temp consists of bits,if any that had to be read from the next word
281            of the buffer.The bits read from both the words are concatenated and
282            moved to the least significant positions of 'u4_bits'*/
283         u4_bits = (u4_bits >> (32 - i4_no_of_bits)) | u4_temp;
284     }
285     else
286     {
287         u4_bits = (u4_bits >> (32 - i4_no_of_bits));
288     }
290     return (u4_bits);
291 }
292 /******************************************************************************
293 *
294 *  Function Name    : impeg2d_bit_stream_get
295 *
296 *  Description      : This is a Bitstream processing function. It reads a
297 *                     specified number of bits from the current bit
298 *                     position and advances the bit and byte pointers
299 *                     appropriately
300 *  Arguments        :
301 *  ctxt             : Pointer to the Bitstream.
302 *  numBits          : No of bits to be read
303 *
304 *  Values Returned  : The bits read (upto 32 bits maximum) starting from the
305 *                     least significant bit and going towards most significant
306 *                     bit in the order of their occurence.
307 *******************************************************************************/
impeg2d_bit_stream_get(void * pv_ctxt,UWORD32 u4_num_bits)309 INLINE UWORD32 impeg2d_bit_stream_get(void* pv_ctxt, UWORD32 u4_num_bits)
310 {
311     UWORD32 u4_next_bits = impeg2d_bit_stream_nxt(pv_ctxt, u4_num_bits);
312     impeg2d_bit_stream_flush(pv_ctxt, u4_num_bits);
313     return(u4_next_bits);
314 }
318 /******************************************************************************
319 *
320 *  Function Name    : impeg2d_bit_stream_num_bits_read
321 *
322 *  Description      : This is a Bitstream processing function. It reads a
323 *                     specified number of bits from the current bit
324 *                     position and advances the bit and byte pointers
325 *                     appropriately
326 *  Arguments        :
327 *  ctxt             : Pointer to the Bitstream.
328 *  numBits          : No of bits to be read
329 *
330 *  Values Returned  : The bits read (upto 16 bits maximum) starting from the
331 *                     least significant bit and going towards most significant
332 *                     bit in the order of their occurence.
333 *******************************************************************************/
impeg2d_bit_stream_num_bits_read(void * pv_ctxt)334 INLINE UWORD32 impeg2d_bit_stream_num_bits_read(void* pv_ctxt)
335 {
336     stream_t *u4_no_of_bitsstream = (stream_t *)pv_ctxt;
337     size_t     u4_temp;
338     UWORD32     u4_bits_read;
339     u4_temp         = (size_t)(u4_no_of_bitsstream->pv_bs_buf);
340     u4_temp         &= 0x3;
341     u4_bits_read         = (u4_no_of_bitsstream->u4_offset - (u4_temp << 3));
343     return(u4_bits_read);
345 }