1This document describes the process for reporting bugs found _by_ the 2POSIX Test Test Suites. 3 4A future document will cover how to report bugs found _within_ the 5POSIX Test Test Suites. 6 7This document describes the steps we'd like to take to ensure we are finding 8new, important issues and reporting them in a clear, consice, and effective 9manner. 10 111. Bug is found - i.e., Test case shows failure. 12 Ensure you were testing using: 13 - The latest version of the test case. 14 - The latest version of the code under test. 15 - Code under test that is targeted* for the POSIX Test Suite reporting. 162. Research. 17 Research as many of the following areas as possible to ensure the bug 18 is new: 19 - Mailing list for the code under test. 20 - Bug database for the code under test. 21 - LKML - (one archive: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel) 22 - Kernel bug database - http://bugme.osdl.org 233. Debug as much as possible. 24 Some steps include: 25 - Create a test case which clearly shows the bug. 26 - If possible, find the fault in the code under test causing the test case 27 failure. 28 - If possible, create a patch to fix the fault. 294. If the code under test is compatible with another POSIX version (e.g., 30 1993), then determine whether this test case is for functionality 31 added by the 2001 spec. 32 If yes, document this in the assertions.xml file**. 335. Create an email bug report containing: 34 - description of the issue 35 - kernel used 36 - patches applied 37 - relevant configuration information 38 - hardware used 39 - test case to reproduce the issue (can be included in the email) 406. Send email bug report to the mailing list for the code under test (or 41 its bug database, if applicable). Copy LKML, if applicable. [If it 42 is a bug in the Linux Kernel, submit directly to the Linux Kernel 43 bug database.] 44 45*targeted implementation = an implementation which POSIX Test Suite will 46be run against; not yet formally defined 47**Process for tracing a test case to previous POSIX specifications not 48yet defined. 49 50Contributors: geoffrey.r.gustafson REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com 51 julie.n.fleischer REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com 52