1import unittest
2import sys
4import random
5import math
7from test import test_int, test_support
9# Used for lazy formatting of failure messages
10class Frm(object):
11    def __init__(self, format, *args):
12        self.format = format
13        self.args = args
15    def __str__(self):
16        return self.format % self.args
18# SHIFT should match the value in longintrepr.h for best testing.
19SHIFT = sys.long_info.bits_per_digit
20BASE = 2 ** SHIFT
21MASK = BASE - 1
22KARATSUBA_CUTOFF = 70   # from longobject.c
24# Max number of base BASE digits to use in test cases.  Doubling
25# this will more than double the runtime.
28# build some special values
29special = map(long, [0, 1, 2, BASE, BASE >> 1])
32#  some solid strings of one bits
33p2 = 4L  # 0 and 1 already added
34for i in range(2*SHIFT):
35    special.append(p2 - 1)
36    p2 = p2 << 1
37del p2
38# add complements & negations
39special = special + map(lambda x: ~x, special) + \
40                    map(lambda x: -x, special)
42L = [
43        ('0', 0),
44        ('1', 1),
45        ('9', 9),
46        ('10', 10),
47        ('99', 99),
48        ('100', 100),
49        ('314', 314),
50        (' 314', 314),
51        ('314 ', 314),
52        ('  \t\t  314  \t\t  ', 314),
53        (repr(sys.maxint), sys.maxint),
54        ('  1x', ValueError),
55        ('  1  ', 1),
56        ('  1\02  ', ValueError),
57        ('', ValueError),
58        (' ', ValueError),
59        ('  \t\t  ', ValueError)
61if test_support.have_unicode:
62    L += [
63        (unicode('0'), 0),
64        (unicode('1'), 1),
65        (unicode('9'), 9),
66        (unicode('10'), 10),
67        (unicode('99'), 99),
68        (unicode('100'), 100),
69        (unicode('314'), 314),
70        (unicode(' 314'), 314),
71        (unicode('\u0663\u0661\u0664 ','raw-unicode-escape'), 314),
72        (unicode('  \t\t  314  \t\t  '), 314),
73        (unicode('  1x'), ValueError),
74        (unicode('  1  '), 1),
75        (unicode('  1\02  '), ValueError),
76        (unicode(''), ValueError),
77        (unicode(' '), ValueError),
78        (unicode('  \t\t  '), ValueError),
79        (unichr(0x200), ValueError),
82class LongSubclass(long):
83    pass
85class OtherLongSubclass(long):
86    pass
88class LongTest(test_int.IntLongCommonTests, unittest.TestCase):
90    ntype = long
92    # Get quasi-random long consisting of ndigits digits (in base BASE).
93    # quasi == the most-significant digit will not be 0, and the number
94    # is constructed to contain long strings of 0 and 1 bits.  These are
95    # more likely than random bits to provoke digit-boundary errors.
96    # The sign of the number is also random.
98    def getran(self, ndigits):
99        self.assertGreater(ndigits, 0)
100        nbits_hi = ndigits * SHIFT
101        nbits_lo = nbits_hi - SHIFT + 1
102        answer = 0L
103        nbits = 0
104        r = int(random.random() * (SHIFT * 2)) | 1  # force 1 bits to start
105        while nbits < nbits_lo:
106            bits = (r >> 1) + 1
107            bits = min(bits, nbits_hi - nbits)
108            self.assertTrue(1 <= bits <= SHIFT)
109            nbits = nbits + bits
110            answer = answer << bits
111            if r & 1:
112                answer = answer | ((1 << bits) - 1)
113            r = int(random.random() * (SHIFT * 2))
114        self.assertTrue(nbits_lo <= nbits <= nbits_hi)
115        if random.random() < 0.5:
116            answer = -answer
117        return answer
119    # Get random long consisting of ndigits random digits (relative to base
120    # BASE).  The sign bit is also random.
122    def getran2(ndigits):
123        answer = 0L
124        for i in xrange(ndigits):
125            answer = (answer << SHIFT) | random.randint(0, MASK)
126        if random.random() < 0.5:
127            answer = -answer
128        return answer
130    def check_division(self, x, y):
131        eq = self.assertEqual
132        q, r = divmod(x, y)
133        q2, r2 = x//y, x%y
134        pab, pba = x*y, y*x
135        eq(pab, pba, Frm("multiplication does not commute for %r and %r", x, y))
136        eq(q, q2, Frm("divmod returns different quotient than / for %r and %r", x, y))
137        eq(r, r2, Frm("divmod returns different mod than %% for %r and %r", x, y))
138        eq(x, q*y + r, Frm("x != q*y + r after divmod on x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
139        if y > 0:
140            self.assertTrue(0 <= r < y, Frm("bad mod from divmod on %r and %r", x, y))
141        else:
142            self.assertTrue(y < r <= 0, Frm("bad mod from divmod on %r and %r", x, y))
144    def test_division(self):
145        digits = range(1, MAXDIGITS+1) + range(KARATSUBA_CUTOFF,
146                                               KARATSUBA_CUTOFF + 14)
147        digits.append(KARATSUBA_CUTOFF * 3)
148        for lenx in digits:
149            x = self.getran(lenx)
150            for leny in digits:
151                y = self.getran(leny) or 1L
152                self.check_division(x, y)
154        # specific numbers chosen to exercise corner cases of the
155        # current long division implementation
157        # 30-bit cases involving a quotient digit estimate of BASE+1
158        self.check_division(1231948412290879395966702881L,
159                            1147341367131428698L)
160        self.check_division(815427756481275430342312021515587883L,
161                       707270836069027745L)
162        self.check_division(627976073697012820849443363563599041L,
163                       643588798496057020L)
164        self.check_division(1115141373653752303710932756325578065L,
165                       1038556335171453937726882627L)
166        # 30-bit cases that require the post-subtraction correction step
167        self.check_division(922498905405436751940989320930368494L,
168                       949985870686786135626943396L)
169        self.check_division(768235853328091167204009652174031844L,
170                       1091555541180371554426545266L)
172        # 15-bit cases involving a quotient digit estimate of BASE+1
173        self.check_division(20172188947443L, 615611397L)
174        self.check_division(1020908530270155025L, 950795710L)
175        self.check_division(128589565723112408L, 736393718L)
176        self.check_division(609919780285761575L, 18613274546784L)
177        # 15-bit cases that require the post-subtraction correction step
178        self.check_division(710031681576388032L, 26769404391308L)
179        self.check_division(1933622614268221L, 30212853348836L)
183    def test_karatsuba(self):
184        digits = range(1, 5) + range(KARATSUBA_CUTOFF, KARATSUBA_CUTOFF + 10)
185        digits.extend([KARATSUBA_CUTOFF * 10, KARATSUBA_CUTOFF * 100])
187        bits = [digit * SHIFT for digit in digits]
189        # Test products of long strings of 1 bits -- (2**x-1)*(2**y-1) ==
190        # 2**(x+y) - 2**x - 2**y + 1, so the proper result is easy to check.
191        for abits in bits:
192            a = (1L << abits) - 1
193            for bbits in bits:
194                if bbits < abits:
195                    continue
196                b = (1L << bbits) - 1
197                x = a * b
198                y = ((1L << (abits + bbits)) -
199                     (1L << abits) -
200                     (1L << bbits) +
201                     1)
202                self.assertEqual(x, y,
203                    Frm("bad result for a*b: a=%r, b=%r, x=%r, y=%r", a, b, x, y))
205    def test_lshift_of_zero(self):
206        self.assertEqual(0L << 0, 0)
207        self.assertEqual(0L << 10, 0)
208        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
209            0L << -1
211    @test_support.cpython_only
212    def test_huge_lshift_of_zero(self):
213        # Shouldn't try to allocate memory for a huge shift. See issue #27870.
214        # Other implementations may have a different boundary for overflow,
215        # or not raise at all.
216        self.assertEqual(0L << sys.maxsize, 0)
217        with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
218            0L << (sys.maxsize + 1)
220    def check_bitop_identities_1(self, x):
221        eq = self.assertEqual
222        eq(x & 0, 0, Frm("x & 0 != 0 for x=%r", x))
223        eq(x | 0, x, Frm("x | 0 != x for x=%r", x))
224        eq(x ^ 0, x, Frm("x ^ 0 != x for x=%r", x))
225        eq(x & -1, x, Frm("x & -1 != x for x=%r", x))
226        eq(x | -1, -1, Frm("x | -1 != -1 for x=%r", x))
227        eq(x ^ -1, ~x, Frm("x ^ -1 != ~x for x=%r", x))
228        eq(x, ~~x, Frm("x != ~~x for x=%r", x))
229        eq(x & x, x, Frm("x & x != x for x=%r", x))
230        eq(x | x, x, Frm("x | x != x for x=%r", x))
231        eq(x ^ x, 0, Frm("x ^ x != 0 for x=%r", x))
232        eq(x & ~x, 0, Frm("x & ~x != 0 for x=%r", x))
233        eq(x | ~x, -1, Frm("x | ~x != -1 for x=%r", x))
234        eq(x ^ ~x, -1, Frm("x ^ ~x != -1 for x=%r", x))
235        eq(-x, 1 + ~x, Frm("not -x == 1 + ~x for x=%r", x))
236        eq(-x, ~(x-1), Frm("not -x == ~(x-1) forx =%r", x))
237        for n in xrange(2*SHIFT):
238            p2 = 2L ** n
239            eq(x << n >> n, x,
240                Frm("x << n >> n != x for x=%r, n=%r", x, n))
241            eq(x // p2, x >> n,
242                Frm("x // p2 != x >> n for x=%r n=%r p2=%r", x, n, p2))
243            eq(x * p2, x << n,
244                Frm("x * p2 != x << n for x=%r n=%r p2=%r", x, n, p2))
245            eq(x & -p2, x >> n << n,
246                Frm("not x & -p2 == x >> n << n for x=%r n=%r p2=%r", x, n, p2))
247            eq(x & -p2, x & ~(p2 - 1),
248                Frm("not x & -p2 == x & ~(p2 - 1) for x=%r n=%r p2=%r", x, n, p2))
250    def check_bitop_identities_2(self, x, y):
251        eq = self.assertEqual
252        eq(x & y, y & x, Frm("x & y != y & x for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
253        eq(x | y, y | x, Frm("x | y != y | x for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
254        eq(x ^ y, y ^ x, Frm("x ^ y != y ^ x for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
255        eq(x ^ y ^ x, y, Frm("x ^ y ^ x != y for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
256        eq(x & y, ~(~x | ~y), Frm("x & y != ~(~x | ~y) for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
257        eq(x | y, ~(~x & ~y), Frm("x | y != ~(~x & ~y) for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
258        eq(x ^ y, (x | y) & ~(x & y),
259             Frm("x ^ y != (x | y) & ~(x & y) for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
260        eq(x ^ y, (x & ~y) | (~x & y),
261             Frm("x ^ y == (x & ~y) | (~x & y) for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
262        eq(x ^ y, (x | y) & (~x | ~y),
263             Frm("x ^ y == (x | y) & (~x | ~y) for x=%r, y=%r", x, y))
265    def check_bitop_identities_3(self, x, y, z):
266        eq = self.assertEqual
267        eq((x & y) & z, x & (y & z),
268             Frm("(x & y) & z != x & (y & z) for x=%r, y=%r, z=%r", x, y, z))
269        eq((x | y) | z, x | (y | z),
270             Frm("(x | y) | z != x | (y | z) for x=%r, y=%r, z=%r", x, y, z))
271        eq((x ^ y) ^ z, x ^ (y ^ z),
272             Frm("(x ^ y) ^ z != x ^ (y ^ z) for x=%r, y=%r, z=%r", x, y, z))
273        eq(x & (y | z), (x & y) | (x & z),
274             Frm("x & (y | z) != (x & y) | (x & z) for x=%r, y=%r, z=%r", x, y, z))
275        eq(x | (y & z), (x | y) & (x | z),
276             Frm("x | (y & z) != (x | y) & (x | z) for x=%r, y=%r, z=%r", x, y, z))
278    def test_bitop_identities(self):
279        for x in special:
280            self.check_bitop_identities_1(x)
281        digits = xrange(1, MAXDIGITS+1)
282        for lenx in digits:
283            x = self.getran(lenx)
284            self.check_bitop_identities_1(x)
285            for leny in digits:
286                y = self.getran(leny)
287                self.check_bitop_identities_2(x, y)
288                self.check_bitop_identities_3(x, y, self.getran((lenx + leny)//2))
290    def slow_format(self, x, base):
291        if (x, base) == (0, 8):
292            # this is an oddball!
293            return "0L"
294        digits = []
295        sign = 0
296        if x < 0:
297            sign, x = 1, -x
298        while x:
299            x, r = divmod(x, base)
300            digits.append(int(r))
301        digits.reverse()
302        digits = digits or [0]
303        return '-'[:sign] + \
304               {8: '0', 10: '', 16: '0x'}[base] + \
305               "".join(map(lambda i: "0123456789abcdef"[i], digits)) + "L"
307    def check_format_1(self, x):
308        for base, mapper in (8, oct), (10, repr), (16, hex):
309            got = mapper(x)
310            expected = self.slow_format(x, base)
311            msg = Frm("%s returned %r but expected %r for %r",
312                mapper.__name__, got, expected, x)
313            self.assertEqual(got, expected, msg)
314            self.assertEqual(long(got, 0), x, Frm('long("%s", 0) != %r', got, x))
315        # str() has to be checked a little differently since there's no
316        # trailing "L"
317        got = str(x)
318        expected = self.slow_format(x, 10)[:-1]
319        msg = Frm("%s returned %r but expected %r for %r",
320            mapper.__name__, got, expected, x)
321        self.assertEqual(got, expected, msg)
323    def test_format(self):
324        for x in special:
325            self.check_format_1(x)
326        for i in xrange(10):
327            for lenx in xrange(1, MAXDIGITS+1):
328                x = self.getran(lenx)
329                self.check_format_1(x)
331    def test_long(self):
332        self.assertEqual(long(314), 314L)
333        self.assertEqual(long(3.14), 3L)
334        self.assertEqual(long(314L), 314L)
335        # Check that long() of basic types actually returns a long
336        self.assertEqual(type(long(314)), long)
337        self.assertEqual(type(long(3.14)), long)
338        self.assertEqual(type(long(314L)), long)
339        # Check that conversion from float truncates towards zero
340        self.assertEqual(long(-3.14), -3L)
341        self.assertEqual(long(3.9), 3L)
342        self.assertEqual(long(-3.9), -3L)
343        self.assertEqual(long(3.5), 3L)
344        self.assertEqual(long(-3.5), -3L)
345        self.assertEqual(long("-3"), -3L)
346        self.assertEqual(long("0b10", 2), 2L)
347        self.assertEqual(long("0o10", 8), 8L)
348        self.assertEqual(long("0x10", 16), 16L)
349        if test_support.have_unicode:
350            self.assertEqual(long(unicode("-3")), -3L)
351        # Different base:
352        self.assertEqual(long("10",16), 16L)
353        if test_support.have_unicode:
354            self.assertEqual(long(unicode("10"),16), 16L)
355        # Check conversions from string (same test set as for int(), and then some)
356        LL = [
357                ('1' + '0'*20, 10L**20),
358                ('1' + '0'*100, 10L**100)
359        ]
360        L2 = L[:]
361        if test_support.have_unicode:
362            L2 += [
363                (unicode('1') + unicode('0')*20, 10L**20),
364                (unicode('1') + unicode('0')*100, 10L**100),
365        ]
366        for s, v in L2 + LL:
367            for sign in "", "+", "-":
368                for prefix in "", " ", "\t", "  \t\t  ":
369                    ss = prefix + sign + s
370                    vv = v
371                    if sign == "-" and v is not ValueError:
372                        vv = -v
373                    try:
374                        self.assertEqual(long(ss), long(vv))
375                    except v:
376                        pass
378        self.assertRaises(ValueError, long, '123\0')
379        self.assertRaises(ValueError, long, '53', 40)
380        self.assertRaises(TypeError, long, 1, 12)
382        # tests with base 0
383        self.assertEqual(long(' 0123  ', 0), 83)
384        self.assertEqual(long(' 0123  ', 0), 83)
385        self.assertEqual(long('000', 0), 0)
386        self.assertEqual(long('0o123', 0), 83)
387        self.assertEqual(long('0x123', 0), 291)
388        self.assertEqual(long('0b100', 0), 4)
389        self.assertEqual(long(' 0O123   ', 0), 83)
390        self.assertEqual(long(' 0X123  ', 0), 291)
391        self.assertEqual(long(' 0B100 ', 0), 4)
392        self.assertEqual(long('0', 0), 0)
393        self.assertEqual(long('+0', 0), 0)
394        self.assertEqual(long('-0', 0), 0)
395        self.assertEqual(long('00', 0), 0)
396        self.assertRaises(ValueError, long, '08', 0)
397        self.assertRaises(ValueError, long, '-012395', 0)
399        # SF patch #1638879: embedded NULs were not detected with
400        # explicit base
401        self.assertRaises(ValueError, long, '123\0', 10)
402        self.assertRaises(ValueError, long, '123\x00 245', 20)
404        self.assertEqual(long('100000000000000000000000000000000', 2),
405                         4294967296)
406        self.assertEqual(long('102002022201221111211', 3), 4294967296)
407        self.assertEqual(long('10000000000000000', 4), 4294967296)
408        self.assertEqual(long('32244002423141', 5), 4294967296)
409        self.assertEqual(long('1550104015504', 6), 4294967296)
410        self.assertEqual(long('211301422354', 7), 4294967296)
411        self.assertEqual(long('40000000000', 8), 4294967296)
412        self.assertEqual(long('12068657454', 9), 4294967296)
413        self.assertEqual(long('4294967296', 10), 4294967296)
414        self.assertEqual(long('1904440554', 11), 4294967296)
415        self.assertEqual(long('9ba461594', 12), 4294967296)
416        self.assertEqual(long('535a79889', 13), 4294967296)
417        self.assertEqual(long('2ca5b7464', 14), 4294967296)
418        self.assertEqual(long('1a20dcd81', 15), 4294967296)
419        self.assertEqual(long('100000000', 16), 4294967296)
420        self.assertEqual(long('a7ffda91', 17), 4294967296)
421        self.assertEqual(long('704he7g4', 18), 4294967296)
422        self.assertEqual(long('4f5aff66', 19), 4294967296)
423        self.assertEqual(long('3723ai4g', 20), 4294967296)
424        self.assertEqual(long('281d55i4', 21), 4294967296)
425        self.assertEqual(long('1fj8b184', 22), 4294967296)
426        self.assertEqual(long('1606k7ic', 23), 4294967296)
427        self.assertEqual(long('mb994ag', 24), 4294967296)
428        self.assertEqual(long('hek2mgl', 25), 4294967296)
429        self.assertEqual(long('dnchbnm', 26), 4294967296)
430        self.assertEqual(long('b28jpdm', 27), 4294967296)
431        self.assertEqual(long('8pfgih4', 28), 4294967296)
432        self.assertEqual(long('76beigg', 29), 4294967296)
433        self.assertEqual(long('5qmcpqg', 30), 4294967296)
434        self.assertEqual(long('4q0jto4', 31), 4294967296)
435        self.assertEqual(long('4000000', 32), 4294967296)
436        self.assertEqual(long('3aokq94', 33), 4294967296)
437        self.assertEqual(long('2qhxjli', 34), 4294967296)
438        self.assertEqual(long('2br45qb', 35), 4294967296)
439        self.assertEqual(long('1z141z4', 36), 4294967296)
441        self.assertEqual(long('100000000000000000000000000000001', 2),
442                         4294967297)
443        self.assertEqual(long('102002022201221111212', 3), 4294967297)
444        self.assertEqual(long('10000000000000001', 4), 4294967297)
445        self.assertEqual(long('32244002423142', 5), 4294967297)
446        self.assertEqual(long('1550104015505', 6), 4294967297)
447        self.assertEqual(long('211301422355', 7), 4294967297)
448        self.assertEqual(long('40000000001', 8), 4294967297)
449        self.assertEqual(long('12068657455', 9), 4294967297)
450        self.assertEqual(long('4294967297', 10), 4294967297)
451        self.assertEqual(long('1904440555', 11), 4294967297)
452        self.assertEqual(long('9ba461595', 12), 4294967297)
453        self.assertEqual(long('535a7988a', 13), 4294967297)
454        self.assertEqual(long('2ca5b7465', 14), 4294967297)
455        self.assertEqual(long('1a20dcd82', 15), 4294967297)
456        self.assertEqual(long('100000001', 16), 4294967297)
457        self.assertEqual(long('a7ffda92', 17), 4294967297)
458        self.assertEqual(long('704he7g5', 18), 4294967297)
459        self.assertEqual(long('4f5aff67', 19), 4294967297)
460        self.assertEqual(long('3723ai4h', 20), 4294967297)
461        self.assertEqual(long('281d55i5', 21), 4294967297)
462        self.assertEqual(long('1fj8b185', 22), 4294967297)
463        self.assertEqual(long('1606k7id', 23), 4294967297)
464        self.assertEqual(long('mb994ah', 24), 4294967297)
465        self.assertEqual(long('hek2mgm', 25), 4294967297)
466        self.assertEqual(long('dnchbnn', 26), 4294967297)
467        self.assertEqual(long('b28jpdn', 27), 4294967297)
468        self.assertEqual(long('8pfgih5', 28), 4294967297)
469        self.assertEqual(long('76beigh', 29), 4294967297)
470        self.assertEqual(long('5qmcpqh', 30), 4294967297)
471        self.assertEqual(long('4q0jto5', 31), 4294967297)
472        self.assertEqual(long('4000001', 32), 4294967297)
473        self.assertEqual(long('3aokq95', 33), 4294967297)
474        self.assertEqual(long('2qhxjlj', 34), 4294967297)
475        self.assertEqual(long('2br45qc', 35), 4294967297)
476        self.assertEqual(long('1z141z5', 36), 4294967297)
479    def test_conversion(self):
480        # Test __long__()
481        class ClassicMissingMethods:
482            pass
483        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, long, ClassicMissingMethods())
485        class MissingMethods(object):
486            pass
487        self.assertRaises(TypeError, long, MissingMethods())
489        class Foo0:
490            def __long__(self):
491                return 42L
493        class Foo1(object):
494            def __long__(self):
495                return 42L
497        class Foo2(long):
498            def __long__(self):
499                return 42L
501        class Foo3(long):
502            def __long__(self):
503                return self
505        class Foo4(long):
506            def __long__(self):
507                return 42
509        class Foo5(long):
510            def __long__(self):
511                return 42.
513        self.assertEqual(long(Foo0()), 42L)
514        self.assertEqual(long(Foo1()), 42L)
515        self.assertEqual(long(Foo2()), 42L)
516        self.assertEqual(long(Foo3()), 0)
517        self.assertEqual(long(Foo4()), 42)
518        self.assertRaises(TypeError, long, Foo5())
520        class Classic:
521            pass
522        for base in (object, Classic):
523            class LongOverridesTrunc(base):
524                def __long__(self):
525                    return 42
526                def __trunc__(self):
527                    return -12
528            self.assertEqual(long(LongOverridesTrunc()), 42)
530            class JustTrunc(base):
531                def __trunc__(self):
532                    return 42
533            self.assertEqual(long(JustTrunc()), 42)
535            for trunc_result_base in (object, Classic):
536                class Integral(trunc_result_base):
537                    def __int__(self):
538                        return 42
540                class TruncReturnsNonLong(base):
541                    def __trunc__(self):
542                        return Integral()
543                self.assertEqual(long(TruncReturnsNonLong()), 42)
545                class NonIntegral(trunc_result_base):
546                    def __trunc__(self):
547                        # Check that we avoid infinite recursion.
548                        return NonIntegral()
550                class TruncReturnsNonIntegral(base):
551                    def __trunc__(self):
552                        return NonIntegral()
553                try:
554                    long(TruncReturnsNonIntegral())
555                except TypeError as e:
556                    self.assertEqual(str(e),
557                                     "__trunc__ returned non-Integral"
558                                     " (type NonIntegral)")
559                else:
560                    self.fail("Failed to raise TypeError with %s" %
561                              ((base, trunc_result_base),))
563                class TruncReturnsLongSubclass(base):
564                    def __long__(self):
565                        return OtherLongSubclass(42L)
566                good_int = TruncReturnsLongSubclass()
567                n = long(good_int)
568                self.assertEqual(n, 42L)
569                self.assertIs(type(n), OtherLongSubclass)
570                n = LongSubclass(good_int)
571                self.assertEqual(n, 42L)
572                self.assertIs(type(n), LongSubclass)
574    def test_misc(self):
576        # check the extremes in int<->long conversion
577        hugepos = sys.maxint
578        hugeneg = -hugepos - 1
579        hugepos_aslong = long(hugepos)
580        hugeneg_aslong = long(hugeneg)
581        self.assertEqual(hugepos, hugepos_aslong, "long(sys.maxint) != sys.maxint")
582        self.assertEqual(hugeneg, hugeneg_aslong,
583            "long(-sys.maxint-1) != -sys.maxint-1")
585        # long -> int should not fail for hugepos_aslong or hugeneg_aslong
586        x = int(hugepos_aslong)
587        try:
588            self.assertEqual(x, hugepos,
589                  "converting sys.maxint to long and back to int fails")
590        except OverflowError:
591            self.fail("int(long(sys.maxint)) overflowed!")
592        if not isinstance(x, int):
593            self.fail("int(long(sys.maxint)) should have returned int")
594        x = int(hugeneg_aslong)
595        try:
596            self.assertEqual(x, hugeneg,
597                  "converting -sys.maxint-1 to long and back to int fails")
598        except OverflowError:
599            self.fail("int(long(-sys.maxint-1)) overflowed!")
600        if not isinstance(x, int):
601            self.fail("int(long(-sys.maxint-1)) should have returned int")
602        # but long -> int should overflow for hugepos+1 and hugeneg-1
603        x = hugepos_aslong + 1
604        try:
605            y = int(x)
606        except OverflowError:
607            self.fail("int(long(sys.maxint) + 1) mustn't overflow")
608        self.assertIsInstance(y, long,
609            "int(long(sys.maxint) + 1) should have returned long")
611        x = hugeneg_aslong - 1
612        try:
613            y = int(x)
614        except OverflowError:
615            self.fail("int(long(-sys.maxint-1) - 1) mustn't overflow")
616        self.assertIsInstance(y, long,
617               "int(long(-sys.maxint-1) - 1) should have returned long")
619        class long2(long):
620            pass
621        x = long2(1L<<100)
622        y = int(x)
623        self.assertIs(type(y), long,
624            "overflowing int conversion must return long not long subtype")
626        # long -> Py_ssize_t conversion
627        class X(object):
628            def __getslice__(self, i, j):
629                return i, j
631        with test_support.check_py3k_warnings():
632            self.assertEqual(X()[-5L:7L], (-5, 7))
633            # use the clamping effect to test the smallest and largest longs
634            # that fit a Py_ssize_t
635            slicemin, slicemax = X()[-2L**100:2L**100]
636            self.assertEqual(X()[slicemin:slicemax], (slicemin, slicemax))
638    def test_issue9869(self):
639        # Issue 9869: Interpreter crash when initializing an instance
640        # of a long subclass from an object whose __long__ method returns
641        # a plain int.
642        class BadLong(object):
643            def __long__(self):
644                return 1000000
646        class MyLong(long):
647            pass
649        x = MyLong(BadLong())
650        self.assertIsInstance(x, long)
651        self.assertEqual(x, 1000000)
654# ----------------------------------- tests of auto int->long conversion
656    def test_auto_overflow(self):
657        special = [0, 1, 2, 3, sys.maxint-1, sys.maxint, sys.maxint+1]
658        sqrt = int(math.sqrt(sys.maxint))
659        special.extend([sqrt-1, sqrt, sqrt+1])
660        special.extend([-i for i in special])
662        def checkit(*args):
663            # Heavy use of nested scopes here!
664            self.assertEqual(got, expected,
665                Frm("for %r expected %r got %r", args, expected, got))
667        for x in special:
668            longx = long(x)
670            expected = -longx
671            got = -x
672            checkit('-', x)
674            for y in special:
675                longy = long(y)
677                expected = longx + longy
678                got = x + y
679                checkit(x, '+', y)
681                expected = longx - longy
682                got = x - y
683                checkit(x, '-', y)
685                expected = longx * longy
686                got = x * y
687                checkit(x, '*', y)
689                if y:
690                    with test_support.check_py3k_warnings():
691                        expected = longx / longy
692                        got = x / y
693                    checkit(x, '/', y)
695                    expected = longx // longy
696                    got = x // y
697                    checkit(x, '//', y)
699                    expected = divmod(longx, longy)
700                    got = divmod(longx, longy)
701                    checkit(x, 'divmod', y)
703                if abs(y) < 5 and not (x == 0 and y < 0):
704                    expected = longx ** longy
705                    got = x ** y
706                    checkit(x, '**', y)
708                    for z in special:
709                        if z != 0 :
710                            if y >= 0:
711                                expected = pow(longx, longy, long(z))
712                                got = pow(x, y, z)
713                                checkit('pow', x, y, '%', z)
714                            else:
715                                self.assertRaises(TypeError, pow,longx, longy, long(z))
717    @unittest.skipUnless(float.__getformat__("double").startswith("IEEE"),
718                         "test requires IEEE 754 doubles")
719    def test_float_conversion(self):
720        import sys
721        DBL_MAX = sys.float_info.max
722        DBL_MAX_EXP = sys.float_info.max_exp
723        DBL_MANT_DIG = sys.float_info.mant_dig
725        exact_values = [0L, 1L, 2L,
726                         long(2**53-3),
727                         long(2**53-2),
728                         long(2**53-1),
729                         long(2**53),
730                         long(2**53+2),
731                         long(2**54-4),
732                         long(2**54-2),
733                         long(2**54),
734                         long(2**54+4)]
735        for x in exact_values:
736            self.assertEqual(long(float(x)), x)
737            self.assertEqual(long(float(-x)), -x)
739        # test round-half-even
740        for x, y in [(1, 0), (2, 2), (3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 4), (6, 6), (7, 8)]:
741            for p in xrange(15):
742                self.assertEqual(long(float(2L**p*(2**53+x))), 2L**p*(2**53+y))
744        for x, y in [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 4), (6, 8),
745                     (7, 8), (8, 8), (9, 8), (10, 8), (11, 12), (12, 12),
746                     (13, 12), (14, 16), (15, 16)]:
747            for p in xrange(15):
748                self.assertEqual(long(float(2L**p*(2**54+x))), 2L**p*(2**54+y))
750        # behaviour near extremes of floating-point range
751        long_dbl_max = long(DBL_MAX)
752        top_power = 2**DBL_MAX_EXP
753        halfway = (long_dbl_max + top_power)//2
754        self.assertEqual(float(long_dbl_max), DBL_MAX)
755        self.assertEqual(float(long_dbl_max+1), DBL_MAX)
756        self.assertEqual(float(halfway-1), DBL_MAX)
757        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float, halfway)
758        self.assertEqual(float(1-halfway), -DBL_MAX)
759        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float, -halfway)
760        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float, top_power-1)
761        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float, top_power)
762        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float, top_power+1)
763        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float, 2*top_power-1)
764        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float, 2*top_power)
765        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float, top_power*top_power)
767        for p in xrange(100):
768            x = long(2**p * (2**53 + 1) + 1)
769            y = long(2**p * (2**53+ 2))
770            self.assertEqual(long(float(x)), y)
772            x = long(2**p * (2**53 + 1))
773            y = long(2**p * 2**53)
774            self.assertEqual(long(float(x)), y)
776    def test_float_overflow(self):
777        for x in -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0:
778            self.assertEqual(float(long(x)), x)
780        shuge = '12345' * 120
781        huge = 1L << 30000
782        mhuge = -huge
783        namespace = {'huge': huge, 'mhuge': mhuge, 'shuge': shuge, 'math': math}
784        for test in ["float(huge)", "float(mhuge)",
785                     "complex(huge)", "complex(mhuge)",
786                     "complex(huge, 1)", "complex(mhuge, 1)",
787                     "complex(1, huge)", "complex(1, mhuge)",
788                     "1. + huge", "huge + 1.", "1. + mhuge", "mhuge + 1.",
789                     "1. - huge", "huge - 1.", "1. - mhuge", "mhuge - 1.",
790                     "1. * huge", "huge * 1.", "1. * mhuge", "mhuge * 1.",
791                     "1. // huge", "huge // 1.", "1. // mhuge", "mhuge // 1.",
792                     "1. / huge", "huge / 1.", "1. / mhuge", "mhuge / 1.",
793                     "1. ** huge", "huge ** 1.", "1. ** mhuge", "mhuge ** 1.",
794                     "math.sin(huge)", "math.sin(mhuge)",
795                     "math.sqrt(huge)", "math.sqrt(mhuge)", # should do better
796                     "math.floor(huge)", "math.floor(mhuge)"]:
798            self.assertRaises(OverflowError, eval, test, namespace)
800            # XXX Perhaps float(shuge) can raise OverflowError on some box?
801            # The comparison should not.
802            self.assertNotEqual(float(shuge), int(shuge),
803                "float(shuge) should not equal int(shuge)")
805    def test_logs(self):
806        LOG10E = math.log10(math.e)
808        for exp in range(10) + [100, 1000, 10000]:
809            value = 10 ** exp
810            log10 = math.log10(value)
811            self.assertAlmostEqual(log10, exp)
813            # log10(value) == exp, so log(value) == log10(value)/log10(e) ==
814            # exp/LOG10E
815            expected = exp / LOG10E
816            log = math.log(value)
817            self.assertAlmostEqual(log, expected)
819        for bad in -(1L << 10000), -2L, 0L:
820            self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log, bad)
821            self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log10, bad)
823    def test_mixed_compares(self):
824        eq = self.assertEqual
826        # We're mostly concerned with that mixing floats and longs does the
827        # right stuff, even when longs are too large to fit in a float.
828        # The safest way to check the results is to use an entirely different
829        # method, which we do here via a skeletal rational class (which
830        # represents all Python ints, longs and floats exactly).
831        class Rat:
832            def __init__(self, value):
833                if isinstance(value, (int, long)):
834                    self.n = value
835                    self.d = 1
836                elif isinstance(value, float):
837                    # Convert to exact rational equivalent.
838                    f, e = math.frexp(abs(value))
839                    assert f == 0 or 0.5 <= f < 1.0
840                    # |value| = f * 2**e exactly
842                    # Suck up CHUNK bits at a time; 28 is enough so that we suck
843                    # up all bits in 2 iterations for all known binary double-
844                    # precision formats, and small enough to fit in an int.
845                    CHUNK = 28
846                    top = 0
847                    # invariant: |value| = (top + f) * 2**e exactly
848                    while f:
849                        f = math.ldexp(f, CHUNK)
850                        digit = int(f)
851                        assert digit >> CHUNK == 0
852                        top = (top << CHUNK) | digit
853                        f -= digit
854                        assert 0.0 <= f < 1.0
855                        e -= CHUNK
857                    # Now |value| = top * 2**e exactly.
858                    if e >= 0:
859                        n = top << e
860                        d = 1
861                    else:
862                        n = top
863                        d = 1 << -e
864                    if value < 0:
865                        n = -n
866                    self.n = n
867                    self.d = d
868                    assert float(n) / float(d) == value
869                else:
870                    raise TypeError("can't deal with %r" % value)
872            def __cmp__(self, other):
873                if not isinstance(other, Rat):
874                    other = Rat(other)
875                return cmp(self.n * other.d, self.d * other.n)
877        cases = [0, 0.001, 0.99, 1.0, 1.5, 1e20, 1e200]
878        # 2**48 is an important boundary in the internals.  2**53 is an
879        # important boundary for IEEE double precision.
880        for t in 2.0**48, 2.0**50, 2.0**53:
881            cases.extend([t - 1.0, t - 0.3, t, t + 0.3, t + 1.0,
882                          long(t-1), long(t), long(t+1)])
883        cases.extend([0, 1, 2, sys.maxint, float(sys.maxint)])
884        # 1L<<20000 should exceed all double formats.  long(1e200) is to
885        # check that we get equality with 1e200 above.
886        t = long(1e200)
887        cases.extend([0L, 1L, 2L, 1L << 20000, t-1, t, t+1])
888        cases.extend([-x for x in cases])
889        for x in cases:
890            Rx = Rat(x)
891            for y in cases:
892                Ry = Rat(y)
893                Rcmp = cmp(Rx, Ry)
894                xycmp = cmp(x, y)
895                eq(Rcmp, xycmp, Frm("%r %r %d %d", x, y, Rcmp, xycmp))
896                eq(x == y, Rcmp == 0, Frm("%r == %r %d", x, y, Rcmp))
897                eq(x != y, Rcmp != 0, Frm("%r != %r %d", x, y, Rcmp))
898                eq(x < y, Rcmp < 0, Frm("%r < %r %d", x, y, Rcmp))
899                eq(x <= y, Rcmp <= 0, Frm("%r <= %r %d", x, y, Rcmp))
900                eq(x > y, Rcmp > 0, Frm("%r > %r %d", x, y, Rcmp))
901                eq(x >= y, Rcmp >= 0, Frm("%r >= %r %d", x, y, Rcmp))
903    def test_nan_inf(self):
904        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, long, float('inf'))
905        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, long, float('-inf'))
906        self.assertRaises(ValueError, long, float('nan'))
908    def test_bit_length(self):
909        tiny = 1e-10
910        for x in xrange(-65000, 65000):
911            x = long(x)
912            k = x.bit_length()
913            # Check equivalence with Python version
914            self.assertEqual(k, len(bin(x).lstrip('-0b')))
915            # Behaviour as specified in the docs
916            if x != 0:
917                self.assertTrue(2**(k-1) <= abs(x) < 2**k)
918            else:
919                self.assertEqual(k, 0)
920            # Alternative definition: x.bit_length() == 1 + floor(log_2(x))
921            if x != 0:
922                # When x is an exact power of 2, numeric errors can
923                # cause floor(log(x)/log(2)) to be one too small; for
924                # small x this can be fixed by adding a small quantity
925                # to the quotient before taking the floor.
926                self.assertEqual(k, 1 + math.floor(
927                        math.log(abs(x))/math.log(2) + tiny))
929        self.assertEqual((0L).bit_length(), 0)
930        self.assertEqual((1L).bit_length(), 1)
931        self.assertEqual((-1L).bit_length(), 1)
932        self.assertEqual((2L).bit_length(), 2)
933        self.assertEqual((-2L).bit_length(), 2)
934        for i in [2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 31, 32, 33, 63, 64, 234]:
935            a = 2L**i
936            self.assertEqual((a-1).bit_length(), i)
937            self.assertEqual((1-a).bit_length(), i)
938            self.assertEqual((a).bit_length(), i+1)
939            self.assertEqual((-a).bit_length(), i+1)
940            self.assertEqual((a+1).bit_length(), i+1)
941            self.assertEqual((-a-1).bit_length(), i+1)
944def test_main():
945    test_support.run_unittest(LongTest)
947if __name__ == "__main__":
948    test_main()