3Contains BorlandCCompiler, an implementation of the abstract CCompiler class
4for the Borland C++ compiler.
7# This implementation by Lyle Johnson, based on the original msvccompiler.py
8# module and using the directions originally published by Gordon Williams.
10# XXX looks like there's a LOT of overlap between these two classes:
11# someone should sit down and factor out the common code as
12# WindowsCCompiler!  --GPW
15import os
16from distutils.errors import \
17     DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \
18     CompileError, LibError, LinkError, UnknownFileError
19from distutils.ccompiler import \
20     CCompiler, gen_preprocess_options, gen_lib_options
21from distutils.file_util import write_file
22from distutils.dep_util import newer
23from distutils import log
25class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) :
26    """Concrete class that implements an interface to the Borland C/C++
27    compiler, as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.
28    """
30    compiler_type = 'bcpp'
32    # Just set this so CCompiler's constructor doesn't barf.  We currently
33    # don't use the 'set_executables()' bureaucracy provided by CCompiler,
34    # as it really isn't necessary for this sort of single-compiler class.
35    # Would be nice to have a consistent interface with UnixCCompiler,
36    # though, so it's worth thinking about.
37    executables = {}
39    # Private class data (need to distinguish C from C++ source for compiler)
40    _c_extensions = ['.c']
41    _cpp_extensions = ['.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx']
43    # Needed for the filename generation methods provided by the
44    # base class, CCompiler.
45    src_extensions = _c_extensions + _cpp_extensions
46    obj_extension = '.obj'
47    static_lib_extension = '.lib'
48    shared_lib_extension = '.dll'
49    static_lib_format = shared_lib_format = '%s%s'
50    exe_extension = '.exe'
53    def __init__ (self,
54                  verbose=0,
55                  dry_run=0,
56                  force=0):
58        CCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force)
60        # These executables are assumed to all be in the path.
61        # Borland doesn't seem to use any special registry settings to
62        # indicate their installation locations.
64        self.cc = "bcc32.exe"
65        self.linker = "ilink32.exe"
66        self.lib = "tlib.exe"
68        self.preprocess_options = None
69        self.compile_options = ['/tWM', '/O2', '/q', '/g0']
70        self.compile_options_debug = ['/tWM', '/Od', '/q', '/g0']
72        self.ldflags_shared = ['/Tpd', '/Gn', '/q', '/x']
73        self.ldflags_shared_debug = ['/Tpd', '/Gn', '/q', '/x']
74        self.ldflags_static = []
75        self.ldflags_exe = ['/Gn', '/q', '/x']
76        self.ldflags_exe_debug = ['/Gn', '/q', '/x','/r']
79    # -- Worker methods ------------------------------------------------
81    def compile(self, sources,
82                output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0,
83                extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None):
85        macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = \
86                self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources,
87                                    depends, extra_postargs)
88        compile_opts = extra_preargs or []
89        compile_opts.append ('-c')
90        if debug:
91            compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options_debug)
92        else:
93            compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options)
95        for obj in objects:
96            try:
97                src, ext = build[obj]
98            except KeyError:
99                continue
100            # XXX why do the normpath here?
101            src = os.path.normpath(src)
102            obj = os.path.normpath(obj)
103            # XXX _setup_compile() did a mkpath() too but before the normpath.
104            # Is it possible to skip the normpath?
105            self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(obj))
107            if ext == '.res':
108                # This is already a binary file -- skip it.
109                continue # the 'for' loop
110            if ext == '.rc':
111                # This needs to be compiled to a .res file -- do it now.
112                try:
113                    self.spawn (["brcc32", "-fo", obj, src])
114                except DistutilsExecError as msg:
115                    raise CompileError(msg)
116                continue # the 'for' loop
118            # The next two are both for the real compiler.
119            if ext in self._c_extensions:
120                input_opt = ""
121            elif ext in self._cpp_extensions:
122                input_opt = "-P"
123            else:
124                # Unknown file type -- no extra options.  The compiler
125                # will probably fail, but let it just in case this is a
126                # file the compiler recognizes even if we don't.
127                input_opt = ""
129            output_opt = "-o" + obj
131            # Compiler command line syntax is: "bcc32 [options] file(s)".
132            # Note that the source file names must appear at the end of
133            # the command line.
134            try:
135                self.spawn ([self.cc] + compile_opts + pp_opts +
136                            [input_opt, output_opt] +
137                            extra_postargs + [src])
138            except DistutilsExecError as msg:
139                raise CompileError(msg)
141        return objects
143    # compile ()
146    def create_static_lib (self,
147                           objects,
148                           output_libname,
149                           output_dir=None,
150                           debug=0,
151                           target_lang=None):
153        (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args (objects, output_dir)
154        output_filename = \
155            self.library_filename (output_libname, output_dir=output_dir)
157        if self._need_link (objects, output_filename):
158            lib_args = [output_filename, '/u'] + objects
159            if debug:
160                pass                    # XXX what goes here?
161            try:
162                self.spawn ([self.lib] + lib_args)
163            except DistutilsExecError as msg:
164                raise LibError(msg)
165        else:
166            log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename)
168    # create_static_lib ()
171    def link (self,
172              target_desc,
173              objects,
174              output_filename,
175              output_dir=None,
176              libraries=None,
177              library_dirs=None,
178              runtime_library_dirs=None,
179              export_symbols=None,
180              debug=0,
181              extra_preargs=None,
182              extra_postargs=None,
183              build_temp=None,
184              target_lang=None):
186        # XXX this ignores 'build_temp'!  should follow the lead of
187        # msvccompiler.py
189        (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args (objects, output_dir)
190        (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) = \
191            self._fix_lib_args (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs)
193        if runtime_library_dirs:
194            log.warn("I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': %s",
195                     str(runtime_library_dirs))
197        if output_dir is not None:
198            output_filename = os.path.join (output_dir, output_filename)
200        if self._need_link (objects, output_filename):
202            # Figure out linker args based on type of target.
203            if target_desc == CCompiler.EXECUTABLE:
204                startup_obj = 'c0w32'
205                if debug:
206                    ld_args = self.ldflags_exe_debug[:]
207                else:
208                    ld_args = self.ldflags_exe[:]
209            else:
210                startup_obj = 'c0d32'
211                if debug:
212                    ld_args = self.ldflags_shared_debug[:]
213                else:
214                    ld_args = self.ldflags_shared[:]
217            # Create a temporary exports file for use by the linker
218            if export_symbols is None:
219                def_file = ''
220            else:
221                head, tail = os.path.split (output_filename)
222                modname, ext = os.path.splitext (tail)
223                temp_dir = os.path.dirname(objects[0]) # preserve tree structure
224                def_file = os.path.join (temp_dir, '%s.def' % modname)
225                contents = ['EXPORTS']
226                for sym in (export_symbols or []):
227                    contents.append('  %s=_%s' % (sym, sym))
228                self.execute(write_file, (def_file, contents),
229                             "writing %s" % def_file)
231            # Borland C++ has problems with '/' in paths
232            objects2 = map(os.path.normpath, objects)
233            # split objects in .obj and .res files
234            # Borland C++ needs them at different positions in the command line
235            objects = [startup_obj]
236            resources = []
237            for file in objects2:
238                (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.normcase(file))
239                if ext == '.res':
240                    resources.append(file)
241                else:
242                    objects.append(file)
245            for l in library_dirs:
246                ld_args.append("/L%s" % os.path.normpath(l))
247            ld_args.append("/L.") # we sometimes use relative paths
249            # list of object files
250            ld_args.extend(objects)
252            # XXX the command-line syntax for Borland C++ is a bit wonky;
253            # certain filenames are jammed together in one big string, but
254            # comma-delimited.  This doesn't mesh too well with the
255            # Unix-centric attitude (with a DOS/Windows quoting hack) of
256            # 'spawn()', so constructing the argument list is a bit
257            # awkward.  Note that doing the obvious thing and jamming all
258            # the filenames and commas into one argument would be wrong,
259            # because 'spawn()' would quote any filenames with spaces in
260            # them.  Arghghh!.  Apparently it works fine as coded...
262            # name of dll/exe file
263            ld_args.extend([',',output_filename])
264            # no map file and start libraries
265            ld_args.append(',,')
267            for lib in libraries:
268                # see if we find it and if there is a bcpp specific lib
269                # (xxx_bcpp.lib)
270                libfile = self.find_library_file(library_dirs, lib, debug)
271                if libfile is None:
272                    ld_args.append(lib)
273                    # probably a BCPP internal library -- don't warn
274                else:
275                    # full name which prefers bcpp_xxx.lib over xxx.lib
276                    ld_args.append(libfile)
278            # some default libraries
279            ld_args.append ('import32')
280            ld_args.append ('cw32mt')
282            # def file for export symbols
283            ld_args.extend([',',def_file])
284            # add resource files
285            ld_args.append(',')
286            ld_args.extend(resources)
289            if extra_preargs:
290                ld_args[:0] = extra_preargs
291            if extra_postargs:
292                ld_args.extend(extra_postargs)
294            self.mkpath (os.path.dirname (output_filename))
295            try:
296                self.spawn ([self.linker] + ld_args)
297            except DistutilsExecError as msg:
298                raise LinkError(msg)
300        else:
301            log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename)
303    # link ()
305    # -- Miscellaneous methods -----------------------------------------
308    def find_library_file (self, dirs, lib, debug=0):
309        # List of effective library names to try, in order of preference:
310        # xxx_bcpp.lib is better than xxx.lib
311        # and xxx_d.lib is better than xxx.lib if debug is set
312        #
313        # The "_bcpp" suffix is to handle a Python installation for people
314        # with multiple compilers (primarily Distutils hackers, I suspect
315        # ;-).  The idea is they'd have one static library for each
316        # compiler they care about, since (almost?) every Windows compiler
317        # seems to have a different format for static libraries.
318        if debug:
319            dlib = (lib + "_d")
320            try_names = (dlib + "_bcpp", lib + "_bcpp", dlib, lib)
321        else:
322            try_names = (lib + "_bcpp", lib)
324        for dir in dirs:
325            for name in try_names:
326                libfile = os.path.join(dir, self.library_filename(name))
327                if os.path.exists(libfile):
328                    return libfile
329        else:
330            # Oops, didn't find it in *any* of 'dirs'
331            return None
333    # overwrite the one from CCompiler to support rc and res-files
334    def object_filenames (self,
335                          source_filenames,
336                          strip_dir=0,
337                          output_dir=''):
338        if output_dir is None: output_dir = ''
339        obj_names = []
340        for src_name in source_filenames:
341            # use normcase to make sure '.rc' is really '.rc' and not '.RC'
342            (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (os.path.normcase(src_name))
343            if ext not in (self.src_extensions + ['.rc','.res']):
344                raise UnknownFileError("unknown file type '%s' (from '%s')" % \
345                      (ext, src_name))
346            if strip_dir:
347                base = os.path.basename (base)
348            if ext == '.res':
349                # these can go unchanged
350                obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, base + ext))
351            elif ext == '.rc':
352                # these need to be compiled to .res-files
353                obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, base + '.res'))
354            else:
355                obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir,
356                                            base + self.obj_extension))
357        return obj_names
359    # object_filenames ()
361    def preprocess (self,
362                    source,
363                    output_file=None,
364                    macros=None,
365                    include_dirs=None,
366                    extra_preargs=None,
367                    extra_postargs=None):
369        (_, macros, include_dirs) = \
370            self._fix_compile_args(None, macros, include_dirs)
371        pp_opts = gen_preprocess_options(macros, include_dirs)
372        pp_args = ['cpp32.exe'] + pp_opts
373        if output_file is not None:
374            pp_args.append('-o' + output_file)
375        if extra_preargs:
376            pp_args[:0] = extra_preargs
377        if extra_postargs:
378            pp_args.extend(extra_postargs)
379        pp_args.append(source)
381        # We need to preprocess: either we're being forced to, or the
382        # source file is newer than the target (or the target doesn't
383        # exist).
384        if self.force or output_file is None or newer(source, output_file):
385            if output_file:
386                self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(output_file))
387            try:
388                self.spawn(pp_args)
389            except DistutilsExecError as msg:
390                print(msg)
391                raise CompileError(msg)
393    # preprocess()