1"""Tests to cover the Tools/i18n package"""
3import os
4import sys
5import unittest
6from textwrap import dedent
8from test.support.script_helper import assert_python_ok
9from test.test_tools import skip_if_missing, toolsdir
10from test.support import temp_cwd, temp_dir
16class Test_pygettext(unittest.TestCase):
17    """Tests for the pygettext.py tool"""
19    script = os.path.join(toolsdir,'i18n', 'pygettext.py')
21    def get_header(self, data):
22        """ utility: return the header of a .po file as a dictionary """
23        headers = {}
24        for line in data.split('\n'):
25            if not line or line.startswith(('#', 'msgid','msgstr')):
26                continue
27            line = line.strip('"')
28            key, val = line.split(':',1)
29            headers[key] = val.strip()
30        return headers
32    def get_msgids(self, data):
33        """ utility: return all msgids in .po file as a list of strings """
34        msgids = []
35        reading_msgid = False
36        cur_msgid = []
37        for line in data.split('\n'):
38            if reading_msgid:
39                if line.startswith('"'):
40                    cur_msgid.append(line.strip('"'))
41                else:
42                    msgids.append('\n'.join(cur_msgid))
43                    cur_msgid = []
44                    reading_msgid = False
45                    continue
46            if line.startswith('msgid '):
47                line = line[len('msgid '):]
48                cur_msgid.append(line.strip('"'))
49                reading_msgid = True
50        else:
51            if reading_msgid:
52                msgids.append('\n'.join(cur_msgid))
54        return msgids
56    def extract_docstrings_from_str(self, module_content):
57        """ utility: return all msgids extracted from module_content """
58        filename = 'test_docstrings.py'
59        with temp_cwd(None) as cwd:
60            with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
61                fp.write(module_content)
62            assert_python_ok(self.script, '-D', filename)
63            with open('messages.pot') as fp:
64                data = fp.read()
65        return self.get_msgids(data)
67    def test_header(self):
68        """Make sure the required fields are in the header, according to:
69           http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Header-Entry
70        """
71        with temp_cwd(None) as cwd:
72            assert_python_ok(self.script)
73            with open('messages.pot') as fp:
74                data = fp.read()
75            header = self.get_header(data)
77            self.assertIn("Project-Id-Version", header)
78            self.assertIn("POT-Creation-Date", header)
79            self.assertIn("PO-Revision-Date", header)
80            self.assertIn("Last-Translator", header)
81            self.assertIn("Language-Team", header)
82            self.assertIn("MIME-Version", header)
83            self.assertIn("Content-Type", header)
84            self.assertIn("Content-Transfer-Encoding", header)
85            self.assertIn("Generated-By", header)
87            # not clear if these should be required in POT (template) files
88            #self.assertIn("Report-Msgid-Bugs-To", header)
89            #self.assertIn("Language", header)
91            #"Plural-Forms" is optional
93    @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith('aix'),
94                     'bpo-29972: broken test on AIX')
95    def test_POT_Creation_Date(self):
96        """ Match the date format from xgettext for POT-Creation-Date """
97        from datetime import datetime
98        with temp_cwd(None) as cwd:
99            assert_python_ok(self.script)
100            with open('messages.pot') as fp:
101                data = fp.read()
102            header = self.get_header(data)
103            creationDate = header['POT-Creation-Date']
105            # peel off the escaped newline at the end of string
106            if creationDate.endswith('\\n'):
107                creationDate = creationDate[:-len('\\n')]
109            # This will raise if the date format does not exactly match.
110            datetime.strptime(creationDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z')
112    def test_funcdocstring(self):
113        for doc in ('"""doc"""', "r'''doc'''", "R'doc'", 'u"doc"'):
114            with self.subTest(doc):
115                msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
116                def foo(bar):
117                    %s
118                ''' % doc))
119                self.assertIn('doc', msgids)
121    def test_funcdocstring_bytes(self):
122        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
123        def foo(bar):
124            b"""doc"""
125        '''))
126        self.assertFalse([msgid for msgid in msgids if 'doc' in msgid])
128    def test_funcdocstring_fstring(self):
129        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
130        def foo(bar):
131            f"""doc"""
132        '''))
133        self.assertFalse([msgid for msgid in msgids if 'doc' in msgid])
135    def test_classdocstring(self):
136        for doc in ('"""doc"""', "r'''doc'''", "R'doc'", 'u"doc"'):
137            with self.subTest(doc):
138                msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
139                class C:
140                    %s
141                ''' % doc))
142                self.assertIn('doc', msgids)
144    def test_classdocstring_bytes(self):
145        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
146        class C:
147            b"""doc"""
148        '''))
149        self.assertFalse([msgid for msgid in msgids if 'doc' in msgid])
151    def test_classdocstring_fstring(self):
152        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
153        class C:
154            f"""doc"""
155        '''))
156        self.assertFalse([msgid for msgid in msgids if 'doc' in msgid])
158    def test_msgid(self):
159        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(
160                '''_("""doc""" r'str' u"ing")''')
161        self.assertIn('docstring', msgids)
163    def test_msgid_bytes(self):
164        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str('_(b"""doc""")')
165        self.assertFalse([msgid for msgid in msgids if 'doc' in msgid])
167    def test_msgid_fstring(self):
168        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str('_(f"""doc""")')
169        self.assertFalse([msgid for msgid in msgids if 'doc' in msgid])
171    def test_funcdocstring_annotated_args(self):
172        """ Test docstrings for functions with annotated args """
173        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
174        def foo(bar: str):
175            """doc"""
176        '''))
177        self.assertIn('doc', msgids)
179    def test_funcdocstring_annotated_return(self):
180        """ Test docstrings for functions with annotated return type """
181        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
182        def foo(bar) -> str:
183            """doc"""
184        '''))
185        self.assertIn('doc', msgids)
187    def test_funcdocstring_defvalue_args(self):
188        """ Test docstring for functions with default arg values """
189        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
190        def foo(bar=()):
191            """doc"""
192        '''))
193        self.assertIn('doc', msgids)
195    def test_funcdocstring_multiple_funcs(self):
196        """ Test docstring extraction for multiple functions combining
197        annotated args, annotated return types and default arg values
198        """
199        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
200        def foo1(bar: tuple=()) -> str:
201            """doc1"""
203        def foo2(bar: List[1:2]) -> (lambda x: x):
204            """doc2"""
206        def foo3(bar: 'func'=lambda x: x) -> {1: 2}:
207            """doc3"""
208        '''))
209        self.assertIn('doc1', msgids)
210        self.assertIn('doc2', msgids)
211        self.assertIn('doc3', msgids)
213    def test_classdocstring_early_colon(self):
214        """ Test docstring extraction for a class with colons occuring within
215        the parentheses.
216        """
217        msgids = self.extract_docstrings_from_str(dedent('''\
218        class D(L[1:2], F({1: 2}), metaclass=M(lambda x: x)):
219            """doc"""
220        '''))
221        self.assertIn('doc', msgids)
223    def test_files_list(self):
224        """Make sure the directories are inspected for source files
225           bpo-31920
226        """
227        text1 = 'Text to translate1'
228        text2 = 'Text to translate2'
229        text3 = 'Text to ignore'
230        with temp_cwd(None), temp_dir(None) as sdir:
231            os.mkdir(os.path.join(sdir, 'pypkg'))
232            with open(os.path.join(sdir, 'pypkg', 'pymod.py'), 'w') as sfile:
233                sfile.write(f'_({text1!r})')
234            os.mkdir(os.path.join(sdir, 'pkg.py'))
235            with open(os.path.join(sdir, 'pkg.py', 'pymod2.py'), 'w') as sfile:
236                sfile.write(f'_({text2!r})')
237            os.mkdir(os.path.join(sdir, 'CVS'))
238            with open(os.path.join(sdir, 'CVS', 'pymod3.py'), 'w') as sfile:
239                sfile.write(f'_({text3!r})')
240            assert_python_ok(self.script, sdir)
241            with open('messages.pot') as fp:
242                data = fp.read()
243            self.assertIn(f'msgid "{text1}"', data)
244            self.assertIn(f'msgid "{text2}"', data)
245            self.assertNotIn(text3, data)