1# DNS OPT Resource Record unit tests 2# 3# Type the following command to launch start the tests: 4# $ sudo bash test/run_tests -t test/edns0.uts -F 5 6+ Test EDNS0 rdata 7 8= EDNS0TLV(), basic instanciation 9tlv = EDNS0TLV() 10raw(tlv) == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' 11 12= EDNS0TLV(), check parameters 13tlv = EDNS0TLV(optcode=42, optlen=12, optdata="edns0tlv") 14raw(tlv) == b'\x00*\x00\x0cedns0tlv' 15 16= EDNS0TLV(), check computed optlen 17tlv = EDNS0TLV(optdata="edns0tlv") 18raw(tlv) == b'\x00\x00\x00\x08edns0tlv' 19 20= EDNS0TLV(), dissection 21tlv = EDNS0TLV(b'\x00*\x00\x08edns0tlv') 22tlv.optcode == 42 and tlv.optlen == 8 and tlv.optdata == b"edns0tlv" 23 24+ Test OPT RR 25 26= DNSRROPT(), basic instanciation 27opt = DNSRROPT() 28raw(opt) == b'\x00\x00)\x10\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00' 29 30= DNSRROPT(), check parameters 31opt = DNSRROPT(rrname="rropt", type=42, rclass=123, extrcode=1, version=2, z=3, rdlen=4, rdata=[EDNS0TLV()]) 32raw(opt) == b'\x05rropt\x00\x00*\x00{\x01\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00' 33 34= DNSRROPT() & EDN0TLV(), check parameters 35opt = DNSRROPT(rrname="rropt", type=42, rclass=123, extrcode=1, version=2, z=3, rdlen=4, rdata=[EDNS0TLV(optcode=42, optlen=12, optdata="edns0tlv")]) 36raw(opt) == b'\x05rropt\x00\x00*\x00{\x01\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00*\x00\x0cedns0tlv' 37 38= DNSRROP(), dissection 39opt = DNSRROPT(b'\x05rropt\x00\x00*\x00{\x01\x02\x00\x03\x00\x0c\x00*\x00\x0cedns0tlv') 40opt.rrname == b"rropt." and opt.rdlen == 12 and opt.rdata[0].optcode == 42 and opt.rdata[0].optdata == b"edns0tlv" 41 42+ Test EDNS-PING 43 44= EDNS-PING - basic instanciation 45tlv = EDNS0TLV(optcode=5, optdata=b"\x00\x11\x22\x33") 46raw(tlv) == b'\x00\x05\x00\x04\x00\x11"3' 47 48#= EDNS-PING - Live test 49#~ netaccess 50#* NB: and www.edns-ping.org seem down 51#old_debug_dissector = conf.debug_dissector 52#conf.debug_dissector = False 53#r = sr1(IP(dst="")/UDP()/DNS(qd=[DNSQR(qtype="A", qname="www.edns-ping.org.")], ar=[DNSRROPT(z=0, rdata=[EDNS0TLV(optcode="PING", optdata=b"\x00\x11\x22\x33")])]), timeout=1) 54#conf.debug_dissector = old_debug_dissector 55#len(r.ar) and r.ar.rdata[0].optcode == 4 # XXX: should be 5 56 57+ Test DNS Name Server Identifier (NSID) Option 58 59= NSID- basic instanciation 60tlv = EDNS0TLV(optcode=2, optdata="") 61raw(tlv) == b'\x00\x02\x00\x00' 62 63= NSID - Live test 64~ netaccess 65old_debug_dissector = conf.debug_dissector 66conf.debug_dissector = False 67r = sr1(IP(dst="l.root-servers.net")/UDP()/DNS(qd=[DNSQR(qtype="SOA", qname=".")], ar=[DNSRROPT(z=0, rdata=[EDNS0TLV(optcode="NSID")])]), timeout=1) 68conf.debug_dissector = old_debug_dissector 69len(r.ar) and DNSRROPT in r.ar and len(r.ar[DNSRROPT].rdata) and len([x for x in r.ar[DNSRROPT].rdata if x.optcode == 3]) 70