1 /*!****************************************************************************
3  @file       Shell/PVRShellImpl.h
4  @copyright  Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
5  @brief      Makes programming for 3D APIs easier by wrapping surface
6              initialization, texture allocation and other functions for use by a demo.
8 ******************************************************************************/
10 #ifndef __PVRSHELLIMPL_H_
11 #define __PVRSHELLIMPL_H_
13 /*****************************************************************************
14 ** Build options
15 *****************************************************************************/
18 /*****************************************************************************
19 ** Macros
20 *****************************************************************************/
21 #define FREE(X) { if(X) { free(X); (X)=0; } }
23 #ifndef _ASSERT
24 #define _ASSERT(X) /**/
25 #endif
27 /*****************************************************************************
28 ** Defines
29 *****************************************************************************/
30 #define STR_WNDTITLE (" - Build ")
32 /*!***************************************************************************
33  @struct PVRShellData
34  @brief Holds PVRShell internal data.
35 *****************************************************************************/
36 struct PVRShellData
37 {
38     // Shell Interface Data
39     char        *pszAppName;                /*!< Application name string. */
40     char        *pszExitMessage;            /*!< Exit message string. */
41     int         nShellDimX;                 /*!< Width in pixels. */
42     int         nShellDimY;                 /*!< Height in pixels. */
43     int         nShellPosX;                 /*!< X position of the window. */
44     int         nShellPosY;                 /*!< Y position of the window. */
45     bool        bFullScreen;                /*!< Fullscreen boolean. */
46     bool        bLandscape;                 /*!< Landscape orientation boolean. false = portrait orientation. */
47     bool        bNeedPbuffer;               /*!< True if pixel buffer is needed. */
48     bool        bNeedZbuffer;               /*!< True if Z buffer is needed. */
49     bool        bNeedStencilBuffer;         /*!< True if stencil buffer is needed. */
50     bool        bNeedPixmap;                /*!< True if pixmap is needed. */
51     bool        bNeedPixmapDisableCopy;     /*!< Disables copy if true, because pixmaps are used. */
52     bool        bLockableBackBuffer;        /*!< DX9 only. Enable the use of D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER. */
53     bool        bSoftwareRender;            /*!< Enable the use of software rendering. */
54     bool        bNeedAlphaFormatPre;        /*!< EGL only: If true, creates the EGL surface with EGL_ALPHA_FORMAT_PRE. */
55     bool        bUsingPowerSaving;          /*!< Use power saving mode when device is not in use. */
56     bool        bOutputInfo;                /*!< Enable information to be output via PVRShellOutputDebug. For example,
57                                                  the depth of the colour surface created, extenstions supported and
58                                                  dimensions of the surface created. */
59     bool        bNoShellSwapBuffer;         /*!< Disable eglswapbuffers at the end of each frame. */
60     int         nSwapInterval;              /*!< Interval to wait for monitor vertical sync. */
61     int         nInitRepeats;               /*!< Number of times to reinitialise. */
62     int         nDieAfterFrames;            /*!< Set shell to quit after this number of frames (-1 to disable) */
63     float       fDieAfterTime;              /*!< Set shell to quit after this number of seconds (-1 to disable). */
64     int         nAASamples;                 /*!< Number of anti-aliasing samples to have. 0 disables anti-aliasing. */
65     int         nColorBPP;                  /*!< Color buffer size. */
66     int         nDepthBPP;                  /*!< Depth buffer size. */
67     int         nCaptureFrameStart;         /*!< The frame to start capturing screenshots from. */
68     int         nCaptureFrameStop;          /*!< The frame to stop capturing screenshots from. */
69     int         nCaptureFrameScale;         /*!< Save screenshots scale factor. 1 for no scaling. */
70     int         nPriority;                  /*!< EGL: If supported sets the egl context priority;
71                                                  0 for low, 1 for med and 2 for high. */
72     bool        bForceFrameTime;            /*!< Overrides PVRShellGetTime to force specified frame time. May cause
73                                                  problems if PVRShellGetTime is called multiple times in a frame. */
74     int         nFrameTime;                 /*!< How long for each frame time to last (in ms). */
75     bool        bDiscardFrameColor;         /*!< Discard color data at the end of a render. */
76     bool        bDiscardFrameDepth;         /*!< Discard depth data at the end of a render. */
77     bool        bDiscardFrameStencil;       /*!< Discard stencil data at the end of a render. */
79     // Internal Data
80     bool        bShellPosWasDefault;        /*!< Internal. Default position for the shell was used. */
81     int         nShellCurFrameNum;          /*!< Internal. Current frame number. */
83     bool        bOutputFPS;                 /*!< Output frames per second. */
84 #endif
85 };
87 /*!***************************************************************************
88  @class PVRShellCommandLine
89  @brief Command-line interpreter
90 *****************************************************************************/
91 class PVRShellCommandLine
92 {
93 public:
94 	char		*m_psOrig, *m_psSplit;
95 	SCmdLineOpt	*m_pOpt;
96 	int			m_nOptLen, m_nOptMax;
98 public:
99 	/*!***********************************************************************
100 	@brief		Constructor
101 	*************************************************************************/
102 	PVRShellCommandLine();
104 	/*!***********************************************************************
105 	@brief      Destructor
106 	*************************************************************************/
107 	~PVRShellCommandLine();
109 	/*!***********************************************************************
110 	@brief	    Set command-line options to pStr
111 	@param[in]  pStr Input string
112 	*************************************************************************/
113 	void Set(const char *pStr);
115 	/*!***********************************************************************
116 	@brief	    Prepend command-line options to m_psOrig
117 	@param[in]  pStr Input string
118 	*************************************************************************/
119 	void Prefix(const char *pStr);
121 	/*!***********************************************************************
122 	@brief      Prepend command-line options to m_psOrig from a file
123 	@param[in]  pFileName Input string
124 	*************************************************************************/
125 	bool PrefixFromFile(const char *pFileName);
127 	/*!***********************************************************************
128 	@brief      Parse m_psOrig for command-line options and store them in m_pOpt
129 	*************************************************************************/
130 	void Parse();
132 	/*!***********************************************************************
133 	@brief      Apply the command-line options to shell
134 	@param[in]  shell
135 	*************************************************************************/
136 	void Apply(PVRShell &shell);
137 };
139 /*!****************************************************************************
140  @enum  EPVRShellState
141  @brief Current Shell state
142 *****************************************************************************/
143 enum EPVRShellState {
144 	ePVRShellInitApp,		/*!< Initialise app */
145 	ePVRShellInitInstance,	/*!< Initialise instance */
146 	ePVRShellRender,		/*!< Render */
147 	ePVRShellReleaseView,	/*!< Release View */
148 	ePVRShellReleaseAPI,	/*!< Release API */
149 	ePVRShellReleaseOS,		/*!< Release Operating System */
150 	ePVRShellQuitApp,		/*!< Quit App */
151 	ePVRShellExit		    /*!< Exit */
152 };
154 /*!***************************************************************************
155  @class  PVRShellInit
156  @brief  The PVRShell initialisation class
157  ****************************************************************************/
158 class PVRShellInit : public PVRShellInitAPI, public PVRShellInitOS
159 {
160 public:
161 	friend class PVRShell;
162 	friend class PVRShellInitOS;
163 	friend class PVRShellInitAPI;
165 	PVRShell			*m_pShell;		/*!< Our PVRShell class */
166 	PVRShellCommandLine	m_CommandLine;	/*!< Our Command-line class */
168 	bool		gShellDone;				/*!< Indicates that the application has finished */
169 	EPVRShellState	m_eState;			/*!< Current PVRShell state */
171 	// Key handling
172 	PVRShellKeyName	nLastKeyPressed;	/*!< Holds the last key pressed */
173 	PVRShellKeyName m_eKeyMapLEFT;		/*!< Holds the value to be returned when PVRShellKeyNameLEFT is requested */
174 	PVRShellKeyName m_eKeyMapUP;		/*!< Holds the value to be returned when PVRShellKeyNameUP is requested */
175 	PVRShellKeyName m_eKeyMapRIGHT;		/*!< Holds the value to be returned when PVRShellKeyNameRIGHT is requested */
176 	PVRShellKeyName m_eKeyMapDOWN;		/*!< Holds the value to be returned when PVRShellKeyNameDOWN is requested */
178 	// Read and Write path
179 	char	*m_pReadPath;				/*!<Holds the path where the application will read the data from */
180 	char	*m_pWritePath;				/*!<Holds the path where the application will write the data to */
183 	// Frames per second (FPS)
184 	int		m_i32FpsFrameCnt, m_i32FpsTimePrev;
185 #endif
187 public:
189 protected:
190 	float m_vec2PointerLocation[2];
191 	float m_vec2PointerLocationStart[2];
192 	float m_vec2PointerLocationEnd[2];
194 	// Touch handling
195 	bool m_bTouching;
197 public:
198     /*!***********************************************************************
199 	@brief     Constructor
200 	*************************************************************************/
201 	PVRShellInit();
203 	/*!***********************************************************************
204 	@brief     Destructor
205 	*************************************************************************/
206 	~PVRShellInit();
208 	/*!***********************************************************************
209 	@brief     PVRShell Initialisation.
210 	@return    True on success and false on failure
211 	*************************************************************************/
212 	bool Init();
214 	/*!***********************************************************************
215 	@brief     PVRShell Deinitialisation.
216 	*************************************************************************/
217 	void Deinit();
219 	/*!***********************************************************************
220 	@param[in] str   A string containing the command-line
221 	@brief     Receives the command-line from the application.
222 	*************************************************************************/
223 	void CommandLine(const char *str);
225 	/*!***********************************************************************
226 	@brief     Receives the command-line from the application.
227 	@param[in] argc   Number of strings in argv
228 	@param[in] argv   An array of strings
229 	*************************************************************************/
230 	void CommandLine(int argc, char **argv);
232 	/*!***********************************************************************
233 	@brief     Return 'true' if the specific key has been pressed.
234 	@param[in] key The key we're querying for
235 	*************************************************************************/
236 	bool DoIsKeyPressed(const PVRShellKeyName key);
238 	/*!***********************************************************************
239 	@param[in] key   The key that has been pressed
240 	@brief     Used by the OS-specific code to tell the Shell that a key has been pressed.
241 	*************************************************************************/
242 	void KeyPressed(PVRShellKeyName key);
244 	/*!***********************************************************************
245 	@brief     Used by the OS-specific code to tell the Shell that a touch has began at a location.
246 	@param[in] vec2Location   The position of a click/touch on the screen when it first touches.
247 	*************************************************************************/
248 	void TouchBegan(const float vec2Location[2]);
250 	/*!***********************************************************************
251 	@brief     Used by the OS-specific code to tell the Shell that a touch has began at a location.
252 	@param[in] vec2Location The position of the pointer/touch pressed on the screen.
253 	*************************************************************************/
254 	void TouchMoved(const float vec2Location[2]);
256 	/*!***********************************************************************
257 	@brief     Used by the OS-specific code to tell the Shell that the current touch has ended at a location.
258 	@param[in] vec2Location   The position of the pointer/touch on the screen when it is released.
259 	*************************************************************************/
260 	void TouchEnded(const float vec2Location[2]);
262 	/*!***********************************************************************
263 	@brief     Used by the OS-specific code to tell the Shell where to read external files from.
264 	@return    A path the application is capable of reading from.
265 	*************************************************************************/
266 	const char	*GetReadPath() const;
268 	/*!***********************************************************************
269 	@brief     Used by the OS-specific code to tell the Shell where to write to.
270 	@return    A path the applications is capable of writing to
271 	*************************************************************************/
272 	const char	*GetWritePath() const;
274 	/*!******************************************************************************
275 	@brief     Sets the default app name (to be displayed by the OS)
276 	@param[in] str The application name
277 	*******************************************************************************/
278 	void SetAppName(const char * const str);
280 	/*!***********************************************************************
281 	@brief     Set the path to where the application expects to read from.
282 	@param[in] str The read path
283 	*************************************************************************/
284 	void SetReadPath(const char * const str);
286 	/*!***********************************************************************
287 	@brief     Set the path to where the application expects to write to.
288 	@param[in] str The write path
289 	*************************************************************************/
290 	void SetWritePath(const char * const str);
292 	/*!***********************************************************************
293 	@brief     Called from the OS-specific code to perform the render.
294 	           When this function fails the application will quit.
295 	*************************************************************************/
296 	bool Run();
298 	/*!***********************************************************************
299 	@brief     When prefOutputInfo is set to true this function outputs
300 			   various pieces of non-API dependent information via
301 			   PVRShellOutputDebug.
302 	*************************************************************************/
303 	void OutputInfo();
305 	/*!***********************************************************************
306 	@brief     When prefOutputInfo is set to true this function outputs
307 			   various pieces of API dependent information via
308 			   PVRShellOutputDebug.
309 	*************************************************************************/
310 	void OutputAPIInfo();
313 	/*!****************************************************************************
314 	@brief     Calculates a value for frames-per-second (FPS).
315 	*****************************************************************************/
316 	void FpsUpdate();
317 #endif
319 	/*
320 		OS functionality
321 	*/
323 	/*!***********************************************************************
324 	@brief     Initialisation for OS-specific code.
325 	*************************************************************************/
326 	void		OsInit();
328 	/*!***********************************************************************
329 	@brief     Saves instance handle and creates main window
330 			   In this function, we save the instance handle in a global variable and
331 			   create and display the main program window.
332 	*************************************************************************/
333 	bool		OsInitOS();
335 	/*!***********************************************************************
336 	@brief     Destroys main window
337 	*************************************************************************/
338 	void		OsReleaseOS();
340 	/*!***********************************************************************
341 	@brief     Destroys main window
342 	*************************************************************************/
343 	void		OsExit();
345 	/*!***********************************************************************
346 	@brief     Perform API initialization and bring up window / fullscreen
347 	*************************************************************************/
348 	bool		OsDoInitAPI();
350 	/*!***********************************************************************
351 	@brief     Clean up after we're done
352 	*************************************************************************/
353 	void		OsDoReleaseAPI();
355 	/*!***********************************************************************
356 	@brief     Main message loop / render loop
357 	*************************************************************************/
358 	void		OsRenderComplete();
360 	/*!***********************************************************************
361 	@brief     When using pixmaps, copy the render to the display
362 	*************************************************************************/
363 	bool		OsPixmapCopy();
365 	/*!***********************************************************************
366 	@brief     Called from InitAPI() to get the NativeDisplayType
367 	*************************************************************************/
368 	void		*OsGetNativeDisplayType();
370 	/*!***********************************************************************
371 	@brief     Called from InitAPI() to get the NativePixmapType
372 	*************************************************************************/
373 	void		*OsGetNativePixmapType();
375 	/*!***********************************************************************
376 	@brief 	   Called from InitAPI() to get the NativeWindowType
377 	*************************************************************************/
378 	void		*OsGetNativeWindowType();
380 	/*!***********************************************************************
381 	@brief    	Retrieves OS-specific data
382 	@param[in]  prefName	Name of preference to get
383 	@param[out] pn   A pointer set to the preference.
384 	@return 	true on success
385 	*************************************************************************/
386 	bool		OsGet(const prefNameIntEnum prefName, int *pn);
388 	/*!***********************************************************************
389 	@brief      Retrieves OS-specific data
390 	@param[in]  prefName	Name of value to get
391 	@param[out]	pp A pointer set to the value asked for
392 	@return 	true on success
393 	*************************************************************************/
394 	bool		OsGet(const prefNamePtrEnum prefName, void **pp);
396 	/*!***********************************************************************
397 	@brief     Sets OS-specific data
398 	@param[in] prefName		Name of preference to set to value
399 	@param[in] value		Value
400 	@return	   true for success
401 	*************************************************************************/
402 	bool		OsSet(const prefNameBoolEnum prefName, const bool value);
404 	/*!***********************************************************************
405 	@brief     Sets OS-specific data
406 	@param[in] prefName	Name of value to set
407 	@param[in] i32Value 	The value to set our named value to
408 	@return    true on success
409 	*************************************************************************/
410 	bool		OsSet(const prefNameIntEnum prefName, const int i32Value);
412 	/*!***********************************************************************
413 	@brief     Prints a debug string
414 	@param[in] str The debug string to display
415 	*************************************************************************/
416 	void OsDisplayDebugString(char const * const str);
418 	/*!***********************************************************************
419 	@brief     Gets the time in milliseconds
420 	*************************************************************************/
421 	unsigned long OsGetTime();
423 	/*
424 		API functionality
425 	*/
426 	/*!***********************************************************************
427 	@brief     Initialisation for API-specific code.
428 	*************************************************************************/
429 	bool ApiInitAPI();
431 	/*!***********************************************************************
432 	@brief     Releases all resources allocated by the API.
433 	*************************************************************************/
434 	void ApiReleaseAPI();
436 	/*!***********************************************************************
437 	@brief      API-specific function to store the current content of the
438 				FrameBuffer into the memory allocated by the user.
439 	@param[in] 	Width  Width of the region to capture
440 	@param[in] 	Height Height of the region to capture
441 	@param[out]	pBuf   A buffer to put the screen capture into
442 	@return     true on success
443 	*************************************************************************/
444 	bool ApiScreenCaptureBuffer(int Width,int Height,unsigned char *pBuf);
446 	/*!***********************************************************************
447 	@brief    	Perform API operations required after a frame has finished (e.g., flipping).
448 	*************************************************************************/
449 	void ApiRenderComplete();
451 	/*!***********************************************************************
452 	@brief    	Set preferences which are specific to the API.
453 	@param[in] 	prefName	Name of preference to set
454 	@param[out]	i32Value	Value to set it to
455 	*************************************************************************/
456 	bool ApiSet(const prefNameIntEnum prefName, const int i32Value);
458 	/*!***********************************************************************
459 	@brief    	Get parameters which are specific to the API.
460 	@param[in]  prefName	Name of value to get
461 	@param[out] pn   A pointer set to the value asked for
462 	*************************************************************************/
463 	bool ApiGet(const prefNameIntEnum prefName, int *pn);
465     /*!***********************************************************************
466 	@brief    	 Get parameters which are specific to the API.
467 	@param[in]  prefName	Name of value to get
468 	@param[out] pp   A pointer set to the value asked for
469 	*************************************************************************/
470 	bool ApiGet(const prefNamePtrEnum prefName, void **pp);
473 	/*!***********************************************************************
474 	@brief     Run specific API code to perform the operations requested in preferences.
475 	*************************************************************************/
476 	void ApiActivatePreferences();
477 };
479 #endif /* __PVRSHELLIMPL_H_ */
481 /*****************************************************************************
482  End of file (PVRShellImpl.h)
483 *****************************************************************************/