1 /*!****************************************************************************
3  @file         OGLES2/PVRTPFXParserAPI.h
4  @ingroup      API_OGLES2
5  @copyright    Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
6  @brief        Declaration of PFX file parser
8 ******************************************************************************/
13 /*!
14  @addtogroup   API_OGLES2
15  @{
16 */
18 // Everything been documented in OGL/PVRTPFXParserAPI.h. This would cause documentation duplication in the
19 // current version of Doxygen.
20 #ifndef NO_DOXYGEN
22 #include "../PVRTError.h"
24 /****************************************************************************
25 ** Structures
26 ****************************************************************************/
28 /*!**************************************************************************
29  @struct        SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic
30  @brief         Struct to convert a semantic string to a number.
31  @details       The application supplies an array of these so PVRTPFX can translate semantic strings to numbers
32 ****************************************************************************/
33 struct SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic
34 {
35 	const char		*p;	/*!< String containing semantic */
36 	unsigned int	n;	/*!< Application-defined semantic value */
37 };
39 /*!**************************************************************************
40  @struct       SPVRTPFXUniform
41  @brief        A struct containing GL uniform data.
42  @details      PVRTPFX returns an array of these to indicate GL locations & semantics to the application
43  ***************************************************************************/
44 struct SPVRTPFXUniform
45 {
46 	unsigned int	nLocation;		/*!< GL location of the Uniform */
47 	unsigned int	nSemantic;		/*!< Application-defined semantic value */
48 	unsigned int	nIdx;			/*!< Index; for example two semantics might be LIGHTPOSITION0 and LIGHTPOSITION1 */
49 	CPVRTString		sValueName;		/*!< The name of the variable referenced in shader code */
50 };
52 /*!**************************************************************************
53  @struct       SPVRTPFXTexture
54  @brief        A texture data array.
55  @details      An array of these is gained from PVRTPFX so the application can fill in the texture handles
56  ***************************************************************************/
57 struct SPVRTPFXTexture
58 {
59 	CPVRTStringHash		Name;	    /*!< texture name */
60 	GLuint				ui;		    /*!< Loaded texture handle */
61 	GLuint				unit;	    /*!< The bound texture unit */
62 	unsigned int		flags;	    /*!< Texture type i.e 2D, Cubemap */
63 };
65 /*!**************************************************************************
66  @class        PVRTPFXEffectDelegate
67  @brief        Receives callbacks for effects.
68  ***************************************************************************/
69 class PVRTPFXEffectDelegate
70 {
71 public:
72 	virtual EPVRTError PVRTPFXOnLoadTexture(const CPVRTStringHash& TextureName, GLuint& uiHandle, unsigned int& uiFlags) = 0; /*!< Returns error if texture could not be loaded */
~PVRTPFXEffectDelegate()73 	virtual ~PVRTPFXEffectDelegate() { }  /*!< Destructor */
74 };
76 /*!**************************************************************************
77  @class CPVRTPFXEffect
78  @brief PFX effect
79 ****************************************************************************/
80 class CPVRTPFXEffect
81 {
82 public:
83 	/*!***************************************************************************
84 	@brief      		Sets the context to NULL and initialises the member variables to zero.
85 	*****************************************************************************/
86 	CPVRTPFXEffect();
88 	/*!***************************************************************************
89 	@brief      		Sets the context and initialises the member variables to zero.
90 	*****************************************************************************/
91 	CPVRTPFXEffect(SPVRTContext &sContext);
93 	/*!***************************************************************************
94 	@brief      		Calls Destroy().
95 	*****************************************************************************/
96 	~CPVRTPFXEffect();
98 	/*!***************************************************************************
99 	@brief		        Loads the specified effect from the CPVRTPFXParser object.
100 						Compiles and links the shaders. Initialises texture data.
101 	@param[in]			src					PFX Parser Object
102 	@param[in]			pszEffect			Effect name
103 	@param[in]			pszFileName			Effect file name
104 	@param[in]			pDelegate			A delegate which will receive callbacks
105 	@param[out]			uiUnknownUniforms	Number of unknown uniforms found
106 	@param[out]			pReturnError		Error string
107 	@return			    PVR_SUCCESS if load succeeded
108 	*****************************************************************************/
109 	EPVRTError Load(CPVRTPFXParser &src, const char * const pszEffect, const char * const pszFileName,
110 					PVRTPFXEffectDelegate* pDelegate, unsigned int& uiUnknownUniforms, CPVRTString *pReturnError);
112 	/*!***************************************************************************
113 	@brief		        Deletes the gl program object and texture data.
114 	*****************************************************************************/
115 	void Destroy();
117 	/*!***************************************************************************
118 	@brief		        Selects the gl program object and binds the textures.
119 						If the render target texture for the current render pass is required
120 						in this effect (and therefore cannot be sampled),
121 						load the replacement texture instead.
122 	@param[in]			i32RenderTextureId		The ID of the render target of the current task
123 	@param[in]			ui32ReplacementTexture	The ID of the texture that should be used instead
124 	@return			    EPVRTError				PVR_SUCCESS if activate succeeded
125 	*****************************************************************************/
126 	EPVRTError Activate(const int i32RenderTextureId=-1, const unsigned int ui32ReplacementTexture=0);
128 	/*!***************************************************************************
129 	@brief		        Gets the texture data array.
130 	@return			    SPVRTPFXTexture*		pointer to the texture data array
131 	*****************************************************************************/
132 	const CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXTexture>& GetTextureArray() const;
134 	/*!***************************************************************************
135 	@brief	            Returns a list of known semantics.
136 	@return			    const CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXUniform>&
137 	*****************************************************************************/
138 	const CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXUniform>& GetUniformArray() const;
140 	/*!***************************************************************************
141 	@brief	            Gets the array of registered semantics which will be used to
142                         match PFX code.
143 	@return			    const CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic>&
144 	*****************************************************************************/
145 	const CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic>& GetSemanticArray() const;
147 	/*!***************************************************************************
148 	@brief		        Sets the textrue and applys the filtering.
149 	@param[in]			nIdx				texture number
150 	@param[in]			ui					opengl texture handle
151 	@param[in]			u32flags			texture flags
152 	*****************************************************************************/
153 	void SetTexture(const unsigned int nIdx, const GLuint ui, const unsigned int u32flags=0);
155 	/*!***************************************************************************
156 	@brief		        Sets the dafault value for the uniform semantic.
157 	@param[in]			pszName				name of uniform
158 	@param[in]			psDefaultValue      pointer to default value
159 	*****************************************************************************/
160 	void SetDefaultUniformValue(const char *const pszName, const SPVRTSemanticDefaultData *psDefaultValue);
162 	/*!***************************************************************************
163 	@brief	            Registers a user-provided uniform semantic.
164 	@param[in]			psUniforms			Array of semantics to register
165 	@param[in]			uiNumUniforms		Number provided
166 	@param[out]			pReturnError		Human-readable error if any
167 	@return			    PVR_SUCCESS on success
168 	*****************************************************************************/
169 	EPVRTError RegisterUniformSemantic(const SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic* const psUniforms, unsigned int uiNumUniforms, CPVRTString* pReturnError);
171 	/*!***************************************************************************
172 	@brief	            Removes a given semantic ID from the 'known' semantic list and
173                         re-parses the effect to update the uniform table.
174 	@param[in]			uiSemanticID
175 	@param[out]			pReturnError
176 	@return			    PVR_SUCCESS on success
177 	*****************************************************************************/
178 	EPVRTError RemoveUniformSemantic(unsigned int uiSemanticID, CPVRTString* pReturnError);
180 	/*!***************************************************************************
181 	 @brief		        Sets the context for this effect.
182 	 @param[in]			pContext			context pointer
183 	 *****************************************************************************/
184 	void SetContext(SPVRTContext * const pContext);
186 	/*!***************************************************************************
187 	@brief	            Returns the OGL program handle.
188 	@return			    unsigned int
189 	*****************************************************************************/
190 	unsigned int GetProgramHandle() const;
192 	/*!***************************************************************************
193 	@brief	            Gets the active effect index within the PFX file.
194 	@return			    unsigned int
195 	*****************************************************************************/
196 	unsigned int GetEffectIndex() const;
198 private:
199 	/*!***************************************************************************
200 	@brief	            Loads all of the GLSL shaders for an effect.
201 	@param[in]			pszFileName
202 	@param[out]			pReturnError
203 	@return			    EPVRTError
204 	*****************************************************************************/
205 	EPVRTError LoadShadersForEffect(CPVRTPFXParser &src, const char * const pszFileName, CPVRTString *pReturnError);
207 	/*!***************************************************************************
208 	@brief	            Loads all of the textures for this effect.
209 	@param[out]			pReturnError
210 	@return			    EPVRTError
211 	*****************************************************************************/
212 	EPVRTError LoadTexturesForEffect(PVRTPFXEffectDelegate* pDelegate, CPVRTString *pReturnError);
214 	/*!***************************************************************************
215 	@brief	            Builds the uniform table from a list of known semantics.
216 	@param[out]			uiUnknownSemantics
217 	@param[out]			pReturnError
218 	@return			    EPVRTError
219 	*****************************************************************************/
220 	EPVRTError RebuildUniformTable(unsigned int& uiUnknownSemantics, CPVRTString* pReturnError);
222 protected:
223 	bool									m_bLoaded;
224 	SPVRTContext*							m_psContext;
225 	CPVRTPFXParser*							m_pParser;
226 	unsigned int							m_nEffect;
228 	GLuint									m_uiProgram;		// Loaded program
230 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXTexture>				m_Textures;			// Array of loaded textures
231 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXUniform>				m_Uniforms;			// Array of found uniforms
233 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic>		m_Semantics;		// An array of registered semantics.
234 };
236 /****************************************************************************
237 ** Auxiliary functions
238 ****************************************************************************/
240 /*!**************************************************************************
241  @brief                 'Equivalent to' operator
242  @param[in]             lhs     First SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic
243  @param[in]             rhs     Second SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic
244  @return                True if the numbers in the two SPVRTPFXUniformSemantics are equivalent.
245 ****************************************************************************/
246 inline bool operator==(const SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic& lhs, const SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic& rhs)
247 {
248 	return (lhs.n == rhs.n);
249 }
251  #endif
253 /*! @} */
255 #endif /* _PVRTPFXPARSERAPI_H_ */
257 /*****************************************************************************
258  End of file (PVRTPFXParserAPI.h)
259 *****************************************************************************/