1// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4package vcs
6import (
7	"bufio"
8	"bytes"
9	"fmt"
10	"io"
11	"net/mail"
12	"os"
13	"os/exec"
14	"sort"
15	"strconv"
16	"strings"
17	"time"
19	"github.com/google/syzkaller/pkg/osutil"
22type git struct {
23	os  string
24	vm  string
25	dir string
28func newGit(os, vm, dir string) *git {
29	return &git{
30		os:  os,
31		vm:  vm,
32		dir: dir,
33	}
36func (git *git) Poll(repo, branch string) (*Commit, error) {
37	dir := git.dir
38	runSandboxed(dir, "git", "bisect", "reset")
39	runSandboxed(dir, "git", "reset", "--hard")
40	origin, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "remote", "get-url", "origin")
41	if err != nil || strings.TrimSpace(string(origin)) != repo {
42		// The repo is here, but it has wrong origin (e.g. repo in config has changed), re-clone.
43		if err := git.clone(repo, branch); err != nil {
44			return nil, err
45		}
46	}
47	// Use origin/branch for the case the branch was force-pushed,
48	// in such case branch is not the same is origin/branch and we will
49	// stuck with the local version forever (git checkout won't fail).
50	if _, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "checkout", "origin/"+branch); err != nil {
51		// No such branch (e.g. branch in config has changed), re-clone.
52		if err := git.clone(repo, branch); err != nil {
53			return nil, err
54		}
55	}
56	if _, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "fetch", "--no-tags"); err != nil {
57		// Something else is wrong, re-clone.
58		if err := git.clone(repo, branch); err != nil {
59			return nil, err
60		}
61	}
62	if _, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "checkout", "origin/"+branch); err != nil {
63		return nil, err
64	}
65	return git.HeadCommit()
68func (git *git) CheckoutBranch(repo, branch string) (*Commit, error) {
69	dir := git.dir
70	runSandboxed(dir, "git", "bisect", "reset")
71	if _, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "reset", "--hard"); err != nil {
72		if err := git.initRepo(); err != nil {
73			return nil, err
74		}
75	}
76	_, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "fetch", repo, branch)
77	if err != nil {
78		return nil, err
79	}
80	if _, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "checkout", "FETCH_HEAD"); err != nil {
81		return nil, err
82	}
83	return git.HeadCommit()
86func (git *git) CheckoutCommit(repo, commit string) (*Commit, error) {
87	dir := git.dir
88	runSandboxed(dir, "git", "bisect", "reset")
89	if _, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "reset", "--hard"); err != nil {
90		if err := git.initRepo(); err != nil {
91			return nil, err
92		}
93	}
94	_, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "fetch", repo)
95	if err != nil {
96		return nil, err
97	}
98	return git.SwitchCommit(commit)
101func (git *git) SwitchCommit(commit string) (*Commit, error) {
102	dir := git.dir
103	if _, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "checkout", commit); err != nil {
104		return nil, err
105	}
106	return git.HeadCommit()
109func (git *git) clone(repo, branch string) error {
110	if err := git.initRepo(); err != nil {
111		return err
112	}
113	if _, err := runSandboxed(git.dir, "git", "remote", "add", "origin", repo); err != nil {
114		return err
115	}
116	if _, err := runSandboxed(git.dir, "git", "fetch", "origin", branch); err != nil {
117		return err
118	}
119	return nil
122func (git *git) initRepo() error {
123	if err := os.RemoveAll(git.dir); err != nil {
124		return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove repo dir: %v", err)
125	}
126	if err := osutil.MkdirAll(git.dir); err != nil {
127		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create repo dir: %v", err)
128	}
129	if err := osutil.SandboxChown(git.dir); err != nil {
130		return err
131	}
132	if _, err := runSandboxed(git.dir, "git", "init"); err != nil {
133		return err
134	}
135	return nil
138func (git *git) HeadCommit() (*Commit, error) {
139	return git.getCommit("HEAD")
142func (git *git) getCommit(commit string) (*Commit, error) {
143	output, err := runSandboxed(git.dir, "git", "log", "--format=%H%n%s%n%ae%n%ad%n%b", "-n", "1", commit)
144	if err != nil {
145		return nil, err
146	}
147	return gitParseCommit(output)
150func gitParseCommit(output []byte) (*Commit, error) {
151	lines := bytes.Split(output, []byte{'\n'})
152	if len(lines) < 4 || len(lines[0]) != 40 {
153		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected git log output: %q", output)
154	}
155	const dateFormat = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 2006 -0700"
156	date, err := time.Parse(dateFormat, string(lines[3]))
157	if err != nil {
158		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse date in git log output: %v\n%q", err, output)
159	}
160	cc := make(map[string]bool)
161	cc[strings.ToLower(string(lines[2]))] = true
162	for _, line := range lines[4:] {
163		for _, re := range ccRes {
164			matches := re.FindSubmatchIndex(line)
165			if matches == nil {
166				continue
167			}
168			addr, err := mail.ParseAddress(string(line[matches[2]:matches[3]]))
169			if err != nil {
170				break
171			}
172			cc[strings.ToLower(addr.Address)] = true
173			break
174		}
175	}
176	sortedCC := make([]string, 0, len(cc))
177	for addr := range cc {
178		sortedCC = append(sortedCC, addr)
179	}
180	sort.Strings(sortedCC)
181	com := &Commit{
182		Hash:   string(lines[0]),
183		Title:  string(lines[1]),
184		Author: string(lines[2]),
185		CC:     sortedCC,
186		Date:   date,
187	}
188	return com, nil
191func (git *git) ListRecentCommits(baseCommit string) ([]string, error) {
192	// On upstream kernel this produces ~11MB of output.
193	// Somewhat inefficient to collect whole output in a slice
194	// and then convert to string, but should be bearable.
195	output, err := runSandboxed(git.dir, "git", "log",
196		"--pretty=format:%s", "--no-merges", "-n", "200000", baseCommit)
197	if err != nil {
198		return nil, err
199	}
200	return strings.Split(string(output), "\n"), nil
203func (git *git) ExtractFixTagsFromCommits(baseCommit, email string) ([]FixCommit, error) {
204	since := time.Now().Add(-time.Hour * 24 * 365).Format("01-02-2006")
205	cmd := exec.Command("git", "log", "--no-merges", "--since", since, baseCommit)
206	cmd.Dir = git.dir
207	stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
208	if err != nil {
209		return nil, err
210	}
211	if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
212		return nil, err
213	}
214	defer cmd.Wait()
215	defer cmd.Process.Kill()
216	return gitExtractFixTags(stdout, email)
219func gitExtractFixTags(r io.Reader, email string) ([]FixCommit, error) {
220	user, domain, err := splitEmail(email)
221	if err != nil {
222		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse email %q: %v", email, err)
223	}
224	var (
225		s           = bufio.NewScanner(r)
226		commits     []FixCommit
227		commitTitle = ""
228		commitStart = []byte("commit ")
229		bodyPrefix  = []byte("    ")
230		userBytes   = []byte(user + "+")
231		domainBytes = []byte(domain)
232	)
233	for s.Scan() {
234		ln := s.Bytes()
235		if bytes.HasPrefix(ln, commitStart) {
236			commitTitle = ""
237			continue
238		}
239		if !bytes.HasPrefix(ln, bodyPrefix) {
240			continue
241		}
242		ln = ln[len(bodyPrefix):]
243		if len(ln) == 0 {
244			continue
245		}
246		if commitTitle == "" {
247			commitTitle = string(ln)
248			continue
249		}
250		userPos := bytes.Index(ln, userBytes)
251		if userPos == -1 {
252			continue
253		}
254		domainPos := bytes.Index(ln[userPos+len(userBytes)+1:], domainBytes)
255		if domainPos == -1 {
256			continue
257		}
258		startPos := userPos + len(userBytes)
259		endPos := userPos + len(userBytes) + domainPos + 1
260		tag := string(ln[startPos:endPos])
261		commits = append(commits, FixCommit{tag, commitTitle})
262	}
263	return commits, s.Err()
266func splitEmail(email string) (user, domain string, err error) {
267	addr, err := mail.ParseAddress(email)
268	if err != nil {
269		return "", "", err
270	}
271	at := strings.IndexByte(addr.Address, '@')
272	if at == -1 {
273		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("no @ in email address")
274	}
275	user = addr.Address[:at]
276	domain = addr.Address[at:]
277	if plus := strings.IndexByte(user, '+'); plus != -1 {
278		user = user[:plus]
279	}
280	return
283func (git *git) Bisect(bad, good string, trace io.Writer, pred func() (BisectResult, error)) (*Commit, error) {
284	dir := git.dir
285	runSandboxed(dir, "git", "bisect", "reset")
286	runSandboxed(dir, "git", "reset", "--hard")
287	firstBad, err := git.getCommit(bad)
288	if err != nil {
289		return nil, err
290	}
291	output, err := runSandboxed(dir, "git", "bisect", "start", bad, good)
292	if err != nil {
293		return nil, err
294	}
295	defer runSandboxed(dir, "git", "bisect", "reset")
296	fmt.Fprintf(trace, "# git bisect start %v %v\n%s", bad, good, output)
297	current, err := git.HeadCommit()
298	if err != nil {
299		return nil, err
300	}
301	var bisectTerms = [...]string{
302		BisectBad:  "bad",
303		BisectGood: "good",
304		BisectSkip: "skip",
305	}
306	for {
307		res, err := pred()
308		if err != nil {
309			return nil, err
310		}
311		if res == BisectBad {
312			firstBad = current
313		}
314		output, err = runSandboxed(dir, "git", "bisect", bisectTerms[res])
315		if err != nil {
316			return nil, err
317		}
318		fmt.Fprintf(trace, "# git bisect %v %v\n%s", bisectTerms[res], current.Hash, output)
319		next, err := git.HeadCommit()
320		if err != nil {
321			return nil, err
322		}
323		if current.Hash == next.Hash {
324			return firstBad, nil
325		}
326		current = next
327	}
330// Note: linux-specific.
331func (git *git) PreviousReleaseTags(commit string) ([]string, error) {
332	output, err := runSandboxed(git.dir, "git", "tag", "--no-contains", commit, "--merged", commit, "v*.*")
333	if err != nil {
334		return nil, err
335	}
336	return gitParseReleaseTags(output)
339func gitParseReleaseTags(output []byte) ([]string, error) {
340	var tags []string
341	for _, tag := range bytes.Split(output, []byte{'\n'}) {
342		if releaseTagRe.Match(tag) && gitReleaseTagToInt(string(tag)) != 0 {
343			tags = append(tags, string(tag))
344		}
345	}
346	sort.Slice(tags, func(i, j int) bool {
347		return gitReleaseTagToInt(tags[i]) > gitReleaseTagToInt(tags[j])
348	})
349	return tags, nil
352func gitReleaseTagToInt(tag string) uint64 {
353	matches := releaseTagRe.FindStringSubmatchIndex(tag)
354	v1, err := strconv.ParseUint(tag[matches[2]:matches[3]], 10, 64)
355	if err != nil {
356		return 0
357	}
358	v2, err := strconv.ParseUint(tag[matches[4]:matches[5]], 10, 64)
359	if err != nil {
360		return 0
361	}
362	var v3 uint64
363	if matches[6] != -1 {
364		v3, err = strconv.ParseUint(tag[matches[6]:matches[7]], 10, 64)
365		if err != nil {
366			return 0
367		}
368	}
369	return v1*1e6 + v2*1e3 + v3